Audio Critic the 21 r schematic

Issue No. 21
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Issue No. 22.
Retail price: U.S. $7.50, Can. $8.50
Unconventional deployment of conventional drivers, with superior results. (See the loudspeaker reviews.)
In this issue:
Your Editor reviews an unusually interesting and varied assortment of loudspeaker systems.
We take a first look at the Sony MiniDisc system. David Rich dissects analog and digital electronics
by Harman Kardon, Krell, Parasound, Sentec, et al. Plus many other test reports, all our
regular columns, letters to the Editor, and CD reviews by David Ranada.
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Clock Jitter, D/A Converters, and Sample-Rate Conversion
By Robert W. Adams, Analog Devices, Inc., Wilmington, MA
Loudspeaker Systems Using Forward-Firing Cones and Domes: How Good Can They Get?
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher
25 B&W Matrix 803 Series 2 26 NHT Model 3.3 28 Sequerra Model NFM-PRO 29 Velodyne DF-661 (quick preview) 30 Magneplanar MG-1.5/QR (dipole) 31 Bag End ELF Systems S10E-C and S18E-C (subwoofers) 33 MSB Acoustic Screens (acoustical accessory)
Analog Electronics: More Power Amplifiers, Preamp/Control Units, and Mild Surprises
By David A. Rich, Ph.D., Contributing Technical Editor
34 Stereo Power Amplifier: Harman Kardon PA2400 36 Full-Function Preamplifier: Harman Kardon AP2500
38 Line-Level Remote Preamplifier: Krell KRC-2 41 Stereo Power Amplifier: Parasound HCA-2200II 44 Line-Level Preamplifier: Rotel RHA-10 (quick preview by the Editor) 44 Stereo Power Amplifier: Rotel RHB-10 (quick preview by the Editor)
Digital Electronics: More CD Players, D/A Processors, Transports, and a First Look at the Sony MiniDisc System
By Peter Aczel, Editor and Publisher & David A. Rich, Ph.D., Contributing Technical Editor
45 Outboard D/A Converter: EAD DSP-90000 Pro (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 46 Compact Disc Player: Harman Kardon HD7725 (Reviewed by David Rich) 48 Outboard D/A Converter: Krell Studio (Reviewed by David Rich) 50 DAC/Line Amplifier: Monarchy Audio Model 33 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 53 CD/Videodisc Transport: Monarchy Audio DT-40A (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 53 Outboard D/A Converter: Sentec DiAna (Reviewed by David Rich) 55 Compact Disc Player: Sony CDP-X707ES (Reviewed by Peter Aczel) 56 2nd-Generation MiniDisc Recorder: Sony MDS-501 (Reviewed by Peter Aczel)
High-Definition Thinking in Small, Furry Mammals
or The Weasel's Guide to Maximum Satisfaction
By Tom Nousaine
Hip Boots Wading through the Mire of Misinformation in the Audio Press
Six commentaries by the Editor
Recorded Music
Miscellany of CDs and Musical Videodiscs
By David Ranada (with a few additional capsule reviews by the Editor)
3 Box 978: Letters to the Editor
ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994 1
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Issue No. 21 Spring 1994 Editor and Publisher Peter Aczel
Contributing Technical Editor David Rich Contributing Editor at Large David Ranada Technical Consultant Steven Norsworthy Columnist Tom Nousaine Cartoonist and Illustrator Tom Aczel Business Manager Bodil Aczel
The Audio Critic® (ISSN 0146-4701) is published quarterly for $24
per year by Critic Publications, Inc., 1380 Masi Road, Quakertown, PA
18951-5221. Second-class postage paid at Quakertown, PA. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951-0978.
The Audio Critic is an advisory service and technical review for consumers of sophisticated audio equipment. Any conclusion, rating, recommendation, criticism, or caveat published by The Audio Critic represents the personal findings and judgments of the Editor and the Staff, based only on the equipment available to their scrutiny and on their knowledge of the subject, and is therefore not offered to the reader as an infallible truth nor as an irreversible opinion applying to all extant and forthcoming samples of a particular product. Address all editorial correspondence to The Editor, The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951-0978.
Contents of this issue copyright © 1994 by Critic Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Repro­duction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Paraphrasing of product reviews for advertising or commercial purposes is also prohibited without prior written permission. The Audio Critic will use all available means to prevent or prosecute any such unauthorized use of its material or its name.
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Secondly, we have only two subscription rates. If you live in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, you pay $24 for four consecutive issues (scheduled to be mailed at approximately quarterly intervals). If you live in any other country, you pay $38 for a four-issue subscription by airmail. All payments from abroad, including Canada, must be in U.S. funds, collectable in the U.S. without a service charge.
You may start your subscription with any issue, although we feel that new subscribers should have a few back issues to gain a better un-
derstanding of what The Audio Critic is all about. We still have Issues No. 11, 13, 14, and 16 through 20 in stock. Issues earlier than No. 11 are now out of print, as are No. 12 and No. 15. Please specify which issues you want (at $24 per four).
One more thing. We don't sell single issues by mail. You'll find
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Address all subscriptions to The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978,
Quakertown, PA 18951-0978. VISA/MasterCard: (215) 538-9555.
From the Editor/Publisher:
Issue No. 20 was optimistically dated Late Summer 1993 but was mailed in the second week of the fall. Unforeseen delays resulted in one omitted quarter; hence the more realistic Spring 1994 dating of this issue. The staff expansion I so fondly previewed is still in the incipient stage. With all the reviews in this issue, it was suggested to me that I split it down the middle to make it into two issues (maybe I should have), or label it a double issue in fulfillment of two quarters of a subscription (I would never do that). Yes, there will be a Summer 1994 issue, possibly even sooner than you think.
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Box 978
Letters to the Editor
In the last issue your Ed. griped in this space about uninteresting letters seeking advice on purely
private purchasing plans (alliteration unintended). Now I want to gripe about reasonably interesting
but unpublishable letters that ramble on for seven or eight illegibly handwritten pages, propounding
the correspondent's opinions on eleven different audio subjects. What is the purpose of such a letter?
What am I supposed to do with it? Get a life, guysor get a word processor. Letters printed here may or may not be excerpted at the discretion of the Editor. Ellipsis (...) indicates omission. Address all editorial correspondence to the Editor, The Audio Critic, P.O. Box 978, Quakertown, PA 18951.
The Audio Critic:
When making the suggestion that Berlioz was worthy of joining "the 3 B's" [Issue No. 17, p. 57], you likely never knew that Liszt's disciple Peter Cornelius coined the formula with Berlioz as the third! Bülow signaled his revolt from Wagner (who had earlier stolen his wife Cosima, née Liszt) by purloining the phrase to glorify Brahms.
Actually "the 3 B's" may be held nonsense by Magyars, or other non­Teutons (such as I). So is your warning that Berlioz's worst is probably worse than Bach's, Beethoven's, or Brahms's worst. Since Berlioz is the lone great composer who was never granted full "canonization" (which can account for your electing him so shyly to "3 B" status, and the rare event of Inbal's semicycle recordings: he'll never be subjected to the fashion), he still suffers from such pre­posterous slights, even from renowned musicians (e.g., Celibidache and Nigel Kennedy), which only an exceedingly bold critic would make against the others.
Can you recall Tovey's remarks—of which Haggin was so fond—that "neither Shakespeare nor Schubert will ever be understood by any critic or artist who re-
gards their weaknesses and inequalities as proof that they are artists of less than the highest rank," and that "the highest qualities attained in important [my em­phasis] parts of a great work are as inde­structible by weaknesses elsewhere as if the weaknesses were the accidents of physical ruin." Tovey wrote that to exalt Schubert against the shallow regard then
rampant but now all but extinct....
I don't overlook the fact that the mu­sic of Berlioz pleases you greatly. (A vis­itor to Wagner reported that he first said that Romeo and Juliet's Love Scene, just as wisely called the Adagio of Berlioz's 3rd Symphony, was "the most beautiful music ever composed.") A superior critic (and Nobel-winning novelist) of France, Romain Rolland (also friend and corre­spondent of Freud!) enrolled Bach, Han­del, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and Wagner as the finest of all composers and claimed that after them he knew no other who was superior, even equal, to Hector Berlioz. Berlioz seemed incapable of the vulgarity (or kitsch or bathos) which afflicts German composers, and Brahms especially (ever seen Cary Grant conduct the Academic Festival Overture in Peo-
ple Will Talk?), and so became approved
and emulated in all Western music...
...While comparing one and an­other's worst and best, what is gained from tallying pages, measuring the stacks of bad and good? Yet you felt compelled to indulge this pointless fancy at Berlioz's
Sincerely, Owen M. Feldman Elkins Park, PA
Ha! Fooled you alldidn't I?by beginning this column with a music­oriented letter rather than audio talk. My main reason for doing so was actually to contradict my preamble above with, shall we say, the exception that proves the rule. This letter came written in a small, compressed hand on what appears to be a legal-size yellow pad, then very badly Xeroxed and the copy sent instead of the original. I chewed my way through 3¼ legal-size pages of smeared, streaked, gray mess and decided to publish about a
fourth of it because I found it interesting
and entertaining. I'm not taking back a single word of my preambulary com­ments, but I guess I am a sucker for knowledgeable music talk. It's certainly a nice change from tweako audio talk. I'll
ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994 3
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even apologize for my churlishness anent Berlioz's small lapses; on second thought they're probably no worse than Bach's or Beethoven's. Besides, a man who is even slightly underwhelmed by Brahms can't be all bad and should be humored.
The Audio Critic:
..."Accountability in audio journal­ism" and your no-nonsense, rational ap­proach to product reviews are a refresh­ing change and a source of continuing entertainment for me. David Rich is a su­perb find.
Regarding the MTM [mid/tweet/mid] driver geometry, you are correct in that I was not the first to use it (Issue No. 20, page 42). To my knowledge the earliest commercially successful use was by Koss in a small 2-way system with 4" mid/bass drivers. The choice of this geometry by Koss, however, appeared to be largely cosmetic. Meridian also made such a sys­tem about the time my paper appeared ["A Geometric Approach to Eliminating Lobing Error in Multiway Loudspeakers," 74th Convention of the AES, New York, 8-12 October 1983, Preprint 2000], but again no mention of its superior polar re­sponse was made by them.
With Linkwitz's 1976 paper the problem of polar-axis frequency­dependent wander or lobing error became widely appreciated. Linkwitz's solution to the problem was to use inphase cross­over networks. I was the first to demon­strate in the open literature that the MTM geometry automatically eliminates lobing error and to show the relationship be­tween polar response and crossover order for this geometry. I also designed several commercially successful loudspeaker sys­tems and system kits using this geometry.
Two of these systems were featured in Speaker Builder magazine. The "Auditor Point Source Aria Five," a Focal/JML product which sold exlusively in Europe, won the best loudspeaker of the year award for 1991 from Hifi Vidéo (Paris, March 1991). The MTM geometry is now widely used and several manufactur­ers have attributed the concept to me in their promotional literature. I believe it is for these reasons that the MTM geometry has become associated with my name.
Yours truly,
Joseph D'Appolito, Ph.D.
Andover, MA
Thank you for the compliments. Isn't
it remarkable that technologists with the highest credentials, such as you, always like us and that the scattered little en­claves of hostility out there are invariably
peopled by the technically untutored?
As for the MTM geometry, I myself was the grunt of a design team (Bruce Zayde, now with Hewlett-Packard, was the whiz) that developed such a speaker in 1984-85. It was called the Fourier 44 (because of the two 4½" mid/bass driv­ers) and shown at the 1985 Summer CES. A few studio types and broadcasters are still using it as a small monitor. We didn't attach the D'Appolito appellation to it, but conceptually the crossover was along the Linkwitz/D'Appolito guidelines. The speaker is currently extinct.
Audio designers have been known to claim credit for work done by others, but you are the first in my experience to dis­claim, or heavily circumscribe, credit for something the world has already fully credited to you. That's what I call a class act!
The Audio Critic:
Sorry, Charlie! This $24 is going to Stereophilel I am sitting in the smallest room of my house with your so-called magazine in front of me. It will soon be
behind me. I'm sorry I ever wasted a cent on your rag.
The above anonymous and untrace-
able message was scribbled on a blank copy of our pink form soliciting renewal of an expired subscription and returned to us in our business reply envelope at our expense. I am publishing it as a clue to the sociocultural/intellectual profile of those who opt for Stereophile in prefer­ence to our publication. Such class! Such wit! But such an awkward seat for letter writing! (Needless to say, I washed my hands after handling the form.)
The Audio Critic:
In Issue No. 20, Drew Daniels' letter cited a transmission line's electrical length as analogous to the phase shift in a length of speaker cable. This is not true. A speaker cable is in effect a lowpass filter—your own curves in Issue No. 16 clearly show this. Depending on the LCR of the cable, the driving impedance (am­plifier), and the load impedance (speak­er), the cutoff frequency could take place
within or, hopefully, above the audio band.
The phase shift within the audio band is determined by all of the above, but generally will be capacitive (negative degrees) at low frequencies, pass through resistive (zero degrees), then become in-
ductive (positive degrees) at higher fre­quencies. In any case, even modest lengths of any of the cables sold today will exibit many degrees of phase shift at the speaker terminals as a function of fre­quency. The only way to avoid power loss, high-frequency rolloff, reduced damping factor (drastic in some cases), and phase shift (although I don't know that this is important) is to use no speaker cable. Your own suggestion to use mono amps at the speakers' backs with short
jumpers is a most valid one.
Another subject: May I respectfully
decline to accept your request to contrib-
ute for the advancement of Bob Harley's
technical education? I find his "jittery" stepping through technical issues very
amusing and entertaining. With more ed­ucation he could become dangerous— another Martin Colloms!
Don't give in to those who would like you to compromise with the witch doctors. Someone has to bring all the hype to the forefront and it appears you are the only one.
Sincerely, Jefferson P. Lamb
Incline Village, NV
It seems to me that Drew Daniels and you are talking about two different things. He talks about phase shift as re­lated to propagation speed in an untermi­nated wire, which is an abstraction; you talk about a real-world hookup with an amplifier output impedance plus wire characteristics plus a complex load impe­dance presented by the speaker. Yes, of course, with your givens your conclu­sions apply, but then the issue becomes the sound of the amplifier/wire/speaker, not just the sound of the wire due to its length, which is the "moronic" subject that incenses Drew.
Anent the SHEESH (Send Harley to
E.E. School in a Hurry) Fund, see the
"Hip Boots" column in this issue. Now, what you don't seem to realize is that Martin Colloms is actually two persons existing in parallel universes. There is the techie Martin Colloms, made of mat­ter. There is the tweako cultist Martin Colloms, made of antimatter. The two
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cannot possibly get together because that would cause a cataclysmic explosion an­nihilating Hi-Fi News & Record Review and maybe even Stereophile. That's why
he is dangerous.
The Audio Critic:
"Dear" Peter,
Your continued hysterical, personal attacks on me are entertaining as usual. As is Ken Pohlmann's letter, which ex­plains his affinity for you: he too is a pet­ulant, name-calling infant. Why don't you do this: survey the top LP and CD masterers in the field—the folks who have access to the master tapes and the CD transfers. Ask them, as I have, whether the CDs—especially those made from an analogue tape—sound like the original. And ask them whether they pre­fer the sound of a CD or a properly man­ufactured and played-back LP.
Ask Doug Sax, Bernie Grundman, Greg Calbi, Bob Ludwig, Ted Jensen, Stephen Marcussen, Steve Hoffman, Howie Weinberg, Bill Inglot, etc. Ask Grammy-award-winning engineer Roy Halee (Paul Simon, etc.) about digital re­cording, or any of the dozens of veteran recording engineers I've surveyed on the subject. Some like digital, many don't. I'd be happy to provide you with a list. [I thought you just did.Ed..]
Here's a good one: call veteran jazz producer Michael Cuscuna of Mosaic Records and ask him what happened when, without alerting his customers, he started releasing LPs generated from "perfect" digitally remastered analog source material. He'll tell you this: virtu­ally all of them heard the deleterious ef­fects of digitization and called to com-
Or better yet, reprint the following so all five of your new readers [currently
a minimum of five new readers a day, Mi-
chael, but usually moreEd.] can read
Help Stop the Digital Epidemic!
It has become a mindlessly parrot­ed truism in the world of commer­cial audio that digital recording is the state of the art and the wave of the future. At the same time, there isn't a single audiophile-oriented equipment reviewer, record pro­ducer or music critic who finds the treble range of current digital re­cordings musically natural and en­joyable. The present technology of 50,000 samples per second with
16-bit encoding/decoding is sim-
ply inadequate and mustn't be al­lowed to become the world stan­dard. If you agree with us, start writing letters to the record compa­nies and commercial magazines before it's too late.
Let's see, who wrote that? Could it be...SATAN? NO. It's from The Audio Critic, Spring through Fall 1980, and
judging by the tone I'd say you wrote it,
you opportunistic slug.
Cheers, Michael Fremer Senior Editor
The Absolute Sound
Sea Cliff, NY
If listing Senator Robert Dole as one of the anti-Clinton Republicans consti­tutes a hysterical, personal attack on him, then listing you as one of the antidigital audio journalistwhich was all I did (Is-
sue No. 20, p. 13)constitutes a hysteri-
cal, personal attack on you. It seems to
me, however, that once again (see Issue No. 14, pp. 9 and 51) you are the pot
calling the kettle black. Isn't calling Ken
Pohlmann "a petulant, name-calling in-
fant" an act of name-callingboth hys-
terical and personal? Weren't your re-
marks about him in the Winter 1993 issue of The Absolute Sound, threatening to vomit on him at a CES dinner, infantile, personal, and name-calling? Let me do some fact-calling: Ken Pohlmann has a graduate degree in E.E.; you do not. Ken Pohlmann is a professor at a major uni­versity; you are not. Ken Pohlmann is the author of a basic textbook on digital audio; you are not. Ken Pohlmann is a
Vice President of the Audio Engineering
Society; you are not. Shall I go on? Shall I insult you with a spelled-out conclu­sion? I think that will be unnecessary.
As for your list of namesa couple of them well-known, others less soyou say "some like digital, many don't," so what's your point? Which of them don't? I can trump each digitophobic name you bring up with three world-class names to the contrary; it's a silly game. The point is not who likes digital; the point is the inherent accuracy, or lack thereof, of the linear PCM technology and of A/D and D/A conversion. That's an important sub-
ject that needs to be addressed repeatedly
and is the main reason I am answering your trivial crank letter at such length.
No one claims, I least of all, that everything that has ever appeared on CD sounds great. There are plenty of oppor­tunities to mess up between the first A/D
and last D/A stage in the recording and playback chain; it used to happen often but now it's much rarer. The basic ques­tion, and the only intelligent one, is this: between a state-of-the-art DDD compact disc and a state-of-the-art all-analog vi­nyl disc, each free from all the possible technical goofs, which reproduces with greater accuracy and fewer spuriae the signal from the microphones? If anybody thinks the answer is uncertain (as it is not), let me add one other reasonable constraint: 50 playbacks. Have I made my point? If you eliminate the vinyl, the picture changes; today's best analog and digital master tapes can sound quite com­parable overall, but the signal-processing possibilities are much more limited with analog, and as a storage format digital is considerably more stable.
That brings me to my 1980 com­ments on "the digital epidemic." There were no CDs in those days; the only readily available examples of the new digital audio technology were vinyl LPs cut from digital master tapes. They sounded pretty bad. I mistakenly attribut­ed the bad sound to the digital process. I was dead wrong, as later CD releases of those same digital master tapes clearly showed. It was the transfer to the LP me­dium that was bad because the engineers who did the transfers initially refused to deal with the differences in high-frequency energy and dynamic range between ana­log and digital master tapes. I had no idea how the digital tapes sounded in the control room at the recording sessions. I
jumped to the wrong conclusion, and my
advisors at the time were no smarter.
Have you ever jumped to the wrong con­clusion, Michael?
As for "opportunistic slug"boy, that's a muddleheaded, inept insult. What opportunities does a snail without a shell exploit unfairly? What undeserved advan­tages did I gain by repudiating and cor­recting my early perceptions of digital audio? You, sir, are a very lightweight
* * *
Epilogue: At the Winter CES in Las
Vegas early in January, Michael Fremer
deliberately staged a loud, public,
fishwifely confrontation with me for the
benefit of visitors to the Velodyne exhibit. It was uncalled-for and embarrassing; I later had to clear the air with David Hall, Velodyne's boss, who is a soft­spoken gentleman unaccustomed to the
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streets-of-New-York type of vulgarity. I tried to calm Michael by telling him that I did not consider him to be an evil person but just someone with absurd ideas, but he kept loudly accusing me of "ad homi­nem attacks" (his editor, Harry Pearson, also loves that phrase) and looking around for group approval. I then made the mistake of tossing off a small pedan­tic joke. I asked, "Who was the homo in
hominem?" Then I added, "You know, hominem is the accusative of homo, re-
quired by the preposition ad." Michael did not get the Latinist jest. His confused reaction indicated that all he had heard was the word homo, and I'm not even sure he knew it means man. That will teach me to make gratuitous scholarly noises where the cultural tone is New York candy store. Indeed, that will teach
me to have any kind of commerce with
the Fremeroid element in the audio world.
The Audio Critic:
It's been roughly two years or so
since my departure from "tweako/voodoo
salon" land, and I owe thanks to you and
your staff for the insight and knowledge you share through The Audio Critic. It's amazing what science and a little com­mon sense can do for the soul. As the song states, "I was once blind but now I see!" My only regret is that some of the information is a little technical for those "laymen" who are not a part of the engi­neering kingdom. I would be grateful if you could dilute some of the techno-lingo from time to time.
Throughout the years, I've noticed that many audio magazines rarely even mention the name McIntosh. The compa­ny has been around since 1949 and has a solid reputation for reliability and quality,
just like Krell, Bryston, etc., yet the
tweaks hardly touch it. Why? The design (external appearance) may be a bit out of
date for some, but the internal compo­nents hardly seem archaic. According to the principles presented in your publica­tion, if the McIntosh amps operate within their given parameters, then they should
sound no different than a Krell or Boul-
der. Thus, these amps should be highly regarded and recommended, unless there's something I've missed. How about The Audio Critic, in a future issue, taking the opportunity to test a McIntosh amp. I would love to see how it compares to some of the other big boys on the
Please keep up the excellent work.
Your magazine lights the path for many
in a confused and disturbed audio world.
Mark S. Williamson
Washington, D.C.
/ blush because your words of praise
make me appear to be something close to a spiritual leader, a responsibility I re-
fuse to shoulder. (Lenny Bruce once said
that anyone who calls himself a religious leader and owns more than one suit is a hustler. I own two suits.)
McIntosh is indeed an interesting company. You are quite right; they make, and always made, beautifully engineered equipment. During their long years under the leadership of the late Gordon Gow, they kept their dialogue with the high-end
audio press to a minimum, probably be-
cause they felt that with their thoroughly established reputation and highly suppor­tive dealer network they had nothing to
gain from a good review but something to
lose as a result of an irresponsible tweako
hatchet job. Hey, they were probably
About two years ago the picture changed somewhat. The firm is now owned by the Japanese; the new manage­ment is not from the high-end audio world and is gung ho on marketing, PR, the whole big-business canon. They have a new car-audio line, among other things. So far, from where I'm sitting, I can discern no compromise whatsoever with traditional Mcintosh engineering or
product integrity, and the party line is
that there will be none. Amen. They are definitely cozier with the audio press, however; you will undoubtedly see more reviews, and I think that will include re­views in this publication. Based on what I
already know, I expect their power ampli-
fiers, especially, to do very well in engi-
neering shootouts with some of the sacred cows of the High End.
The Audio Critic:
I just read my first issue of The Audio Critic (No. 20). I can only say that I have
been looking for this type of coverage of
the audio industry for several years and have found it only in this one publication. I first became involved in audio as a teen­ager in 1966, working in what was then a "high-end" audio store in San Francisco. I have remained interested and involved ever since.
I have been an avid reader of all the
popular audio publications over the years except for Stereophile and The Absolute Sound (by the time I discovered these last two, they had become too involved in be­liefs in the superiority of older tube and analog equipment for my taste). I have had a subscription to Audio since the late '60s. In recent years I have become high­ly disillusioned with the direction of most publications and audio salons. So-called "high-end" audio is becoming more and more an exercise in frustration rather than the source of pleasure it should be. We are not told what sounds good but rather what is wrong with the sound of just about everything out there except maybe one of those $150,000 all-out high-end systems. There is far too much emphasis
on the cost of components and how cost is related to "sound quality," even though most high-enders will deny it.
At one time I was going to be an au-
dio engineer. I chose instead to become a
psychologist but have never left my scientific orientation. As a result, I have
become what might be termed a psychol­ogy critic. I have remained true to only empirically based studies of behavior and have taken many courses in research de­sign and statistics. There are some inter­esting parallels between psychology and high-end audio, the most obvious being the lack of empirical support for the as­sertions that are so commonly made. Psy­chology always has been and continues to be filled with interesting but often worth­less theories that become the basis for in­teresting but often worthless therapies.
As in high-end audio, the public can spend
hundreds of thousands of dollars on tech-
nologies (therapies) that are of dubious
I had become so frustrated with the audio scene over the last year or so that I was hardly even reading anything any­more. In trying to purchase some audio products during this same time, I was convinced to buy some products by an audio salesman, which turned out to be a big mistake. Luckily the store that had
sold them to me was happy to give me my money back when I returned them un-
happy. However, this was for accessories
like cables, not big-money items like speakers, amplifiers, or preamps. I even
got into a big argument with a salesman
about the purchase of a Toslink cable for
copying CDs onto DAT. I was told that
several other products were far superior and "what I really wanted was..." What I
really wanted was a Toslink cable! Dur-
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ing the argument, I heard things like
"...but according to Robert Harley...." I
am not an engineer but I was skeptical of Mr. Harley's qualifications based on many statements he had made in Stereo- phile. The salesman exhibited his own ig­norance when it became clear that he did not know what a gound loop was. I be­came so angry at the salesman's persis­tence and ignorance that I left the store and returned later to buy my Toslink cable from another salesman (this was the only store in town that carried the cable).
Some of your readers have written to suggest that you cease your "tweak bashing" and "ignoramus hunting." I have written to both The Absolute Sound and Stereophile over the years to criticize their views on various topics, but mostly to point out their lack of understanding of scientific methods (mostly Stereophile). The Absolute Sound published two of my letters but "disqualified" my point of view in print by pointing out how inferior my equipment was and claiming that I would not be able to hear the things they were talking about with such equipment. Stereophile has never published or ac­knowledged any of my letters. Like The
Audio Critic, I have tried to write letters
to Stereophile that were "unanswerable," after my experience with The Absolute
The Audio Critic appears to be the
only publication I am aware of that takes
a truly serious approach toward the eval-
uation of so-called high-end components. Given the prices some of these compo­nents currently have, such a serious
approach is really needed. Just as impor­tantly, given the pervasive misconcep­tions about high-end audio components
that exist today, the "tweak bashing" and "ignoramus hunting" in The Audio Critic probably does not go far enough. I'm not suggesting that more attacks are needed, but that more clarification is needed and somehow outside of this one publication. Audio should not be the "sport" that An­thony Cordesman so often refers to it as (sport in that context seems to denote the constant trading of usually expensive equipment in the never-ending quest for perfection, and the fun of debating the theoretical issues) but rather a means to enjoy music outside the concert hall with as much realism as possible at an afforda­ble price and without having to have a de­gree in electrical engineering. As an
aside, I can no longer wade through what
I call the "high-end babble" that so per-
vades Mr. Cordesman's reviews in Audio.
Sincerely, Chuck Butler Kalamazoo, MI
Your comparison of psychology and high-end audio is right on the money. You haven't told us, however, how a lay­man in search of effective therapy can distinguish, and navigate, between the so-
phisticated empiricists and doctrinaire
theoreticians in your professionit's a tough question, isn't it? In audio, the an­swer to the analogous question is implicit in your complimentary remarks: every
man, woman, and child who owns more
than three CDs should have a subscrip­tion to The Audio Critic, right?
The Audio Critic:
Tom Nousaine, for whatever reason, seems incapable of accurate reportage about me or my views. Having given to
the readers of The Audio Critic a distort­ed picture of our not unpleasant encoun­ter at the Stereophile High-End Show last year, he then compounds his errors by perverting some perfectly clear state­ments from Professors Greiner and Lip­shitz on the audibility of absolute polari­ty. I beg to set the record straight on these latter facts.
"[Lipshitz's] results were significant only when trials using test tones were in­cluded in the analysis," Nousaine says. On the contrary! Listen up:
[Here follows a series of referenced quotations from the writings of Lipshitz, Greiner, Richard Heyser, et al., with pithy anti-Nousaine comments by the let­ter writer. The trouble is that the quota­tions are heavy-handedly selected, ex­cerpted, and edited with massive ellipses, omitting the qualifying words, phrases and sentences, falsifying the context as well as the chronology, and not contra­dicting Nousaine's highly specific state­ments at all. It would take an additional page, or more, to include this obviously manipulative "documentation" here, and I refuse to do so.Ed..]
...Such results [as quoted above] are difficult for those in the Nousaine camp to swallow, for commonly they judge others by what their own ears can hear, or cannot. Always a mistake. Yet one may still enjoy beholding their ver­bal contortions as they chew the truth about polarity served up by every legiti­mate researcher on record. Dead to rights,
we have them here: in denial, every one, about a fabulous free fix. Will Tom throw in the towel at last? How about all the au­dio critics he has helped lead astray? Stay tuned! Find out whether "the muffling distortion" (my term) will later be pro­claimed over this same station.
Finally, regarding reader Donald Scott's recent letter dissing the under­signed's "cranky" advocacy of polarity as "the cow chip effect": the errors in his experiment to disprove polarity are so rife and obvious, I must invite the poor soul to write for a free copy of my ex­planatory book The Wood Effect, and that's no bull.
Clark Johnsen The Listening Studio Boston, MA
/ have made an exception here to my
"no further soapbox opportunities for
Clark Johnsen" policy as stated in Issue
No. 18 because your letterin which you're up to your usual tricks of creative documentationprovides me with an op-
portune lead-in to unedited quotations
from Lipshitz and Greiner for the benefit
of our readers, showing them what these
researchers really meant.
The following is an uninterrupted and unedited quotation from S. P. Lipshitz, M. Pocock, and J. Vanderkooy, "On the Audibility of Midrange Phase Distortion in Audio Systems," J. Audio Eng. Soc. 30 (September 1982): 580-95 (your own fa­vorite reference).
...On normal musical material heard via loudspeakers in an aver­age listening room, we have not thus far detected the effect of mid­range phase distortions of up to two cascaded all-pass networks of Q 2 2. We do not have evidence to conclusively demonstrate wheth­er phase distortions of this amount can be heard in normal reverberant loudspeaker listening to normal musical or acoustic transients (which are largely oscillatory in nature), but it is clear that the ef­fect, if audible, is extremely subtle.
More work needs to be done in this area, so that transducer design­ers can make an intelligent deci­sion on the significance (not the existence) of phase effects.
Finally, we wish to caution most strongly against quoting our results out of context. All the ef­fects described can reasonably be classified as subtle. We are not, in our present state of knowledge, ad­vocating that phase linear trans­ducers are a requirement for high­quality sound reproduction. More
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research is necessary. We do not wish the research outlined above to suffer the same misunderstand­ings, distortions, and misapplica­tions as have occurred in recent years with transient intermodula­tion distortion. We feel that listen­ing rooms will become more anechoic as more sophisticated re­production systems become avail­able. Thus the increased audibility of the phase effects which we have found with headphones may in the future apply also to loudspeaker listening.
So much for what Lipshitz, unfiltered
through Johnsen, wants us to understand. As for Greiner, here is an uninterrupted and unedited quotation from R. A. Grein­er and D. E. Melton, "A Quest for the Au­dibility of Polarity," Audio 77 (December
1993): 40-47.
While polarity inversion is not easily heard with normal, complex musical program material, as our large-scale listening tests showed, it is audible in many select and simplified musical settings. Thus, it would seem sensible to keep track of polarity and to play the signal back with the correct polari­ty to insure the most accurate pos­sible reproduction of the original acoustic waveform.
Authors' Addendum: The work presented here was done in 1991. (It is now September 1993.) Since then, there has been some, but not much, progress made in establish-
ing polarity standards in the re­cording industry. This work is con­tinuing at the present time. There has been some discussion in hi-fi publications and much anecdotal reporting, in various publications, on the audibility of acoustical po­larity inversion. There has been nothing noteworthy in the profes­sional literature, however, that cla­rifies the issue or "proves" that au­dibility of polarity inversion is a major factor in listening enjoy­ment. While it is not clear why this is the case, several factors might be: The difficulty of doing the ex­periments in a controlled way, as evidenced by this work; the fact that the effect of polarity inversion is small in most program material, or the fact that the effect seems to be small compared to the many other variables in the recording/ reproduction processes (micro­phone use, room acoustics, elec­tronic processing, and the like). Nevertheless, it seems reasonable that at some point another step to­ward achieving greater audio fidelity will be maintaining polari­ty of the signals throughout the record/reproduction chain.
To sum up, what Lipshitz and Grein-
er are really telling us is: yes, it's better to pay attention to polarity than to ignore it, but no, it isn't a big deal from a listen­ing point of view. In other words, Clark,
the horse you are trying to ride to the higher reaches of the audio world, while a real horse and not a donkey, is a rather slow and somewhat lame mount, unlikely to get you there. Why don't you trade it in ?
Lastly, the perpetrator of the phony
"triple-blind" listening test (see Issue No. 17, pp. 44 and 47) is in no position to reprimand Donald Scott or anyone else about experimental errors. Get your own act together, Clark, and until you do,
please don't write us again. (Maybe you
should move to Warsaw, where you could really experience Absolute Polarity.)
The Audio Critic:
.. .I have been pleased by the profes­sionalism of your reviews, and I am re­newing [my subscription] primarily be­cause I am interested in seeing how your publication evolves with the contribu­tions of your new editors. I have more than enough things to read in my profes­sional life, and I am less interested in rig­id publication schedules and first-class mailings than I am in high-quality, ana­lytic criticism. If you were to conduct a reader survey, I would give the follow­ing answers:
I became aware of your publication
from an ad in Audio. I subscribed because
I had received a gift subscription to Ste-
reophile and I felt that I needed an anti-
dote to the logorrhea and what you refer to as "tweakism." That subscription has now lapsed, and I am continuing with you, partly to understand better which parts, circuits, and features are essential to quality construction and which are not. Most of my equiptment was purchased between '77 and '82 and is still perform­ing reliably. I am not "looking for some­thing to buy."
I have followed with some interest the pleas for "tolerance of opposing views" and finding "a halfway ground" of agreement. I am a Radiation Oncologist. I would not recommend any course of ther­apy without first evaluating prospective double-blind studies. This is how I gener­ate my professional opinions, and I will not give any weight to the opinions of those who do not go through a similar process. Subjectivism in medicine can be deadly. It has no place in any of the phys­ical sciences. Some understand this; some
do not. I do not tolerate unprofessional opinions in my field and would never ask
you to do so in yours.
Vincent Capostagno, M.D. Merced, CA
Readers of The Audio Critic are
rather sharply divided into the categories of those who want to learn something (such as you) and those who want to buy something. We try to satisfy both mind­sets; what we refuse to do (although there is a demand for it) is to rattle off a long laundry list of buy-this, don't-buy­that recommendations without document­ing the reasons.
I would like to expand on your
"some understand this, some do not" ob­servation regarding scientific objectivity. I have come to the tentative conclusion that some have a natural gift for unde­standing the basic essence of the scien­tific method, requiring perhaps only a good junior-high-school course in Gener­al Science to assimilate the idea, and that others are color-blind or tone-deaf, so to speak, to the scientific mode of thinking, although otherwise intelligent and re-
peatedly exposed to the best scientific
influences. That would explain the im­mense stubbomess and impenetrability of some far-from-stupid members of the audio community on the subject of "I can hear it" vs. "I can prove I can hear it," when the distinction is obvious to enlight­ened twelve-year-olds.
* * *
/ also want to respond here collec-
tively to a whole bunch of correspon-
dencelong, well-written, laser-printed
letters as well as illegibly scribbled,
barely coherent ones, both long and shortin which the common theme is audible differences between various piec­es of equipment and the common failure is a disregard for the need to eliminate observer bias and the placebo effect.
There is no point in publishing any of
these letters; we would just be going around in circles, repeating over and over again that without blind listening tests at precisely matched levels all such discussions are meaningless. How many times do we have to reiterate that self­evident precept before it sinks in, without any of these "yes, but" arguments? Or is
there anyone out there who actually be­lieves that unmatched levels and peeking
at the nameplates will get you closer to
the truth? That I can't deal with.
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ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994 9
In Your Ear
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A Moderately Technical Tutorial for the Serious Audiophile
Clock Jitter,
D/A Converters, and
Sample-Rate Conversion
By Robert W. Adams
Analog Devices, Inc., Wilmington, MA
Forget everything you have read in the "alternative" audio journals on the subject of digital jitter and start from scratch here with the correct scientific foundation.
Foreword by the Tech. Ed.:
"The Jitter Game"
I have used the same title for this foreword to an important article on jitter as Stereophile's Robert Harley
uses for his articles on jitter, but with a different meaning. Harley is play­ing a game of pretend engineering when he attempts to analyze the jitter of a CD player and correlate the re­sultant measurement to the sound quality he perceives. Why does Har­ley spend so much time on jitter? Be­cause he thinks that it strongly corre­lates with the sound quality of the equipment. Since open-loop (i.e., nonblind) listening tests are subject to externally originating listener bias, it is easy to see how he can de­lude himself to arrive at such a con­clusion. Stereophile is unfortunately quite influential, and jitter has thus
become in the early '90s what TIM (transient intermodulation distortion) was in the late '70s and early '80s.
But Harley has a huge problem because clock jitter cannot be mea­sured directly at the output of a black box. The effects of jitter can be as­sessed indirectly from black-box measurements, but in a correctly de­signed CD playback system these effects are commingled with, and
usually swamped by, noise and dis­tortion products. Indeed, in exotic de­signs, the loony-tune analog stages are so riddled with noise and distor-
tion that even large amounts of jitter would have little effect on the mea­surements. To overcome this prob-
lem, Harley plays his little game. He takes off the cover, gets inside the unit, and attempts to measure the jit­ter on the internal clock line. Now, two problems exist when he does that: (I) since jitter is an internal pa­rameter, its effect on the external
performance of the system is depen-
dent on other aspects of the system's design, so it is not possible to com-
pare the measured results directly
between two models under test; and (2) measuring clock jitter is a non­trivial task, subject to many errors even when conducted by one skilled in the art.
Note that Harley could continue to play his game and make other measurements while he has the cover open, such as I/V settling time, pow­er-supply rejection ratio, the amount
of closed-loop feedback, power­supply output impedance, etc. All
these parameters could affect the
sound quality, and under Harley's
rationalethat being unable to ob-
serve the effect of such parameters at
the output of the system does not
mean they do not affect the sound qualityone could ask why he doesn't make these additional mea­surements. My contention is that Harley would indeed make these measurements, and then delude him-
self into thinking they were remark­ably revealing of sound quality, if some manufacturer delivered to him a test system for a given parameter and showed him step by step how to use it.
Jitter and its effect on the perfor­mance an electrical system is a difficult subject, truly understood by only a few experts involved in the de­sign of systems sensitive to jitter. As a result, much misinformation on jit-
ter has been circulated in the press,
originating from manufacturers' press
releases reproduced without any competent review. In an attempt to clear the air on the subject, we com­missioned an article by a genuine ex-
pert in the field of digital audio, Rob-
ert W. Adams, of Analog Devices, Inc. This article is based on a paper Adams presented at the 95th Conven­tion of the Audio Engineering Society in New York last October. (The pre-
print number was 3712.) Bob Adams
is perhaps the youngest Fellow of the AES (the highest honor awarded in the field of audio engineering), and his many pioneering achievements in digital audio at AD, and before that at dbx, are too numerous to be sum­marized here. His investigations in the field of jitter reduction have re­sulted in a new method to attenuate
jitter, a practical asynchronous sam­ple-rate converter chip, which is ex­plained in his article. Before this
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chip, asynchronous sample-rate con-
verters could be had only at very
high prices and in many cases did not perform very well. Since the new
Analog Devices ASRC chip is all-
digital, it offers the potential for the easier and cheaper implementation of a jitter attenuator than a multiple
phase-locked-loop S/PDIF decoder.
As I said, this is not an easy sub­ject, and the article below is not sim­ple. The problem again is that we
are trying to explain how an internal system parameter affects the total system performance. If Harley had not made jitter his hobbyhorse, we might not have found it necessary to
run such a complex article. But given the current trendiness of jitter in au­dio journalism, I think it is important that the serious audiophile try to go through the article in order to separ­ate the facts from the fictions the high-end charlatans are trying to le­gitimize. If nothing else, this article will acquaint you with the complex
interrelationships involved in the dig­ital design process. Note that while Bob Adams has simplified as much as was possible without leaving out the essentials, anybody who attempts to measure the performance of an S/PDIF decoder, let alone design one, had better have a much more complete knowledge of the subject.
Indeed, it is not possible to read the professional literature in this field without a strong background in sig-
nal processing, modulation theory, and random process.
Unfortunately, it is not clear
whether Robert Harley understood
Adams's AES paper from which the present article is derived. In the Jan-
uary 1994 issue of Stereophile he wrote that "the paper stated that a converter's jitter sensitivity is a func­tion of the clock frequency and over­sampling rate. This conclusion con-
firms the validity of our technique of
expressing clock jitter as a propor­tion of the clock frequency." Read
Adams's simplified but thorough ex­planation below and judge for your­self whether that's what he is really
This article does not discuss the S/PDIF encoding and decoding pro­cess itself; that discussion is planned
for a future issue.
David Rich
ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994
0 Introduction
Although clock jitter has re­ceived a great deal of recent attention in the popular audio press, its effect on signal fidelity is poorly under­stood by most journalists, and many inaccurate statements have appeared in print. The purpose of this article is to introduce the fundamentals of clock jitter and to demonstrate how it actually affects final signal quality for various types of D/A converters.
We also will cover an exciting new development in sample-rate con­version and show how it will influence the next generation of digital audio equipment.
It has become popular practice to measure clock jitter in commercial
outboard D/A converters using an FM demodulator attached to the
clock pin. The output of the demodu-
lator is fed to a spectrum analyzer,
so discrete components present in the
jitter waveform may be analyzed.
Unfortunately, the amount of degra-
dation a particular jitter spectrum will
cause in the output signal depends on the type of D/A converter used. To interpret the results of such a mea-
surement, one has to take into ac-
count at least the following signif­icant variables:
(a) Converter type—conventional
resistive ladder, sigma-delta, or MASH.
(b) Clock frequency applied to
the converter.
(c) Output filter type—switched-
capacitor, active RC, or a combina­tion.
(d) Any digital dividers between
the measured clock pin and the inter­nal D/A clock rate.
(e) Interpolation ratio. (f) The frequency and amplitude
of the input signal.
(g) Jitter introduced internally to the D/A converter (not measurable except by its effect on the signal it­self).
These variables have more than a minor effect on the jitter sensitivity. With the worst combination, phase
jitter may have to be lower than 20
ps rms to obtain signals of 16-bit quality, as opposed to more than 1
ns for the best case. Clearly, the rela­tionship between clock jitter and the analog output is complex enough that one should understand the fundamen-
tals before making any judgments based on jitter about the quality of a particular piece of equipment.
Another complicating factor will soon be introduced commercially: a new chip from Analog Devices called an "asynchronous sample-rate converter," rapidly making its way into outboard D/A processors. This chip acts as a universal digital buffer between an input at one sample rate and an output at any other sample rate. As a byproduct of the algorithm employed in the chip, jitter on either the input or output sample clocks is largely eliminated. While most engi­neers understand how a conventional analog PLL may be used to remove clock jitter, it is not obvious how an all-digital sample-rate converter can accomplish the same task. Later in this article we will discuss how use of this chip affects jitter in D/A con­verters.
1 Review of Clock Jitter
Clock jitter may be defined as
the time displacement of a clock sig-
nal relative to an ideal clock signal
with no jitter. Note that all the infor­mation about jitter is contained in the edges of the clock signal, and it is common to specify jitter in the time domain as either the p-p or rms devi­ation of any edge from its ideal posi­tion over many thousands of clock cycles. Most digital systems will change state only on one edge of the clock signal (the rising or falling edge), in which case the jitter is mea­sured on the clock edge to which the system responds.
In practical systems, the com-
mon types of clock jitter are:
(a) Random variations in the ar­rival of clock edges relative to their ideal positions. For advanced read­ers, this type of jitter is referred to as white phase jitter, as it may be pro­duced by feeding a random-noise (i.e., white-noise) signal into a phase­controlled oscillator.
(b) Random variations of the width of a clock pulse. This type of
jitter differs from (a) in that each
edge is referenced to the previous edge rather than to a hypothetical ideal clock signal. Again, for E.E. types, this jitter is referred to as white FM jitter, as it can be produced by feeding a white-noise signal into a
pdf 12
frequency-controlled clock generator.
(c) Correlated variations in the clock edge events relative to an ideal clock. By correlated we mean that the instantaneous time displacement measured on each clock edge is not an independent event but is in some way related to previous clock edge
times. For the technical reader: this causes a jitter "spectrum" which is nonwhite and may have spectral peaks at particular frequencies. We will refer to this type of jitter as cor­related jitter. If the variation in clock frequency is "slow" compared with audio frequencies, we will call this low-frequency correlated jitter; if these variations are fast compared with the audio spectrum, we will call
this high-frequency correlated jitter.
2 The Pitfalls of Time-Domain Measurements
It is common to estimate clock
jitter by using an oscilloscope with a
very accurate time base. This prac­tice is dangerous, as the results ob­tained depend on the type of jitter as well as on the measurement tech­nique. It also is often the case that the oscilloscope used will have more jit­ter in its time base than is present in the clock itself. Advanced instru­ments are available to make accurate measurements of jitter but are not used enough.
Figure 1 shows one measurement technique where an oscilloscope is set to trigger on a clock edge and the time base is set so that only the next edge is visible on the scope. The variations in the arrival time of the later edge
can be used as a measure of p-p jitter. More sophisticated oscilloscopes can plot a histogram of zero-crossings, allowing a more accurate estimate of the rms jitter without resorting to
"eyeball" measurements.
Since we are triggering on one
edge and measuring the arrival time of the next, we are assuming that the first edge (the one we are triggering on) is in its "ideal" time position. This technique is fine if we are measuring white phase jitter as defined above, where the errors in the clock edge positions do not accumu-
late over time relative to an ideal
clock signal. But suppose that the fre­quency of the clock signal is slowly
wandering by a small amount (low-
frequency correlated jitter). This
slow wandering of the frequency causes large displacements of the clock edges relative to a stable clock,
but the edge-to-edge measurement technique will not reveal this effect, as each measurement is made in ref­erence to the last clock edge only.
Another common technique is to trigger an oscilloscope on a clock edge and, by using the delayed trig­ger feature, examine the edges that occur at some later time (for exam­ple, 10 clock edges later). See Figure
2. If we assume that, again, we have a clock signal with slowly varying frequency, we can see that this mea­surement technique will start to re­veal this low-frequency jitter compo­nent as long as the trigger delay is long enough for the frequency of the
clock signal to have changed substan­tially between the moment when the
trigger event occurred and when the
delayed edge is examined some time
later. But one danger of this tech-
nique is that it is possible the jitter frequency is correlated in such a way that at particular trigger-delay values the delayed edge of the clock has re­turned to its correct position. This technique therefore has periodic oc­currences of "blind spots" relative to the modulating frequency of the clock generator and is not to be trust­ed if the clock signal contains highly correlated jitter components.
The predominant type of noise mechanism present may be estimated by examining a succession of de­layed edges and observing how the
jitter behaves as a function of delay
time. White FM jitter as defined above will display a square-root rela­tionship between delay time and ob­served edge jitter, as each clock peri­od is an independent jitter event, and therefore many such events add in rms fashion. Jitter which contains low-frequency modulation of its fre­quency will show a linear relationship between delay time and observed jit­ter. White phase jitter shows no in­crease in observed jitter with trigger delay time, as the errors do not accu­mulate over time. Correlated jitter shows a more complicated relation­ship between edge-to-delayed-edge delay times and observed jitter.
The discussion above indicates that time-domain jitter measurements
are dangerous, although useful infor-
mation may still be obtained if one is careful. It is preferable nonetheless to use a high-quality FM or PM detec­tor in conjunction with a spectrum analyzer, provided one knows how to interpret the results [Robbins 1982].
3 Sources of Jitter in Practical
Clock Circuits
Consider the clock circuit of Fig­ure 3, which is a typical RC oscilla­tor, such as might be found in the voltage-controlled oscillator used in a PLL. The VCO works in the fol­lowing fashion. Assume at the outset that the capacitor is charged to V
Low and the logic has turned on the
switch which connects the current source Iup to the capacitor. The volt-
age on the capacitor now rises with a slope proportional to Iup. When the voltage on the capacitor reaches V
Hi, the upper comparator changes state and the current I
is now connected to the capacitor, causing the capacitor to begin charging down at a rate proportional to the current. When the voltage reaches V
Low, the lower comparator changes state, and the whole operation repeats it­self, forming an oscillator.
From the previous explanation, we can see that the current I deter­mines the frequency of oscillation of the oscillator.
There are at least three possible sources of jitter in this circuit. Here
we are analyzing only the one
caused by thermal noise. Practical ef­fects such as correlated frequency
components on the power supply or those picked up because of magnetic coupling will of course be added.
The first source of error is noise
in the current that charges and dis­charges the timing capacitor C1. Since this current directly controls the frequency of the oscillator, noise on this current source translates di­rectly into white FM clock jitter.
The second source of error is
thermal noise at each comparator in­put, which causes the comparator to switch at the wrong time. Since each pulse is referenced to the end of the last pulse, any variation in clock ar­rival time will be "remembered" by all subsequent pulses, and therefore this mechanism must again produce white FM jitter. This can be verified
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Jitter Sources:
1) Current source noise (makes FM jitter).
2) Comparator noise (makes FM jitter).
3) Buffer intercept noise (makes phase jitter).
Figure 3: Jitter sources in a typical RC oscillator.
Vref HI
Vref LOW
Figure 2: Edge-to-delayed-edge jitter measurement.
Scope Display
Delayed sweep
p-p jitter
Scope triggers hers.
Scope Display
Scope triggers here.
Ideal non-jittered output
Jittered Output
Figure 1: Edge-to-edge jitter measurement.
ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994 13
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by imagining that the comparator noise is dc (equivalent to an offset).
It is easily seen that this causes a
shift in frequency.
The third source of error results from thermal noise on logic gates that are fed with finite rise-time clock signals. Such noise on the inputs of these gates is translated into jitter from the delta-t to delta-v conversion that occurs due to the finite rise time of the input signal. Since this mecha­nism has no "memory," it results in white phase jitter.
There are several other types of oscillators that offer improved jitter performance. Crystal-controlled os­cillators are best. Voltage-controlled
crystal oscillators are available, and these are sometimes used to recover the clock from the incoming serial data stream (from the output of a CD player, for example). While they have low jitter, they suffer from a limited frequency-adjustment range (about 0.1% maximum). Varactor­tuned LC oscillators are better than the RC oscillator described earlier, but not nearly as good as a crystal os­cillator.
4 Sensitivity of D/A Converters to Clock Jitter
The effect of clock jitter on vari-
ous types of converters is complex
and depends on many factors. Con­verter topologies may vary in their
sensitivity to jitter by several orders of magnitude, depending on the na­ture of the jitter.
For the purposes of analyzing jit­ter sensitivity, D/A converter fall into three classes.
(a) Conventional, resistive lad­der converters with or without inter­polation filters.
(b) Sigma-delta converters with continuous-time output filters.
(c) Sigma-delta converters with switched-capacitor output filters.
4(a) Conventional, resistive ladder
D/A converters:
The effect of jitter on the output of a D/A converter can be analyzed by subtracting the output of a D/A converter that uses a jittered clock from the output a theoretically per­fect converter that uses a nonjittered clock, and then looking at this differ­ence in the time domain. Figure 4
shows this analysis technique for the case of a conventional D/A converter with two different input frequencies and no interpolation filter.
Figure 4a shows a 1 kHz sine wave sampled at 50 kHz. The differ­ence between jittered and nonjittered D/A outputs is seen to be a series of narrow spikes whose width is propor­tional to the instantaneous difference between the arrival time of the ideal clock and that of the actual jittered
clock, and whose height is propor­tional to the change in signal ampli­tude from the previous to the current
sample. Here we show the case for white phase jitter, which does not ac-
cumulate over time. Note the modu­lation of the error spikes by the sig­nal slope, which causes the error to become very small at the signal peaks.
We are now in a position to ana­lyze the added noise and how it re­lates to the signal. The spectrum will be white, as there is no statistical re­lationship between one error pulse and the next. The rms amplitude of the noise spectrum is related to the average slope of the DAC output sig­nal, as large step sizes between adja­cent samples cause large error pulses in the error signal. This fact can be seen clearly in Figure 4b, where a higher-frequency signal (6 kHz) has been applied to the D/A converter,
resulting in larger step sizes between
adjacent samples and hence larger er-
ror pulses.
We can summarize by saying that for white phase modulation of the clock, the D/A output will be corrupted by white noise whose rms amplitude varies with the average slope of the signal. The worst-case signal for audio would therefore be a full-scale 20 kHz sine wave at the D/A output.
The situation is slightly different when an interpolation filter is used in front of the D/A converter. Analysis of that is beyond the scope of this ar­ticle, but the results are simple: the sensitivity to white phase jitter is re­duced in direct proportion to the oversampling ratio. This means that a D/A converter using a 16x interpola­tion chip will be four times less sen­sitive to jitter than one using a 4x oversampling filter (assuming that the absolute jitter in ps is the same
for both clocks).
If the jitter is not white phase jit­ter but rather a relatively slow varia­tion of the clock frequency (low­frequency correlated jitter), then the situation is quite different. Assume that we feed the DAC with a sine wave. Spectrally speaking, a slowly wandering clock signal will cause narrowband noise "skirts" to appear around the frequency of the sine wave signal. Oversampling no longer
has much effect on the output spec­trum, as the errors introduced by the clock modulation are all "inband"
(below 20 kHz).
Many types of jitter fall in be-
tween the pure white phase jitter and slow frequency-variation type of jit­ter described above. In that case, oversampling may improve the jitter sensitivity to a certain degree, but not as much as in the case of truly ran­dom white phase jitter. Jitter in which the time base is sinusoidally modulated will potentially produce discrete frequency components spaced around spectral sticks in the DAC
output signal.
For resistive ladder converters, it is obvious that with no input signal (or dc), jitter cannot have any effect on the output. The output is not changing, so it doesn't matter exactly when it doesn't change! While this observation may seem trivial, the same statement cannot be made for other types of converters, as we shall see presently.
In summary, regarding resistive ladder D/A converters, we can state the following:
• For white phase clock jitter, the
jitter spectrum on the DAC output is
white and proportional to the aver­age of the absolute value of the sig­nal slope. Oversampling filters de­crease the jitter sensitivity in direct proportion to the oversampling ratio. With no input to the DAC, jitter has no effect and does not raise the noise floor.
• For "slow" variations in the frequency of the clock signal, narrow noise sidebands appear around sinu­soidal components in the D/A output spectrum, again with an amplitude proportional to the frequency and amplitude of the sinusoid. Oversam­pling filters do not decrease the jitter sensitivity in this case.
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Figure 4
Figure 4a: Time-domain jitter error for a 1 kHz signal.
Figure 4b:
Time-domain jitter error
for a 6 kHz signal.
ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994 15
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Figure 5: Time-domain jitter waveforms for 1-bit D/A converters.
4(b) One-Bit Noise-Shaping D/A Converters with No Switched-Cap Output Filter
This type of converter has be­come very popular in recent years, both because of its inherent linearity and because it can be implemented in an all-digital CMOS process.
One-bit noise-shaping converters can be further divided into two class­es. The first is a single-loop modula­tor with 1-bit quantization, and this 1-bit signal is fed directly to a 1-bit output stage at the modulator clock rate. The second class of converters, so-called MASH converters, involve multiple loops with feedforward noise cancellation. They internally
produce a multiple-level digital sig­nal, which is converted to a 1-bit sig­nal through digital pulse-width mod­ulation. To achieve the desired time resolution for the digital pulse-width modulator, a clock signal with a very high frequency is typically used.
In the previous section, we saw that the sensitivity to clock jitter was proportional to the changes in the DAC output from one sample to the next. For 1-bit converters, this "change" is always full-scale, regard­less of the actual input signal!
Figure 5 shows a 1-bit waveform
with and without clock jitter, and the
resulting error pulse, for the case of uncorrelated jitter (white phase­modulation jitter). Differing from the previous case, the effect of jitter is largely signal-independent, and in fact the input signal to the noise­shaper loop may be zero with no re­duction in jitter sensitivity. This is because the modulator is still switch­ing vigorously even when the input is zero. In some cases there may be a slight reverse sensitivity to signal amplitude, as the number of transi­tions per unit time in the output bit­stream generally decreases as the sig­nal approaches the maximum level in either positive or negative direc­tions.
A rough estimate of the jitter
The new DAC devices of NPC use single-loop modulators with multilevel quantizers. As in the MASH devices, the multilevel digital signal is converted to a 1-bit signal through digital pulse-width modulation. The new Philips-designed $400 Marantz CD-63 uses an NPC DAC.
—David Rich
sensitivity can be obtained simply by taking the average of the absolute value of the instantaneous jitter (in ps, for example) and dividing by the period of the high-frequency clock that drives the 1-bit output stage, and then dividing by the square root of
the oversampling ratio. This noise power is then compared with the maximum rms signal that can be pro­duced by the 1-bit output. A quick calculation of a typical system indi­cates a jitter sensitivity on the order of 20 ps rms for 16-bit performance! This is more than an order of magni­tude more sensitive than for the case of resistive ladder converters. It is far from trivial to design an oscillator this good; only crystal oscillators have a chance of meeting the spec. Elaborate test equipment is required even to measure jitter as low as this.
Comparing two different sigma­delta D/A converters having different clock rates by measuring the clock
jitter for each converter is not trivial.
For example, suppose that the output stage of converter A runs at 12 MHz while the output stage of converter B
runs at 6 MHz (half the rate of A). Also assume that both clocks are di­vided down from a common 24 MHz master clock signal with a certain amount of white phase jitter. Note that the absolute jitter in ps is the same for both the 6 MHz clock and the 12 MHz clock, as a digital divid­er will maintain the absolute edge po­sitions of the master clock on its di­vided outputs. The noise produced by each converter as a result of jitter is proportional not only to the amount of white phase jitter but also to how often it occurs. As a result, the converter running at the 12 MHz rate will produce 3 dB more total noise than the one running at 6 MHz (recall that each edge displacement is an independent statistical event, and therefore the rms noise increases by 3 dB for each doubling of the number of error events). However, the noise produced by converter B is spread over twice the bandwidth as that pro­duced by converter A, and therefore the two converters produce the same amount of inband noise.
This analysis applies only to 1-
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Figure 6: Sigma-delta converter with switched-capacitor filter.
bit output DACs. If we apply the same experimental setup as before to a conventional interpolated R-2R DAC, we do not get the same results. This is because the DAC that oper­ates at the higher-frequency clock rate is more highly interpolated, causing the sample-to-sample differ­ences between one output sample and the next to decrease in direct propor­tion to the oversampling ratio. As a result, the DAC operating at the high­er clock rate would show 6 dB less inband noise than the same DAC run­ning at half the clock frequency. This result is different from the 1-bit re­sult because for a sigma-delta output stage, the sample-to-sample transi­tions are always full-scale, regardless of the clock rate or interpolation ratio.
It is clear from this analysis that
1-bit converters are very sensitive to white phase modulation of the clock. This can be explained in the frequen­cy domain by the observation that phase modulation causes the out-of­band shaped noise to "fold" down into the baseband. In the time do­main, it is intuitively clear that the edge-to-edge jitter is what affects this type of converter the most. Low­frequency correlated jitter of the clock is not nearly as damaging to the noise performance of the DAC, although correlated sidebands around the signal may become a problem.
One interesting aspect of this high jitter sensitivity is that it is difficult for manufacturers using this type of D/A converter to meet the high dynamic-range specs common with today's equipment. For exam­ple, in a system that uses a conven­tional, resistive ladder D/A convert­er, the noise is measured with no digital codes toggling, and therefore is determined only by analog thermal circuit noise, which may be much
ISSUE NO. 21 • SPRING 1994
lower than theoretical 16-bit quanti­zation noise (this figure of course is not meaningful, as the noise will in­crease as soon as the music begins). Clock jitter has absolutely no effect under these conditions. But in a sys­tem with a 1-bit sigma-delta or MASH converter, the 1-bit signal is very "busy" even when the digital in­put signal is silent. Clock jitter will most likely be the dominant noise source, and therefore it will be difficult for the manufacturer to claim 110 dB of dynamic range. In some cases an extra circuit is used to detect "digital silence" and the 1-bit D/A output stream is actually turned off under these conditions to make the numbers look good!
In conclusion, 1-bit D/A con­verters with no discrete-time output filters are extraordinarily sensitive to edge-to-edge jitter caused by white
phase modulation of the clock. As we saw before, such phase modulation often is caused by passing a clock with finite rise time through a buffer. One must be very careful to reduce this edge-to-edge type of jitter to the lowest levels possible.
4(c) One-Bit Noise-Shaping D/A Converters with Switched-Cap Out-
put Filtering
Figure 6 shows a block diagram
of a D/A converter with switched-cap output filter. The origin of the name "switched-capacitor filter" is obvious from the diagram. The switching of the capacitor removes its memory characteristic. A first-order analysis of a switched capacitor shows that it is equivalent to a resistor of value
1/fC, where f is the frequency at
which the switches change state. In an integrated circuit, the exact value of a resistor or capacitor can vary by 30% or more. This makes the design
of precision RC filters impossible. The transfer function of a switched­cap filter is dependent on the ratio of capacitors, which can be controlled to 0.1% in an integrated circuit. In Figure 6 we see two switched­capacitor circuits that replace resis­tors in a continuous-time circuit. If we replace the switched-cap circuits with resistors, we can see that the filter in Figure 6 is a first-order low­pass.
A more exact analysis of a switched-capacitor circuit is required to take into account the sampling ef­fect of the switch. This more exact analysis shows that a switched-cap filter must be analyzed as a discrete­time system in much the same man­ner as a digital filter. It is often a
point of great confusion how a switched-cap output filter is different from a continuous-time active RC filter when it comes to jitter. The an­swer is as follows. A switched-cap filter will settle to a particular value regardless of when the clock edge oc­curs (assuming the op-amp is fast enough to settle completely within one switching interval). It is a true discrete-time system in that the dy­namic settling behavior of all circuit voltages is not important as long as the settled value is correct. This is not true for the case of a 1-bit modu­lator feeding a continuous-time filter, where an error in the switching time of the 1-bit signal does have an effect on the voltage at the end of the clock period, and in fact will change the output voltage for many hundreds of cycles thereafter.
From this discussion we can conclude that a 1-bit modulator feed­ing a switched-cap filter behaves the same as a resistive-ladder converter running at the same oversampling ra­tio, as both converters produce volt­ages that settle to the same value re­gardless of the timing of the clock edge. This is true as long as the switched-cap filter completely re­moves the out-of-band noise from the
1-bit modulator. If that's not the case, then the jitter sensitivity de­pends on the sample-to-sample dif­ferential change. If the change is dominated by the signal slope itself, then the jitter sensitivity is un­changed from the case where the out-of-band noise is completely re-
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Figure 7: Time-domain view of sample-rate conversion.
moved. If the sample-to-sample
change is dominated by unfiltered out-of-band noise, then the jitter sen­sitivity will be in proportion to the rms value of the sample-to-sample changes. Note that in cases where a switched-cap filter is followed by a continuous-time analog filter to re­duce further the out-of-band noise, only the switched-cap filter is useful for reducing the sensitivity to jitter. This fact implies that it is impossible to predict the jitter sensitivity of a
chip-level D/A converter that has
both switched-cap and continuous­time RC filters onboard, as it is im­possible to tell how much of the filtering is done in each section.
5 Asynchronous Sample-Rate Converters (ASRC) and Jitter Reduction
In a previous paper [Adams and Kwan 1993] I described an algorithm and VLSI implementation of it which allow sample-rate conversion between
arbitrary asynchronous rates. Unlike synchronous converters, the device accepts external clocks at Fsin and Fs
, and by performing various sig­nal-processing operations on those clocks it is able to derive a high­accuracy estimate of the current sam-
ple-rate ratio, and this estimate is continuously updated so as to track real-time variations in the input or output sample rates.
Figure 7 shows a time-domain view of sample-rate conversion. Con­ceptually, asynchronous conversion consists of interpolating the input sequence to an extremely high fre­quency, which causes the amplitude differences between adjacent interpo­lated samples to become very small.
The output resampling process then consists of picking off the nearest in­terpolated point.
The ASRC chip described uses a polyphase filter approach, with 65,536 unique polyphase filters of length 64, each stored in compressed form in ROM. This approach to rate
conversion is more efficient to imple­ment than the interpolation/decima­tion model, as unneeded interpolated outputs are not computed. While poly­phase filtering sounds complicated, it is actually quite a simple concept.
Every FIR filter has a particular
group delay, which defines how much delay the filter introduces to signals appearing on its input. A typ­ical interpolation filter might exhibit about 600 µs of group delay, for ex­ample. Most FIR filter are designed
to be linear-phase, which means that the delay introduced by the filter is independent of frequency.
Normal linear-phase FIR filters have a group delay that corresponds to an integral number of clock cycles. But it also is possible to design an FIR filter which is linear-phase but has a group delay of an integer plus a fractional number of clock cycles. For example, a normal FIR filter of length 100 taps might have a group
delay of 50 samples (half its length). But it is possible to design a linear­phase FIR filter with a group delay of
50.5 samples. Now suppose that we
had a large bank of FIR filters all connected to the same input signal, and each of these filters had the same frequency response but a slightly dif­ferent group delay. When we change the sample rate of a signal, we are ef­fectively attempting to resample the signal at a point between the existing sampled points of the input signal.
Using the filter bank described, we
could simply pick a filter output whose delay matched most closely
the desired resampling point for that particular output sample. For exam­ple, if the output clock signal (which differs in frequency from the input clock signal) were to fall halfway be­tween two edges of the input clock signal, we would select the filter that has a group delay of 50.5 input sam­ple periods.
To ensure that we have enough possible group delays to select from, the new AD 1890 chip uses a bank of
The Crystal CS4303, Burr-Brown PCM67, all MASH chips, and all NPC chips use continuous-time filters. An ap­plication note available from Crystal Semiconductor on the CS4303 shows how difficult it is to create the required low-jitter clock. The Crystal CS4328 uses a fourth-order switched-capacitor filter for removal of most of the out-of-band energy. It is followed by a second-order continuous-time reconstruction filter which
removes most of the image signals that arise from the switch sampling of the
switched-cap filter. The Philips 1-bit
DACs are a hybrid. They use an on-chip first-order switched-cap filter (similar to that in Figure 6), which removes some of the out-of-band energy. This is followed by an off-chip continuous-time filter.
—David Rich
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