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ATTO Technology, Inc.
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© 2016 ATTO Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders.
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02/2016 PRM A-0445-000MD

Ensure you have the following prerequisites:
• ThunderLink or ThunderStream
• Thunderbolt technology-enabled host
• A Thunderbolt cable
• Compatible storage (SAS/SATA, Fibre Channel or
• A storage device (SAS/SATA, Fibre Channel or Ethernet)
• ATTO Config Tool
1 Installing the ThunderLink or
ThunderStream device
ThunderLink and ThunderStream adapters contain
components that are sensitive to electrostatic
discharge (ESD). ESD can cause damage to these
components. Do not attempt to open the enclosure
as it will void your warranty. Always back up your
system data before changing or installing any
For Windows PC: the ThunderboltTM certified
device driver must be installed before plugging in
the device for it to function properly. Please follow
instructions under
on this page before proceeding to
1.1 Ensure that power to the storage device is off.
1.2 Connect the AC adapter to the ThunderLink or
ThunderStream device and the power cord to a power
1.3 Connect the storage to the ThunderLink or
ThunderStream via the storage device cables.
1.4 Connect your ThunderLink or ThunderStream device to
your laptop or other computing device via the
Thunderbolt cable.
1.5 Power on the storage.
2 Installing Drivers
Mac OS X
Downloading drivers from the ATTO website
2.1 Go to www.attotech.com.
2.2 On the main menu, hover over Support and then click
on Downloads.
2.3 Register or log in if previously registered.
2.4 Select Thunderbolt Desklink Devices from the product
2.5 Select your model.
2.6 From the table, find your Operating System.
2.7 Click on the entry for the latest driver.
2.8 A download window appears. Follow the instructions for
downloading the driver.
2.9 Select a download destination and run the self-extracting
executable file.
Downloading drivers from the ATTO website
2.1 Go to www.attotech.com.
2.2 On the main menu, hover over Support and then click
on Downloads.
2.3 Register or log in if previously registered.
2.4 Select Thunderbolt Desklink Devices from the product
2.5 Select your model.
2.6 From the table, find your Operating System.
2.7 Click on the entry for the latest driver.
2.8 A download window appears. Follow the instructions for
downloading the driver.
2.9 Select a download destination and run the self-extracting
executable file.
3 Install configuration software
The ATTO Config Tool provides an effective
mechanism to configure your ThunderLink or
ThunderStream device and RAID storage.
The latest version of Oracle® Java is recommended for use
with the ATTO Config Tool. It can be obtained through a
Software Update (OS X) or via java.com (Windows).
Instructions for FULL or APPLICATION ONLY
3.1 Launch the ATTO Config Tool Installer
3.2 Run the Config Tool_4xx file
3.3 Select FULL or APPLICATION ONLY as desired
3.4 Follow the on-screen instructions.
4 Create RAID groups
The following section applies to the ThunderStream 4808
4.1 Launch the ATTO Config Tool. The Welcome screen
4.2 From the left-hand panel Device Listing, expand all the
elements in the hosts tree.
An administrator name and password will be needed to
expand the device tree.
4.3 Select the ThunderStream 4808 by clicking on the
element in the Device Listing panel.
4.4 Click on the RAID tab in the right panel.
4.5 The application scans for drives.
4.6 A list of available drives appears. Devices are displayed
in the top panel and RAID groups and Hot Spares are
displayed in the bottom panel.
If you have not yet defined any RAID groups, selecting
the RAID tab automatically starts a RAID wizard. The
wizard is displayed in the bottom panel.
If the RAID wiza rd does not start automatically, select
the RAID Management menu item at the top of the
screen, then select the Create RAID Group from the
menu presented.
4.7 Select either HDD, SSD or DVRaid.
5 Configure your storage and
ThunderLink or ThunderStream device
Default settings are appropriate for most systems but you
may change settings using the ATTO Config Tool.
Please refer to the ATTO ThunderLink and ThunderStream
Installation and Operation Manual or contact an ATTO
Technical Support Technician.
If you plan on using the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) with
LTO drives follow one of the two options listed below to avoid
a potential data corruption issue on an LTO tape drive behind
the Thunderlink SH 2068 or ThunderStream SC 4808 if a
Thunderbolt host goes to sleep or hibernates with data in the
buffered cache.
5.1 Disable the OS sleep/hibernate mode if LTFS operations
are used.
5.2 If sleep mode is required, go into the LTFS application
and set the utility to flush the cache as soon as the OS
closes the file (sync_type set to close). This may affect
Please contact ATTO Technical Support if you need
additional information or assistance with these configuration
*Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel
Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Getting Started Guide
Thank you for purchasing an ATTO Thunderbolt™ adapter. This guide gives you the basic information for installing
and configuring your device. For more information, refer to the ATTO ThunderLink™ and ThunderStream™
Installation and Operation Manual.