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Workshop Manual
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive
Edition 12.2006
Service Department. Technical Information
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List of Workshop Manual Repair GroupsList of Workshop Manual
Repair GroupsList of Workshop Manual Repair Groups
Re pa ir G ro up
00 - Technical data
30 - Clutch
34 - Controls, housing
35 - Gears, shafts
39 - Final drive - differential
Technical information should always be available to the foremen and mechanics, because their
careful and constant adherence to the instructions is essential to ensure vehicle road-worthiness and
safety. In addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a
matter of course, be observed.
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Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
1.3Removing and installing mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox J743 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
1.4Removing and installing gearbox input speed sender G182 and clutch temperature sender
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
00 –Technical data
1Gearbox identification
The “6-speed direct shift gearbox 02E (front-wheel drive)” is in‐
stalled in the Audi TT 2007 ▸. Allocation ⇒ page 2 .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
The gearbox code is located on the top of the gearbox, near the
gearbox oil cooler.
♦ GKF = gearbox code
♦ 10.05.2 = date of production: 10th May 2002
♦ The other figures are production-related.
The gearbox code is also given on the vehicle data stickers.
1. Gearbox identification 1
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
i = Z2 : Z1 (Z1 = number of teeth on drive gear, Z2 = number of
teeth on driven gear)
iG = gear ratio = ZG2 : ZG1 = 33 : 40 = 0.825
iA = axle ratio = ZA2 : ZA1 = 72 : 20 = 3.6
iov = overall ratio = iG x iA = 0.825 x 3.6 = 2.97
6th gearFinal drive
2 Rep. Gr.00 - Technical data
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Gearbox capacity
CapacitiesDirect shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel
Initial filling6.9 ltr.
Oil changeapprox. 5.5 ltr.
Change interval⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet 810
LubricantGear oil for direct shift gearbox 02E
Part No. ⇒ Parts catalogue
Use only the correct type of gear oil for the direct shift gearbox
02E (available as a replacement part). Other types of oil cause
malfunctions and/or failure of the gearbox.
You must also renew the gear oil filter when you change the
gear oil ⇒ page 78 .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
– Checking gear oil level and topping up ⇒ page 66
– Filling up with gear oil after repairs ⇒ page 72
3. Capacities 3
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
4Safety precautions
Observe the following precautions if tests have to be performed
with the engine running.
Accidents can be caused if a gear is inadvertently engaged
while the engine is running.
♦ Before working on the vehicle while the engine is running,
shift the selector lever into position “P” and apply the
Observe the following precautions if test equipment has to be
used while road-testing the vehicle:
Accidents can be caused if the driver is distracted by test
equipment while road-testing, or if test equipment is not se‐
Injuries can also be caused if the passenger's airbag is trig‐
gered in a collision.
•The use of test equipment while driving causes distraction.
•There is an increased risk of injury if test equipment is not
♦ Move the passenger's seat to the rearmost position.
♦ Use only vehicle diagnosis and service information sys‐
tem -VAS 5052- or diagnosis system -VAS 5053- .
♦ Test equipment may only be operated by the passenger;
the tester -1- must be placed flat on the passenger's lap
as illustrated.
Observe the following precautions to avoid possible injury and/or
damage to electrical and electronic components:
♦ Switch off ignition before disconnecting and connecting test
When disconnecting the battery there is a risk of serious dam‐
age to electronic components:
♦ Observe the correct procedure for disconnecting the bat‐
♦ Always switch off the ignition before disconnecting the
4 Rep. Gr.00 - Technical data
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
5Notes on the direct shift gearbox 02E
5.1General notes
The direct shift gearbox 02E is a dual-clutch gearbox, also refer‐
red to as “S tronic”. It has the same basic construction as a 6speed manual gearbox. The engine torque is transferred to the
gearbox via the dual-mass flywheel. The two multi-plate "wet"
clutches are controlled hydraulically and actuated alternately so
that the gearbox is operated like an automatic gearbox, in other
words the gears are engaged automatically (but can also be se‐
lected manually via the tiptronic function). There is no clutch
pedal. For further information please refer to ⇒ Self-study pro‐
gramme No. 308 ; Direct shift gearbox 02E .
Selector mechanism
In selector lever position “P” the selector lever cable is used to
engage the parking lock mechanically. All other gearshift com‐
mands and selector lever positions are transmitted via the CAN
data bus from the selector lever -E313- (selector mechanism) to
the mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743- .
Gear oil (gearbox and final drive)
The direct shift gearbox and front final drive have a common filling
of gear oil ⇒ page 66 .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Use only the correct type of gear oil for the direct shift gearbox
02E (available as a replacement part). Other types of oil will cause
malfunctions and/or failure of the gearbox; for Part No. refer to ⇒
Parts catalogue .
Regulations for the disposal of oil
Drained oil must be disposed of properly.
♦ Improper disposal of used oil endangers the environment.
♦ It must not be mixed with solvents, brake fluid, coolant or sim‐
♦ Please observe the information shown on the packaging of the
Variation of gear-change points for gradients
Additional gear-change maps automatically select the gearchange points for gradients according to accelerator pedal posi‐
tion and road speed.
•The gear-change map for extreme uphill gradients is matched
to the engine power.
•The gear-change map for extreme downhill gradients is
matched to the engine braking effect.
•By selecting a gear directly via the tiptronic mode, it is possible
to make use of the engine braking effect available in a partic‐
ular gear, for instance when driving downhill with a trailer.
5.2Safety functions of gearbox control unit
In the event of a failure of one or more components or sensors,
the control unit J743 will activate appropriate backup functions.
5. Notes on the direct shift gearbox 02E 5
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
This enables the gearbox to continue operating without damage,
but will impair the operation and smoothness of the gearshifts.
Faults detected by the gearbox are classified in four different cat‐
1 -The fault is stored in the memory and one of the backup
programs is activated. The gear selection indicator in the
instrument cluster will continue to show the currently en‐
gaged selector lever position in the normal way. The driver
can continue to drive the vehicle (with certain restrictions),
and the condition is not critical to the safety of the vehicle or
to the gearbox itself. If at all, the driver will only notice the
fault if he experiences driveability problems, and will then
automatically contact an Audi Service Partner.
2 -Certain positions on the gear selection indicator in the in‐
strument cluster start to flash. This is to inform the driver that
this particular selector lever position is currently not availa‐
ble. Example: position "D" will start flashing if the selector
lever is moved from position "R" to position "D" while the
vehicle is still rolling backwards. To avoid damage to the
gearbox, the mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743prevents 1st gear from being engaged while the vehicle is
moving backwards. 1st gear will only be engaged when the
vehicle comes to a standstill.
3 -The complete gear selection indicator lights up and flashes;
the currently engaged selector lever position is highlighted.
This shows the driver that a temporary critical fault in the
gearbox has been detected. Example: the gearbox has
been overloaded or overheated, for instance by towing an
excessively heavy load. The driver can continue to drive the
vehicle when the gearbox has cooled off, but will need to
avoid placing a heavy load on the transmission.
4 -The gear selection indicator flashes; the currently engaged
selector lever position is no longer indicated. This shows the
driver that a critical and permanent fault in the gearbox has
been detected. It may no longer be possible to use all gears,
so this condition is critical to the safety of the vehicle and to
the gearbox itself. This display is intended to warn the driver
that he should contact an Audi Service Partner.
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
6Notes on tow-starting and towing
Risk of damage to the gearbox.
♦ The selector lever must be in position “N” when the vehicle
is towed.
♦ The vehicle must not be towed further than 50 km or at a
speed in excess of 50 km/h.
It is not possible to start the engine by tow-starting, for instance
if the battery is discharged or if the starter is not working.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
6. Notes on tow-starting and towing 7
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
7Repair instructions
Proper tools and the maximum possible care and cleanliness are
essential for satisfactory gearbox repairs. The usual basic safety
precautions also naturally apply when carrying out repair work.
A number of generally applicable instructions for the various re‐
pair procedures are summarised here. They apply to the work
described in this Manual.
Guided fault finding, vehicle self-diagnosis and testing system
♦ Before servicing the gearbox, the exact cause of the failure
must be determined using the functions “Guided Fault Find‐
ing”, “Vehicle Self-diagnosis” and “Test Instruments” ⇒ Vehicle
diagnosis, testing and information system VAS 5051.
Special tools
For a complete list of special tools used in this Workshop Manual
⇒ "Special tools, Workshop equipment"
♦ Do not run the engine or tow the vehicle with the oil pan re‐
moved or when there is no gear oil in the gearbox.
♦ When installing a replacement gearbox, check the gear oil
level and top up as required ⇒ page 66 : capacities
⇒ page 3 ; specification ⇒ Parts catalogue .
♦ When installing gearbox, ensure that dowel sleeves are fitted
8 Rep. Gr.00 - Technical data
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
O-rings, oil seals and gaskets
♦ Renew O-rings, oil seals and gaskets.
♦ After removing gaskets and seals, always inspect the contact
surface on the housing or shaft for burrs resulting from removal
or for other signs of damage.
♦ Renew gaskets: completely remove the old gasket and clean
the sealing surfaces thoroughly.
♦ Lightly lubricate O-rings with gear oil before installation to pre‐
vent them being trapped and damaged during assembly.
♦ Lightly oil the outer circumference of oil seals and pack the
space between the sealing lips -arrow- about half full with
grease ⇒ Parts catalogue .
♦ Do not use any other lubricants where gear oil is specified.
Otherwise, there is a risk of problems occurring in the gearbox
♦ The open side of the oil seal should face the side containing
the fluid.
♦ Observe rules for cleanliness ⇒ page 10 .
♦ After installation, check gear oil level and top up as required
⇒ page 66 .
Locking elements
♦ Do not overstretch circlips; renew if necessary.
♦ Circlips must be properly seated in the base of the groove.
Nuts, bolts
♦ Slacken bolts in reverse sequence to the specified tightening
♦ Nuts and bolts which secure covers and housings should be
loosened and tightened in diagonal sequence and in stages if
no tightening sequence is specified.
♦ Renew self-locking nuts.
♦ Use a wire brush to clean the threads of bolts which are se‐
cured with locking fluid. Then install bolts with locking fluid; for
locking fluid refer to ⇒ Parts catalogue .
♦ The tightening torques stated apply to non-oiled nuts and
♦ Where instructions specify a torque setting plus an additional
angle, these bolts must be tightened to the specified torque
and then turned through the specified angle, e.g. 40 Nm + 90°
(90° = a quarter turn).
Audi TT 2007 ➤
7. Repair instructions 9
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
8Rules for cleanliness
♦ Carefully clean connection points and the surrounding area
with engine cleaner or brake cleaner and dry thoroughly before
♦ Seal off open lines and connections with clean plugs or sealing
caps immediately.
♦ Place removed parts on a clean surface and cover them over.
Use only lint-free cloths.
♦ Carefully cover or seal open components if repairs cannot be
completed immediately.
♦ Only install clean components: do not remove replacement
parts from packaging until just before installation.
♦ Protect unplugged electrical connectors against dirt and mois‐
ture and make sure connections are dry when attaching.
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
30 –Clutch
1Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view
♦ The clutch in the direct shift gearbox 02E consists of two sets
of plates, and is therefore referred to as a “multiple clutch”. The
larger set of plates (located on the outside) is designated
“K 1” (clutch 1), and controls the torque flow for reverse gear
and gears “1”, “3” and “5”. The smaller set of plates (on the
inside) is designated “K 2” (clutch 2), and controls the torque
flow for gears “2”, “4” and “6”.
♦ Any work performed on the multiple clutch requires extra care
because all the parts are balanced and matched together in
production. If the components are rotated out of their original
positions when repairing, this will cause imbalance and impair
the smoothness of the gear-changes and reduce the service
life of the unit.
Replacement parts
1 - Multiple clutch
❑ With circlip
Audi TT 2007 ➤
The clutch plates can slip
out of position inside the
multiple clutch unit.
♦The multiple clutch unit
must not be dismantled
at present.
♦If the drive plate (which
forms the upper section
of the multiple clutch unit)
becomes detached from
the splines in the outer
plate carrier, the clutch
plates can slip out of po‐
sition in the clutch. It will
then no longer be possi‐
ble to adjust the clutch
♦The drive plate included
with the replacement part
is not secured with the
large circlip; it is only a
close fit inside the clutch.
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 13
2 - Circlips
❑ 10x, with different thick‐
nesses for adjusting
multiple clutch
❑ Determining correct
thickness when instal‐
ling multiple clutch
⇒ page 18
3 - Clutch end cover
4 - Corrugated ring
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view 11
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Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Component parts of dismantled multiple clutch
The clutch plates can slip out of position inside the multiple
clutch unit.
♦ This diagram showing the components of the multiple
clutch is for information only. The multiple clutch unit must
not be dismantled at present.
♦ If the drive plate becomes detached from the splines in the
outer plate carrier, the clutch plates can slip out of position
in the multiple clutch. It will then no longer be possible to
adjust the clutch correctly.
1 - Outer plate carrier with
clutch housing.
2 - Oil seals
❑ 4 x
3 - Inner plate carrier
The clutch plates can slip
out of position.
♦If the inner plate carrier is
lifted or taken out, the
plates can slip out of po‐
sition inside the clutch. It
will then no longer be
possible to adjust the
clutch correctly.
4 - Outer plates
❑ 4 x
5 - Inner plates
❑ 4 x
6 - Thrust washer
7 - Circlip
❑ Fit a new circlip of the
same thickness if the
original circlip is re‐
moved in order to re-in‐
stall the clutch plates.
8 - Circlip
❑ Determining correct
thickness when instal‐
ling multiple clutch
⇒ page 18
9 - Drive plate
10 - Circlip
❑ Renew
12 Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
1.1Removing and installing multiple clutch
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Assembly sleeve -T10302-
♦ Retaining pin -T10303-
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Assembly sleeve -T10302- must be cleaned before use; do not
use an assembly sleeve if it is scratched.
Proceed as follows:
– Drain off gear oil ⇒ page 72 .
– Remove direct shift gearbox ⇒ page 43 .
– Secure direct shift gearbox to assembly stand in vertical po‐
sition ⇒ page 57 .
– Renew gear oil filter ⇒ page 78 .
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view 13
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Pry out and detach corrugated ring -2- for clutch end cover
using a screwdriver -1- -arrow-.
– Working through aperture for starter motor, pry out and detach
clutch end cover -2- using a screwdriver -1- or other suitable
lever -arrow-.
– Pry out circlip -2- for drive plate using a screwdriver -1-
14 Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Detach drive plate -arrows-.
– Pry out circlip -arrow- using a screwdriver or long-nose pliers.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
– Take multiple clutch out of gearbox.
– After removing multiple clutch, check whether clutch bell hous‐
ing was damaged during removal.
– Pull out pump shaft -A- and place to one side.
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view 15
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
The clutch plates can slip out of position inside the multiple
clutch unit.
♦ If the drive plate becomes detached from the splines in the
outer plate carrier, the clutch plates can slip out of position
in the multiple clutch. It will then no longer be possible to
adjust the clutch correctly.
♦ To prevent the clutch plates from slipping inside the mul‐
tiple clutch unit, keep the drive plate pressed into the outer
plate carrier with both thumbs during all following steps.
The circlip for the drive plate that is supplied with the replacement
parts is fitted at a later stage.
– Take new circlip for drive plate out of packaging and place to
one side.
– Take multiple clutch out of packaging, holding drive plate in
– First fit old circlip -A- for drive plate from removed multiple
•Installation position: the lug on the drive plate and the colourmarked splines on the outer plate carrier must be located
between the ends of the circlip.
– Using a screwdriver, check that circlip is fully engaged.
– Check that the 4 oil seals on the hub on the underside of the
multiple clutch are correctly seated; engage in position if nec‐
•Installation position: joints of seals should be offset
16 Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Apply retaining pin -T10303- to seat of clutch end cover as
– Install multiple clutch in clutch bell housing (turn and move up
and down as required), at the same time keeping the drive
plate pressed into the outer plate carrier with both thumbs
Do not allow the multiple clutch to drop into the inner plate carrier.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
– Have a second mechanic hold the retaining pin -T10303- as
illustrated until the clutch end cover is installed.
The multiple clutch must not be turned from this point onwards,
as this would turn the retaining pin -T10303- out of position.
– Check whether the projecting lug -arrow- on the drive plate is
positioned between the colour-marked splines on the outer
plate carrier.
– If no marking is provided, use waterproof pen to mark position
of drive plate in relation to outer rim of outer plate carrier as
illustrated so it can be re-fitted in the same position.
When re-assembling, the lug on the drive plate must be located
again at this marked position.
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view 17
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Pry out old circlip -2- using a screwdriver -1- -arrow-.
The clutch plates can slip out of position inside the multiple
clutch unit.
♦ If the inner plate carrier is taken out or lifted, the plates can
slip out of position inside the clutch. It will then no longer
be possible to adjust the clutch correctly.
– Lift out drive plate -arrows-; if necessary lever it carefully out
of splines on outer plate carrier using a screwdriver.
– Place drive plate to one side.
Adjusting multiple clutch (determining thickness of circlip)
– Select the 2 mm thick circlip from the circlips supplied with the
The 2 mm circlip is fitted provisionally for measurement purposes
and will be replaced later with the final circlip of the required thick‐
– Fit circlip of 2 mm thickness -arrow-.
18 Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Secure universal dial gauge bracket -VW 387- to gearbox
– For 1st measurement, apply tip of dial gauge to end of input
shaft as shown in illustration.
– Preload dial gauge to 2 mm and set to “0”.
– Lift up multiple clutch as far as it will go.
– Note reading on dial gauge (= axial clearance of input shaft).
– For 2nd measurement, apply tip of dial gauge to hub of inner
plate carrier as shown in illustration.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
The tip of the dial gauge must not contact the circlip.
– Preload dial gauge to 2 mm and set to “0”.
– Lift up multiple clutch as far as it will go.
– Take reading and note down measured value.
The thickness of the new circlip is calculated according to the fol‐
lowing formula:
Circlip = 2nd measured value – 1st measured value + 1.85 (=
constant value)
The thickness of the new circlips is graduated in steps of 0.1 mm.
When selecting the required circlip, round up or down to the near‐
est 10th of a millimetre as required. In other words, values up to
0.049 are rounded down and values of 0.050 and above are roun‐
ded up.
♦ Calculated value for new circlip is 2.27 mm: round up to the
nearest 10th and select circlip with a thickness of 2.3 mm.
♦ Calculated value for new circlip is 2.24 mm: round down to the
nearest 10th and select circlip with a thickness of 2.2 mm.
If the calculated thickness of the new circlip is exactly 2.0 mm, the
circlip fitted previously for taking the measurement does not have
to be removed.
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view 19
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– Remove provisionally fitted circlip (2 mm) and fit new circlip
with thickness as calculated above.
Circlips must not be used more than once.
The removed (provisional) circlip and all remaining circlips
should be disposed of.
– Install pump shaft. When installing, lift the shaft and turn it
slightly -arrow- so that it slides in and engages fully in the
– Install drive plate in multiple clutch.
•The projecting lug -arrow- on the drive plate must be posi‐
tioned between the colour-marked splines on the outer plate
carrier, or the marks made earlier in this procedure.
20 Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch
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Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Fit new circlip for drive plate.
•Installation position: the lug on the drive plate and the colourmarked splines on the outer plate carrier (or the corresponding
marks made previously) must be located between the ends of
the circlip.
– Using a screwdriver, check that circlip is fully engaged.
– Take out retaining pin -T10303- between multiple clutch and
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Leakage can occur at the contact surface of the clutch end
♦ Thoroughly degrease running surface -arrow- on drive
plate for internal seal of clutch end cover.
– Clean the contact surface for the outer seal of the clutch end
Leakage can occur at the internal seal for the clutch end cover.
♦ To ensure that the internal seal remains absolutely free of
grease, do not touch the seal with your hands.
– Take the clutch end cover out of its packaging, only taking hold
of it on the outside as illustrated.
– Clean end of gearbox shaft.
Using gear oil, lightly lubricate the outer seal for the clutch end
cover only.
If there are any stickers on the inside or the outside of the
clutch end cover, remove them thoroughly.
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view 21
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
– Place assembly sleeve -T10302- on a flat surface.
– The internal seal in the new clutch end cover must be pre-
formed before installation; this is done by guiding the clutch
end cover, with the outside downwards, horizontally and uni‐
formly over the assembly sleeve -T10302- .
– Lift assembly sleeve -T10302- out of clutch end cover.
– Fit assembly sleeve -T10302- over end of multiple clutch shaft.
Clutch end cover can be damaged.
♦ Do not attempt to drive on the clutch end cover with a
– Guide clutch end cover with the outside upwards horizontally
over assembly sleeve -T10302- and press cover uniformly on‐
to its seat.
– If necessary use a screwdriver to lever the clutch end cover
carefully into its seat as illustrated -arrow- so that the corru‐
gated ring can be fitted.
– Install corrugated ring for clutch end cover in gearbox housing,
always holding the ring in place on the opposite side so that it
remains in its groove.
– Using a screwdriver, check that corrugated ring is fully engag‐
– Install gearbox ⇒ page 53 .
– Fill up with gear oil for direct shift gearbox ⇒ page 72 .
– Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -
VAS 5051B- .
– Perform basic setting.
22 Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
34 –Controls, housing
1Electrical/electronic components and fit‐
ting locations
Diagnostic connector
Fitting location: below knee padding on left side of steering wheel.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Selector lever lock solenoid -N110-
Fitting location: the selector lever lock solenoid -1- is located in
the selector mechanism.
The solenoid is integrated in the selector mechanism; it is there‐
fore not possible to renew only the solenoid on its own. It can only
be removed or installed together with the selector mechanism
⇒ page 33 .
Mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743-
Fitting location: the mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox J743- is bolted to the front of the gearbox housing and covered
by the gearbox oil pan.
The control unit is an integrated component of the mechatronic
unit for direct shift gearbox -J743- .
♦ Checked via self-diagnosis
⇒ “1.3 Removing and installing mechatronic unit for direct shift
gearbox J743 ”, page 85
1. 23
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Gearbox input speed sender -G182- / oil temperature sender for
multi-plate clutch -G509-
Fitting location: the gearbox input speed sender -G182- and
clutch temperature sender -G509- -item A- are bolted to the gear‐
box housing below the mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox J743- .
♦ Checked via self-diagnosis
⇒ “1.4 Removing and installing gearbox input speed sender G182
and clutch temperature sender G509 ”, page 89 .
Selector lever -E313- with tiptronic switch -F189- , switch for se‐
lector lever locked in position P -F319-
Fitting location: the selector lever -E313- with tiptronic switch F189- and switch for selector lever locked in position P -F319- is
integrated in the printed circuit -B- of the selector mechanism.
These components cannot be renewed separately.
♦ Checked via self-diagnosis
Selector lever -E313- with tiptronic switch -F189- and switch for
selector lever locked in position P -F319- can only be removed
and installed together with selector mechanism ⇒ page 33 .
Selector lever position display -Y6-
Fitting location: integrated into instrument cluster
Selector lever position indicator can only be renewed together
with instrument cluster.
If the selector lever position indicator flashes or lights up, please
refer to safety functions of gearbox control unit ⇒ page 5 .
Removing and installing instrument cluster ⇒ Rep. Gr. 90
Selector lever display illumination bulb -L101-
Fitting location: in trim for selector lever boot -1-.
♦ Is checked via self-diagnosis
Removing and installing selector lever display illumination bulb L101- ⇒ page 28
24 Rep. Gr.34 - Controls, housing
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Brake light switch -F-
Fitting location: the brake light switch -arrow- is located on pedal
♦ Is checked via self-diagnosis
Removing and installing brake light switch ⇒ Rep. Gr. 46
To ensure a secure fit, the switch may only be fitted once.
Kickdown switch -F8-
An adapted value from accelerator position sender -G79- and ac‐
celerator position sender 2 -G185- (integrated in accelerator ped‐
al module) is stored in the engine control unit as the kickdown
♦ Is checked via self-diagnosis
♦ Signal is transmitted from engine control unit to gearbox con‐
trol unit via CAN bus.
Removing and installing accelerator pedal module ⇒ Rep. Gr.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
1. 25
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
2Selector lever handle, selector lever display illumination bulb -L101- -
exploded view
1 - Bolt
❑ 1 Nm
❑ Secures trim for selector
lever boot -item 2- to
centre console trim pan‐
2 - Trim for selector lever boot
with selector lever display illu‐
mination bulb -L101-
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 28
3 - Guide
4 - Hose clip
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ “2.1 Removing and in‐
stalling selector lever
handle”, page 26
5 - Selector lever handle
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 26
2.1Removing and installing selector lever
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Hose clip pliers -V.A.G 1275-
26 Rep. Gr.34 - Controls, housing
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