You have decided on the MMI Radio - thank you very much for your
confidence in us.
Wit h your new Audi, you are receiv ing a veh icle with a state-of-the art system
t hat allows you t he change the vehicle's settings and operate the ele ctron ic
equipme nt from a centra l location using the MMI.
We recommend that you read these Operating Instructions carefully so that you
quickly get to know all of the functions and poss ibilities that t he MMI offers and
are able to make full use of t hem while driv ing.
Please note t hat these inst ructions a re a supplemen t to your vehicle Owner's
Manua l and sho uld on ly be used in conju nction with your current vehicle Owner's
items of equipment may not yet be available at the t ime of printing or may only
be offered in certain countries.
- On vehicles with right-hand drive steering*, the layout of the system components differs somewhat from what is
shown here¢
controls are the same .
spe cified for t his model at t he
fig. l. The symbols for the
Traffic safety
@ Tips
- Please note that this manua l only de scribes MMI components. You can find
additional information on operating your
vehicle in your veh icle Owner's Manual.
Audi recommends only performing certain
funct ions such as ente ring a dest ination when
the veh icle is stationary. Always remember to
stop using the MMI if necessary to ensure
your safety and the safety of other drivers.
- Driving requires your complete and undivided attention. As the driver, you have
complete responsibility for safety in traffic. Only use the MMI when traffic condit ions pe rmit and always in a way that al-
lows you to ma intain complete control
over your vehicle.
- Adjust the volume of the aud io system so
signa ls from outside the vehicle such as
police and fire sirens can be hea rd eas ily
at all times .
Over v iew 5
- Obey all applicable laws regarding use of
telephones in vehicles.
Care information
For informatio n on cleaning and caring for the
Info tainmen t components, refer to the
ing and Protection
owner's manual.
chapter of your vehicle
6 MMI control panel
MMI control panel
Switching the MMI on/
The MMI switches on and off automatically
with the ignition. It can also be switched on or
off manua lly.
- Switching on manually : Press the On/Off
knob briefly®
IM ENU I button or one of the buttons
used to call up a menu @ .
When switched on, the last menu that was se-
lected is displayed and the last audio source
c:> page 4, fig. 1. Or: Press
(D Tips
Volumes that are too high or too low are
automat ically adjusted to a specified level
when the MMI is switched on.
You can easily access functions in the MMI us-
ing an intuitive and standardized operating
process .
that was selected begins playing.
- Switching off manually: Press and hold the
On/Off knob until the MMI switches
MMI that has been switched
next t ime the ignition is switched on.
The MMI can still be operated for approxi-
mately ten minutes after switching the ignition
control knob on the MMI control panel within
this time, the MMI automatically switches
not switch on again automat ically the
off. If you do not press any buttons or the
off manually
off. An
(D Tips
The MMI switches off automat ically when
Fig. 2 Operating
the engine is not running and there is a
low batte ry charge.
Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the volume or mute the selected audio source using the On/Off knob.
The volume of an audio source or system message can be adjusted while playing.
l ) The second tab is only visible if at least one indicato r
light or message is shown or if that system is switch-
ed on.
Multifunction steering wheel 9
For mo re informat ion about the voice recogni -
tion system, refer to r::!>
page 12.
The button® does not have a function
assigned to it.
Applies to vehicles: with a multifunction steering wheel
and telephone
- The telep hone and call options depend
on the cell phone se rvice provide r and
t he cell phone. You can obtain more information from your cell phone serv ice
provider .
Incoming call
Applies to vehicles: with a multifunction steering whee l
and telephone
Caller information : The Name, Phone number
or Unknown appears in the driver informat ion
system display depending on whet her t he
caller has been stored in the directory and if
the pho ne number has been transmi tt ed.
Fig. 6 Directory
Requirements: A cell phone must be connected to the MMI
tab must be displayed¢
Select: §l button.
r:!> page 26 and t he telepho ne
page 8.
- Calling a conta ct from the directory : Select
Directory. Sele ct and confirm a contac t .
- Calling a conta ct from the recent calls list :
Select Recent calls . Sele ct and confirm a
- Answering a call: Press the left thumbwheel
when t here is an incoming call.
- Rejecting a call: Select and confirm Reject
when the re is an incom ing call.
- Ending a phone call: Select and confirm End
During a phone call
Applies to vehicles : with a mu ltifunction steering wheel
and telephone
Requirement: The 3-way calling function
must be switched on for some of the options
page 33 and there must be a call in
conta ct .
Directory contacts : The driver informat ion
system only displays directory contacts that
have a phone number saved.
If seve ral phone
numbers are stored in a contact, the list with
sto red num bers is disp layed first when t he en try is selected . For mo re information about
the disp layed symbo ls, refer to r::!>
page 31.
Recent calls : The recen t calls list contains all
incom ing, outgoing and missed calls
r::!> page 28, fig . 24.
(D Tips
- The t ele phone functions can only be controlle d on the m ultifunc tion stee ring
whee l if the telep hone equipment was
insta lled
at the factory.
- Making an additional call : Select Hold >
button > Directory or Recent calls > Entry in
the list.
- Answering a call while in a call and there is
another call on hold :
place .
The active call is replaced by the in-
Select and conf irm Re-
coming call.
Additional funct ions include:
Mute: If you se lect and confirm this func tion,
t he other caller canno t hear you. You can hear
the other caller.
Holding/resuming a call: You can put a cur-
rent call on hold and resume a call.
Call waiting: You can alte rnate between two
phone calls at the same time. One of t he calls
will be on hold . You can end a current call with
End call. A call tha t was placed on hold stays .,..
10 Multifunction steering wheel
on hold and can be taken off hold with Re-
Conference :
A call on hold and up to five ac-
tive part ies (depend ing on the network) can
be added to a conference ca ll. To make an additiona l call, put all participants in the current
conference call on hold using
Hold. If you
press the ~ button, you can make an additional calls from the directory or the call list .
All parties are taken
off hold with Resume .
(D Tips
The Call waiting function must be activat-
ed in your cell phone and in the MMI to be
alerted to an incoming call during an active call. The call options depend on the
cell phone and serv ice provider. You can
obtain more information from your cell
phone service provider.
- Selecting a station from the preset s list :
Select and confirm Presets and then a radio
stat ion .
- Accessing media from the source overview:
Select and confirm an audio source .
Applies to vehicles: with a multi-function steering wheel
Requirement: A med ia drive must contain au-
dio files
must be displayed
Playing an audio file : Select and confirm a
~ page 15 and the radio/media tab
~page 8.
Pausing/continuing playback : Press the
right thumbwheel. Press the right thumb-
wheel again to resume playback.
Restarting playback of an audio file: Select
the track that is currently playing, if neces-
sary. Press the left thumbwheel.
Switching to the next higher level in the
Listening to the radio
Applies to vehicles: with a mult i-function steering wheel
Fig. 7 Radio menu
Requirement: The radio/media tab must be
folder structure:
Select and confirm Go up.
The following functions are also available with
the~ button:
- Selecting a source : Select and confirm a
source such as Audi music interface*.
- Calling up a radio station from the source
list :
Select and confirm a band and then a
station from the station list .
(D Tips
The media drives do not play files protect ed by ORM and are identified with the sym -
Selecting a station from the station list:
~pag e 8.
Select and confirm a rad io stat ion.
Updating the station list
Update station list .
>: Select and con-
The follow ing funct ions are available with the
- Selecting frequency band : Select and con-
firm a band.
l ) Applies to the AM band.
Voice recognition system 11
• Telefon
• Navigation
• Adressbuch
• Radio
• Media
• Hllfe
• Hilfe Sprachd,alogsystem
• Hllfe Telefon
• Hllfe Navigation
• Hilfe Karte
• Hllfe Radio
• Hilfe Media
Nummer elngeben
Nummer wahlen
Nummer loschen
Anrufen be1 ()(YJ
• gesch3ftltch
I Korrelctur
I prlvat I Festnetz I Mobil
• Navlglere zu (XV)
• Gesch3ftsadresse
• Zlelfiihrung starten
• Letzte Ztele
, Favorlten
• He,matadresse
• Adresse e,ngeben
• Land elngeben
• Ort elngeben
• Streckenllste
• Oynamlsche Stauumfahrung eln
• Schnelle Route
• Route sperren
• Alternatlvrouten berechnen
I Privatadresse
I abbrechen
I Eco Route I kurze Route
I Route sperren fur (XY) km/m
I aus
• Anrufen be, ()(V)
• Nummer elngeben
• Wahlw1ederholun9
• Navi91ere zu
• Adresse elngeben
• Z1elfilhrun9 abbrechen
• Karte
• Zelle
• Nachste I vorhenge Se,te
• Abbruch
• Anrufliste
• Wahlwiederholung
• Mailbox anrufen
• Sonderziel elngeben
• Nachster Flughafen
• Nachster Audi Serv,ce
• Nachster Bahnhof
• N3chstes Krankenhaus
• N3chstes Hotel
• N3chstes Restaurant
• N~chste Tankstelle
• N3chste RastsUtte
• Nachste Parkmogllchkelt
• Karte
• Tagkarte
• 2O·Fahrt karte
• Automatischer Zoom eln
I Nachtlc.lrte I Kartenzusatz em oder aus
I 2O-Nordkarte I 3D·Fahrtkarte I Zielkarte I Obersichtskarte
• Sender (XY)
• Ensemble (XV)
• Frequenz
• Senderliste I Spe,cherliste
• Verkehrsfunk eln
Fig. 8 Comm and overview
I aus
I aus
. co
• SO-Karte 1 I SD·Karte 2
• Audi music interface
• Bluetooth
• Tltel) Interpret I Album I Wiedergabeltsten I
HllrbOcher I Video I Podcasts I Genre I Kompomsten
• Ordner aufwarts
12 Voice recognition sys tem
Voice recognition
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition system
You can operate many Infotainment functions comfortably using voice operation .
For the system to understand you:
Speak clearly and distinc tly at a norma l volume. Speak louder when driving faster.
Pronounce the commands evenly and do not
leave long pauses.
Do not speak a command when the voice recognition system is making an announcement.
Close the doors, the windows and the sunroof* to reduce ambient noise. Make sure that
passengers are not speaking when you are giving a voice command .
Do not direct the air vents toward the handsfree microphone near the front interior lights
Fig. 9 Talk butto n and right thumbw heel
Requirement : The ignition and the MMI must
be switched on
phone call in progress and the parking system
must not be active.
.. Switching on: Press t he 5J button ¢ fig. 9
on the multifunction steering wheel* briefly
and say the desired command after the
Beep .
.. Switching off :
Or: Press one of the buttons to open a menu
on the MMI control panel @
c:> page 6, there must be no
Press and hold the 51 button.
c:> page 4,
on the headliner .
Only use the system from the driver's position
since the hands-free microphone is oriented
toward that position .
Addit ional setting s
Additional settings such as Individual speech
or the voice recognition volume can be ad-
justed in the main menu using the
trol button
to your voice, the Command display
Setup con-
<=> page 23 .
- Direct your full attention to driving . As
fig. 1.
.. Cancel: Press the 51 button and say a new
Input assistance
The system gives visual and audio confirmation of your input.
- Visual input assistance: After turning on
speech input, a display with a selection of
possible commands appears in the MMI dis-
play. The command display can be tuned on
or off in the main menu using the
Or: Say the command Cancel.
MMI contro l button.
- Audio input assistance: To have the possible
commands read, turn the voice recognit ion
system on and say
the driver, you have complete responsi-
bility for safety in traffic. Only use the
function s in such a way that you always
maintain complete control over your ve-
hicle in all traffic situations .
- Do not use voice recognition system in
emergencies because your voice may
change in stressful situations. It may
take longer to dial the number or the
system may not be able to dial it at all.
Dial the emergency number manually.
(I} Tips
- The dialog stops when there is an incoming phone call and will continue if you ignore the call. The dialog is canceled if
you answer the call. ..,.
Voice reco g niti o n sy stem 13
- You can se lect an item in the list using
either the voice recognition system or
with the control knob .
Information about the
the command
Applies to vehicles: wit h voice recognition system
The follow ing overviews des cribe the com-
mands that can be used to operate the MMI
using the voice recogn it ion system.
Global commands
Applies to vehicles: with voice recognition system
Alternative commands are sepa rated using a
"I", for examp le say: Telephone I (or) Directo-
I (or) Radio.
Action commands that belong together are
identified with a">", for example say:
The majority shown are main commands. This
system also recognizes synonyms in certain
cases. For example, fo r
also say
(then) > Line (XV) .
Call business you can
Call office numbe r, Call work or Call
You can always use the globa l commands, regardless of the menu selected .
Function Say:
Calling up a menu Telephone I Directory I Radio I Media
Say the commands that are poss i-
ble Radio I Help Med ia
Telephone functions Call (XV), for examp le Call "John Smith" I Enter number I
Selecti ng an entry from a list
Scroll through a list
Switching the voice recogn ition Cancel
system off
Help I Help speech dialog system I Help Telephone I Help
Redial I Directory
Line (XV)
Next page I Previous page
Applies to vehicles: wit h voice recognition system and telephone
Requirement: A cell phone mus t be connec t ed
to the MMI
menu must be called up ¢ page 28.
Function Say:
Call a contact from t he direc tory Call (XV), for example Call "John Smith"
Select a spec ific contact number Call (XV) business I Private I Land line I Cell,
Selecting a phone number wit h an
address card open
Display recent calls Recent calls
Call the last number dia led
¢ page 26 and the Telephone
for example Call John Smith privat e
Call I Call business I Call private I Call land line I Call cell
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