Audiovox AOS-44 User Manual

AOC- 75 Features;
-High Resolution, 113" CCD Camera
-Compact/Lightweight Aluminum Die Cast Body
-Waterproof Housing
-Waterproof Microphone
-Adjustable Viewing Angle
-Optional Wind Deflector
AOM-53 Features:
-5.5" , Monochrome Monitor
-Dual Camera Input
-BrightnesslContrast/Day-Night Controls
-Volume Control for Internal/External
..i~X ~~.UZE!)
AMx:AT06. LLC.
-Camera Position Button(Up/Down)
-Power/Stand by Button ~ Front Panel Controls Back Lit
The VOYAGER Observabon System (AO5--44) has been designed to provide years of trouble-free operation. Please read tt1is man\Jal tt1orough/y. This manual contains instructions to eaSe instaJJa!ion of the camera and monitor. The VOYAGER Observabon System is 8 supplement to standard rearview mirror systems, and will provide additional rearview vision when installed and maintained properly. The VOYAGER Observation system is no1 intended in any way to be a substitute for careful, cauUous. defensive driving or for the consistent adherence to 311 applicable traffic laws and motor safely regulations
This prOduct Is not Intended to be a substitute for rearview mirror$ or for any other motor vehicle or boat equipment mandated by law.
AOC-7S CCD C.mer8
270.000 JXxel image senSQr
0. 1 lux sensitivity
.Automatic electronic iris provides 8 clearer. more consistent image in low and bright light
W~e angle lens provides a broad ..;ewing area Compact design and light weight simplify installation in most vehicles. including large boats Durable, waterproof construction
Built-in microphone for audio pickup
NormaVmirror image ~ch on back of camera Wind denector reduces build up of dir1 on lens Waterproof cable connection
AOM-53 Monochrome 5.5" Monitor
Day/night switch
Brightness and contrast controls Volume control Camera position switch for a panoramic view or a concentrated view Illuminated front panel
Power/stand-by switch Internal speaker with external speaker jack
AOC-75 CCD Canwra:
l-Camera 1 -Camera bl-lcket
4-Attlchment screw witt1 wishersCM4X25)
1 -Wind deflector 4- Use without wind diflector screws (#8-32U~)(7.5) 4~ Use wind def\~or saews (#8-32U"'Cx9.0)
AOM-53.5.5" Monochrome Monitor:
1- 5.5. monitor
, -SnIP -on sun visor
, -Manit« bracket
1 -Power harness with lockjng connKtor 1 -Range merkef$ (-Thumb screws CM5X15) with pllin wishers & spring w8sh~ 4-Att8cl1ment screws with w8sh~ (MSX12}
OCA-&O C.ble: 1 -20 meter cable with waterproof connector Oil, gas, grease resistant UV stable
Doc~nts: 1- Operations manual
Page lofl4.
AOS-44 Operations Manual
1. This system operates from 11 volts DC to 30 volts DC, negative ground
2. Please install this system according to the instructions in this manual.
3. Do not disassemble the camera or the monitor. This voids tile warranty Disassembling the camera ~II
..Connect the system to an ignition switched power source. Connection to 8 battery source 'MIl reduce battery life.
1. To prevent electrical shock. DO NOT OPEN THE MONITOR CASE. There are potentia/1y lethal voltages inside the
2. Keep monitor away from leaking water. rain. moisture etc It is NOT waterproof. Any moisture insKie the monitor
3. Use the thumbscrews to mount the monitor to bracket
1. DO NOT OPEN THE CAMERA CASE. This will break the camera's waterproof seal. If e~ence of tampering is
2. Do not mount the camera near the lower area of the vehicle <e.g.bumper). This reduces the view of tt1e camera
1. Attach camera bracket (See Fig 1} to upper por1ion of vehicle. Attachment point must be sturdy enough to support
2. A ttach camera to bracket using 8- 32 UNC screws provided. AdJust angle as Indlca1ed In ngure 2 (Use rMrer and
3. Wind deflector may be installed. This deflector is designed to reduce the build upof dust, dirt and moisture
compromise the waterproof seal.
monitor. There are no user serviceable paris inside. If evidence of tampering is detected, the warranty will be considered void
could cause extensive damage.
detected, the warranty will be considered void.
and may cause physical damage to the camera.
camera and bracket.
bumper and back of vehicle as a reference point.
on the camera lens (See Fig 3).
AOM-53 Monitor
1. Attach monitor inside vehicle in a location convenient to the driver (e.g. center of dash, overhead or in dash).
2. Use a compression plate to attach the monitor bracket to the dash or overhead (See Fig 4).
3. Adjust mounting angle of the monitor to allow driver to easily view the screen from all seat positions (See FIg. 5).
4. If necessary, snap sun visor into groove on front face of monitor. Press all (4) ~es of the visor to snap it into place.
OCA-80 cABLe
1. The camera-to-cable connection is waterproof. The cable-lo-monitor co,lnectiOI1 is not waterproof. Be sure to orient the cable properly. The cylindrical end attaches to the camera. The rectangular box end attaches 10 the monitor. (See Fig 6)
2. Do not run ttle OCA-80 cable over sharp edges or corners. Do not kink the cable or use period. keep the cableol
3. Place 811 eKCess cable in convolllted tu~ng
4. Wire tie the cable securely.
away from hot and rotating parts.
-Page 20( 14 -
AOS-44 Operations Manual
Remove dus18nd dirt wi\t) a damp soft cloth. Heavier dirt should be remolJed with 3 damp soft cloth and mild detergent Do not use strong cleaning agents containing gasoline, ttlinner, benzene or alcohol. These substances may damage the
extelior surface of the monitor .
1. B&fore drilling, be sure no cable or wiring is on the other we, Be sure to drill a 19mm 13/4"1 diameter hole only ~ Feed as much cable as possible into vehicle and clamp securely, This reduces the possibility of being hooked
3. Keep 8!1 cables away from HOT, ROTATING and ELECTRICALLY NOISY components
4. To increase protection 01 cable, place all excess ~re and extension cable in convoluted tubing
during production,
5, Do not twist camera cable and do not cut camera pigtail or cable
Wiring camera:
Drill a 19mm13/4" I diameter hole into vehicle body near the camera and bracket Connect camera connector to extension cable in vehicle. Push extra cable into vehi-;le (Be careful not to kink cable) and fit grommet into hole. Apply sealant around grommet to increase resistance to wclter penetration.
See wiring diagram for connections to igni1ion, ground and back-up circuit (See Fig 6}
Wiring Monitor:
Insert exte!\sion c"b\e into camera .1 posibon \1 {2) camera$ are u$ed, be $ure to mar~ each extension cable properly and plug second cable into camera #2 position Bundle excess cable together using a cable tie or vinyl tape. This will avoid possible damage to cable
during operation. The red W;re marked ACC is connected to an ignmon power source, the black W;re marked GND is
connected to cha$sis ground, and tt\e blue wire marked BACK is connected to the vehicle's back up circuit
Monitor' see page l'
1 Power switch:
STD. BY. Monitor operates when vehicle transmission is switched into "REVERSE" ON -Monitor and system operate when ignition switch is .ON"
2. Camera position
UP -Panoramic 'v-iew of the horizon, if camera is in "UP" position DOWN -Directed 'v-iew of the rear of the vehicle, if camera is in "DOWN" posi!ion
3. InptJt switch-
"A" -used mainly for rear mounted camera Or as specified by the installer. .8" -used mainly for sKie or mirror mounted camera or as s~,.;if\ed b~ the inslaller .
Variable conb"ol of contrast. Should be adjusted if the "DAYINIGHr switch does not achieve the most desirable pict\Jre.
5. Brightness:
Variable control of brightness Should be adjusted if the "DAY INIGHT" switch does not achieve the most desirable pict\Jre.
6. Volume'
7. Day~~t s'fIitch:
Variable control or internal speaker and en.,rnal speaker volume.
Pr&-set bf'Ightn&$S and contrast levels optimized for day and night operation.
-Page 3 of 14 -
AOS-44 Operations Manual
FUNCTIONS AND OPERAnON, CONnNUED Rear of Monitor see page' ,
1 Power connecUon Pi" 1 not used
Pin 2 Ground. black wire Pin 3 Reverse circuit -blue wire
Pin 4 not u.ed Pin 5 not used
2 Camera A input conne~on to camera extension cable
3 Camera B input connection 10 additional camera e~ension cable
4 External speaker connection center pin is positive audio output used to disable the internal speaker and
Cam~ra: Se,j page 12
1. Microphone -Wat~rprool microphone lor audio pickup.
2. Mirror!Normal switch -Wat~(proof switch to change t8mera in18ge from a mirror view (rear of vehicle
3. 4
mounted) to normal view (~ide or fron1 mounted camera) See Figure 7.
Clean mol1itor screen surface of fingerprints Set the camera into the "DOWN" position Place distance behind the vehicle at (3) feet, (6) feel and (9) feet along Ihe width of thEJ vehicle. These distanc&s are measured from the rear bumper (Refer to figure 8)
Attach the markers to the moni\or screen over the images of the distance indicators. These ",art;.e~ fe?f~l\t a distance of (3) feel. (6) feel. end (9) leef from the back of the vehicle (See Fig 8). Affix the "STOP" marker on Ihe monit{)r screen over the image of the rear bumper to locate the rear bumper The mo"itoT s~Teen is now "ca\ibTa\ed" tor dis\ances behind the vehicle of (3) feel, {6) feet and (9) feel
Pin 6 +12VDC ignition-red wire
femotely mount a s~aker (or driver convenience.
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