Audio Control The Director D3400 Professional Installer's Gratification Manual

The Director
Model D4400 Model D3400
16 Channel
High Efficiency • Digital Signal Processor • Ethernet Interface & Control
Power Amplifier
Professional Installer’s Gratification Guide
Making Good Sound Great
22410 70th Avenue West • Seattle, WA 98043 USA
425-775-8461 • Fax 425-778-3166 •
©2013. All rights reserved.
Important Information
Dealer Name _____________________________________
Date Installed __________________________________
Serial Number ___________________________________
Ethernet MAC Address _________________________
IP Address Dynamic / Static ___________________
Table of Contents
The Director Model D3400 • Model D4400
Cool and Different Features .........................2
A Guided Tour
Front Panel .....................................5
Rear Connections ...............................6
Making sense of the trigger ins and outs .............8
Internet Connectivity and Control
Control using a browser ...........................9
Control and Queries via Telnet ....................14
Operation without an Ethernet connection ..........17
Hook-up Guide with System Diagrams ..............18
Table of Contents
An Introduction to Acoustics and Equalizers
Room Acoustics ................................22
Benefits of Equalization.......................... 23
Adjusting the Signal Processing
Equalizing the System................................24
Parametric and Graphic Equalization ..............25
Subsonic and Tweeter Protection Filters ............26
Memories...................................... 26
A Brazen Plug ....................................27
Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
Table of Contents
Advanced Topics
Speaker and wiring impedance ....................28
Amplifier bridging ..............................29
In wall volume controls ..........................29
Installation of multiple units of The Director........ 30
Level matching and gain controls..................31
Sound level (SPL) in large areas and unique rooms ...31
Troubleshooting .................................. 33
Warranty and Service Information .................. 35
Block Diagram ....................................37
Specifications ..................................... 38
The Director Model D3400
To label The Director® Models D4400 and D3400 just multi-zone amplifiers is like calling a Ferrari just a car. There is so much more to both products in terms of performance and capability.
Ethernet control, unparalleled energy efficiency, rack saving compact design, superb sound quality and bulletproof reliability are just a few key features of The Director. More features are discussed in the next section so please read on.
Since we build The Director Models in the AudioControl factories in the Northwest Rainforest outside of Seattle, USA, we can continually improve it and our other products. Simi­larly, the AudioControl web site is regularly updated. We encourage you to check our web site,, if something is not answered in this manual. Of course, you can always chat with us on the phone during normal business hours.
Lastly, this is a professional installer’s manual. We assume you are experienced with multi-channel amplifiers and the Ethernet. The product setup, adjustment and opera­tion require network access.
The Director is a registered trademark.
Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
Cool & Different Features
Cool and Different Features
Volume Control
The primary focus of our latest firmware is volume control via browser or Telnet commands. You can now control volume in any zone! Control via the browser will allow you to control volume in any zone along with EQ and source selection.
With the updated Telnet control, you have the means to control the Maximum On volume so that when you turn the unit on volume is set to a predefined value. This is for those nights you were rocking out with the volume turned up to eleven - the next morning you won’t blast your ears out. Also with Telnet control, you can control volume of groups by the volume set commands.
Another benefit of the software update is speed - faster communication for better integration into control systems!
Unlike Other Amplifiers
Here is a list and description of features that are part of The Director series from AudioControl. Most are rare or non­existent in other companies’ amplifiers.
DHCP: An IP address for The Director Model D3400 and D4400 is obtained via DHCP by default. If a DHCP serv­er is not found on the network, The Director Model D3400 and The Director Model D4400 will default to
UPnP: Device discovery is enabled on The Director Models D3400 and D4400 for ease of connectivity from a PC.
nUmbering: In the device discovery /UPnP window, if you are using multiple Director amplifiers, you will find that each Director is numbered in the sequence they were added onto the network.
groUPs: Grouping has been enabled for quick control of zones through Telnet commands. Up to 4 groups can be defined for control over Standby and Source Selection.
imPort/exPort: Exporting and Importing of the ampli­fier’s settings – including EQ settings – has been enabled. Now you can configure your EQ settings as a template and apply these to each Director amplifier in your system.A little refining of those settings for each amp and you will be in and out in no time.
EthErnEt Control: Via a browser or Telnet commands you can control and query almost all the functions of The Director. You can mute zones, change source inputs, adjust equalization, recall memories, check line voltage, display pro­tection logs and get an email if something goes wrong. And this is only a partial list!
Signal ProCESSing: You have at your command graphic equalization, parametric equalization, tweeter protection filters and low frequency cutoff filters. In addition, you can set up two zones with a two way crossover. The equalizer set­tings are ganged left and right channels together or your can separate. Plus, there are three memories to save and recall settings.
UnParallElEd EnErgy EffiCiEnCy: Whether from the point of view of saving electricity or from the viewpoint of less heat in the rack, The Director has no equal. It is VERY energy efficient during operation and equally impressive with its efficiency during standby.
SavE raCk SPaCES: With 16 channels in only three rack spaces, you save one or even two spaces over other amplifiers.
Cool & Different
lightdrivE anti-CliPPing: With durability in mind, Lightdrive anti-clipping protection defends the system against clipping, distortion, damage and even teenage parties.
SElf rESEtting ProtECtion fEatUrES: Protection features in The Director are extensive and include thermal, short circuit, clipping, ultrasonic and DC offset among oth­ers. If the fault is removed, the amplifier resets. Plus, The Director can send you an email if something happens.
SUPErior SoUnd QUality: Pristine sonics happens first in all AudioControl designs and is not compromised by any other feature. You get the feeling that sound quality is an after thought with products from other companies.
rEliablE and rUggEd: From the beefy rack mounts to the brawny transformer mounting, The Director continues with AudioControl’s legacy of building bulletproof product.
PaCifiC northwESt hEritagE: Hard to believe, but we make this product in the USA. We are very proud of that fact. What is more important to you is the care we craft in at every step and the extensive knowledge we have in all aspects of the product. Plus, we back this up with a five year warranty.
Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
Really Cool Stuff in The Director
As great as these features on the previous page are, here is
a list of some of the new and unique parts of The Director;
oUtPUt PrESEnt lEd: Ever wonder if there really was a signal on the speaker outputs of an amp? No wondering with The Director because there is an LED flickering with the signal level right next to each speaker connector.
vEry low Standby CUrrEnt: When The Director is in Standby, ready to turn on via a trigger, it draws less than 5 watts. Compare that to a typical amplifier.
namE thE ZonE: Use the browser to type in any name on the zone. Also give The Director amplifier a specific name so that you can easily identify it when there is more than one in the system.
digital Signal SEnSE: Signal sense is digital, accurate and reliable. Rejoice.
groUnd lift SwitCh: Here is a legal and safe way to combat 60 cycle hum. If the flip of this switch solves the prob­lem, maybe you can get home earlier tonight.
12 volt triggEr oUtS: Every multi-zone amp has trig- ger ins. The Director has regular trigger ins, plus triggering via the Ethernet, and it has mini-jack 12 volt trigger outs for turning on another component or two.
front lEvEl diSPlay: We think the front panel level display is way cool, pretty, and useful. However, if you want to turn it off, we have provided a switch to do so.
timES SQUarE light Show: Look at the rear of The Director and we forgive you if you think of Times Square in New York City. There are indicator LEDs aplenty. Not only for the speaker outputs but also for signal sense, mono switching, local input active, and ethernet bypass. On the rear panel there are 30 indicator LEDs in total (that is not a typo). Counting the front panel indicator LEDs, the total is 66! If we can make your system setup faster, we want to.
A Guided Tour Of The Director Model D / D
1 2 3 4 5
Front Panel
Power LED - Starting with the easy one...
when you have the AC Power switch on the back panel turned on and The Director is plugged into an active AC outlet, this little Blue light will beam forth.
Protection LED - There are two states to
this LED. In normal operation it glows Blue when the unit is on and in standby or op­erating. If this LED is Red, then one of the internal protection circuits is activated.
Network LEDs - You have seen this type of
LED a million times on computer network cards. One shows an active connection while the other LED flickers with the passage of data. There is a duplicate set on the rear panel.
Zone Status LEDs - At the bottom of the
columns are the channel status LEDs which are dual color and serve two purposes. First, they illuminate Blue when the correspond­ing two channels are active and operating properly. The second function of the status LED is to turn Red if something has caused that zone to go into protection.
Level Activity LEDs - These three LEDs
dance with the music. They tell you that sig­nal is passing in each zone and at what level. It is an attractive and useful light show, but if you really want, you can turn this off with a switch on the rear panel.
Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
A Guided Tour Of The Director Model D3400 / d4400
1 2 5
Rear Panel
Ethernet LAN Connection - Plug The
Director into a 10BaseT network here. The in­ternal web server allows remote control of all channels, signal processing and source selec­tion. See the section on Internet Connectivity and Control for detailed information.
Ethernet Triggered LED - When this LED
is on, the unit is being “triggered” via the Ethernet and the 12 volt mini jacks are active and powered for turning on some components.
Bypass Switch and LED - For diagnostics
only. This button disables all the Ethernet control and forces all channels on. If there is a problem with the home automation system and you really need music, this is quite useful.
Ground Lift Switch - Be safe, use this switch
instead of a “cheater” plug. The switch selects the isolation between the audio ground and the AC earth ground. In normal operation, the switch should be in the Ground position. If there is AC hum, try the other two settings. For safety, the chassis is always connected to earth ground regardless of the switch setting.
Bus Inputs 1 and 2 - These inputs provide
two distribution busses for sending a common signal to multiple zones. The bus input switch
6 7 8
on each amplifier zone, or the ethernet con­trol, selects which input is playing in that specific zone. For Bus 1, the second pair of jacks can be used to daisy chain to another multi-zone amplifier.
Local Inputs - Any standard line level au-
dio signal may be connected to these inputs. As the name implies, this source will be available only in a particular zone and only if switched to local via the ethernet control or the zone switch.
Input Gain Control - Use a screwdriver to
adjust this level control for the input sensi­tivity of the zone. In general, you want the gains turned down, counterclockwise, and the pre-amp level running stronger for best signal to noise.
Source Select Switches - The “Bus 1/Net”
setting allows the source to be selected via ethernet commands and the browser inter­face or come from “Bus 1” in the absence of a ethernet connection. If the switch is in “Bus 2” or “Local”, the audio signal will come from that source and can not be changed by ethernet commands.
more rear panel features on the next page
A Guided Tour Of
The Director Model D3400/ D4400
Master Power Switch - This switch controls
the main AC power. Since The Director draws only a few watts during standby, the only time you need to turn the master power off is if the system is going to be shut down for an extend­ed time.
Remote Power Control - If you are not using
the ethernet control, you can remotely turn The Director on with this connector. Use a contact closure between +12 VDC and Trig­ger In or an external 12 volt trigger between Trigger in and Ground or use the mini jacks as inputs. The +12 VDC Out is not designed to power other equipment.
Remote Power Control Mini (1/8”) Jacks -
These are mono 1/8” jacks wired in parallel to each other and work in conjunction with the 3 pin remote power connector. Either 1/8” input may receive a 12 VDC trigger that will turn on the amplifier. The unused jack can then be used to turn on a second amplifier. If you use the 3 pin connector to trigger the amplifier -­or use the ethernet control-- both of the mini jacks are powered with 12 VDC.
Signal Sense Defeat - Signal presence on The
Director is digitally sensed by the DSP, very accurate, and a great power saver. Push this button in to defeat Signal Sense and have all amp channels on at all times. When defeated the LED will glow a fetching red.
Mono - Pressing in this button sums the left
and right signals (and lights the indicator
14 15
LED) of only this zone. To bridge two channels, this button must be in.
Speaker Outputs - Cool terminal blocks which
are designed to make an installer smile. They make it very simple to pre-wire a system and easy to trouble-shoot wiring and speakers. Yes they will take big wire.
Output Present LED - Even cooler than the
speaker blocks is this LED which flickers with the level of the music. Ever wonder if there was really signal coming out of the amp when the speakers are at the other end of the house? Now you know.
Local Trigger Active LED - If there is no
source plugged into the local jacks and this LED is glowing, there will be the sounds of silence. Another LED to speed up troubleshooting.
Front Level Display - If you don’t want the
dancing lights on the front panel, then push this in. On the other hand, those lights are very use­ful to know what is going on.
Power Cord - A standard IEC cord goes here.
Since The Director at full power draws 1300 watts, this should be a 16 Ga. cord or better.
Fuse - The Director has several layers of inter-
nal - and self resetting - protection circuitry. This fuse is just in case something really awful goes wrong. Rejoice, there are no internal fuses in this amplifier.
Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
Guided Tour ­Trigger Ins & Outs
Note: Do not use any 12 volt power trigger if you are using ethernet control.
Making Sense of the 12 Volt Triggers
The Director has five ways you can bring the unit from standby to on and ready to serve. In addition, you can use the triggers from The Director to turn on more units of The Di­rector or other components as well. All this flexibility can be a little daunting so the table below should make it clear.
Using Bus Inputs to Create Larger Zones
Note: The 12 volt trigger outs are not for and cannot power a device, just turn on.
Ethernet Ethernet Triggered Yes
12 volt mini plug
Jumped Phoenix
Contact closure on Phoenix connector
12 volt input on
Phoenix connector
* +12 volts on tip, mono jack
12 v Trigger Active Yes, unused jack
12 v Trigger Active Ye s
12 v Trigger Active Ye s
12 v Trigger Active Ye s
Mini Jacks
Internet Connectivity and Control
Setting up The Director Model D3400 or D4400 is a breeze. Just plug it into an existing network and let the DHCP server assign The Director amplifier an IP address. The Director amplifier will then show up in your network device list, if “network discovery” has been enabled in your Windows computer. Double click the icon for the amp and your browser should open to The Director’s Operations page. Alternative methods of connecting are described below.
Other than connecting to the browser for initial set up, configuration and EQ settings, you will be able to control the amplifier via Telnet (pages 14-16). This is done through the telnet port 23.
Control Using a Browser
Connectivity and
Important Note:
If you are connecting multiple units on a network, The Directors will number themselves for immedi­ate identification as they are powered up with a network connection .They should be viewable from the Discov­ered Devices list in your Windows computer. Later on, you can rename them.
For Microsoft operating systems:
There are multiple ways to connect to The Director ampli-
fier. The simplest way is to connect The Director, via the Eth­ernet port, to a network with a DHCP server. The Director will obtain a local address from the DHCP server. The Direc­tor amplifier should appear in the list of network resources. If it does not appear within a minute or so, double check and make sure that you have enabled network discovery or UPnP devices to be shown.
If no DHCP server has been enabled in your network, or you would like to directly connect to The Director ampli­fier, use an Ethernet cable and connect the two devices to­gether. The default IP address of The Director amplifier is when a DHCP server is unavailable, so in order to connect to The Director, you will need to give your com­puter a static IP address.
In your Windows based computer, change your comput­er’s IP address to a static address of 192.168.0.x – where x is a value between 1 through 248 or 250 through 254. If you don’t know where to start to find out how to give your computer a static IP address, please consult the Interwebs.
Important Note:
DCHP is default for The Director and UPnP/device discovery is enbled. However, if a DCHP server is not found, the Director’s default IP address is If you aren’t using DCHP and plan to assign static addresses, individually set the IP address by connecting
directly to The Director amplier with a computer rst. Never allow
two devices with the same IP address on the network.
Be sure not to use a static IP address for your computer that is in use by another device – an IP address should be unique across the local network – if it is not you’re going to have a bad time.
Model D3400 • Model D4400
Installer’s Guide
Internet Connectivity and Control
For Apple/Mac Desktops and Laptops:
Apple does not support UPnP device discovery. Your
easiest method for connecting with a Mac is to directly con­nect to The Director amplifier. The default IP address of The Director amplifier is so in order to connect to The Director, you will need to give your computer a static IP address.
Change your Mac’s IP address to a static address of
192.168.0.x – where x is a value between 1 through 248 or 250 through 254. If you don’t know where to start to find out how to give your computer a static IP address, please consult the Interwebs.
Be sure not to use a static IP address for your computer that is in use by another device – an IP address should be unique across the local network – if it is not you’re going to have a bad time.
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