The DML is simply a flat panel, of
almost any desired size but very stiff,
with a complex bending behavior in
response to electroacoustic excitation.
It produces sound by breaking up into
a large number of seemingly random-
ized vibrational modes over its entire
surface. In other words, it is just the
opposite of the perfect piston, res-
onating in many segments and totally
lacking coherence. The amazing thing
is that it measures flat and sounds
quite accurate. It would appear that a
few resonances are bad but lots of
random resonances are good. That co
Audio Video Multimedia Solutions, 17
Saddleback Court, O'Fallon, MO 63366.
Voice and Fax: (636) 9788173. Email: AV1
TruSonic minimonitor/satellite, $900.00
the pair. Tested samples on loan from
What we have here is the main
building block of a complete surround
system, used for the front left/right as
well as the rear left/right channels. The
centerchannel speaker (AVC Tru-
Sonic, $750.00) is not reviewed here
because it is essentially the same
speaker with dual woofers. (Besides, we
are planning a comprehensive center
channel survey in an upcoming issue.)
Nor is the powered subwoofer AVMS
sent me reviewed here because it is not
the final version that will be sold with
the system. The AV1 is of course the
unit on which the overall quality of the
5.1 (or 5.2) system depends.
For the money, and then some, this
is a very nicely built little speaker. My
review samples came in black oak ve-
neer and appear very professionally fin-
ished. All edges and corners are
rounded, albeit with a small radius.
The back and the bottom are also ve-
neered. The driver complement con-
sists of a 5½inch woofer and a 1inch
herence is under most circumstances a
nonissue has been explained to our
readers a number of times. The DML
is a genuinely different approach to
transducer design which would need
too many pages here to be explained
completely; furthermore, its current
implementations are all nonhifi and
thus not really grist for our mill. There
exists the promise, however, of future
hifi applications, and I find the
promise credible; an experimental car
stereo system with flush DML panels
in the upper dashboard sounded just
great to me in a recent demonstration,
dome tweeter. The woofer, with com-
posite paper cone (arguably still the
best material for large diaphragms),
phase plug, and polymer chassis, is
mounted above the tweeter. The en-
closure is vented to the rear. The silk
dome of the tweeter is slightly recessed
in a shallow hornlike cavity. The
crossover network is secondorder.
My quasianechoic (MLS) mea-
surements yielded very nice frequency
response curves over a large solid angle.
The small separation between the two
drivers and the fairly seamless crossover
made it quite uncritical whether the
calibrated microphone was aimed at
the woofer or the tweeter, or halfway
between the two—the results were al-
most identical. On the axis of the
speaker the tweeter response appeared
fully competitive with highend instal-
lations of conventional design. The
DML is definitely something to be
aware of as the art progresses.
As for the individual reviews that
follow, you know the old boxing adage
that a good big one will always beat a
good little one—but the true aficionado
judges each contender in the context of
the competition. We have a varied as-
sortment of good/big and good/little
here, but is there a weightdivision
champion in the bunch? I think there is
at least one, but you will have to decide
after having digested the facts.
to be slightly elevated in the top oc-
tave, especially since the two octaves
from 2 to 8 kHz are extremely flat:
±1.25 dB. The 8 to 16 kHz octave av-
erages 3 to 4 dB above that reference
level, with a welldamped peak at
13 kHz. Now here's the most inter-
esting part: at 45° off axis (horizon-
tally) the elevated top octave falls into
line, more or less, with the two octaves
below, so that the overall response is
actually flatter than on axis, with the
exception that the curve plummets
above 13 kHz. This behavior indicates
good power response into the room
and relative flexibility in the choice of
listening positions and leftright sepa-
ration. The phase response is wellbe-
haved at all measurement angles
The bass response does not go very
low, as the speaker is designed to work
in conjunction with a subwoofer. The
vented box is tuned to approximately
56 Hz; the maximum output from the
vent is at about 64 Hz. The summed
response of woofer and vent is essen-
tially flat down to an f3 (3 dB point)
of 60 Hz, exactly as given in the specs.
Below the f3 the response rolls off at
the rate of 18 dB per octave (QB3
alignment, most likely). Everything ap-
pears to be very simple and straight-
forward. The impedance of the system
varies from 6.2Ω. to 23Ω in magnitude