Thank you for choosing the MMI Navigation System plus - we value your
trust in us.
With your new Audi, you are receiv ing a veh icle with a state-of-the art system
that allows you t he change t he vehi cle's settings and operate the electron ic
equipment from a centra l loca tion using the MMI.
We recommend t hat you read t his guide carefully so that you qu ickly get to
know all of the functions and poss ibilit ies that the MMI offers and are able to
make full use of them while driving ..
Please note that these inst ruct ions a re a supplement to your vehicle Owner's
Manua l and sho uld on ly be used in conju nction with your curre nt vehicle Owner's
Keep th is manual in your veh icle at all t imes. This
is especially important if you loan your vehicle to
others or sell it.
Some sect ions in this manua l do not apply to all
vehicles. When this is the case, the beg inning of
the section indicates the
"Applies to vehicles: with multifunction steering
wheel" . Optiona l or vehicle-spec ific equipment is
also identified with an asterisk"*".
illustration s in this manua l are a guide .
validity, for example
(D Tips
Text with this symbo l contains addit ional useful information.
Some of the detai ls in your vehicle may differ
from the illustrat ion .
There is a
this manua l that lists all of the topics covered in
the order that they appear. There is also an
phabetical Index
directions, such as "left", "right", "front" and
"rear", are based on the vehicle's direction of
* Opt iona l or veh icle-specific equipmen t.
..., The section continues on the next page.
¢ .& Cross reference to a "WARNING" within a
section. If a page number is indicated, the
Table of Contents at the beg inning of
at the end of this book.
WARNING is located outs ide of the sect ion.
Text with this symbol contains information
abou t safety and how to redu ce the risk of serious persona l injury or death.
(D Note
Text with this symbol contains information
about reducing the risk of damage to your vehicle.
@ For the sake of the environment
Text with this symbol contains information on
protect ing the env ironment.
O ver vi ew
Controls at a glance
The Multi Media Interface, or MMI for short, combines various systems for communication, naviga-
tion* and entertainment in your Audi.
Fig. 1 MMI controls
You can operate the MMI using the MMI control
panel, the multifunction steering wheel* or the
voice recognition system* ¢
fig. 1:
CD Multifunction steering wheel . . . . 12
@ Driver information system . . . . . . 12
@ MMI Display
@ Button for retracting/extending the
MMI display
® On/Off knob .............. ... .
@ Buttons for open ing menus . . ... .
(j) MMI control panel .. . ....... . . .
- This manual describes the equipment range
specified for this model at the time of printing. Individual equipment options described
may only be available at a later date or may
only be offered in certa in countr ies.
Traffic safety
Audi recommends only performing certain functions, such as entering a destination, when the
vehicle is stationary . Always be prepared to stop
operating the MMI system in the interest of your
(D Tips
- Please note that this manua l only describes
MMI components. You can find additional
informat ion on operating your vehicle in
your vehicle Owner's Manual.
safety and that of other road users. ..,.
O ver v iew
- Driving requires your complete and undivided attention. As the driver, you have complete respons ibility for safety in traffic . Only
use the MMI when traffic condit ions pe rmit
and always in a way that allows you to main-
ta in complete contro l over your vehicle .
- Adjust the volume of the aud io system so
that signa ls from outs ide the veh icle, su ch
as police and fire sirens, can be heard easily
at all times .
- Obey all appli cable laws regarding use of
te lephones in vehicles.
Care information
For information on clea ning and caring for the In-
fotainmen t components, refe r to the
and Protection
chapter of your veh icle Owner's
Notes on software
For information on the software contained in the
MMI and the licensing agreements, press the
I MENU ! button > Setup MMI control button>
Version informat ion> Softwa re Info section .
You can also find this information online at .com/softwareinfo.
MMI control panel
MMI control panel
Switching the MMI on
and off
The MMI switches on and off automatically with
the ignition. It can also be switched on or off
manually .
- Switching on manually : Press the On/Off knob
® briefly
button or one of the buttons used to open a
menu @ .
When the system is switched on, the last menu
that was selected is displayed and the last audio
page 5, fig. 1. Or: Press the IM ENU I
(D Tips
Volumes that are too high or too low are auto-
matically adjusted to a set level when the
MMI is switched on.
You can easily access functions in the MMI using
an intuitive and standardized operating process.
source that was selected begins playing.
- Switching off manually: Press and hold the
On/Off knob ® until the MMI switches off. If
the MMI has been switched off manually, it
next time the ignition is switched on .
The MMI can still be operated for approximately
ten minutes after switching the ignition off. If
you do not press any buttons or the control knob
on the MMI control panel within this time, the
MMI switches off automatically .
not switch on aga in automat ically the
@ Tips
- The MMI switches off automatically when
the engine is not running and there is a low
Fig. 2 Operation
battery charge.
- There may be delays when extending or
switching the display on .
Adjusting the volume
The volume of an audio source or a system message (for example, from the voice recognition
system) can be adjusted directly while the sound
is playing using the On/Off knob.
per right control button corresponds to the upper right corner of the display .
Opening the main menu
.,. Press the IM ENU I button 0
The MMI menu (such as Radio) is displayed.
page 5, fig. 1.
MMI control panel
Opening a menu directly
.. Press the bu tt on @ in the direction of the de-
sired men u (such as
Returning to functions at higher levels
• Press the I BACK! butto n (J).
MMI touch
The MMI touch pad is located on the interface
with the control knob .
- Selecting alternative characters: Turn t he con -
trol knob to the left or right @ and press the
knob .
- Entering spaces: Move your finger across the
to uch pad from left to right.
- Deleting characters: Move you r finge r across
the touch pad from right to left.
- Ending input/switching to the selection list:
Press t he control knob.
Searching for a contact in the directory
Requirement: The direc tory m ust be open
c::> page 41.
- Moving to a specific initial letter in the list:
Fig. 3 Entering a navigation destinat ion
Draw the desired letter on the touch pad with
your finger.
- Narrowing down the search: Draw add itiona l
letter s on th e touch pad with you r finger .
- Ending input/switching to the selection list:
Press the control knob.
Moving the crosshairs/map
Requirement: A map must be displayed
c::>page 56.
- Moving the crosshairs in the standard map:
Press t he control knob . The crosshairs are
shown on the map. To move the crosshairs,
move your finger in the des ired direction on the
Fig. 4 Display with MMI touch active
The symbol @ appears in the MMI display and
the edge of t he control knob illuminates when it
is poss ible to use the MMI touchpad
Entering numbers, letters, and symbols
Requireme nt : It must be pos sible to ent er text or
- Write let te rs, numbe rs or charact ers on t he
touchp ad with your finger. Charact ers that are
c::> fig. 4.
touch pad.
tive edge of the to uch pad .
- Moving the online map: Press the control
knob . The cross hairs are shown on the map . To
move the map, move your finge r in the desired
direction on the touch pad .
on t he res pective edge of t he touch pad.
Adjusting the sound focus
Requirement: The balance/fader function must
be se lected
- Moving the crosshairs for sound focus: Move
your finger in t he des ired direction on the
to uch pad .
Or: Place your finger on the respec -
Or: Place your finger
c::> page 31 .
recognized are show n in t he MMI display (!)
c::> fig. 3 and may be conf irmed wit h a voice
comma nd. The selected cha racte rs appear in
t he input field.
Browsing/selecting album covers
Requirement: The Media menu must be open and
a source must be se lected
r=> page 72 . ..,.
MMI control panel
- Browsing through album covers: Move your
finger to the left or right on the touchpad .
- Selecting album covers: Press the control
Using the DVD main menu
Requirement: A DVD must be playing
Qpage 72.
- Selecting a menu item : Move your finger up/
down or left/r ight on the touch pad.
Letter/number speller
- Confirming a selection: Press the control knob.
(D Tips
The volume of the voice guidance prompts for
the MMI touch can be adjusted separately
Fig. S Speller
- Entering characters: Turn the control knob wit h
the selection arrow @ ~
fig. 5 to the desired
character. Your selection is shown enlarged in
the input ring @ . Press the control knob to
confirm the character. Your input is displayed in
the input field
the characters, select and confirm
(8 . When you have entered all
OK® ·
- Deleting characters: Turn the control knob with
the selection arrow to + @ and press the control knob. To delete all characters in the input
field, press and hold the control knob on + until all characters in the input field are deleted.
- Entering special characters: Press the 0-9 con-
special character (for example, a hyphen or period) using the number speller.
- Input assistance : In some cases, such as in the
Navigation* menu, the selection of letters may
be limited to available entr ies. This mea ns that
you can only select letters if they appear in that
position in a possible word.
Overview of symbols in the speller
The symbo ls in the letter/number spe ller ¢ fig. 5
are explained in the following table :
trol button
Symbol/Description Explanation
(J) Q fig. 5 and enter the desired
The se lected character is highlighted with a white background and
Selection arrow
appears large in the input ring .
Input ring The character selected with the selection arrow is disp layed large .
MMI control pa nel
Symbol/ Description Explanation
A space is added in the input field .
List A list of suggestions is displayed.
+ !Delete The characte r to the left of the cursor is de leted.
Number of entries The number of list entries that was found is displayed .
List with suggest ions
The curso r moves fo rward or back in the input field.
The input is confirmed.
Switches from lower case to upper case letters or from upper case
to lower case letters.
Switches from letter to number input or from number to letter in-
put .
Language-spec ific specia l characters are displayed.
For examp le, when entering a destination, major cities are listed
first and then add itiona l cities in alphabetical order .
Cursor The current editing posit ion is marked .
Input field The current input is displayed.
Menus and symbols
Fig. 6 Menus and symbols
Symbol/ Description
Selected text Selected function
Up arrow
Mute The aud io source is muted ¢ page 7
TMC* Reception ofTMC traffic reports¢ page 66
Impor ting process Importing audio/video files to the Jukebox ¢ page 24
Time Set time¢ page 31
Additiona l functions for selection
Symbol/ Description Explanat ion
MMI co ntrol pa nel
Telephone Missed calls ¢ page 3 7
Cell phone signal Cell phone network signal strength for a connected cell phone
strength bars*
Data connection signa l
strength bars*
Updating process Navigation database updating process ¢ page 33
Importing process Import/update the contacts in the directory or the call lists
Bluetooth* Bluetooth device connected ¢ page 25 or¢ page 35
Unread text message
Envelope with a line through it: Text message memory is full
¢page 36
Signal strength for the active data connection, or
PIN: Enter the PIN (SIM)
PUK: Enter the PUK
SIM: Insert the SIM card c::>page47
Network coverage for the active data connection¢ page 44
2G: GSM network
3G: UMTS network
Input field
Selection list
Title line Selected menu (such as Telephone)
4G: HSDPA+ network
LTE: LTE network
When a data connection is estab lished, the symbo l for an act ive da-
Informat ion that can be cha nged using the letter/number speller
¢ page9
Settings for the selected function that are accessed by pressing the
contro l knob
Submen u with additional functions tha t are accessed by pressing
the control knob
page 52, fig. 37 appears in the status line in
1 1
Multifunction steering wheel
Multifunction steering
Applies to vehicles: with multifunctio n steering wheel
You can operate various MMI functions and the
driver information system, change the volume,
and turn the voice recognition system* on and
off with the multifunction steering wheel.
- Quick scrolling through lists: Turn the left
thumbwheel quickly.
- Displaying/exiting the submenu : Press the
button ~ -
The following tabs are available , depend ing on
vehicle equipment:
- 1. Tab: Vehicle information, assistance systems
- 2. Tab
speed warn ing system
- 3. Tab: Radio/media
- 4 . Tab: Telephone* ¢ page 13
- 5. Tab: Navigation* ¢ page 14
Indicator lights, driver messages,
¢ page 15
@ Programmable steering wheel button
Fig. 7 Driver information system
- Selecting a function: Press the 0 button on
the multifunct ion steering wheel.
- Changing a function : On the MMI, select the
IMENUI button> Car> Car systems* control
button programming.
@ Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the volume of an aud io source or a
system message (for example, from the voice
recognition system) whe n the sound is playing.
- Increasing or decreasing the volume: Turn the
right thumbwheel up or down.
- Muting or pausing: Turn the right thumbwheel
> Vehicle settings > Steering wheel
Fig. 8 Controls on the multi function steering wheel
The drive r information system contains several
tabs @ that display various information@ .
- Switching tabs: Press the 14 [>I button to the
left/rig ht.
- Selecting a function : Turn the left thumbwheel
to the desired function.
- Confirming a selection : Press the left thumb-
whee l.
down .
- Unmuting or resuming : Turn the right thumb-
wheel up.
@ Switching the voice recognition system on
Or: Press the right thumbwheel.
Or: Press the right thumbwheel.
or off
- Switching on: Press the @;] button briefly on
the mult ifunction steer ing wheel. Say the desired command after the
- Switching off:
Or: Say the command Cancel.
For more information about the voice recognition
system, refer to ¢
Press and hold the~ button .
page 17. ..,_
The second tab is only visible if at least one indicator ligh t
or message is shown or if that system is switched on.
Multifunction steering wheel
® Voice guidance during active route
- Repeating the last voice guidance message :
Press the
- Adjusting the voice gu idance volume : Turn the
right thumbwheel up or down while a voice
guidance message is playing.
Using the telephone
Applies to vehicles: with a multif unction ste1?ring wheel and
telepho ne
QJ button.
(D Tips
- The telephone functions can on ly be contro lled with the multifunction steering
wheel if the telephone equipment was installed
- The telephone functions depend on the cell
phone and whether they are supported by
your cell phone service provider or not .
Incoming call
Applies to vehicles: wit h a mult ifunction steering whee l and
Caller information : The name, phone number or
Unknown appears in the driver information sys-
at the factory.
Fig. 9 Directory
Requirement : A cell phone must be connected to
the MMI ¢
must be displayed
page 36 and the telephone tab
¢page 12.
.. Select: the §J button .
- Calling a contact in the directory: Select and
confirm Directory. Select and confirm a con-
tem display depending on if the caller has been
stored in the directory and if the phone number
has been transmitted.
- Answering a call: Press the left thumbwheel
when there is an incom ing call.
- Rejecting a call: Select and confirm Reject
when there is an incoming call.
- Ending a phone call : Select and confirm End
During a phone call
Applies to vehicles: wit h a mult ifunction steering whee l and
telepho ne
Requirement : The 3-way calling function must
be switched on for some of the options listed
- Calling a contact in the call list : Select and
confirm Recent calls . Select and confirm a con-
Directory contacts : The driver informat ion sys-
tem only displays directory contacts that have a
phone number stored. If several phone numbers
are stored with a contact, the list of stored num -
bers is disp layed first when the entry is se lected.
For more information about the displayed symbols, refer to¢
page 41, fig. 31.
Recent calls: The recent calls list contains all in-
coming, outgoing and missed calls .
page 45 and there must be a call in progress .
- Making an additional call : Select Hold
> §J
button > Directory or Recent calls > an entry in
the List.
- Answering an incoming call when there is an
active call and a call on hold : Select and con-
firm Replace . The active call is replaced with
the incoming call.
Additional funct ions include:
If you se lect and confirm this function, the
othe r person on the phone cannot hear you. You
can hear the other person.
Holding or resuming a call: You can put your existing phone call on hold and resume it. .,.
Multifunction steering wheel
Swap call : You can alternate between two phone
calls at the same time . One of the calls will be on
that was placed on hold stays on hold and can be
taken off hold with
parties (depending on the netwo rk) can be added
to a conference call. To make an addit iona l call,
put all participants in the current conference call
on hold using
you can make an addit ional call from the directo-
ry or the recent calls list.
ties off hold.
End call ends the active phone call. A call
A pa rty on hold and up to five active
Hold. By pressing the ~ button,
Resume takes all par-
Display with route guidance started
Applies to vehicles: wit h a multifunction steering wheel and
navigation system
Fig. 10 Lane display
(j) Tips
The Call waiting function mus t be activated
in your cell phone and in the MMI to be alerted when t here is an incoming call during an
active call. The call options de pend on the cell
phone and se rvice provider. You can obtain
more information from your cell pho ne se rvice provider .
Applies to vehicles: with a multif unction steering wheel and
navigation system
Requirement : A desti nation or a route plan must
be entered
disp layed
c::, page 56, the route gu idance is
c::, page 60 and the navigation tab is
c::>page 12.
Fig. 11 Turn display
Requirement: A dest ination or a route plan must
be entered
highway or street . If the
is dis played in front of the st reet
name, you shou ld tur n onto the
st reet show n.
Direct ion arrow for the upcoming
mane uver
Lane recommendation
A bar grap h appears when a di rec-
t ion arrow is displayed . The fewer
bars are shown, the sho rter the dis-
tance is unt il the t urn.
The following func tions are also available when
route guidance is act ive:
O symbol
Multifunction steering wheel
- Repeating the last voice guidance message:
Press the QJ button .
- Adjusting the voice guidance volume: Turn the
right thumbwheel up or down while a voice
guidance message is playing .
If you have not started route guidance, a com-
pass will display in the navigation tab.
The route calculated by the navigat ion system
is a recommendation for reaching your desti-
nation. Obey traffic lights, stopping restrictions, one-way streets, lane change restrictions, etc.
- Selecting a station from the presets list: Se-
lect and confirm
stat ion .
Presets and then select a radio
- Accessing media using the source list: Select
and confirm an audio source .
Playing media
Applies to vehicles: wit h multifunction steer ing wheel
Requirement: A media drive must contain audio
files ¢
.. Playing an audio file : Select and confirm a
track .
.. Pausing or resuming playback: Press the right
page 23 and the media tab must be dis-
¢ page 12.
@ Tips
An asterisk" *" in front of the street name in-
dicates that the information about this street
or this section of the route is not comp lete in
the navigation data that the MMI contains.
Obey traffic laws, such as one-way streets or
pedestrian zones .
Listening to the radio
Applies to vehicles : with multifunction steering wheel
thumbwheel. To resume playback, press the
right thumbwheel again .
The following functions are available when you
press the~ button:
- Selecting a source: Select and confirm a source
such as Audi mus ic inter face.
- Select a radio station using the source list: Se-
lect and confirm a frequency band.
(D Tips
The media drives do not play files that are
protected by ORM and that are ident ified with
the symbol
Fig. 12 R.idio menu
Requirement : The radio/media tab must be displayed
.. Select: the ~ button .
The fol lowing funct ions are available when you
press the ~ button :
¢ page 12 .
- Selecting the frequency band: Select and con-
firm a frequency band.
- Selecting a station from the station list: Select
and confirm a rad io stat ion.
Voice recognition system
• Telephone
• Audi connect
• Navigation
• Directory
• Radio
• Media
• Tone
• Help
• Help speech dialog system
• Help telephone
• Help navigation
• Help map
• Help radio
• Help media
• Enter number
• Dial number
• Delete number
• Directory
• Call (XV)
• business
I Correction
I private I land line I cell
• Catt (XV)
• Enter number
• Redial
• Read new message
• Read new e•mail
• Navigate to
• Enter destination
• Enter address
• Cancel route guidance
• Map
• Line (XV)
• Next
• Cancel
· Online destinations
• Recent calls
• Redial
• Call voice mail
• Read e-mail
• Favorites
I previous page
I message
• Navigate to (XV)
• business address
• Start
• Directory
• Previous destinations
• Saved addresses
• Home address
• Enter address
• Enter country
I cancel route guidance
I private address
I city I street I Intersection
M~ P.
• Map
• Day map
• 2D position map 12D north map
• Automatic zoom on or off
I Night map I Split screen Info on or off I Intersection map on or off
• Audi connect
• Travel Information
• Fuel prices
• Weather
I Parking Information
• Route list
• Calculate alternative routes
• Online destinations
• Point of Interest
• Nearest audl service
rest area I restaurant I gas station I ATM I
coffee shop I diesel gas station
I hotel I parking lot I
I 3D position map I Destination map I Overview map
• Flight Informa tion
• City events
• Online news
• Facebook
I Twitter
• Station (XY)
• Frequency (XV)
• Station list
• Traffic program on or off
Fig. 13 Command overview
I Presets
• SD·card
• Audi music Interface
Jukebox I Wl·FI
• Track
Video I Genres
• Folder up
1 I SD-card 2
I Artist I Album I Playlist I Album browser I
I Bluetooth I
Voice re cogni t ion system
Voice recognition system
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognit ion system
You con operate many Infotainment functions
conveniently by spea king.
Emphasize the words in the commands evenly
and do not leave long pauses.
Do not speak a command when the voice recogni-
tion system is making an announcement.
Close the doors, the windows and the sunroof* to
reduce background noise. Make sure that passengers are not speaking when you are giving a voice
Do not direct the air vents toward the handsfree
micropho ne, which is on the roof headline r near
the front interior lights.
Only use the system from the driver 's seat because the handsfre e microphone is directed to-
Fig. 14 Talk butto n and right t humbwheel
Requirement: The ignition and the MMI must be
switched on Q
call in progress and the parking system must not
be active.
.. Switching on: Briefly press the 5:1 Q fig. 14
butt on on the multifunction steering wheel*
and say the desired command afte r the
.. Switching off:
Or: Press one of the buttons to open a menu on
the MMI contro l panel @ Q
.. Canceling: Press the 5:1 button and say a new
Input assistance
page 7, there must be no phone
Beep .
Press and hold the 10.I button .
page 5, fig. 1.
Or: Say the command Cancel.
ward that seat.
Additional settings
Additional settings, such as individual speech
the main menu using the
Qpage33 .
based on your voice, the Command dis-
or the prompt volume, can be adjusted in
Setup MMI control but-
- Direct your ful l attenti on to drivi ng. As the
driver, you have complete responsibility for
safety in t raffic . Only use the fu nctions in
such a way that you always maintain com-
plete control over your vehicle in all traff ic
- Do not use the voice recognition system in
The system guides you through the input with
visual and audio feedback.
- Visual input assistance: After tu rning on voice
recognit ion, a display with a selection of possible commands appears in the MMI display. The
command display can be tu rned on or off in t he
main menu using the
> Speech dialog system.
- Audio input assistance:
commands read, turn the voice recognition sys-
tem on and say
For the system to understand you:
Speak clearly and distinct ly at a normal volume.
Speak louder when driv ing faste r.
Setup MMI control but-
To have the possible
emergenc ies because your voice may change
in stressful situati ons. It may take longer t o
dial the number or the system may not be
able to dial it at all . Dial the emergency
number manually.
@ Tips
- The dialog pauses when there is an incoming phone call and will continue if you ignore the call. The dialog ends if you answer
the call.
- Voice guidance prompts * do not play when a
dialog is active.
- You can select an item in the list using either the voice recognition system or the
control knob.
Vo ice recognition system
Information about the
command overviews
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognitio n system
The following overviews describe the commands
that can be used to operate the MMI using the
voice recognition system.
Alternative commands are separated using a
for example say: Telephone I (or) Navigation I
(or) Radio.
Global commands
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognitio n system
You can always use the global commands, re-
Sequences of commands used to perform an action are identif ied with a">", for example say:
Enter address > (then) Enter country/ state.
The majority shown are main commands. This
system also recognizes synonyms in certain cases. For example, for
also say
business, work, office or job .
business address, you can
gardless of the menu selected.
Function Say:
Opening a menu
Having the possible commands
read aloud
Telephone I Directory I Navigation I Radio I Media I Audi con-
Help I Help speech dialog system I Help Telephone I Help Navi-
gat ion I Help Map I Help Radio I Help Media
I Car I Tone
Telephone functions Call (XV), for example Call John Smith I Enter numb er I Redial I
Directory I Read new message I Read new e-mail
Navigation functions Navigate to (XY), for example Navigate to John Smith I Enter
Online destinat ion (XY)
I Cance,l route guidance I Map I Online destinatio ns I
Selecting an entry from a list Line (XV)
Scrolling through a list Next page I Previous page
Switching the voice recognition sys-
tern off
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition system and telep hone
Requirement: A cell phone must be connected to
the MMI
must be open
Function Say:
Calling a contact from the directory Call (XV), for examp le Call John Smith
Selecting a specific contact numbe r Call (XV) business I private I land line I cell,
Selecting a phone number with an
Q page 36 and the Telephone menu
Q page 3 7.
for example, Call John Smith Private
Call I Call business I Call private I Call land line I Call cell phone
address card open business
Displaying recent calls
Recent calls
Calling the last number dialed Redialing
Voice recognition sys tem
Function Say:
Dialing a phone number Enter numbe r > A~er being prompted, say the telephone num-
ber in groups of individual numbers, for example
> Dial
Correcting the phone number that Delete number I Correcti on
was entered
Showing contact information
Accessing favorites Favorites > Line (XV)
Listening to messages Call voicemail
Directory > say the desired contact when prompted, for example
John Smith
phones that transmit names separated into
(D Tips
first and last names.
- Contacts in the directory can selected using
the full name ("first name last name" and
"last name, first name") as well as with only
the first or last name. This applies to cell
- For more information on the supported cell
phones, visit www.audiusa .com/bluetooth
or your autho rized Audi dealer.
800 555 0100
Audi connect
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition system and Audi connect
Requirement : The requirements for Audi connect
must be met
Function Say:
Accessing Audi connect services
Audi connect services
Search areas for Audi connect serv-Vicinity of destination I Imme diate vicinity I In new city
Q page 47 .
Audi connect > follow the system prompts
City events I Fuel prices I Flight information I Travel informa-
I Online news I Parking information I Weather I Twitter I
(D Tips
Refer to the notes in the chapter
Q page 54.
About Audi
Messages (Audi connect)
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition system and Audi connect
Requirement : The requiremen ts for Audi connect
must be met
Function Say:
Reading messages Read text message I Read e-mail
Forwarding a message Forward text message
C? page 47.
Voice recognition system
(D Tips
- Refer to the notes in the chapter About
Audi connect ¢
page 54.
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognit ion system and navigation system
Requirement : The Navigation menu must be
Opening the navigation list Last destinations I Saved addresses
Selecting the home address Home address
Entering a destination type
Entering an address with guidance Enter address > follow the system prompts
from th e system
¢ page 56.
Enter destination > the destination type, for example "Enter
You can say the following commands to enter a
Entering an address directly
Individual commands for entering a
Making a correction while enter ing a Correction
destinat ion
Navigating to a contact
Navigating to a specific address for Navigate to (XY) Business address: I Private address,
a contact for example Navigate to John Smith business address
Navigating to a stored address Saved addresses > Line (XY) > start route guidance when
Enter address > the house number, the name of the street and
the city,
Enter address > Enter country/state I Enter city I Enter ZIP
code I Enter street I Enter intersection I Enter house number I
Enter downtown
Navigate to (XY), for example Navigate to John Smith
for example "Indianapolis Michigan Road 4000"
Starting route guidance with an address card open address
Navigate I Navigate to private address I Navigate to business
Changing an address while route Enter address > enter the desired address when prompted>
guidance is active confirm the new destination if prompted
Adding a stopover when route guid-Enter address > enter desired address when prompted> Add as
ance is active stopover
Starting route guidance after enter-
ing a destination
Canceling current route guidance
Calculating three alternative routes Calculating alternative routes
Entering a point of interest by se-Point of interest > search area when prompted> category or
lecting a search area with guidance subcategory when prompted, for example "Restaurants"
from the system
Destination input categories
Starting route guidance
Canceling route guidance
Audi Service I ATM I Coffee Shop I Hotel I Restaurant I Gas sta-
I Diesel ga1s station* I Parking space etc.
Voice recognition system
Entering a point of interest by se-Point of interest and search area,
lecting a search area directly for example "Find gas station in immed. vicinity"
Search areas for entering points of Immediate vicinity I Along the route I Vicinity of destination I
interest Vicinity of stopover I In new city I Nationwide I In new country
These points of interest can be en-
tered directly as a destination Find Restaurant I Find gas station I Find diesel gas station* I
Entering an online destination by Online destinations > Immediate vicinity I Vicinity of destina-
selecting a search area with guidance from the system*
Entering an online destination by
selecting a search area directly*
Find Audi Service I Find ATM I Find Coffee Shop I Find Hotel I
Find natural gas station* I Find charging station* I Find park-
ing space
tion I In new city > the search term
Online destination and search area,
for example
"Online destination "Lakeview Hotel" in immedi-
ate vicinity"
Displaying an online dest ination* Show in list I Show on map
You can say the follow ing commands for more
settings in Navigation:
General map options
fo overview map
I Day map I Night map I Split screen info I Split screen in-
I Split screen info off I Intersection map on/
Map type
Automatic map zoom
Showing the route list
2D position map I 2D north map I 3D map I Destination map I
Overview map I Standard map I Google Earth Mapa>
Automatic zoom
Route list
I Automatic zoom off I Automatic zoom in-
Showing the remaining distance/
time when route guidance is active
Setting voice guidance for active
route guidance
al Provider at time of printing .
Destination information
Voice guidance on
(D Tips
- Destinations may have to be spelled when
entered, depending on the country where
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognit ion system
Requirement: The Radio menu must be open
I Voice guidance off I Shortened voice guid-
I Complete voice guidance I Traffic voice guidance
you are locat ed and which menu language
you have selected.
- Refer to the notes in the chapter
Audi connect
c::> page 54.
c::>page 69.
Voice recognition system
Selecting the reception band
Selecting a stat ion from the stat ion Station (XV) I Station list > Line (XV)
Selecting a station from the presets
Setting the frequency
FM I AM I SiriusXM*
Presets > Line (XV)
Frequency (XV)
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognitio n system
Requirement: The Media menu mus t be open
~ page 72.
Selecting a source directly Jukebox I CD I SD-card 1 I SD-card 2 I Audi music interface I
Bluetooth I DVD I Wi-Fi
Selecting aud io/video files* from
the Jukebox browser
Selecting aud io/video files* on an
iPod (Audi music interface source)
Navigating withi n a folder struc-Folder up I Line (XV)
tu re/lis t
Video I Playlists I Artist I Album I Song I Genres I Album
Video* I Playlists I Artist I Album I Song I Podcasts I Genres I
Composers I Audio books
Media drives/connections
Media drives/
There are various media drives and connections
available in the MMI. For example, you can play
audio/video* files from the Jukebox, or you can
connect a portable device to the Audi music interface and operate it through the MMI.
General information
Media and format restrictions:
The MMI (includ-
However, in some cases, the additional informa-
tion may not be displayed.
Restricted functionality: If functionality is re-
stricted, reset the
default settings
Media settings to the factory
¢ page 33.
If functionality is restricted, reset the Jukebox to
the factory default settings¢
page 33.
For information on the properties of supported
media and file formats, refer to ¢
CD/DVD mode
CD/DVD and format restrictions:
page 29 .
The functional-
ity of individual storage media may be limited
ing the SD card reader and the USB storage de-
vice connection*) was tested with a variety of
products and media on the market . However ,
there may be cases where individual devices or
media and audio/video* files may not be recognized, may play only with restrictions or may not
play at all.
Data protection: Note that audio/video* files are
subject to copyright laws.
The media drives do not play files that are pro-
tected by ORM and that are identified with the
Data security: Never store important data on the
due to the variety of blank CDs/DVDs available
and the various capacities. Audio CDs or video
DVDs with copy protection, CDs/DVDs that do not
conform to the standard and multisession CDs
may not play or playback may be limited. Audi
recommends finalizing the recording process
when creating multisession CDs. Multisession is
not supported for DVDs.
Using CDs/DVDs and the DVD drive: To ensure
good, high-quality sound reproduction and to
prevent damage to the drive or disc reading errors, always store CDs/DVDs in a protective
sleeve and do not expose them to direct sunlight.
not use:
memory cards, the Jukebox, CDs/DVDs or porta ble audio devices . Audi is not responsible for
damaged or lost files and media.
Loading times : The more files/folders/playlists
that are on a storage medium, the longer it will
take to load the audio/video files* . Audi recom-
mends using storage media that only contain au-
dio/video files*. To decrease the time it takes to
load audio/video files*, create subfolders (for example, for the artist or album). The loading time
will also increase when importing files.
Additional information: When playing, audio
files are automatically displayed with any additional information that is stored (such as the ar-
"' tist, track and album cover). If this information is
not available on the storage medium, the MMI
will check the Gracenote metadata database.
- Damaged, dirty or scratched CDs/DVDs
- Single CDs/DVDs (3 inch/8 cm diameter)
- CD/DVDs that are not round
- CDs/DVDs with labels
- Protective rings
- Cleaning CDs
Thermal protection switch: CD/DVD playback
may be temporarily unavailable if outside temperatures are extremely hot or cold . A thermal
protection switch is installed to protect the CD/
DVD and the laser .
Laser devices: Laser devices are divided into safe-
ty classes 1 to 4 in accordance with DIN IEC 76
(CO) 6/VDE 0837. The optical readers that are installed conform to safety class
1. Lasers in this
class are very weak and well shielded, so there is
no danger if used correctly. ..,_
Media drives/connections
Device cover: Do not remove the cover from the
device . The device does not contain any parts
that the owner can repair .
SD card readers
The SD cord readers ore located in the glove
The DVD drive is located in the glove compartment.
Fig. 16 DVD drive
Fig. 15 Inser ting the SD card
- Inserting the SD card: The angled corner of the
SD card must point toward the right front . The
writing on the SD card faces up and the contact
surface faces down. Slide the SD card into the
card reader slot @ until you feel the SD card
click into place
- Removing the SD card: Press briefly on the SD
card. The SD card is released.
The SD card reader is started and operated
through the MMI
¢ fig . 15.
¢ page 72.
- Loading a CD/ DVD: The CD/DVD is pulled in au-
tomatically. Slide the CD/DVD straight into the
DVD slot @ with the label facing up
- Ejecting a CD/DVD: Press the button (D.
The CD/DVD is pulled in again automatically if it
is not removed from the DVD slot with in approximately ten seconds after ejecting it.
The DVD drive is started and operated through
the MMI
¢ page 72 .
¢ fig. 16.
(D Note
- Never force a CD/DVD into the drive. The
CD/DVD is pulled in automatically.
- Do not insert CDs/DVDs with labels into the
([) Note
Only use one-piece SD cards. If adapter cards
(SD cards with more than one piece) are used,
the card could fall out of the adapter when
driving because of vibrations . Individual
pieces could then become stuck in the drive
and impair the functionality.
@ Tips
Always keep the SD card in a suitable case to
protect it from dirt, dust particles and other
drive. Labels can come loose from the CD/
DVD and damage the dr ive.
(D Tips
CD/DVD playback is not ensured with audio
files that have a high data rate.
Audio/video files from a CD/DVD-ROM, a USB
storage device or an SD card con be copied to the
.,. Select: the I MEDIAi button > Settings control
> Add to/cle ar jukebox .
The used/free Jukebox memory (approximate ly
10 GB) as well as the number of stored tracks ap-
pear in the MMI display. ..,.
Media dri ve s/connections
Adding to the Jukebox
- Selecting file s/f older :
jukebox > Source > Files/folder . Press the All
Select Copy data to
control button to select all files or folders. Or:
Select and confirm a folder and press and hold
the control knob. All files in the folder are se-
lected for importing.
- Starting the importing process: Press the Copy
control button. The status of the import ing
process is shown in the MMI display and in the
status line @ c::>
- Hiding the import ing process: Select and con-
Continue copying in background. The im-
page 10, fig. 6.
porting process is hidden .
- Canceling the importing process: Select and
Cancel copying: Or: Remove the source
that is being imported . Files already copied re-
{!) Tips
- Tracks from audio CDs cannot be imported
to the Jukebox for legal reasons.
- Files already imported are recognized and
will be grayed out when setting up a new
- It is not possible to play audio/video files in
the DVD drive while importing them.
- The Jukebox does not provide an export
function due to legal reasons.
- Files or tracks without stored information
are listed as Unknown . Audi recommends
adding additional informat ion (such as ID3
tags) to audio files.
- Please note that audio/video files* are subject to copyright laws. Reset the Jukebox to
the factory defau lt settings when selling
your vehicle c::>
page 33.
The audio files are automatically sorted into the
media center categories using the stored addi-
tional informa tion when importing c::>
page 73.
The copied video files are sto red in the media
center under the
Clearing the Jukebox
Videos catego ry.
Requirement : The Jukebox must conta in audio/
video files.
- Selecting files or folders : Select Delete data
from jukebox >
files/folder. Press the All contro l butto n to se-
Jukebox folder structure >
lect all files or folders . Or: Select and confirm a
folder and press and hold the control knob. All
files in the folder are selected for delet ing.
- Deleting files or folders : Select the Start delet-
control butto n > Yes, delete files . The sta-
tus of the deleting process is shown in the MMI
display. Jukebox playback stops during the deletion process and start s again automat ically
once the deletion is complete.
The Jukebox is started and operated throug h the
c=:>page 72.
Bluetooth-audio player
Applies to vehicles : wit h Bluetoot h
You can pay music wirelessly from your cell
phone through the MMI using the Bluetooth au-
dio player.
Requirements: The vehicle must be stat ionary to
pair the portab le device. The Bluetooth function
on the portable device and on the MMI
player c::> page 45 must be switched on.
Pairing the Bluetooth audio player
... Select: the I MEDIAi button> Source control
button >
Bluetooth audio player.
Bluetooth audio player > Connect new
The available Blue-
tooth audio players are shown.
.,. Select and confirm the desired Bluetoot h audio
player from the list.
... Select and confirm
Audio player. The MMI gen-
erates a PIN for the connection.
.,. Select and confirm
Yes .
... Enter the PIN for connect ing on your cell
Or: If the PIN is already displayed on
(D Note
Do not import audio/video files when th e engine is turned off because th is will drain the
vehicle batt ery.
your cell phone, confirm it in the cell phone and
in the MMI. The time allowed for entering the
PIN is limited to approximately 30 seconds . ..,.
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