Index: Command Line Interface ................................................................ i
Appendix A: Standards and compliances ...........................................iii
Appendix B: Contact ATTO Technology, Inc. .....................................iv
1Fibre Channel is a key technology for storage
Fibre Channel is a serial communications technology designed to transfer large amounts of data
between a variety of hardware systems over long distances. It is a key technology for applications that
require shared, high bandwidth access to storage.
Fibre Channel provides a logical point-to point
serial channel for the transfer of data between a
buffer at a source device and a buffer at a
destination device. It moves buffer contents from
one port to another, without regard to the format
or meaning of the data, so different upper level
protocols are able to run over Fibre Channel
The Fibre Channel architecture is structured as a
hierarchica l set of pro tocol laye rs. Def ined with in
these layers are rules for signal interfaces, serial
encoding and decoding, error control, frame
format and communications protocols.
A SAN is a shared storage architecture connecting
computers and storage devices for online data
access. Each connected system can directly access
any attached storage device. Storage devices
could include RA ID , ta pe ba c k up , tape libr a ry,
CD-ROM library or JBOD.
SANs maintain greater fault tolerance and load
balancing by supporting server clustering and
failover (the ability for one server to take over for
another in the event of a failure).
The ATTO FibreCenter™ 3400 hub integrates
industry-leading performance and Storage Area
Network capabilities into mid-range applications.
Some terms used in the Fibre Channel industry are defined below . More information is available through
the F ibre C hannel Industry Assoc iation (, the Storage Area Networking Industry
Association ( and the Fibre Channel Consortium (
firmwareSoftware stored in read-only memory (ROM) or programmable ROM (PROM).
Firmware is often resp onsible f or the beha vior of a sy stem when it is fi rst switc hed
FC-ALFibre Channel Arbitrated Loop: A Fibre Channel network in which up to 126
nodes are connected in a loop topology, with each transmitter connecting to the
receiver of the device to its logical right. The Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop
protocol used f or trans mission is diff erent from Fibr e Channel s witc hed and poi nt
to point protocols. Multiple FC-AL loops can be connected via a fabric switch to
extend the network.
FL-portA port in the Fibre Channel fabric where an NL_port may attach in an arbitrated
hubA device which provides a common connection to devices on a Fibre Channel
Arbitrated Loop
initiator deviceA component which originates a command
ATTO FibreCenter 3400
tallation and Operation Manual
LEDLight-emitting diode , a type of dio de that emits li ght when current pas ses through
it. Visible LEDs are used as indicator lights on all sorts of electronic devices.
LUNLogical Unit Number: a Fibre Channel identifier of a device
N_portA port that connects a node to a fabric or to another node as in a point-to-point
NL portA port that connects a node in Fibre Channel arbitrated loop
POSTPo wer On Syste ms Test: a series of self -diagnostic test s stored in RAM whi ch run
when power is first applied to a component.
switchA device which controls routing of data from one component to another.
topologyLogical layout of the parts of a computer system or network and their
warm bootStartup without cycling the electric power. Operations include POST and
refreshing all conf iguration set tings. All softw are in Flash memory will be rel oaded
into RAM.
Secure Data Path Applicationv 2
2ATTO FibreCenter supports diverse SAN needs
The ATT O F ibr eCenter 3400 pr o vides a 2-gigab it Fibre Chan nel r ac kmo unt hu b conf igured with eight
Fibre Channel ports and an Ethernet management port.
The ATTO FibreCenter 3400 integrates industryleading performance and Storage Area Network
capabilities into mid-range applications.
Quick start i nstructions
The ATTO FibreCenter 3400R/D offers a
variety of ways to connect into a SAN. The
following is a quick start description:
1Slide the hub module horizontally into the
rack enclosure until you feel it make contact
with the backplane connector.
2Secure the hub module by tightening the
two thumbscrew s (hand tight).
3Apply power to the rack enclosure. The
FibreCenter is now active.
4Connect to the management port via a
standard RJ45 Ethernet cable.
5Connect Fibre Channel devices to the ATTO
FibreCenter using SFPs and standard
cables manufactured for Fibre Channel use.
6Connect a host computer to the FibreCenter
3400. The default IP address of the hub is Unless your network is running
A vailable as a Fibre Channel rack system module,
it provides dependable performance for high
availability systems through hot swappable, dual
power modular design.
under 192.168.1.X, you will need to use a
crossover Ethernet cable to connect.
7Change the IP address of the host computer
to 192.168.1.X (where X does not equal 1).
8Launch Hyperterminal.
9From the menu bar at the top, select
New Connection
10 Enter a name for the connection.
11 Select
TCP/IP (Winsock)
as the connection
12 Enter the IP address of the FibreCenter
(default is
13 Enter
when prompted for the login
and your passw ord when y ou are prompted.
14 Y ou should no w be connected. Type
a list of commands. Enter the CLI
commands required to set up your s ystem if
different from previousl y set configurations.
File -
Exhibit 2-1 Single zone configuration (Zone 1), an eight-port hub configuration. Ports 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 may
access port 1, but only one at a time, under control of the
Port 1Port 2Port 3Port 4Port 5Port 6Port 7Port 8
Disk array
ATTO FibreCenter 3400
tallation and Operation Manual
Zone 1
Exhibit 2-2 Dual-zone configuration (Zone 2 and Zone 3). Each zone is independent of the other, and so may be
configured to run at different or the same speed: 1 Gigabit or 2 Gigabit. Ports 2, 3 and 4 may access port 1, but only
one at a time, under co ntr ol of the Command Line Interf ace
port 5, but only one at a time under control of the
Port 1Port 2Port 3Port 4Port 5Port 6Port 7Port 8
commands. P o rts 6, 7 and 8 may access
Zone 3Zone 2
Disk array
Disk array
Secure Data Path Applicationv 4
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