High-Performance Audio Products
Noise Sniffer
Power-Line Analyzer
Electrical power comes from a variety of sources
through an extensive and far reaching power grid.
When it arrives at the service panel, it will most likely
be connected in parallel with other service panels
throughout the neighborhood. Since these panels
are interconnected, and all electrical devices on the
line present mild to difficult loads, harmonic
distortion or noise is created that can interfere with
sensitive audio and video equipment.
Prior to the introduction of the ACFX
Filter and the Quietline
System in 1993, AudioPrism developed
sophisticated techniques and instrumentation to
look at and listen to noise. Man y of these tools were
purpose designed and quite specific to the sport of
"noise hunting."
Unfortunately, most laboratory instruments are far
too sophisticated and expensive to use in the field
and create data that is not always easy to interpret.
Realizing that there was a need for a small, easy to
use device that could find the source of noise on a
power line , AudioPrism created a product as effective
as their laboratory equipment, only much more
affordable and significantly easier to use.
Noise Reduction
There is no simpler method available to detect and
eliminate noise than with the Noise Sniffer™ and
AudioPrism's power distribution and filtration
• Detects EMI & RFI on household power circuits
• Directs your attention to problem circuits that may
require power filtering.
• Plugging it into the output of a power line filter outlet
will allow you to judge the filtering performance.
• Will detect any changes made to a circuit from household appliances or heavy equipment that may be reflecting noise back into the power line.
The Noise Sniffer
to detect noise traveling on the power line. Using
an internal circuit that converts line noise to a signal
that will drive a small speaker, the Noise Sniffer
makes it possible to "listen" to the EMI and RFI noise
that is almost always present on power lines.
By plugging the Noise Sniffer
outlet and listening, you will be able to tell if the
circuit or outlet you are testing has a noise problem.
By evaluating each circuit independently, you will
know if localized treatment with a product as the
appropriate, or if filtration from an ACFX™ Power-
Line Filter or Power Foundation
is a unique device developed
into an electrical
Noise Reduction System is
is necessary.
2729 152nd. Avenue NE.
Telephone (425) 869-8482 • Fax (425) 869-1873 •
Redmond, WA 98052-5554
Standard Voltage Rating: 90-130 VAC, 60Hz.
Optional Voltage Rating: 220 V, 50Hz.
Plug Type: North American (NEMA)
Dimensions: 5 x 7.25 x 2.5"(12.7 x 18.42 x 6.35 cm)
W eight: 2.2 pounds (1.0 kg)