PRO 23 Cardioid Dynamic
Instrument Microphone
PRO Series
• Excels on snare and toms
• Road-ready all-metal construction
• Low-profile percussion-style design
• Built-in adjustable stand mount
Polar pattern
Frequency response
Open circuit sensitivity
100-12,000 Hz
–58 dB (1.2 mV) re 1V at 1 Pa
500 ohms
11.4 oz (324 g)
4.46" (113.2 mm) long,
1.63" (41.5 mm) head diameter
Output connector
Audio-Technica case style
Accessories furnished
Integral 3-pin XLRM-type
AT8665 drum mount for ⅝"-27 threaded
adapter; ⅝"-27 to ⅜"-16 threaded
adapter; soft protective pouch
In the interest of standards development, A.T.U.S.
oers full details on its test methods to other industry
1 Pascal = 10 dynes/cm
Typical, A-weighted, using Audio Precision System One.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
professionals on request.
= 10 microbars = 94 dB SPL
frequency response: 100– 12,000 Hz polar pattern
The PRO 23 is a cardioid instrument microphone featuring a low-profile design for
minimum visibility and versatile placement options.
Tailored for snare, toms and other highly dynamic instruments, the PRO 23 oers a
moving coil dynamic design with cardioid polar pattern, delivering superior o-axis
rejection for maximum gain before feedback. With a frequency response of 10012,000 Hz, the mic is engineered to handle fast transients and high SPLs.
The output of the microphone is a 3-pin XLRM-type connector.
The microphone is enclosed in a rugged housing and is outfitted with an integral
⅝"-27 threaded stand clamp. The included AT8665 drum mount screws into the stand
clamp to permit mounting of the PRO 23 to the rim of a drum. A soft protective pouch
is also included.
Operation and Maintenance
Output is low impedance (Lo-Z) balanced. The signal appears across Pins 2 and 3;
Pin 1 is ground (shield). Output phase is “Pin 2 hot”— positive acoustic pressure
produces positive voltage at Pin 2.
To avoid phase cancellation and poor sound, all mic cables must be wired
consistently: Pin 1-to-Pin 1, etc.
Avoid leaving the microphone in the open sun or in areas where temperatures exceed
110° F (43° C) for extended periods. Extremely high humidity should also be avoided.
Take care to keep foreign particles from entering the windscreen. An accumulation
of iron or steel filings on the diaphragm, and/or foreign material in the windscreen’s
mesh surface, can degrade performance.
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Audio-Technica Corporation
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