Audio Pro Bravo FX-04 Reference Manual

Bravo FX-04 and Sub Bravo
”Imaging was simply tremendous - quite possibly the best I’ve heard from any system ever. Listening to the overlap­ping vocals in R.E.M.’s ’Everybody Hurts’ the voices of Messrs Stipe, Mills and Berry were precisly pinpointed within the mix and articulated with an uncanny realism. I’m not just talking about a fl at left-to-right plane either. The Sachem/Audio Pro system also created lifelike per­spectives of image heigh and depth; one voice sited at 2 o’clock and in line with the speakers, one at 12 o’clock and several feet in front of the speakers, another voice at 5 o’clock and several feet behind the speakers. Magic.”
”Firing up the low-bass torture test that is Massive At­tack’s Inertia Creeps’, there was no sense of the bass being detached from the rest of the music. equally, there was no ’hump’ where the output of the sub crossed over with the output of the main speakers. Instead of a mud­dled low-frequency soup there was clean precise bass,
with impressive dynamic fortitude and no lag, overhang or leading edge blurring. Bass notes started and stopped on a dime, and were easily discernible within the mix, yet not distanced from the music in terms of their ability to propel the song along.”
”Elsewhere in the audio band, things were equally impres­sive. The all-important mid-range frequencies were repro­duced with startling clarity and rare liquidity, while treble was detailed, extended and distortion free. The amount of detail the system presented was quite breathtaking.”
”Those who prefer the broad sweep of the music rather than obsessive detail spotting may fi nd the Sachem/Audio Pro combo something of a sensory overload. Me? I loved it and the pairing would be welcome in my listening room anytime.”
NEW ZEALAND: FFWD, dec 2003-jan 2004
“Thanks to the FX-04’s aesthetically pleasing design and superb fi t ’n’ fi nish, you certainly feel like you’re getting a lot of speaker for your money.”