Thank you for choosing the MMI Radio System - we value your trust in us.
With your new Audi, you are receiving a vehicle with a state-of-the art system
that allows you the change the vehicle's settings and operate the electronic
equipment from a central location using the MMI.
We recommend that you read this g1uide carefully so that you quickly get to
know all of the functions and possibilit ies that the MMI offers and are able to
make full use of them while driving.
Please note that these instructions are a supplement to your vehicle Owner's
Manual and should only be used in conjunction with your current vehicle Owner's
This manual contains important information,
tips, suggestions and warnings for using your ve-
Keep this manua l in your vehicle at all times. This
is especially important if you loan your vehicle to
others or sell it.
Some sect ions in this manua l do not apply to all
vehicles. When this is the case, the beg inning of
the section indicates the
"Applies to vehicles : with multifunction steering
wheel" . Optiona l or vehicle-specific equipment is
also identified with an aster isk"*".
illustration s in this manual are a guide .
validity, for example
{!) Tips
Text with this symbol contains additional useful information.
Some of the detai ls in your vehicle may differ
from the illustration.
There is a
this manual that lists all of the topics covered in
the order that they appear. There is also an al-
phabetic al Index
directions, such as "left" , "right", "front" and
"rear", are based on the vehicle's direction of
Opt ional or vehicle-specific equipment.
.,,. The section cont inues on the next page .
¢ & Cross reference to a "WARNING" within a
section . If a page number is indicated, the
Table of Content s at the beginn ing of
at the end of this book.
WARNING is located outs ide of the section .
Text with this symbol conta ins information
about safety and how to reduce the risk of serious personal injury or death.
Q) Note
Text with th is symbol conta ins information
about reducing the risk of damage to your vehicle .
@) For the sake of the environment
Text with th is symbol conta ins information on
protecting t he environment.
O ve rv iew
Controls at a glance
The Multi Media Interface, or MMI for short, combines various systems for communication* and entertainment in your Audi.
Fig. 1 MMI controls
You can operate the MMI using the MMI control
panel or the multifunction steering wheel*
- This manual describes the equipment range
specified for this model at the time of printing. Individual equipment options described
may only be available at a later date or may
only be offered in certain countries.
- On vehicles with right-hand drive steeri ng*,
the layout of the system components differs
somewhat from what is shown here
The symbols for the controls are t he same.
fig. 1.
Traffic safety
(D Tips
- Please note that this manual only describes
MMI compo nents. You can find additional
informat ion on operating your vehicle in
your vehicle Owner's Manual.
Audi recommends only performing certain functions, such as enter ing a destination, when the
vehicle is stat ionary. Always be prepared to stop
operating the MMI system in the interest of your
safety and that of other road users. .,..
- Driving requires your complete and undivided attention . As the driver, you have com-
plete responsibility for safety in traffic. Only
use the MMI when traffic condit ions permit
and always in a way that allows you to main-
tain complete control over your vehicle .
- Adjust the volume of the audio system so
that signals from outside the vehicle, such
as police and fire sirens, can be heard easily
at all times.
- Obey all applicable laws regarding use of
telephones in vehicles.
Care information
For information on cleaning and caring for the In-
fotainment components, refer to the
and Protection
chapter of your vehicle Owner's
MMI control panel
MMI control panel
Switching the MMI on
and off
The MMI switches on and off automatically with
the ignition. It can also be switched on or off
manually .
- Switching on manually : press the On/Off knob
®briefly ¢
button or one of the buttons used to open a
menu @ .
When the system is switched on, the last menu
that was selected is displayed and the last audio
page 4, fig. 1. Or: press the !MENUI
@ Tips
Volumes that are too high or too low are automatically adjusted to a set level when the
MMI is switched on.
You can easily access functions in the MMI using
an intuitive and standardized operating process.
source that was selected begins playing.
- Switching off manually : press and hold the
On/Off knob until the MMI switches off.
MMI has been switched off manually, it does
not switch on again automatically the next time
the ignition is switched on.
The MMI can still be operated for approximately
ten minutes after switching the ignition off. If
you do not press any buttons or the control knob
on the MMI control panel within this time, the
MMI switches off automatically.
per right control button corresponds to the upper right corner of the display .
Opening the main menu
• Press the I MENU I button (J) ¢ page 4, fig. 1.
The MMI menu (such as Radio) is displayed.
MMI control panel
Opening a menu directly
• Press the button ®¢ page 4, fig. 1 in the di-
rection of t he desired menu (such as
Menus and symbols
Returning to functions at higher levels
• Press the I BACKI button (z).
Fig. 3 Menus and symbols
Symbol/Description Explanation
Selected text Selected function
Arrow down or up Additiona l functions when scroll ing forward/back
Time Set time ¢ page 21
Bluetooth* Bluetooth is switched on ¢ page 32
Bluetooth* Bluetooth device connected
Signa l strength bars
Input field
The audio source is muted
r::!;> page 6
¢ page 16 or ¢ page 25
Cell phone network signal strength for a connected cell phone
¢page 25
Informat ion that can be changed using the letter/number speller
¢ page 27
Selection list
Settings for the selected function that are accessed by pressing the
control knob
Submenu with additional functions that are accessed by pressing
the contro l knob
Title line Selected menu (such as Telephone)
Multifunction steering wheel
Multifunction steering
Applies to vehicles: with multifunctio n steering wheel
You can operate various MMI functions and the
driver information system, change the volume,
and turn the voice recognition system on and off
with the multifunction steering wheel .
- Quick scrolling through lists: turn the left
thumbwhee l quickly.
- Displaying/exiting the submenu: press the
button ~ -
The following tabs are available, depending on
vehicle equipment:
- 1. Tab: vehicle informat ion, assistance systems
- 2. Tab
speed warn ing system
- 3. Tab: radio/media
- 4 . Tab: Telephone* ¢ page 9
@ Programmable steering wheel button
- Selecting a function: press the [II button.
l: indicator lights, driver messages ,
¢page 10
Fig. 4 Driver information system
- Changing a function: selec t the IMENU! button
> Car> Car systems* control button > Vehicle
> Steering wheel button program.
@ Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the volume of an audio source or a
system message (for example, from the voice
recognition system) when the sound is playing.
- Increasing or decreasing the volume: turn the
right thumbwheel up or down .
- Muting or pausing: turn the right thumbwheel
down .
- Unmuting or resuming: turn the right thumb-
wheel up.
Or: press the right thumbwheel.
Or: press the right thumbwheel.
Fig. 5 Controls on the mult ifunction steering wheel
The driver information system contains seve ral
tabs @ that display various informat ion @ .
- Switching tabs: press the !<1 e>! button to the
left/rig ht.
- Selecting a function: turn the left thumbwheel
to the desired function .
- Confirming a selection: press the left thumb-
@ Switching the voice recognition system on
or off
- Switching on:
the mult ifunction steering wheel. Say the desired command after the
- Switching off: press and hold the 51 button.
Or: say the command Cancel.
For more information about the voice recognition
system, refer to ¢
The button ® does not have a function
assigned to it.
press the 51 button briefly on
page 12.
1l The second tab is only visible if at least one indicator light
or message is shown or if that system is switched on.
Multifunction steering wheel
Using the telephone
Applies to vehicles: with a mult ifunction steering wheel and
telepho ne
Fig. 6 Directory
Incoming call
Applies to vehicles: with a mu ltifunction steering whee l and
Caller information : the name, phone number or
Unknown appears in the driver information sys-
tem display depend ing on if the calle r has been
stored in the directory and if the phone number
has been t ransm itted.
-Acc epting a call : press the left th umbwheel
when t here is an incom ing call.
- Rejecting a call : se lect and conf irm Reject
when t here is an incoming call.
- Ending a phone call : select and confirm End
Requirement: a cell phone must be connected to
the MMI
must be displayed¢
¢ page 25 and the telep hone tab
page 8 .
.. Select : t he lil but ton.
- Calling a conta ct in the directory : selec t Direc-
tory .
Select and confi rm a cont act .
- Calling a contact in the call list : se lect Recent
Select and confi rm a contact .
Directory contacts : the driver informat ion sys-
tem only displays directo ry contacts that have a
phone number stored.
If several phone numbers
are stored with a contact, t he list of stored num-
bers is disp layed first when the ent ry is se lected.
For more informa tion abo ut t he displayed sym-
During a phone call
Applies to vehicles: with a mu ltifunction steering whee l and
Requirement: the 3-way calling function must be
switched on for some of the options listed
¢ page 32 and there must be a call in progress .
- Making an additional call: select Hold >
button > Directory or Recent calls > an entry in
the list.
- Accepting an incoming call when the re is an
active call and a call on hold :
Replace . The active call is replaced with
the incoming call .
Additional funct ions include:
select and con-
bols , refe r to ¢
page 29.
Recent calls: the recent calls list contains all in-
com ing, outgoing and missed calls ¢
page 26,
fig. 22.
@ Tips
- The t ele phon e functions can only be contro lled wit h the mu ltifunction stee ring
whee l if the te lepho ne equ ipment was installed
- The t ele phone and call options depend on
the cell phone se rvice provider and t he cell
phone. You can obta in more information
from your cell phone service provide r.
at the factory .
Mute: if you select and confirm this funct ion, the
othe r person on the phone cannot hear you. You
can hear the other person .
Holding or resuming a call: you can put your ex-
isting phone call on hold and res ume it.
Swap call: you can alter nate between two phone
calls at the same t ime. One of the calls will be on
End call ends the act ive phone call. A call
t hat was placed on hold stays on hold and can be
ta ken off hold with
Conference :
a party on hold and up to five active
parties (depending on the netwo rk) can be added
to a conference call. To make an add itiona l call,
put all participants in the current conference call
on hold using
Hold. By pressing the ~ button, .,..
Multifunction steering wheel
you can make an addit ional call from the directo -
ry or the recent calls list .
ties off hold.
Resume ta kes all par-
@ Tips
The Call waiting func tion must be activated
in your cell phone and in the MMI to be alerted t o an incom ing call during an active call.
The call options depend on the cell phone and
service provider . You can obtain more information from you r cell phone service prov ider.
Listening to the radio
Applies to vehicles: with mu ltifunction steering wheel
Playing media
Applies to vehicles: with mult ifunct ion steering wheel
Requireme nt: a media drive mus t con tain audio
be displayed.
.. Playing an audio file : select and confirm a file .
.. Pausing or resuming playback: press t he right
.. Restarting playback of an audio file: se lect the
.,. Moving one level up in the folder structure :
¢page 15 and the radio/media tab must
thum bwhee l. To resume playback, press the
right thum bwheel again.
track that is currently playing, if necessary .
Press the left thumbwheel.
select and confirm Go up.
Fig. 7 Radio me nu
Requirement: the radio/media tab must be dis-
¢ fig. 7.
.. Selecting a station from the station list : select
and confirm a radio station .
.. Updating the station list
select and confirm
The following functions are also available when
you press th e ~ button:
- Select ing a source : se lect and confirm a source
such as Audi music interface*.
- Selecting a radio station using the source list :
select and confirm a freq uency band and then
select a station from the stat ion list.
(D Tips
The med ia drives do not play files that are
protected by ORM and that are identified with
the symbo l ~-
Update station list
The following functions are available when you
press the ~ button:
- Selecting the frequency band: select and con-
firm a frequency band.
- Selecting a station from the presets list : se lect
and confirm
tion .
Presets and the n selec t a radio sta-
- Accessing media using the source overview:
select and confirm an audio source .
l ) Applies to the AM freq uency band.
Voice recognition system
• Telephone
• Directory
• Radio
• Media
• Help
• Help Speech Dialogue System
• Help Telephone
• Help Radio
• Help Media
Enter number
Dial number
Delete number
Call (XY)
• business
I correction
I private I land lint I mobile
• Call (XY)
• Enter number
• Redial
• Line
• Previous I next page
• Cancel
• Call lost
• Redial
• Call mailbox
• Station "BBC Radio
• Ensemble (XY)
• Frequency (XY)
• Station list
• Traffic programme on
I Memory list
I off
• CD
• SD card
• Audi music interfact
• Bluetooth
• Tracks
Videos I Podcasts I Genres I Composers
• Folder up
I Artist I Albums I Playllsts I Audlobooks I
Fig. 8 Command overview
Voice recognition system
Voice recognition system
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition system
You con operate many Infotainment functions
conveniently by speaking.
Emphasize the words in the commands evenly
and do not leave long pauses.
Do not speak a command when the voice recognition system is making an announcement.
Close the doors, the windows and the sunroof* to
reduc e background noise. Make sure that passengers are not speaking when you are giving a voice
Do not direct the air vents toward the handsfree
microphone, which is on the roof headliner near
the front interior lights.
Only use the system from the driver's seat because the handsfree microphone is directed to-
Fig. 9 Talk button and right thumbwheel
Requirement: the ignition and the MMI must be
switched on
call in progress and the parking system must not
be active.
• Switching on: briefly press the 12!]
ton on the multifunction steering wheel* and
say the desired command after the
• Switching off:
Or: press one of the buttons to open a menu on
the MMI control panel @ ~
• Canceling: press the 12!] button and say a new
Input assistance
page 6, there must be no phone
fig. 9 but-
press and hold the 12!] button .
page 4, fig. 1.
Or: say the command Cancel.
ward that seat.
Additional settings
Additional settings, such as individual voice
the main menu using the
based on your voice, the Command dis-
or the prompt volume, can be adjusted in
Setup control button
~ page 22.
- Direct your full attention to driving. As the
driver, you have complete responsibility for
safety in traff ic. Only use the functions in
such a way that you always maintain complete control over your vehicle in all traffic
- Do not use the voice recognition system in
The system guides you through th e input with
visual and audio feedback.
- Visual input assistance: after turning on voice
recognition, a display with a selection of possible commands appears in the MMI display. The
command display can be turned on or off in the
main menu using the
- Audio input assistance: to have the possible
commands read, turn the voice recognition system on and say
For the system to understand you:
Speak clearly and distinctly at a normal volume .
Setup MMI control but-
emergencies because your voice may change
in stressful situations. It may take longer to
dial the number or the system may not be
able to dial it at all. Dial the emergency
number manually .
@ Tips
- The dialog pauses when there is an incoming phone call and will continue if you ignore the call. The dialog ends if you answer
the call.
- You can select an item in the list using ei-
ther the voice recognition system or the
control knob.
Speak louder when driving faste r.
Voice recognition system
Information about the
command overviews
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition syste m
The following overviews describe the commands
that can be used to operate the MMI using the
voice recognition system.
Alternative commands are separated using a
for example say: Telephone I (or) Directory I (or)
Global commands
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition syste m
You can always use the global commands, re-
Sequences of commands used to perform an action are identified with a">", for example say:
Station (XV) > (then) Line (XV).
The majority shown are main commands. This
system also recognizes synonyms in certain cases. For example, for
Call office number , Call number at work or
Call work .
Call business, you can also
gardless of the menu selected .
Function Say:
Opening a menu
Telephone I Directory I Radio I Media
Having the possible commands Help I Help speech dialog system I Help telephone I Help radio
read aloud I Help media
Telephone funct ions Call (XV), for example Call John Smith I Enter number I Redial I
Selecting an entry from a list Line (XY)
Scrolling through a list Next page I Previous page
Switching the voice recognition sys-
tern off
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition syste m and telep horne
Requirement: a cell phone must be connected to
the MMI
must be open
Function Say:
r:=:>page 25 and the Telephone menu
r:=:> page 26 .
Calling a contact from the directory Call (XY), for example Call John Smith
Selecting a specific contact number Call (XV) business I private I land line I cell,
for example, Call John Smith private
Selecting a phone number with an Call I call business I call private I call land line I call cell phone
address card open
Displaying recent calls
Recent calls
Calling the last number dialed Redialing
Dialing a phone number Enter number > After being prompted, say the telephone num-
ber in groups of individual numbers,
for example 800 555 0100
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