streets-of-New-York type of vulgarity. I
tried to calm Michael by telling him that I
did not consider him to be an evil person
but just someone with absurd ideas, but
he kept loudly accusing me of "ad hominem attacks" (his editor, Harry Pearson,
also loves that phrase) and looking
around for group approval. I then made
the mistake of tossing off a small pedantic joke. I asked, "Who was the homo in
hominem?" Then I added, "You know,
hominem is the accusative of homo, re-
quired by the preposition ad." Michael
did not get the Latinist jest. His confused
reaction indicated that all he had heard
was the word homo, and I'm not even
sure he knew it means man. That will
teach me to make gratuitous scholarly
noises where the cultural tone is New
York candy store. Indeed, that will teach
me to have any kind of commerce with
the Fremeroid element in the audio world.
The Audio Critic:
It's been roughly two years or so
since my departure from "tweako/voodoo
salon" land, and I owe thanks to you and
your staff for the insight and knowledge
you share through The Audio Critic. It's
amazing what science and a little common sense can do for the soul. As the
song states, "I was once blind but now I
see!" My only regret is that some of the
information is a little technical for those
"laymen" who are not a part of the engineering kingdom. I would be grateful if
you could dilute some of the techno-lingo
from time to time.
Throughout the years, I've noticed
that many audio magazines rarely even
mention the name McIntosh. The company has been around since 1949 and has a
solid reputation for reliability and quality,
just like Krell, Bryston, etc., yet the
tweaks hardly touch it. Why? The design
(external appearance) may be a bit out of
date for some, but the internal components hardly seem archaic. According to
the principles presented in your publication, if the McIntosh amps operate within
their given parameters, then they should
sound no different than a Krell or Boul-
der. Thus, these amps should be highly
regarded and recommended, unless
there's something I've missed. How
about The Audio Critic, in a future issue,
taking the opportunity to test a McIntosh
amp. I would love to see how it compares
to some of the other big boys on the
Please keep up the excellent work.
Your magazine lights the path for many
in a confused and disturbed audio world.
Mark S. Williamson
Washington, D.C.
/ blush because your words of praise
make me appear to be something close to
a spiritual leader, a responsibility I re-
fuse to shoulder. (Lenny Bruce once said
that anyone who calls himself a religious
leader and owns more than one suit is a
hustler. I own two suits.)
McIntosh is indeed an interesting
company. You are quite right; they make,
and always made, beautifully engineered
equipment. During their long years under
the leadership of the late Gordon Gow,
they kept their dialogue with the high-end
audio press to a minimum, probably be-
cause they felt that with their thoroughly
established reputation and highly supportive dealer network they had nothing to
gain from a good review but something to
lose as a result of an irresponsible tweako
hatchet job. Hey, they were probably
About two years ago the picture
changed somewhat. The firm is now
owned by the Japanese; the new management is not from the high-end audio
world and is gung ho on marketing, PR,
the whole big-business canon. They have
a new car-audio line, among other
things. So far, from where I'm sitting, I
can discern no compromise whatsoever
with traditional Mcintosh engineering or
product integrity, and the party line is
that there will be none. Amen. They are
definitely cozier with the audio press,
however; you will undoubtedly see more
reviews, and I think that will include reviews in this publication. Based on what I
already know, I expect their power ampli-
fiers, especially, to do very well in engi-
neering shootouts with some of the sacred
cows of the High End.
The Audio Critic:
I just read my first issue of The Audio
Critic (No. 20). I can only say that I have
been looking for this type of coverage of
the audio industry for several years and
have found it only in this one publication.
I first became involved in audio as a teenager in 1966, working in what was then a
"high-end" audio store in San Francisco.
I have remained interested and involved
ever since.
I have been an avid reader of all the
popular audio publications over the years
except for Stereophile and The Absolute
Sound (by the time I discovered these last
two, they had become too involved in beliefs in the superiority of older tube and
analog equipment for my taste). I have
had a subscription to Audio since the late
'60s. In recent years I have become highly disillusioned with the direction of most
publications and audio salons. So-called
"high-end" audio is becoming more and
more an exercise in frustration rather than
the source of pleasure it should be. We
are not told what sounds good but rather
what is wrong with the sound of just
about everything out there except maybe
one of those $150,000 all-out high-end
systems. There is far too much emphasis
on the cost of components and how cost
is related to "sound quality," even though
most high-enders will deny it.
At one time I was going to be an au-
dio engineer. I chose instead to become a
psychologist but have never left my
scientific orientation. As a result, I have
become what might be termed a psychology critic. I have remained true to only
empirically based studies of behavior and
have taken many courses in research design and statistics. There are some interesting parallels between psychology and
high-end audio, the most obvious being
the lack of empirical support for the assertions that are so commonly made. Psychology always has been and continues to
be filled with interesting but often worthless theories that become the basis for interesting but often worthless therapies.
As in high-end audio, the public can spend
hundreds of thousands of dollars on tech-
nologies (therapies) that are of dubious
I had become so frustrated with the
audio scene over the last year or so that I
was hardly even reading anything anymore. In trying to purchase some audio
products during this same time, I was
convinced to buy some products by an
audio salesman, which turned out to be a
big mistake. Luckily the store that had
sold them to me was happy to give me
my money back when I returned them un-
happy. However, this was for accessories
like cables, not big-money items like
speakers, amplifiers, or preamps. I even
got into a big argument with a salesman
about the purchase of a Toslink cable for
copying CDs onto DAT. I was told that
several other products were far superior
and "what I really wanted was..." What I
really wanted was a Toslink cable! Dur-