AudioQuest Volcano Brochure

Posit ive Conductor Group (inner circle = 9 AWG):
1 x 21 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Co pper+ (PSC+) Conductors 2 x 20 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors 2 x 19 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors
Solid Perfect-Surface
Copper+ (PSC+)
DBS Anode
4 Size SST
DBS Cathode (-)
Counter Spirals
Conductive Dielectric
PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+: Volcano uses extremely high purity Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) conductors. All conductors are solid,
which prevents strand interaction, a major source of distortion. Surface quality is critical because a conductor can be considered as a rail-guide for both the electric fields within a conductor, and for the magnetic fields outside the conductor. The astonishingly smooth and pure Perfect-Surface eliminates harshness and greatly increases clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. The superior purity of PSC+ further minimizes distortion caused by grain boundaries, which exist within any metal conductor.
DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (patent pending): Unfortunately, because insulation stores and releases energy, it is also a “dielectric.” In a cable
application, all released energy is distortion. The misnomer “break-in” is often used to describe the pronounced improvement in performance as the dielectric adapts to a charged state as the cable is used. Whenever a cable does not have a charge on it, it is re-adapting to an uncharged state; it is becoming new again.
3 x 17 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors Negat ive Conductor Group (outer circle = 9 AWG):
1 x 21 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Co pper+ (PSC+) Conductors 2 x 20 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors 2 x 19 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors
3 x 17 AWG Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Conductors DBS A node (+) Silver-Plated Drainwire + Foil Shield DBS C athode (-) (Negative Conductor Group + Conductive PVC Rods) 48V D BS Battery Pack Included
Red/Black/Grey Braid over Black PVC Jacket
COUNTER-SPIRALING "EARTH FEATURE" GEOMETRY: Volcano and the other AQ “Earth Feature” cables have an inner circular array of
positive conductors spiraling in one direction. Around this inner group, are the negative conductors, spiraling in the opposite direction. Even while the positive and negative conductors are crossing each other instead of being parallel, the relationship between the positive and negative groups is fixed and non-changing, adhering to one of AudioQuest’s most basic design tenets: consistency. The result is an astonishing clarity, like focusing a camera lens you had no idea was so far out of focus.
SST (Spread Spectrum Technology): Any single size or shape of conductor has a specific distortion profile. Even though radially symmetrical
conductors (solid round or tubular) have the fewest discontinuities, any particular size does have a sonic signature. SST uses a precise combination of different size conductors in order to significantly reduce the audibility of these character flaws. The four different SST-determined conductor sizes used in Volcano allow an exceptionally clear, clean and dynamic sound.
CONDUCTIVE INSULATION: The eight negative conductors in Volcano are insulated with partially conductive carbon-loaded polyethylene.
This remarkable material damps radio-frequency garbage from being fed back into the amplifier. The sonic benefit is exactly the same reduction in “hash” and better dimensionality that comes whenever RF garbage is reduced in an audio circuit.
TERMINATIONS: AudioQuest offers a wide range of high quality connectors that allow Volcano to be securely attached to any type of
equipment. AQ ends are dull looking because the silver (or gold) is plated directly over the connector. There is no harsh sounding shiny nickel layer underneath. AQ spade lugs are plain looking and soft because pure copper is soft. Also, compressibility facilitates a higher quality connection. AQ spade lugs are available in several sizes. AQ PSC Benda-Pins fit all equipment, except components accepting only a banana plug or BFA connector, in which case the AQ Crimp BFA/Banana provides unprecedented performance at a fraction the cost of those not-so-good sounding big “eye-candy” versions.
BIWIRING: When possible, running separate conductors or separate cables to the treble and bass halves of a speaker will considerably reduce
distortion. BiWiring works because cable causes distortion, which can be minimized by keeping the bass energy out of the treble cable. Volcano is an ideal full-range cable. It can also be used as a double pair for maximum benefit from BiWiring. Volcano has also been designed to make it possible to Single-BiWire. The eight conductors per polarity have been chosen and arranged so that they may be divided into two groups, allowing Volcano to be prepared with four connections on the speaker end.