BMC - Pro
Cables, such as signal or power cables have always attracted the interest of the true and serious hi-fi enthusiast. And
rightly so, since the majority of currently available hi-fi components clearly react to the use of different cabling –
including power cables. The bass may lose its tightness, spatial imaging may be reduced or the treble may become
sililant, etc. The causes for such problems are rather complex and are furthermore subject to the interdependences
between the materials used for the cable’s construction.
Static and dynamic influences on the dividing layers between these materials may influence and even hinder the flow of
current. Audiovalve has researched these problems and their causes. The experience gained thereby is reflected in our
first cable – a power cable of exceptional quality.
We are now in a position to offer you a power cable whose construction was developed particularly with a view to the
physical requirements mentioned above, and which displays the resulting characteristics – it constitutes our synthesis of
selected materials and production processes. For the sake of completeness we would like to mention in this context the
problems connected to
partial and vagabonding static charges
along synthetic materials and their influence on signal
You have got to hear this cable!
Only then will you experience that we succeeded in the technical realisation of all requirements regarding this cable.
We intentionally avoid emphasizing any perceived “important” notions of “radiation resistance”, “high frequency
rejection”, “high bandwidth”, etc. These are basic properties that are fulfilled by our cable anyway, due to its basic
fitness for the intended use. A good cable shows its excellent characteristics by
of the utilized
materials with the current-carrying conductor and therefore with the sound.
“The problems of other cables are not only caused by external influences – the cables themselves are the problem!”
Recommended introductory price for one (1) * BPC-Pro, length 1.5m, completely fashioned and statically cleaned.
:: max. power handling 2,000 Watts.
:: Foils and ferrite shielding for broadband radiation resistance according to EMV standards; floating grounding.
:: implemented carrying material for the diversion of static pockets on the cable’s insides.
:: specific mix of plastics for the homogenization of dividing layers between neighboring materials.
:: 13.5 mm outer diameter at 1.5 m standard length; gold plated contacts.
techn. - specifications:
[Text, Layout & Graphics - Copyright by Helmut Becker - AudioValve 09.2004]