Audio Critic the 22 r schematic

Issue No. 22
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Issue No. 23.
Is this the format of the future in power amplifiers?
(See the analog electronics reviews.)
Retail price: U.S. $7.50, Can. $8.50
In this issue:
In an editorial that will raise some eyebrows, and even some blood pressures, your Editor analyzes the hypocrisy of the high priests of the High End.
We continue our survey of amplifiers and preamps. The question of when, if ever, absolute polarity is
audible is clarified in a letter from a top authority. Plus other test reports, all our regular
columns, and the return of our popular CD capsule reviews (oodles of them).
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Paradoxes and Ironies of the Audio World:
The Doctor Zaius Syndrome
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher
Loudspeakers Are Getting Better and Better
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher
12 ACI "Spirit" 13 Bag End ELF Systems S10E-C and S18E-C (continued from Issue No. 21) 14 What the Bag End ELF System Does and Doesn't (sidebar by Dr. David Rich)
15 Velodyne DF-661 (continued from Issue No. 21) 21 Velodyne Servo F-1500R 23 Win SM-8 43 Snell Acoustics Type A (last-minute mini preview)
Good Things Are Still Happening in Analog Electronics
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher & David A. Rich, Ph.D., Contributing Technical Editor
25 Line-Level Preamplifier: Aragon 18k (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 27 Line-Level Preamplifier: Bryston BP20 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 27 Mono Power Amplifier: Marantz MA500 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 28 Stereo Power Amplifier: PSE Studio IV (Reviewed by David Rich) 29 Line-Level Preamplifier: Rotel RHA-10 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 30 Stereo Power Amplifier: Rotel RHB-10 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 30 Passive Control Unit: Rotel RHC-10 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 31 Stereo Power Amplifier: Sunfire (Preview by Peter Aczel and David Rich)
Catching Up on the Digital Scene
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher & David A. Rich, Ph.D., Contributing Technical Editor
33 Compact Disc Player: Denon DCD-2700 (Reviewed by David Rich) 35 Outboard D/A Converter with Transport: Deltec Precision Audio PDM 2 and T1
(Reviewed by Peter Aczel)
36 Compact Disc Player: Enlightened Audio Designs CD-1000
(Reviewed by Peter Aczel)
41 Compact Disc Player: Marantz CD-63 and CD-63SE (Reviewed by David Rich)
Large-Screen TV for Home Theater: Is a 40" Direct-View Tube Big Enough?
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher
45 40" Direct-View Color TV: Mitsubishi CS-40601
Obstructionism By Tom Nousaine
Hip Boots Wading through the Mire of Misinformation in the Audio Press
Four commentaries by the Editor
Recorded Music Editor's Grab Bag of CDs, New or Fairly Recent
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95 1
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From the Editor/Publisher:
This issue is dated Winter 1994-95. The last issue, No. 21, was dated Spring 1994. That was late spring; this issue goes to
press in early winter, so the gap is smaller
than the apparent nine months but bad enough. What are we doing about it? Lots of thingsbut we have learned, painfully, not to make promises before the implemen­tation is a reality. Three things are certain: (1) something has to give; (2) we are here to stay, regardless; (3) we are not chang­ing our editorial stance. That still leaves a number of viable scenarios to choose from.
Issue No. 22
Winter 1994-95
Editor and Publisher Contributing Technical Editor Contributing Editor at Large Technical Consultant Columnist Cartoonist and Illustrator Business Manager
Peter Aczel
David Rich
David Ranada
Steven Norsworthy
Tom Nousaine
Tom Aczel
Bodil Aczel
The Audio Critic® (ISSN 0146-4701) is published quarterly for $24
per year by Critic Publications, Inc., 1380 Masi Road, Quakertown, PA
18951-5221. Second-class postage paid at Quakertown, PA. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951-0978.
The Audio Critic is an advisory service and technical review for consumers of sophisticated audio equipment. Any conclusion, rating, recommendation, criticism, or caveat published by The Audio Critic represents the personal findings and judgments of the Editor and the Staff, based only on the equipment available to their scrutiny and on their knowledge of the subject, and is therefore not offered to the reader as an infallible truth nor as an irreversible opinion applying to all extant and forthcoming samples of a particular product. Address all editorial correspondence to The Editor, The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951-0978.
Contents of this issue copyright © 1994 by Critic Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Repro­duction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Paraphrasing of product reviews for advertising or commercial purposes is also prohibited without prior written permission. The Audio Critic will use all available means to prevent or prosecute any such unauthorized use of its material or its name.
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Secondly, we have only two subscription rates. If you live in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, you pay $24 for four consecutive issues (scheduled to be mailed at approximately quarterly intervals). If you live in any other country, you pay $38 for a four-issue subscription by airmail. All payments from abroad, including Canada, must be in U.S. funds, collectable in the U.S. without a service charge.
You may start your subscription with any issue, although we feel that new subscribers should have a few back issues to gain a better un­derstanding of what The Audio Critic is all about. We still have Issues No. 11, 13, 14, and 16 through 21 in stock. Issues earlier than No. 11 are now out of print, as are No. 12 and No. 15. Please specify which issues you want (at $24 per four).
One more thing. We don't sell single issues by mail. You'll find those at somewhat higher cost at selected newsdealers, bookstores, and audio stores.
Address all subscriptions to The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951-0978. VISA/MasterCard: (215) 538-9555.
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Box 978
Letters to the Editor
An archetypal letter we seem to get again and again lists in loving detail all the components in the writer's system, down to interconnects and tiptoes. In nearly every case it's quite unclear what the
letter writer wants. Our official blessing? Recommended changes? Recognition as a blood brother? Please, all you audio addicts, if you insist on talking about your equipment and want to get our attention, make sure you explain how it all ties in with our editorial concerns. Letters printed here may or may not be excerpted at the discretion of the Editor. Ellipsis (...) indicates omission. Address all editorial correspondence to the Editor, The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951.
The Audio Critic:
...I have read Issue No. 20 and found it quite charming. Your elegant chopping to pieces of the audio tweakies was very nice indeed. I even enjoyed the writings of the others, many of whom I
know quite well....
* * *
[Six weeks later:]
I have now read the several issues of The Audio Critic which I recently re­ceived. They are very interesting, and I want to congratulate you on getting some very good people to write for you. I am a bit surprised that you and some letter writers refer to my modest work so fre­quently but appreciate the interest I have generated. There are many issues that need deep thought, and I am delighted to have these discussions take place, since the light envoked (with some heat) even­tually seems to pry out the truth.
It is very annoying to have persons at the extreme fringes of an issue use one's writings to prove their point with elements of these writings taken out of context. Unfortunately, it happens only too often. Shades of gray are too often made black or white by fanatics.
I was pleased to see complete para-
graphs from my paper quoted in context printed in Issue No. 21. Additionally, your interpretation, printed on page 8, of what my article said is quite accurate but a bit more truncated than I would have preferred. If you have the patience, I sup­ply for you herewith my own summary of my work on acoustic polarity.
For perspective, my paper on polari-
ty was presented at an AES convention in
1991 and was published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1994 April. Needless to say, this is a professional Journal for which all arti­cles are extensively reviewed for quality and accuracy. A version of this paper was also printed in Audio magazine with mi­nor modifications to satisfy a different (and much larger) audience. Neverthe­less, the essential contents of the several versions of the paper are identical.
I strongly suggest that anyone inter­ested in this matter read the original paper and not someone else's interpreta­tion of what it might say. Some of the lis­tening tests are fairy easy to duplicate, and the paper is written in very simple, not highly technical, terms.
These comments cover both the work I did in 1991 and my more recent
experiences (1993-1994), which are indi­cated by brackets [...].
There are four points made:
1. It is clearly possible to show the audibility of acoustic polarity inversion with steady-state tones (electronically generated) or quasi-steady-state tones (produced on physical instruments but with steady monotone playing tech­niques). These are boring, nonmusical tones. The audibility of acoustic polarity inversion for these very special cases has been documented by several authors. [I have repeated this listening experience many times with both headphones and various loudspeakers, and the experience is so definitive that there is no question about its existence.]
2. When real musical performance material is used in such tests, it is very, very difficult (nearly impossible) to hear the effects of polarity inversion. Our large group tests showed only very slight positive results with loudspeakers in a highly idealized and simplified listening environment. [These listening tests have been repeated with headphones and a great variety of loudspeakers, and it has been confirmed that it is very, very difficult to hear polarity inversion. Nei-
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95 3
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ther I nor anyone I know, and trust, has heard acoustic polarity inversion with ste­reo program material in a normal listen­ing environment.]
3. Because it was so easy to hear polarity inversion with simple steady­state tones and so difficult to hear with real music, a large part of the paper is de­voted to trying to determine the reasons why this is the case. A major part of the paper suggests, but does not firmly define, these reasons. More work is re­quired to define this very subtile psycho­acoustic effect. [While I have continued some work in this area, I have not found a consistent, definitive cause/effect rela­tionship. However, it is clear to me that the audibility of acoustic polarity inver­sion is dependent on both the acuity of the listener and the nature of the program material, and not highly dependent on the
transducers involved.]
4. The issue of the audibility of acoustic polarity inversion is not a matter of black and white but of a series of shades of gray, seemingly dependent upon the simplicity or complexity of the program material being auditioned, to some small extent upon similar factors of complexity of the listening environment, and to some extent upon the sensitivity of the listener. [While I would like to see standardization of polarity in recording and reproduction, it seems to be a minor issue compared to others that affect sound reproduction much more strongly.]
Several final issues need to be laid to rest. One is the question of the use of digital recordings and digital program material to do listening experiments. The essential results described above have been duplicated with real instruments, microphones, and headphones in real time without the use of any recording de­vices. Some fanatics suggest that only they can hear things because of their equipment. This is total nonsense.
Some have suggested that the quali­ty of the loudspeaker and/or measure­ment techniques used for the original paper were somehow defective. (This has been implied by some snide remarks by C. Johnsen in The Audio Critic letters column as well as in Audio magazine.) Our experiments were set up with ex­treme care, using a large array of the very best professional-level instrumenta­tion equipment in my Electroacoustics Laboratory. We are totally comfortable that we know how to use this equipment, have designed a suitable loudspeaker, and
have analyzed the results in an entirely professional manner.
Finally, all of our findings have been
confirmed with headphones of various
sorts and a number of quite diversely de-
signed loudspeakers. The design of the headphones or loudspeakers, within rea­son, is in my experience irrelevant to re­vealing the phenomenon.
I have over the years discussed these issues with many AES members, includ­ing Richard Heyser and Stan Lipshitz. I believe that we all would prefer that the industry took care with polarity conven­tions. But, they have not for the most part. Polarity is simply not a high-priority issue for most professionals and certainly not highly important for the enjoyment of reproduced sound.
Nevertheless, I am actively carrying out additional experiments and I hope to pursue the matter with the goal of finding sources/causes of audibility of acoustic polarity inversion and to specify it more clearly in a scientific, responsible manner.
That's it for the time being. I suppose that heated debate will continue, just as it does with the cable/interconnect issue.
Very sincerely, R. A. Greiner Professor Fellow of the AES
Thank you for the kind words about The Audio Critic. We not only get "some
very good people" to write articles for us but also, as your example proves, some very good people to write letters to the Editor. Indeed, your letter dots the i's and crosses the t's on the subject of pola­rity for all rational audiophiles. Let the tweaks read it and weep.
The Audio Critic:
I love you curmudgeons. You're even occasionally correct—but then, so are John [Atkinson] and Harry [Pearson].
I have no doubts as to your superior theoretical and technical qualifications; I also have no doubt that much subjective reviewing necessarily utilizes poor meth­odology; however, why do you have problems accepting the idea that some au-
dible differences are either difficult to measure using conventional parameters, or are the result of phenomena not yet fully understood?
Howard Cowan Woodland Hills, CA
/ have no problem whatsoever with
the ideas you state as long as those "au­dible differences" are indeed audible. What I have a problem with is the state­ment that "I can hear the difference" when you are unable to prove to me un-
der controlled conditions that you can ac-
tually hear it. If there really is a provably audible difference, the cause may or may not be easy to determinethat's a totally separate issue.
As for John and Harry, see "The
Doctor Zaius Syndrome " (page 10).
The Audio Critic:
I have some ideas about how I think a modern music-reproducing system ought to be be configured to minimize hardware interactions with the music in­formation. I think from what I've read in this magazine, and from some compo­nents already placed on the market (Me­ridian comes to mind), that some very tal­ented people are thinking along these same lines, and I'm wondering why we (meaning the industry and the hobbyists) are not headed a bit more quickly in this direction.
Before I explain, let me admit (as you're wont to question this) that I have no credentials other than a 30-some-year interest in the hobby. I'm also a fairly re­cent convert from the music-to-justify­hardware group.
My concept of a system would have it divided into two basic modules. One I'll call the control module, the other the speaker-system module—or actually mod­ules, as there would be several of these. The control module would look very much like a home computer system or possibly a TV set, and might actually be integrated with one of these—or both.
The purely electronic functions, such as preamp, tuner, processor, etc., would be installed as industry-standard plug-in boards, with all of their switching and control functions accessed as icons on the screen—very similar to Macintosh, or
IBM with Windows, menus. Access to
the sound system might actually be a menu option on your computer terminal. The actual hands-on control would be a mouse or infrared remote.
The control module would provide ports with a standard multipin socket, for inputs from purely mechanical program sources such as an LP turntable [buggy whip on the space shuttle?Ed], CD transport, cassette transport, etc. The
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module would operate entirely in the dig­ital domain, which would eliminate the need for expensive hardware to maintain a clean signal, and the output, or outputs, to the speaker systems would be via fiber-optic cables. System upgrades would be accomplished by replacing or adding boards.
The speaker systems would each contain a speaker, or speakers, a band­width-limited amp with equalization (if
necessary), an electronic crossover, and a
DAC circuit for the fiber-optic inputs.
These systems would be tailored for their particular function, such as subwoofer
(similar to the Velodynes), main left and
right, and surround-type speakers. I visu­alize the surround speakers as designed much like track lighting on the ceiling, spherical enclosures that would be aim­able and could contain their electronics in small boxes which could flush-mount in the wall or ceiling and be attached by short cables to the spheres. A full system would consist of two subwoofers limited to 80 Hz, two mains for left and right (80 Hz and up), and four of the ceiling­mounted speakers, center front and back, and back left and right.
Now tell me, where am I wrong in this concept? And, if it's basically accu­rate, why aren't we already there? Disre­garding the tubes-and-LP crowd, I think we're hung up in oldthink. I, for one, find the stack of black chassis and their tangle of wires an eyesore and probably unnec­essary.
Hartley Anderson Waco, TX
To quote that song from the big­band era, "I'll Buy That Dream." As you point out, bits and pieces of the dream ex­ist already: powered subwoofers are the rule rather than the exception; powered
full-range speakers are still the exception
but no longer a great rarity; Marantz showed a computer front end as early as
1991; I could go on. It hasn't all come to-
gether, though; the demand isn't there;
"separates" are still the audiophile
Your basic concept is very much in line with my own thinking, but I'll go even further: A/D conversion should take place right out of the microphone preamp and the signal kept in the digital domain throughout the recording, editing, mas­tering, duplicating, broadcasting, domes­tic playback, etc., processes, right up to the D/A conversion just before the ampli-
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95
fication stage of each separately powered
speaker channeland that includes digi-
tal filters for all crossovers. (Maybe you, too, had that in mind but didn 't quite say
it.) The speaker deployment should prob­ably follow the Lexicon model in its full­est form: front left, center, and rear, sub­woofer(s), side left and right, rear left and right. But these are details. You've got the main idea rightand you will see
it happen. The question is, when? Some observers feel that the audio consumer will continue to resist the idea of the sep­aration of amplifiers and speakers.
The Audio Critic:
...My question specifically has to do with whether a pair of subwoofers is bet­ter than one subwoofer. This question is generated by a recent article by John F. Sehring, which appeared in Audio maga­zine (February 1994). In that article, Mr. Sehring gives a number of reasons why stereo subwoofing is superior. I wonder whether The Audio Critic has an opinion in this regard. I also realize that the an­swer might depend partly upon a number of variables (placement, room size, room acoustics, etc.), and therefore no univer­sal answer or rules of thumb may obtain. However, any opinion at all would be helpful.
I also have another question regard­ing the use of built-in amplifiers in sub­woofers. Some recent literature which I
received from VMPS suggested that built-in amplifiers are a bad idea because
subwoofer vibrations will eventually sim­ply rattle them apart, as it were. Does this turn out to be the case? Do the electronics
in powered subwoofers self-destruct after
a relatively short life span?
Please keep up the good work; your magazine is a delight.
Sincerely, David R. Reich Auburn, NY
/ have always been of the opinion
that a pair of stereo subwoofers is prefer-
able to a single mono (L + R matrixed)
subwoofersee Issue No. 16, page 16 but Tom Nousaine, who has studied the subject in considerable depth, vigorously disagrees. His findings are documented in a forthcoming article in the January 1995 issue of Stereo Review. This looks like one of the few legitimate controver-
sies in audio (unlike the nonsense about
blind tests, tubes, etc.), and I am quite
open to all arguments. But, as in other debates about all but the most obvious audio phenomena, a number of reliable practitioners have to be able to repeat
the same tests and obtain the same re­sults. Maybe Tom Nousaine needs to broaden his statistical base before com-
ing to a sweeping conclusion; maybe not. (For one thing, he is not into classical music; as I once told him, it's a case of
"Pop Goes the Weasel.")
The VMPS caveat sounds like sour grapes to me, since they make and sell only passive subwoofers. Why don't built­in crossover networks, whose large com­ponents and large boards are much more prone to vibration than amplifier parts,
fall apart untimely? Why don't radios in jeeps fall apart? Needless to say, a cer-
tain amount of care and competence in construction and placement must be as­sumed in all such instances. Audio hypo­chondria is, of course, a proven market­ing platform.
The Audio Critic:
...I...noted that David Rich made reference to the Marantz CD-63 in his footnote on page 16 of Issue No. 21. However, I was disappointed to see that he (Editor?) refers to the unit as "Philips­designed." Ordinarily, such a reference would be taken as a compliment. Indeed, in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, I noted some years ago in their regular review of audio patents that the reviewer referred to Philips in the follow­ing way: "In many ways, Philips is the audio equivalent of Mercedes-Benz. If there is an esoteric way of doing things, this is how Philips will do them." As I seem to have misplaced the particular is­sue, I cannot say that the above is an ex­act quote, but it surely is very, very close to the original comment.
In the case of the Marantz CD-63, the model is in fact wholly designed within the Marantz organization. Specif­ically, our chief CD designer, Mr. Yo­shiyuki Tanaka, is the gentleman respon­sible for the CD-63 and most of our other CD players. He has a strong technical background in digital audio as well as analog circuit design, including power supplies, and is very familiar with a wide variety of available devices, CD mecha nisms, and the like. I have in the past for­warded to him articles of interest, most of which have come from the pages of your magazine.
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I am always pleased to see mention of our gear in your magazine, and at Ma­rantz we are always quite proud of the Marantz association within the giant Phi­lips concern, but I would ask that in the future products submitted for review such
as the CD-63 be referred to as Marantz­designed, as this is the reality. Philips per se had nothing to do with the CD-63 de­sign; however, we happily acknowledge the fact that the CD-63 employs a number of Philips-originated components, such as the CDM12 mechanism, TDA1301 servo, SAA7345 decoder, etc., that are also found in Philips-branded models, as well as models from other firms, such as Au-
dio Research....
As always, I appreciate your interest
in Marantz gear.
Best regards, David Birch-Jones Marketing Manager Marantz America, Inc. Roselle, IL
You'11 find that the review of the Ma-
rantz CD-63/63SE in this issue, essential­ly an updated leftover from Issue No. 21, has been annotated to reflect your input.
That purely Marantz, non-Philips engi­neering seems to come up with products that offer very solid performance per dol­lar. As for the articles you send to Mr. Tanaka, I can understand why they are
from this publication, not from the digital
cloud-cuckoo-land of...well, you know.
The Audio Critic:
Having just completed reading the review of the Magneplanar MG-1.5/QR, I believe some important issues are raised. Audiophiles know well that assessing loudspeaker performance is difficult be­cause it is to a large extent subjective. Every loudspeaker design is a compro­mise, and no particular transducer tech­nology has exclusive rights to accuracy. Given your statements at the outset of the review, some would question your "de­tached objectivity" in this case. It is clear that you hold planar magnetic loudspeak­er technology in low regard and this ap­pears to have predestined your conclu­sions.
One of the generic criticisms of Magneplanar designs made in the review is the lack of low bass capacity. Your nearfield measurements of the MG-1.5/ QR indicate its response extends to ap­proximately 40 Hz. The farfield response
in my listening room is significantly flatter than you suggest (±4 dB), and there is usable bass down to approximate­ly 30 Hz. Static distortion in the bass is low (did you even bother to measure it?). The conclusion that the MG-1.5/QR has "not enough bass" doesn't follow, partic­ularly when compared to other loud­speakers available at the same price.
The other major criticism presented involves driver ringing. This has been noted by others in the past and appears to be related to the physical nature of the driver. It has been described in a variety of uniformly driven nonrigid drivers, which include ribbon and electrostatic systems in addition to Magneplanar driv­ers. The audibility of the effect has not been established, to my knowledge, as it relates to a farfield listening position. Transducers with significant energy stor­age typically emphasize and smear con­sonants in the spoken voice and have poor square wave response, neither of which is true of this speaker.
As for the "not enough focus, too much coloration" that is reported in the review, I can only comment that in my
experience the MG-1.5/QR is an extreme-
ly revealing transducer that allows a wealth of musical detail to emerge. A
common characteristic of neutral trans­ducers is that each recording played
sounds different. This is exactly how
transparent the MG-1.5/QR sounds. Per­haps the Editor heard what he thought he measured rather than the reverse.
None of the many conventional
loudspeakers that I am aware of in its price range produces as wide, deep or stable an image as the MG-1.5/QR. These aspects of performance are not even dis­cussed in the review. The LEDR tracks from the first Chesky test disc provide an effective and quick method of evaluating the spacial characteristics of loudspeakers in conjunction with the surrounding envi­ronment. Few loudspeakers can generate substantial "height" with the vertical sig­nal on the disc or provide an apparent soundstage wider than the stereo pair.
With the MG-1.5/QR, the signal extends
to the ceiling in the vertical test and be­yond the width of the stereo pair in the horizontal test.
The rather cursory nature of your loudpeaker reviews has concerned me since I first subcribed to your journal.
Perhaps it is time for the Editor to apply
the same rigorous standards to loudspeak-
er reviews as Dr. Rich does with the vari-
ous electronic components he discusses. May I suggest that in the future more of the test results and discussion of the lis­tening conditions (especially speaker placement) be provided. It would also be useful to have the manufacturers respond to issues raised in the reviews. These changes would allow the reader to better assess the relative merits of each design and reach his own conclusions.
Yours truly, Dr. Douglas M. Hughes Rochester, MN
I'm not surprised that the Minnesota audio mafia finds staunch supporters at the Mayo Clinic (or am I misinterpreting
your prefix and your address?), but you
happen to be mistaken on most of the
points you bring up. Not all of them,
You 're right when you say that loud-
speaker evaluation is highly subjective, although I try to back up my subjective
opinions with objectively verifiable evi-
dence. Furthermore, my subjectivity has been refined over the years through expo­sure to literally hundreds of speakers—/ have some very good reference points of subjective comparison.
You're also right in observing that
my loudspeaker reviews are not quite as rigorous as David Rich's reviews of elec­tronic components, but there are good reasons for that. A typical electronic sig­nal path in audio (such as, say, the left channel of a power amplifier) has one in-
put and one output. It's relatively simple
and straightforward to examine the I/O relationship. A speaker, on the other hand, has one input and n outputs. Which
of the latter do we examine? Where in space is the valid, or "official," output of a loudspeaker system? How many points
in space are sufficient to give us an accu-
rate picture of the total output? These are nagging questions of measurement meth­odology, and then there are the endless other questions such as the physical difficulty of ABX comparisons of speakers
(see Issue No. 20, page 39) and the vari­ous biases introduced by the reviewer's accustomed listening room, etc. Rigorous standards? We're working on them. Don Keele is perhaps the most rigorous loud­speaker reviewer of us all, but then I do a
few tests that he doesn't. Amplifier-like
certainty in speaker testing we don't haveand will not have soon.
Now then, here are the points where
you are wrong. (1) I do not "hold planar
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magnetic loudspeaker technology in low regard," au contraire, my MG-1.5/QR re- view begins with "Yes, I have a soft spot," etc., and later I enthuse over the
upper bass and lower midrange of the Tympani IVa. (2) The lower bass of the
MG-1.5/QR is defined by the fundamental
resonance of 44 Hz; it may be that your
particular room happens to offer some
reinforcement down to 30 Hz, but the de-
signer can't count on that in my particu-
lar room. (3) My frequency response measurement was anechoic (via MLS) and therefore closer to reality than any in-room measurement. I don't know how you arrived at your ±4 dB in-room figure, but it's irrelevant; no speaker designer deliberately makes the anechoic response nice and jagged in the hope that the room will homogenize it. (4) The (true) ribbon tweeter of the Tympani IVa doesn't ring, so your generalization is incorrect. (5) The audible effects of ringing depend on the frequency but they are very real; hav­ing been deeply involved in speaker de­sign as well as testing, I can only say I wish you were right. (6) The MG-1.5/QR does have poor square-wave response;
furthermore, ringing doesn't necessarily
affect the square-wave response unless
located near the square-wave fundamen­tal or its odd harmonics. (7) Revealing­ness is a relative qualityrevealing com­pared to what other speaker? (8) I listen before I measure. (9) I did comment on the excellent height and width of the soundstage. (10) Just as a single exam-
ple, the ACI (Audio Concepts, Inc.) G3
speaker, reviewed in Issue No. 19, beats the MG-1.5/QR on bass and just about everything else, at less than two thirds the price.
As for manufacturers' comments, we publish every word of them uneditedif they write us. I don't believe in letting them preview the reviews, however; it makes for fruitless preemptive hassles.
Final thought: your Magneplanar MG-1.5/QR is every bit as good, or bad, after my review as it was before it. You are quite certain that it's a great speaker, so why is it important to you that it should be blessed by The Audio Critic ?
The Audio Critic:
Most, if not all, of the articles ap­pearing in The Audio Critic are informa­tive, so I would like to suggest that some knowledgeable individual write a short
article on what qualities make something
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95
sound live. When one walks into a dining room or bar and hears a piano, it is easy to tell with the first chord if the music is live or is being reproduced, and some­times even the make of the piano. It is one of the reasons I have stopped going to most concerts, as they seem to feel they must use speakers, and therefore I'm forced to listen to a loudspeaker (not nec­essarily a good speaker) and not the in­strument itself. If I go to a concert I want to hear the actual horn or piano or what­ever. If I want to hear speakers, I can stay home, as I've better speakers than they use and far better sound.
I happen to be a collector of jazz from the 1920s to the 1950s and still buy 78 rpm records when I find something in very good condition that I want. I collect these old records because many of these recordings have not found their way onto LPs or CDs. The bonus is that the music on these 78 rpm records has more of a live sound than LPs and much more than CDs. I think Doug Sax touched on this once. I truly believe, and hope, that I'm not being influenced by the scratch and noise common to these old records.
My cassette deck, a Nakamichi 680ZX, has a plasma display in place of a VU meter or LEDs as level indicators. When I copy a CD or even a 33-rpm LP record onto a cassette, it is easy to see the lighted portion of the display move from left to right on drum rim shots or struck
piano notes (anything percussive). By that, I mean one can easily see the lighted
portion travel from say -40 to 0 dB. Al­though fast, it's easy to see it move up
the scale with an increased level. When I copy a 78-rpm record onto a cassette, it's different. The music going from -40 dB
to 0 dB will result in the entire display,
up to 0 dB, instantly being lit. It is so fast that one cannot see any movement of the
lighted display; it just appears. This in­stant change in level also happens if I
record the grand piano in our great room. All of this is not as noticeable on LED displays and completely obscured on VU
meters, as both are slow in comparison
to respond. Maybe that is why there are
so few plasma displays.
This leads me to believe that the at­tack time of a sound seems to have a di­rect bearing on how live it appears, and a live sound is what we are all striving for. Even when played through a 5 or 8 kHz lowpass filter, 78-rpm records have a live sound. To focus my question, why doesn't a CD sound as live as a 78-rpm
record? By eliminating the compressors and limiters and minimizing the active
stages and feedback, surely we should be
able to archive CDs that sound as live as the old 78-rpm records of sixty years ago. The added benefit of having no noise would be wonderful.
I have every issue of The Audio
Critic, having read all of them at least twice. Keep up the good work, as there is so much #*%!# being shoveled out
Yours truly, Thomas F. Burroughs Prescott, AZ
Aren't you the Tom Burroughs who was selling Klipschorns in New York City circa 1951? (I was very, very young then, of course, and so were you.) If so, here's some advice from one geezer to another:
Finagle yourself an invitation to a live recording session (of a reasonably competent label, I should add). Listen to the direct sound of the musicians. That's live, right? Now step into the monitor room. (I'm assuming something a little better than a telephone booth, and decent monitor speakers.) What you now hear is the CD sound (via the same l's and 0's as will appear on the CD). How "live " is it? Do you now feel that 78-rpm shellac would sound more nearly like the live musicians? I seriously doubt that you would feel that after such an exercise. I think you have lapsed into some kind of technostalgia (to coin a word).
Of course, a superb 78-rpm record­ing from 1947, pressed on vinyl (which they started to use around then) may sound more "live" than an indifferent LP
from 1951, which in turn may sound bet-
ter than a botched CD from 1984 (they had a few of those). But the best 78s ver­sus the best LPs versus the best CDs? Get out!
I have no idea what's with your lev­el indicatorit could be any number of things, including overloadbut it isn't attack time you're measuring. The lead­ing edge of a dynamic peak is determined by the high frequencies, and the 78-rpm shellac medium was certainly not superi­or in bandwidth to LP and CD. As for compression, yes, it can upset the apple­cart, but good CDs aren't compressed.
And, by the way, feedback (correctly applied feedback) is not the bad guy. That's a 1970s notion, meanwhile laid to rest by some of the best minds in the engi­neering world. Gotta keep up with the
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times, old-timer. (Oops, what if you're
not that Tom Burroughs? What a burn...)
The Audio Critic:
I am a recent subscriber and I am unbelievably happy to have found The Audio Critic. I assembled a good system for the first time in the last year, so I as­sume that I am the kind of person that other magazines whine about needing to recruit to save the "High End." Please al­low me to give you my perspective as an inquisitive novice.
After reading enough analog drivel every month, I actually started to wonder if I had made a mistake by selling my LP collection 4 years ago, so I went down to my favorite hi-fi dealer and compared a CD player with a much higher-priced turntable/cartridge combo. The CD front end was so vastly superior in detail, dy­namics, noise, and overall quality that I remembered instantly why I smiled the first time I heard a good CD system. I also thought it was pretty darn musical too, whatever that may be.
I am constantly bombarded with ar-
ticles recommending unbelievably expen-
sive wires, interconnects and, most re-
cently, magic wooden disks. I can't hear a difference in controlled blind tests and neither can the people that recommend them, but if you don't agree with them you are some kind of uncultured ignora­mus. Isn't it convenient that the differ­ences are supposed to be unmeasurable things such as dynamic bloom and liquid-
I guess some people like distortion in their music and that's why they love those outrageously expensive vacuum­tube amps. I think that the real reason is that a lot of people went over to Grand­pa's house as a kid, and his stereo glowed in the dark. Now that they have six-figure incomes they'll be damned if theirs isn't going to glow too! It's a good thing we have those East Bloc 1930s economies to supply us with 1930s-technology vacuum tubes.
When I entered the High End I had no inkling that it was a fantasy world in­habited by mystics, romantics, and char­latans. The High End is hurting and at­tracts almost no women (another frequent lament) because it is dominated by re­viewers, retailers, and manufacturers that are either greedy or foolish and have lost touch with reality. I don't think a lot of them realize how bizarre it looks from the outside.
The Audio Critic is like a breath of
fresh air. I'm glad that logic, reason, and facts have a proponent in the audio world. Keep up the good work!
Darren Leite Scottsdale, AZ
Everything you say is right on the money, but you don't ask the sixty-four­dollar question:
Is the truth bad for business?
My answer is that, in the high-end
audio world, the truth is probably bad for business this week and next month but very good for business over the next ten years. B.S. has a limited shelf life; given sufficient time, most consumers tend to switch to the truth. The tweako/weirdo high-end promoters, however, don't think that far ahead.
Thank you for your kind words.
The Audio Critic:
I would like to know if you have an
explanation for the fact that, in my sys­tem, the Parasound HCA-2200II sounds noticeably better through its balanced in­puts. I have a Parasound P/LD-1500 driv­ing it, with 24' lengths of Straight Wire Flexconnect (unbalanced) or Canare Star­Quad (blanced). The levels are matched to within about 0.2 dB, and out of 10 trials, single-blind (I was unaware of the
choices, but the switcher was), the differ­ence was immediately apparent each time.
Yours truly, Rob Bertrando Reno, NV
As David Rich's review in Issue No. 21 clearly explained, the simplistic input buffer circuit makes the balanced-input distortion of the Parasound HCA-2200II more than an order of magnitude worse than through the unbalanced input. The distortion is probably still below the threshold of audibility. Parasound has acknowledged that there was some kind of minor foul-up in the production ver­sion of the balanced input circuit, and we were supposed to get a letter from John Curl that would clarify the matter. We are still waiting.
"Sounds noticeably better" is of course a purely subjective opinion and unprovable. "The difference was immedi­ately apparent" is, on the other hand, a
provable statement and probably true in your case.
Here are the possibilities that I see:
(1) The balanced-input distortion was
just above the threshold of audibility in
your unit, and you liked it. (2) The level matching wasn't good enough ("about"
0.2 dB could have been 0.3 dB, which is often perceptible), and you liked the loud­er or the softer choice. (3) The tweako Straight Wire interconnect, which I'm not
familiar with, may introduce a rolloff or
other marginally audible inaccuracy, and
you liked it.
One thing is certain: the I/O rela­tionship is more linear when the unbal­anced input of the HCA-2200II is used.
The Audio Critic:
I am writing to respond to Mark S. Willliamson's letter, as well as the excel­lent article on clock jitter by Robert W. Adams, in Issue No. 21. First, Mr. Wil­liamson states, "My only regret is that some of the information is a little techni-
cal for those 'laymen' who are not part of the engineering kingdom. I would be grateful if you could dilute some of the techno-lingo from time to time."
Williamson has been complemen­tary to The Audio Critic as am I; howev­er, the idea of catering to a less technical (or nontechnical) readership sends shiv­ers up my spine. Dilute? To what end? I'm not trying to attack this man. I just don't want you to do what he says. I have been reading audio publications for 25 years, with a craving for the detailed arti­cles and technical subjects that appear in every issue of The Audio Critic. There are many audio publications that are al­ready diluted for those who have no stomach for details. If I want serious, scientific, technical analysis of audio is­sues, there are only two choices: TAC at $24 per year, or pay hundreds for a pro­fessional journal such as that of the Au­dio Engineering Society (AES). I worry that there will be continuous pressure on TAC to broaden its appeal by deleting the important details and writing for the mar­keters. I must admit to you that I am a practicing electronics engineer with a B.S.E.E. under my belt, so it figures that the technical details would be much to my liking. I do not wish to demean Mr. Wil­liamson's comments at all, and am pleased that he has joined the thinking among us. The physics of the universe is a complicated thing, and we as mortals must use difficult technical language to describe it with any accuracy at all.
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Robert W. Adams's article on clock jitter was simply outstanding, providing a great analysis of the specifics of clock­jitter effects on digital-to-analog conver-
sion. This is a good example of what I am talking about. Mr. Adams is in a position
(as few are) to write this article. We need just these kinds of articles in order to really understand what is going on, and what is important. David Rich has written several detailed articles that spoke to me as a designer and engineer, sending me
scurrying for my semiconductor data books and reviewing circuit theory. Ex­cellent. I have been waiting many years for this kind of reading from the audio press. Reading TAC is actually challeng­ing for me. I get through a Stereo Review in about 15 minutes, but TAC takes weeks to fully absorb.
Diluted summary: If you change
anything I'm going to get really mad.
Clark Oden Project Engineer Frontier Engineering, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK
Just how technical should a respon­sible audiophile journal be? It's a difficult question. If we oversimplify, we become superficialand there are al­ready plenty of other superficial audio
magazines. If we speak mainly to the E.E. sensibility, we lose the vast majority of our readers. We must strike a delicate balance. As I've stated before, The Audio Critic is not "My First Book of Electrici­ty. " If you don't know what impedance is, or what a FET is, you'11 have to find out
elsewhere. On the other hand, we aren't the "Journal of the AES, Junior," either. We try to keep the math to an absolute
minimum (although David Rich always wants to sneak in more and more). I want the reader who doesn't understand, say, 20% of what we publish to understand
the remaining 80% perfectly. That way the 100% understanding can be expected
to come eventually. Our basic conclu­sions must be crystal clear to everyone and I think they are.
One thing we can do is to break out the highly technical stuff in sidebars, so it doesn't slow down the nontechnical read­er of the main article. Sometimes the arti­cle is written in such a way that it's very difficult separate the rough from the smooth, but as you know we try to do it when we can.
Don't worry, we don't intend to "di­lute " our technical accountability. And I agree completely with your beautiful sen­tence about the physics of the universe.
The Audio Critic:
.. .Keep up the tweak bashing!
Seriously, I have been working on two processes relating to digital audio
recently—sample-rate conversion and
noise-shaped dithering. In an effort to find out what is really bearable vs. what is measurable, I became sucked into the
audiophile-tweak world—I was con-
vinced my sound system wasn't good
enough because I couldn't hear character­istics I could measure. After all, these golden ears doing reviews can obviously hear the differences—right?
I found your magazine in time to be rescued from a fate worse than death— financial and otherwise. Thanks.
Regards, Bruce Hemingway Hemingway Consulting dB Technologies, Inc. Seattle, WA
It's useful to know what to say first, right off the bat, to those golden ears who claim to hear the differences you can't.
You say, "No, you can't hear that. You're
just telling me you can but you'll never
be able to prove it." That immediately steers the discussion in the right direction without allowing it to go off on some highfalutin, abstract, pseudoscientific, psy­chobabble tangentwhich is what I find worse than death.
The Audio Critic:
To the little person "in the smallest room of [his] house" [Issue No. 21, page 4]. The Editor gave you credit for writ­ing, but we know it was copying, don't we? You forgot the quotation marks on
"/ am... and ...behind me." Then you forgot to give the composer Max Reger credit for the quote.
You could have signed your name.
We would have understood the X.
Ron Garber La Porte, IN
What an erudite subscriber! What a sucker of an Editor! What a scummy anonymous letter writer!
I looked it up, and you're absolutely right of course. Here is what Max Reger wrote to the Munich critic Rudolph Louis in response to the latter's review in the Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, Febru­ary
Ich sitze in dem kleinsten Zimmer in meinem Hause. Ich habe Ihre Kritik vor mir. Im nächsten Augenblick wird sie hinter mir sein.
Translation: "I am sitting in the smallest room in my house. I have your review before me. In a moment it will be behind me."
One must understand that in Europe in 1906 the use of newspaper for hygienic purposes was quite common. As for the quip, Max Reger (1) obviously made it up himself and (2) signed his name.
A review in depth of the $19,000 Snell Acoustics Type A loudspeaker system,
along with other interesting speakers.
Reviews of high-quality surround-sound processors and preamplifiers, from
Lexicon, Marantz, B&K Components, and others.
The long-promised survey of FM tuners and indoor antennas (really!). Still more reviews of power amplifiers and preamplifiers (they keep coming).
Further evaluation of perceptual coding technologies and hardware.
Some big surprises (you'll never guess).
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95
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Paradoxes and Ironies of the Audio World:
The Doctor Zaius Syndrome
By Peter Aczel
Editor and Publisher
When the truth is so terrible that admitting it would surely make the whole system crumble, ape logic demands denial and coverup.
Have you ever seen that marvelous 1967 science­fiction movie The Planet of the Apes? If you have, you will recall that it depicts a planet of the future where English-speaking anthropoid apes are the rulers and humans are speechless beasts of burden, enslaved by the apes and despised as a totally inferior species. The apes have horses and guns but no real technology. Doctor Zaius, the subtle and highly articulate orangutan who is this society's "Minister of Science and Defender of the Faith" (he is played by the great Maurice Evans), knows something the other apes do not: that humans in a past era possessed not only speech but superior technology, flying machines, powerful weapons, and so forth, all of which served only to bring about their eventual downfall and reduce them to their present condition. Doctor Zaius fervently believes that any knowledge of this truth about humans would totally destabilize the society of apes and
result in the end of their world. The ape dogma he fanati­cally protects, even though he knows better, is a blatant denial and coverup of the actual history of the vanished human civilization and a paean to the eternal superiority of the ape.
I won't give away the rest of the plot to those of our readers who haven't seen the movie and may want to, but doesn't Doctor Zaius resemble certain key figures in the high-end audio community? He knows the truth but it's bad for the establishment. The system would come crashing down if the truth were revealed. To pick an ob­vious example, consider John Atkinson, the subtle and highly articulate editor of Stereophile. Don't you think he knows? Of course he knows. But if he admitted that $3000-a-pair speaker cable is a shameless rip-off or that a $7000 amplifier sounds no different from a $1400 one, the edifice of high-end audio would begin to totter—or so he thinks (and may quite possibly be right). Consequent­ly, he spouts convoluted scriptural arguments and episte­mological sophistries, just like Doctor Zaius, in order to
pervert the obvious, uncomplicated, devastating truth.
There is a perfect illustration of this process in the
August 1994 issue of Stereophile, where Zaius-Atkinson once again bashes blind listening tests in an "As We See It" editorial. Such tests are of course considered extreme-
ly threatening by a publication that reports night-and-day differences in sound which absolutely nobody can hear when the levels are matched and the brand names con­cealed. He brings up all kinds of intricate flaws and draw­backs that may very well exist in some blind tests but turns his back on the large number of blind tests in which all of his objections have been anticipated and eliminated and which nevertheless yield a no-difference result every time. He knows very well, for example, that no one has ever, ever proved a consistently audible difference be­tween two amplifiers having high input impedance, low output impedance, and low distortion, when operated at matched levels and not clipped—but like Doctor Zaius he conceals that knowledge. He'd rather collect rare case
histories of screwed-up blind tests than deal with the vast body of correctly managed blind tests that undermine the Stereophile agenda. (Just for the record, I'll state for the nth time that there are only two unbreakable rules in blind testing: matched levels and no peeking at the name­plates. To eliminate "stress," take a week or a month for each test, send everybody else out of the room, operate the switch yourself at all times, switch only twice a day—whatever. The results will still be the same.)
A hard-nosed insight by the Weasel.
Our columnist Tom Nousaine (a.k.a. the Weasel), in a recent conversation with me, stated his belief that any longtime audio reviewer who has tested hundreds of different audio components over the years knows exactly what the truth is about soundalikes because it is utterly impossible to escape that truth after so much hands-on experience. It asserts itself loud and clear, again and again. Therefore, he argued, the audio journalists who in­variably report important sonic differences are most like­ly a bunch of hypocrites, i.e., exhibit the Doctor Zaius Syndrome. I was strongly inclined to agree with him, but then I said, "Well, what about Bob Harley?" We agreed that Harley could be an exception. He may very well be sincere because he just doesn't get it, not even after all these years. Larry Archibald, on the other hand, is smart and tough and definitely knows the truth, we felt. He is probably the biggest Doctor Zaius of them all, ready to
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make a monkey of any insufficiently enlightened audio­phile. At the risk of offending against the principle of de mortuis nil nisi bonum, I'm willing to venture the opinion that even the late Bert Whyte and Len Feldman, regard­less of their other important contributions, did a Doctor Zaius number on certain audio issues rather than face the wrath of the tweaks and the accusation of heresy. As for Harry Pearson and company, who knows? Are astrolo­gers, shamans, and witch doctors sincere or hypocritical? As long as they don't try to usurp scientific arguments, what difference does it make? And if they do try, they're pathetically ineffective anyway.
A serious credibility gap.
In the same issue of Stereophile as the John Atkin­son blind-test-bashing editorial, Larry Archibald views with alarm the low bit-rate coding scene in an open letter to Pioneer. He wants them to hold off on the implementa­tion of the Dolby AC-3 coding standard for LaserDisc because it may not be the highest-quality solution soni­cally. In other words, he suddenly doffs his orangutan suit and shows concern for something that may actually be true, i.e., audible.
Well, you blew it, Larry baby. You went ape—or cried wolf, to mix my animal metaphors—so many times about low-credibility tweako matters that on the Pioneer level of big-money decision making you are no longer taken seriously even when you may have a perfectly le­gitimate, nontweako argument. That's quite obvious from the two replies by Pioneer executives printed in the September issue, both of which basically tell you to re­lax, tweak boy, take it easy, and let the real experts get on with their work—at least that's the way I read them. You may conceivably end up being right, and Pioneer wrong, about Dolby AC-3, but you're clearly wasting your breath. (See also Tom Nousaine's column in this is­sue for a somewhat different perspective.)
By the way...
As I recently noted with a poignant sense of recog­nition, Stereophile's visual leitmotiv for blind testing is the familiar three apes with hands on eyes (get it?), ears, and mouth. Now you know why. It isn't just an art direc­tor's passing fancy. Doctor Zaius can feel right at home.
Why do I even bother to tell you all this?
All of our readers who have been with us for more than just one or two issues are aware of my enormous frustration on the subject of scientific truth in audio. The very idea of a Doctor Zaius Syndrome, even it's only a parody, suggests the existence of antiscience in audio as a tradition, not just a momentary aberration—and a tradi­tion it is, going back to the early 1970s, at the very least. In the late '40s and throughout the '50s and '60s, whatev­er the most highly qualified and experienced engineers said about audio was the accepted truth. Then came post-
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95
modern irrationalism, post-Watergate anomie, fortune tellers in high places, pyramid power, Jesus-haired record-store clerks as self-proclaimed audio experts, un­tutored high-end journals, pooh-poohing of engineering societies, derision of degreed academics—the B.S. era of audio (and I don't mean Bachelor of Science). Today, the melancholy truth is that tweako cultism has become mainstream audio, at least above a certain price range, and engineering facts are regarded as disturbingly radical or at least eccentric. The scientific audio community has been marginalized.
I despair at this point of a journalistic solution. Even if The Audio Critic increased its circulation by a factor of 50 overnight—I'm being deliberately absurd— it might still be too late for the message. The cultists have been too deeply indoctrinated and too long. The pimply-faced kid in the Bon Jovi T-shirt who tried to sell you AudioQuest Sorbothane Feet (the bigger kind) in your local audio salon is not going to change his belief system. Not in this antirationalist age and culture.
I can think of only one effective remedy. Many years ago, long before our younger readers became inter­ested in audio, the Federal Trade Commission put an end to fraudulent power-output claims in amplifiers. Today, the power-output specification must take the form of "200 watts rms into 8 ohms from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at less than 0.25% total harmonic distortion." Before then, the same amplifier could have claimed 800 watts because it could produce that for 2 milliseconds at 1 kHz into 2 ohms with 10% distortion. What if the FTC suddenly be­came interested in audio cable advertising, for example?
That chattering sound you hear comes from the teeth of cable vendors at the mere mention of the possibility. And that low, rumbling sound you hear is Doctor Zaius growl­ing, "That's heresy!"
Anyone out there whose nephew or brother-in-law
is a young, crusading, Ralph-Nader-like employee of the FTC? Get him interested!
* * *
P.S. Long after the above was written, just before
press time, I received a PR release from one of Stereo- phile's flacks, hyping the magazine's willingness to tell the "absolute truth" about a product even at the risk of losing the advertising support of the manufacturer. The latest editorial by Larry Archibald-Zaius simultaneously proclaims the same lofty principle. The Velodyne brouhaha is used in both instances as proof: they panned the DF-661 speaker; Velodyne canceled all its ads; see how incorruptible they are. Hey, you can't buy off the Defenders of the High End Faith with a few ads when they face the deadly threat of a midpriced super speaker!
"I [don't] see any reason...why a magazine
couldn't have both principles and commercial success," the PR release quotes Archibald-Zaius. "I've never had even a second thought on the subject."
The monkey doth protest too much, methinks. •
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Loudspeakers Are
Getting Better and Better
By Peter Aczel
Editor and Publisher
The proof is in the recent designs that nudge the state of the art, particularly in bass reproduction, but also in minimizing distortion over the full range.
I can't say it often enough: if you already own a fairly decent home music system, nothing can sig­nificantly change the quality of your audio life except new and better loudspeakers. They are so much more im-
portant than preamps, power amps, CD players, etc. What happens in most audiophile households, however, is that the main speakers are firmly embedded in the liv­ing-room décor, so that any major change is subject to vigorous spousal objection, especially if larger speakers are contemplated. The typical audiophile then satisfies his lust for shiny new equipment by buying, say, a new preamplifier and persuading himself that the sound is now much better, when in effect it hasn't changed the least bit. It's a syndrome that depresses the hell out of me.
(Incidentally, I was recently exposed to a pair of
rather large loudspeakers packaged in a novel way that could conceivably overcome spousal objection, even though at first glance the speakers actually appear to be larger than they are. The system, not yet sold anywhere, is called the Applied Acoustics Model 10A and is the brainchild of Jim Suhre, a Raytheon rocket scientist (real­ly!), and Vic Kalilec, an electronics engineer, both from Tennessee. What they showed me was a monumental floor-to-ceiling wall system, the most salient feature of which is its gigantic, seamless, curved tambour door. Open the door and all your electronic equipment is in there, including your large-screen TV. Close the door and the whole shebang looks structural, not like audio equipment. Jim Suhre claims that the curved tambour acts as an ultrasophisticated dispersion device. I have my reservations about that but can report that the sound had exceptionally even spectral balance, from the lowest to the highest frequencies. The speakers, when their floor­to-ceiling grille is taken away, are revealed to be only chest high; I'd say they have the overall impact of B&W Matrix 803's or something along those lines. The drivers and network appear to be of the highest quality. The price was still up in the air when I looked; those who go for this sort of thing will no doubt be able to afford it.)
ACI "Spirit"
Audio Concepts, Inc., 901 South 4th Street, La Crosse, WI
54601. "Spirit" floor-standing 2-way loudspeaker system, $499.00 the pair (direct from ACI). Tested samples on loan
from manufacturer.
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, ex­cept death and taxes," Ben Franklin wrote. That may have been true in 1789, but today I would add: "and good value from ACI." The combination of direct marketing,
conscientious design, and just plain common sense have made Mike Dzurko's trademark synonymous with "more speaker for your dollar." That's certainly true of a pair of Spirits, which satisfy all the basic audiophile demands, except for the deepest bass, at the totally unexpected price of $499.
The speaker is a 32" high box with a footprint of less than a square foot, housing an 8" woofer with poly­propylene cone and a 1" aluminum-dome tweeter. The woofer is aperiodically loaded with four small holes in the back of the cabinet near the floor; the tweeter has a plastic dispersion plug and is surrounded with felt. The left and right speakers are mirror-imaged. The oak veneer of my samples was of good quality.
The impedance curve of the Spirit shows the box to be tuned to 50 Hz and the minimum impedance of the system to be 6½ ohms (8 ohms nominal). Total impe­dance variation is between that minimum and 33 ohms in magnitude and ±45° in phase. Any decent amplifier should be able to drive such a load.
The quasi-anechoic (MLS) frequency response was interesting in that both the woofer and tweeter were quite flat, within ±2 dB or so, but the transition between them in the 2 to 3.5 kHz range was not smooth, showing vari­ous irregularities of the order of 7 dB, depending on the angle of measurement. Since all these irregularities were basically minus (i.e., not peaks) and in the most sensitive range of the ear, they may have acted as inadvertent zip-
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piness suppressors. At this price, you can't expect the crossover network to be too sophisticated; it appears to be second-order, with out-of-phase wiring of the drivers. The tweeter has a double resonance at 17 kHz and 24 kHz; otherwise it's quite smooth and remarkably clean in response to tone bursts; there is no ringing at any fre­quency. The same is true of the woofer cone.
The nearfield response of the woofer shows the f
(-3 dB point) to be 50 Hz, with only a 12 dB per octave rolloff below that frequency. That means useful response down to 35 Hz or so. Can't ask for much more than that.
The sound of the Spirit is essentially neutral. That's a simple statement but not a simple achievement. More than a few extremely costly speakers don't sound neutral. Transparency is good but not superb (what did you ex­pect?). Dynamic range is very good. I didn't measure the distortion because it's obvious from the drivers that it can't be either very low or very high, and the process is time-consuming; the sound, let me assure you, is quite clean at high levels. All in all, this is a highly acceptable, far from puny-sounding, musically pleasing little loud­speaker. I was demoing a very high-end speaker to a friend, and then switched to the Spirits. The difference was obvious but not very dramatic. Hey, for $499?
Bag End ELF Systems S10E-C and S18E-C
(continued from Issue No. 21)
Modular Sound Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 488, Barrington, IL
60011. Voice: (708) 382-4550. Fax: (708) 382-4551. ELF-1 two-channel dual integrator electronics, $2460.00. S10E-C black-carpet enclosure with single 10" woofer, $234.00 each. S18E-C black-carpet enclosure with single 18" woofer, $658.00 each. Tested samples on loan from manufacturer.
I see this equipment in a slightly different perspec­tive now that I have measured it and evaluated it at con­siderably greater length. I don't take back my original statement that "I have never heard bass like this in my listening room," but the reason for that was not the ELF technology. It was the combination of the air-moving ca­pability of two 18" drivers, flat response all the way down into the 20-to-10-Hz octave, excellent damping, and little or no dynamic compression—a combination I hadn't previously experienced, as a total package, in my listening setup.
I now believe that good conventional technology could achieve the same results—even if it rarely does, for various reasons. (See also David Rich's sidebar on the subject and the Velodyne Servo F-1500R review below.) Since an ELF-1 unit plus two S18E sub woofers plus two high-powered amplifier channels could run into $5000 or more, the question is whether or not the ELF approach yields any substantive benefits in a domestic sound sys-
ISSUE NO. 22 • WINTER 1994-95
tern (as distinct from professional applications—see be­low) that are not obtainable by simpler means for less money. My present feeling is that, from the stay-at-home audiophile's point of view, the ELF system is "a solution in search of a problem." That doesn't make it sound less good than I said, but the I've-got-to-have-it factor is gone because what makes it sound good isn't its uniqueness.
My measurements showed the S10E and S18E to be almost identical in small-signal frequency response when driven via the ELF-1 (with all switches down, the most wide-open setting). The deviation from absolute flatness is ±0.5 dB down to 20 Hz, dropping to -4 dB at
10 Hz. The Bag End literature shows curves for the S18E that indicate -2 dB response at 10 Hz, which is more consistent with an f3 (-3 dB frequency) of 8 Hz, the claimed system cutoff. I see no reason to make a federal case out of the discrepancy; the measured f3 of 12 Hz is good enough for me. Of course, as the signal is in­creased, the air-moving and power-handling capability of the S18E quickly passes that of the S10E; on the other hand, multiple Sl0E's in a cluster could keep up with the S18E in all respects.
The f3 also moves up, inevitably, as the level is in­creased; either the driver or the amplifier (remember, it's boosted 12 dB per octave), or both, will reach a limit in linear output capability. The ELF concealment circuit deals with this very neatly (again, see sidebar); it is prob­ably the cleverest and most original element of the total system. You can crank the volume to any level you wish; at some point when, say, the bass drum is thwacked, the concealment threshold lights come on, but you hear no distortion and are unaware of compression; it's smooth as silk. You could argue, of course, that this is needed only because the system has the inherent weakness of be­ing based on tremendous electronic boost—one compli­cated mechanism to correct the side effects of another complicated mechanism.
I measured the distortion of the Bag End subwoof­ers with the ELF concealment threshold set to leave the circuit inactive at the levels tested (all switches down). That way I was measuring the true electroacoustic accu­racy of the equalized transducers. Needless to say, the amplifier was at all times operating well below clipping.
On the whole, the distortion figures were not im­pressive. For example, at 30 Hz, as I gradually increased the 1-meter SPL from 80 dB to 95 dB, the distortion of the S18E as measured very close to the cone went from 2% up to 4%. At 40 Hz, the distortion over the same SPL range varied between 1.1% and 1.7%. At 20 Hz, I mea­sured 2.6% (80 dB) to 10% (95 dB). Compare that with the Velodyne F-1500's distortion figures (see below) and you'll begin to understand the design priorities of each. The S10E has a very similar distortion profile down to 30 Hz but gets worse at 20 Hz, as you'd expect. Overall, even the bargain-priced Hsu Research HRSW10 sub­woofer (Issue No. 19, pp. 21-22) beats the Bag Ends on
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