Familiarize yourself with the Installation Instructions and Cruise Control components.
A. Wllen disconnecting connectors, hold connector and ress the lock downward while pulling connectors apart.
(Figure A) CAUTION: Do Not Pull On Wires
B. When connecting mating connectors, push connectors together until locking mechanisms are
fim11y locked together. (Figure B)
If vehicle is equipped with an Anti-Theft Radio, the radio codemusfbe written down prior to
discolmecting battery cable. The code must be reentered when the negative battery cable is reinstalled.
Remove the vehicle's battery terminals before
installing the Cruise Control components
for safety precautions. (Figure C)
5 D
~ .Eema e:;;I~Ian;"\o::JOnnec cor.
When installing Self Stripping Connector,
Follow these four steps. (Figure D)
Page 2
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, ," ,
2) Insert
harness wire to
stop, must go
past metal tab
1 ) Press existing
vehicle wire into
connector slot
Remove Both
4) Bend cover
over and snap
3) Squeeze tab into
COJU1ector with
Ifvehicle is equipped with Anti-Theft Radio, record security code before disconnecting battery cable.
Il"eter to vehicle,9wners ,manual for instructions. Raise vehicle hood and remove NEGATIVE battery
, , ,
cable (See FibYilre C).
STEP 2. Receiver Module Installation:
Remove existing Cruise Control Switch, if one exists. Refer tp Ifelpful Hint #2 to when disconnecting
4 pin connector.
Choose a location under the driver's side dash to mount the receiver module. This location should be
chosen such that interfacing to the existing cruise control harness does not cause stress on the wiring
harness. It is best to leave at least 2 inches of slack in the wiring harness once it is connected. Also, for
best performance, choose the location such that there is no significant metal (excluding wires) in the
line of sight to the steering wheel. .
Mount the receiver module in the location chosen using either tie straps supplied, or the bracket
STEP 3. Mounting the Transmitter:
Secure the supplied transmitter mounting bracket to the steering wheel as indicated by the mounting
bracket installation note.
Slide the transmitter on to the mounting bracket. Firmly press the transmitter on the bracket until it
locks into place. The bracket has automatic locking pins to secure the transmitter.
£ The RF transmitter I~ a NORMALLY OPEN SWITCH. It is necessary to adjust the programming switch
;; on the Cruise Control (where applicable) to the correct position. Refer to your Cruise Control
, Installation Instruction Page #7 for normally open switch.