ATTO Technology FibreBridge 1190E Installation And Operation Manual

ATTO Technology, Inc.
Installation and Operation Manual
© 2001 ATTO Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written permission of ATTO Technology, Inc.
8/2001 Document Control Number: PRMA-0268-000
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Fibre Channel is a key technology for storage ...................................1
Chapter 2
ATTO FibreBridge supports diverse SAN needs ................................3
Chapter 3
ATTO FibreBridge 1190E characteristics ............................................5
Chapter 4
How to connect SCSI devices to SCSI ports .......................................7
Chapter 5
How to connect the Fibre Channel port ...............................................8
Chapter 6
ATTO FibreBridge addressing ..............................................................9
Chapter 7
How to access ATTO FibreBridge Services ........................................11
Chapter 7.1
Command Line Interface use and guidance .............................13
Chapter 7.1.1
General use commands ...................................................15
FibreBridgeName Info Help Reserve RestoreConfiguration SaveConfiguration VerboseMode
Chapter 7.1.2
Mapping commands .........................................................16
AutoMap DispFcPortDB FcHard FcHardAddress FibreBridgeTargetLUN RouteChange RouteDisplay RouteOffline RouteOnline
Chapter 7.1.3
Diagnostic commands .....................................................19
ClearEvent DispEvent DisplayEvent EccLog ErrorLog IdentifyFibreBridge LogEvent ParityLog Performance
Chapter 7.1.4
SCSI configuration commands .......................................21
ScsiInitID ScsiPortBusSpeed ScsiPortList ScsiPortResetOnStartup ScsiPortSelTimeout ScsiPortSyncTransfer ScsiPortTaggedQueuing ScsiPortUltra2 ScsiPortWideTransfer ScsiTargets ScsiTermination
Chapter 7.1.5
Fibre Channel configuration commands .......................23
FcAck0 FcClass2 FcConnMode FcFairArb FcFrameLength FcFullDuplex FcInitiator FcPortList FcSCSIBusyStatus FcTargets FcWWName FibreBridgeTargetLUN
Chapter 7.1.6
Serial Port configuration commands .............................25
SerialPortBaudRate SerialPortEcho SerialPortHandshake SerialPortStopBits
Chapter 7.1.7
Ethernet configuration commands .................................26
EthernetSpeed IPAddress IPDHCP IPGateway IPSubnetMask
Chapter 7.1.8
Maintenance commands ..................................................27
FibreBridgeModel FirmwareRestart SerialNumber MaxEnclTempAlrm MinEnclTempAlrm ScsiPortReset Temperature Zmodem
Chapter 7.2
In-band CLI using SCSI over Fibre Channel port .....................29
Chapter 8
Serverless backup support ...................................................................31
Chapter 9
Updating firmware .................................................................................33
Command Line Interface commands....................... ......... i
Appendix A
Examples of command usage ............................. ..........iii
Appendix B
Standards and compliances ................................ ..........vii
Appendix C
Fibre Channel Accessories .................................. ..........ix
Appendix D
How to Contact ATTO Technology, Inc. .............. ..........xi
1 Fibre Channel is a key technology for storage
Fibre Channel is a serial communications technology designed to transfer large amounts of data between a variety of hardware systems over long distances. It is a key technology for applications that require shared, high bandwidth access to storage.
Fibre Channel provides a logical point-to point serial channel for the transfer of data between a buffer at a source device and a buffer at a destination device. It moves buffer contents from one port to another, without regard to the format or meaning of the data, so different upper level protocols are able to run over Fibre Channel hardware.
The Fibre Channel architecture is structured as a hierarchica l set of pro tocol laye rs. Def ined with in these layers are rules for signal interfaces, serial encoding and decoding, error control, frame format and communications protocols.
All A TTOTM FibreBridgeTM models can be used in
A SAN is a shared storage architecture connecting computers and storage devices for online data access. Each connected system can directly access any attached storage device. Storage devices could include RA ID , ta pe ba c k up , tape libr a ry, CD-ROM library or JBOD.
SANs maintain greater fault tolerance and load balancing by supporting server clustering and failover (the ability for one server to take over for another in the event of a failure).
ATTO FibreBridge models provide the interface between SCSI and Fibre Channel resources in SANs. Possible configurations depend upon your
current hardware and what you need to do. a SAN (Storage Area Network) to connect a variety of Fibre Channel and SCSI devices to meet your needs.
Some terms used in the Fibre Channel industry are defined below . More information is available through the F ibre C hannel Industry Assoc iation Association
and the Fibre Channel Consortium
, the Storage Area Networking Industry
Term Definition
fabric A Fibre Channel s witch or two or m ore Fibre Channe l s witche s interconnec ted to
physically transmit data between any two N_Ports on a switch or switches. failover The substitution of a working system for one which has failed. FC-AL Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop: A Fibre Channel network in which up to 126
systems and devices are connected in a loop topology, with each transmitter
connecting to the receiver of the device to its logical right. The Fibre Channel
Arbitrated Loop protocol used for transmission is different from Fibre Channel
switche d and point to point prot ocols. Multiple FC-A L loops can be conn ected via
a fabric switch to extend the network. firmware Software stored in read-only memory (ROM) or programmable ROM (PROM).
Firmware is often resp onsible f or the beha vior of a sy stem when it is fi rst switc hed
AT TO Technology FibreBridge 1190E Installation and Operation Manual
Term Definition
F_port A port in the Fibre Channel fabric where a N_port may attach FL-port A port in the Fibre Channel fabric where a NL_port may attach in an arbitrated
loop hot swapping Components are removed and replaced while the unit is running, with power to
either the component or a device connected to the unit. Not all components are
hot swappable: please read installation and maintenance instructions carefully. initiator device A component which originates a command JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disks: a storage subsystem using multiple independent disk
drives with or without RAID configuration. LED Light-emitting diode , a type of dio de that emits li ght when current pas ses through
it. Visible LEDs are used as indicator lights on all sorts of electronic devices. LUN Logical Unit Number: a SCSI or Fibre Ch annel identifier of a device NL port a port attached to a node in Fibre Channel arbitrated loop or fabric loop
configurations N_port a port attached to a node used with point to point or fabric configurations RAID Originally Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, now Redundant Array of
Independent Drives: a storage system spanning multiple disk drives.
The following standard RAID specifications will be used here:
RAID 0: disk striping in which fixed-length sequences of data are mapped to
member disks in a regular rotating pattern.
RAID 1: Mirrored arr ays: inf ormation written to on e disk is a lso written to ano ther
simultaneously. Also known as disk shadowing, real-time copy, and t1 copy.
RAID 10: Striped array with mirroring SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface: a processor-independent standard for
system-le v el interf ac e betw een a compute r and in telligent d e vices i ncluding hard
disks, floppy disks, CD-ROM, printers, scanners, etc. topology logical layout of the parts of a computer system or network and their
2 ATTO FibreBridge supports diverse SAN needs
The ATTO FibreBridge
family of products provides a Fibre Channel-to-SCSI bridg e av ail ab le as a embedded boa rd , a stand alone e nclosur e that c an be fitted for rac kmount int e gration, o r a desktop unit , depending on the model and your needs.
The ATTO FibreBridge family of products share common configuration options and functions to provide the most versatile connectivity options available. Each product has been engineered to address specific customer needs. New capabilities are integrated into products throughout the
have the most up-to-date version of the firmware, visit the ATTO Technology website,
All A TTO FibreBridge models include full duplex mode, Class 2 transfers, Intermix transfers and direct fabric connect capabilities.
FibreBridge family as much as possible, requiring only an upgrade of firmware to incorporate them into your SAN (see Chapter 9). To make sure you
Please refer to the Technical Specifications for complete information about your FibreBridge model.
Quick start instructions for the FibreBridge 1190E
The ATTO FibreBridge 1190E offers a variety of ways to connect into a SAN. The following is a quick start description:
1 Place the FibreBridge 1190E where you
want it. (See Chapter 3)
2 Connect the SCSI devices to the
FibreBridge . (See Chap ter 4)
3 Connect the FibreBridge to your SAN:
attach short wave optical cables into the Fibre Channel port on the FibreBridge. (See Chapter 5)
4 Connect to the management (services) port
via the RS-232 serial port or Ethernet. (See Chapter 7)
5 Map your devices to the appropriate
FibreBridge Fibre Channel port. (See Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.1.2)
6 Boot the computers on the SAN and
configure the devices connected to the FibreBridge.
AT TO Technology FibreBridge 1190E Installation and Operation Manual
Exhibit 2-1 The following chart provides an overview of the features and capabilities for the newest FibreBridge models. Contact your authorized ATTO representative or visit ATTO Technology’s website,, for additional information.
ATTO FibreBridgeTM feature availability matrix
1180E 1190E 2200R/D 3200R 4500C/R/D
FC Ports 1 1113 FC port number
0000, 1, 2
(fp) FC interface DB9/SC
DB9/SC GBIC GBIC SC Data transfer 1 Gigabit 1 Gigabit 1 Gigab it 1 Gi gab it 1 Gi gab it SCSI ports 1 SCSI bus number
0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1, 2, 3
(sb) Maximum data
80 MB/sec.
100 MB/sec. 100 MB/sec. 100 MB/sec. 300 MB/sec.
transfer rate Configuration Board
Error checking &
Yes No No Yes
Rackmount Board/Desktop/
correction memory
Serial port
Yes Yes Ye s Yes management interface
Management via
Yes Yes Ye s Yes Telnet/FTP
In-band SCSI
Yes management interface
Menu interface No BridgeTools
No management interface
In-band CLI Yes Serverless backu p Y es Yes Yes Ye s Yes
Yes Yes Ye s Yes
No Yes Ye s Yes No Yes Ye s Yes
Yes Yes Ye s Yes
3 ATTO FibreBridge 1190E characteristics
The A TTO FibreBridge
1190E is a 1 x 2 (one Fibre Channel port with two SCSI ports) Fibre Channel
to SCSI bridge for high throughput enterprise environments designed for mission-critical applications.
The FibreBridge 1190E features a small form factor for standard embedded applications such as tape drives, hard disk drives and other SCSI devices and includes serverless backup support and support for manual and auto LUN mapping
4.2 inches wide
SCSI ports
The two SCSI ports on the FibreBridge 1190E connect storage devices into the Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (SAN). Each port is totally independent from the others.
The FibreBridge 1190E SCSI port is an Ultra 2 (LVD) SCSI with 80 MB/sec. maximum per bus, downward compatible with all forms of single-
7.6 inches long
Environmental requirements
C Ambient air should not exceed 70oC. 10-90% humidity non-condensing
ended SCSI.
Exhibit 3-1 Graphical representation of the FibreBridge 1190E with ShortWave fiber optic SE connector (top) or MIA compliant DB-9 connector (bottom).
Power (+5 V and +12V) is supplied to the FibreBridge 1190E through a standard PCI connector or a 4-pin connector, the default: Amp Part no: 641737-1. The 1190E is designed to have
5% tolerance to the power supply. A switching
regulator generates 3.3V from either 5V or 2V, requiring 0. 75 A at 1 2V. Jumper-e n abl e d power from a PCI connector is also possible.
Fibre Channel port
The Fibre Channel port can connect the FibreBridge to either a Fabric or Arbitrated Loop.
1.0625 gigahertz (100 MB/sec.)
Class 2, Class 3 and Intermix ANSI Fibre
Channel specifications support PLDA, Public Loop Login (NL_port) and
Fabric Direct Connect (N_port) support Full Duplex transmission support
MIA compliant DB-9 or Short Wave fiber
optic SE connector
AT TO Technology FibreBridge 1190E Installation and Operation Manual
Ethernet port
The 10/100 Base T Ethernet port supports SNMP­and Telnet-based monitoring and management through a command line interface or menu system.
Serial port
The RS-232 serial port provides support for remote monitoring and management through a command line interface or menu system.
Serial/Ethernet RJ45 port
The RJ45 port may be used for either serial or Ethernet connections depending on the jumper settings and cable. The factory sets the jumpers in a serial configuration across the top and middle rows of the selector header.
To enable an Ethernet configuration,
RJ45 port
selector head er
move all the jumpers in the selector header to the middle and bottom rows. Attach a standard Ethernet cable.
If using the RJ45 in a serial
configuration, create a serial cable connection with the following pin outs:
(numbered 0). During very high activity, the LED appears to be steadily lit.
SCSI Activity: shows activity on the SCSI
bus (numbered 0). Ready: should light after power has been
applied; indicates the board has completed the initialization process without any failures and is ready to handle data transfers.
Exhibit 3-2 FibreBridge 1190E board layout.
Ethernet / Serial
Port Connector
Dual stacked
SCSI Connector
SCSl activity
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
and Ready/Faul t
FibreBridge 1190E
Signal Name RJ45 Pin
TX 1
RX 2
Ground 6
LED indicators
FC Activity: LED blinks to show
activity on the Fibre Channel port
4 Pin Power
RS232 Serial
port header
4 How to connect SCSI devices to SCSI ports
ATTO FibreBridgeTM SCSI ports are used to connect SCSI storage devices into the Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (SAN).
A FibreBridge may have the following types of SCSI ports:
Ultra 2 (LVD) SCSI– 80 MB/sec. max per
bus Single Ended Ultra SCSI – 40 MB/sec.
max per bus
A FibreBridge with an LVD SCSI personality module is downward compatible with Single Ended Ultra SCSI as well as Fast, Wide, or Narrow SCSI devices.
Each SCSI port is totally independent from the any other SCSI port. This means that each bus is capable of supporting 15 devices and each bus is capable of 40 or 80 MB/sec. (Ultra or Ultra2).
However, you may use externally provided software striping to create a RAID 0 group that includes devices from both SCSI busses to increase overall performance.
Another advantage of independent SCSI ports is that each SCSI bus auto-negotiates the appropriate sync rates with the connected devices. If slower devices are mixed with faster Ultra2 devices, the bus will communicate at the rate of the slowest device, thus wasting the performance capabilities of the faster devices. You should connect slower devices to one SCSI port and connect faster devices on the other port on your FibreBridge.
The FibreBridg e su pp or ts a wide var iet y of SC SI storage devices including stand-alone drives, removable drives, JBODs, RAIDs, tape, CD and DVD drives, changers, libraries and magneto optical drives.
To connect SCSI devices to the ATTO FibreBridge:
onnect a VHDCI SCSI connector from the
SCSI device to a port on the FibreBridge
Check the type of cable, cable length limit and number of devices recommended for each port. It is important to keep cable lengths as short as possible to ensure the highest signal quality and performance.These cable lengths include the wiring inside the devices.
Device type Number of
Ultra SCSI Single Ended (SE)
Ultra SCSI Single Ended (SE)
UltraSCSI High Voltage Differential (HVD)
Ultra2 SCSI Low Voltage Differential (LVD)
2 Set the IDs of the SCSI devices connected to
the bridge to a value other than 7. It is recommended to use a sequential ID starting at 0 for each device. Each SCSI port in the ATTO FibreBridge has an internal factory setting ID of 7, typical for a SCSI initiator device.
The entire SCSI bus will operate at the speed of the slow est device. If you wish to mi x devices o f di fferent SCSI speeds on the bridge, it i s best to place them on separate busses. That is, put the slower devices on bridge SCSI bus 0, and th e faster d evices on bridge SCSI bus 1. Each bus is independent so each can operate at different speeds.
less than 4 3 meters
4 or more 1.5 meters
15 25 meters
15 12 meters
Cable limit
AT TO Technology FibreBridge 1190E Installation and Operation Manual
3 Terminate each SCSI bus after the last
device. The bridge is terminated internally.
5 How to connect the Fibre Channel port
The Fibre Channel port(s) on the ATTO FibreBridgeTM connect the bridge into either a Fabric or Arbitrated Loop.
Fibre Channel technology offers a variety of cabling options including standard copper,
equalized copper, multimode fiber optic, and single mode fiber op ti c.
The FibreBridge 1190E uses an MIA compliant DB-9 or
Cable length Cable type Cable size Connector
<15 meters unequalized copper DB-9
15 meters
30 meters Up to 175 meters multi mode fiber optic 62.5 micron SC optic connector Up to 500 meters multi mode fiber optic 50 micron SC optic connector
equalized copper DB-9
Short Wave fiber optic SE connector. The type of cable to use varies depending upon
the application, environment and distance. The following tables illustrate the different cable options available.
Make sure all cables are anchored securely at both ends with the proper connectors.
Initial configuration
The FibreBridge can be configured to support connectivity to arbitrated loop or fabric topologies. (See Chapter 6 of this manual.)
When connecting these bridges to an F-Port device, set the Port Connection Mode to “Point­to-Point.”
When connecting to a FL-port device, set
the Port Connector Mode to “Loop” mode. The FibreBridg e use s pu bl ic lo o p logi n to
log into a FL-Port on a fabric switch. The FibreBridge Port Connection Mode
can be set using the RS-232, Ethernet, or in-band com m u n ic at io n li nk s.
6 ATTO FibreBridge addressing
The ATTO F ibreBridgeTM allows par allel SC SI dev ices to parti cipate in a F ibr e Chan nel arbitr ated loop or on a fabric. Fibre Channel and parallel SCSI use different models to address devices. The FibreBridge translates between these addressing models.
The chart below is a simplified overview of data and control flow between the application and the SCSI device through a number of stages.
Host Bus
SCSI bus
Read & write da t a
SCSI LUN addressing in OS native form
Maps OS native LUNs
FCP_CMD: LUN plus CDB plus data
Parse Fibre port and Fibr e LUN into SCSI BUS:Target:LUN
Transport SCSI address, CDB and data to/from SCSI device
SCSI device operation
Fibre Channel World Wide Name (WWN)
Each Fibre Channel device is assigned a unique W orld W ide Name (WWN). The WWN is used to identify all Fibre Channel devices. The 64-bit WWN has the following format:
Byte 01234 567
Value 2000001086 xxxx
Company ID Device ID
x x
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) assigns each manufacturer a unique Company ID. The Device ID field contains a unique value assigned by ATTO Technology to every Fibre Channel product produced by ATTO Technology.
Arbitrated Loop Port Address (AL_PA)
On a Fibre Chann e l Arbi t ra ted Lo op , th e FibreBridge appears at a single Arbitrated Loop Port Address (AL_P A ). Each device on an arbitrated loop is assigned a unique AL_PA during loop initialization. The FibreBridge supports both modes of AL_PA assignment, commonly referred to as
soft addr essing
Soft addressing allows the loop initialization master to assign the FibreBridge a unique AL_P A during the loop initialization process. The AL_PA assigned cannot be determined before loop initialization. For example, adding new devices to an arbitrated loop may change the AL_PA assigned to the FibreBridge.
Hard addressing allows a predetermined AL_PA to be assigned to the FibreBridge. The FibreBridge will try to acquire the desired hard AL_PA. If another device has already been assigned the specified AL_PA, the FibreBridge will acquire a currently unassigned AL_PA.
ATTO BridgeTools softwa re allows you to select either hard or soft addressing modes. The default mode is soft addressing .
Addressing Devices Connected to the FibreBridge
SCSI devices connected to the FibreBridge also show up as Fibre Channel LUNs to the host computer. SCSI devices must be on the same addressing level as the SCSI portion of the
AT TO Technology FibreBridge 1190E Installation and Operation Manual
FibreBridge. The FibreBridge SCSI ports must be set to different SCSI IDs than the devices on the bus.
Y o u may map SCSI de vices manual ly by using the Command Line Interface RouteXXX family of commands. See Chapter 7.1.2 for more details.
ATTO FibreBridge addressing
SCSI devices are mapped manually to desired Fibre Channel port and Fibre Channel LUNs. Manual mapping allows you to maximize the efficiency and performance of your SCSI devices while allowing great flexibility .
Manual SCSI Device Mapping
The FibreBridge can be commanded to find all the SCSI devices on its SCSI bus. With this informat io n yo u th e n de c id e whe r e yo u want to place these devices on the Fibre Channel ports.
In the chart at right, the SCSI device on SCSI bus 0 at SCSI address of I D 0 LUN 0 is being mapped to Fibre Port 0 (on the Fibr eBr id g e) at Fibre Channel LUN 4.
Note: two SCSI devices cannot be mapped to
the same Fibre Port and Fibre Channel LUN.
Also, if the same SCSI device is mapped to two
different Fibre Port and/or Fibre Channel
LUN, these Fibre Port and Fibr e Channel
LUNs will be taken offline automatically until
the conflict is resolved.
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