Attenti US TSSDX1044VXU User Manual

Attenti Two-Piece GPS Offender Tracking System (XT - Voice) User Manual
January 16, 2018
Copyright ©2018 Attenti. All rights reserved.
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software mentioned in this document is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. Contact software manufacturers directly for terms of software licenses for any software mentioned in this document not originating from Attenti.
All brand or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Table of Contents
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Piece (XT) Details .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Piece (XT) Features....................................................................................................................... 6
Bracelet Details ............................................................................................................................... 7
Base Unit 2000 Details .................................................................................................................... 8
Enrollment ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Enroll a Contact .......................................................................................................................... 10
Contact Information Page .......................................................................................................... 13
Enroll an Offender ...................................................................................................................... 14
Supervision Level ........................................................................................................................ 15
Offender Enrollment .................................................................................................................. 16
Map Offender’s Address ............................................................................................................ 18
Offender General Information Page .......................................................................................... 19
Create Schedule for Home Inclusion Zone ................................................................................... 20
Create Exclusion Zone ................................................................................................................... 24
Attaching the Bracelet .................................................................................................................. 28
Activating the 2 Piece (XT) with Base Unit 2000 ........................................................................... 31
Unassigning Hardware .................................................................................................................. 35
Removing the Bracelet .................................................................................................................. 39
Accessing the Officer Menu .......................................................................................................... 41
Accessing the Offender Menu ...................................................................................................... 42
Voice Features............................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 54
Attenti’s Two-Piece GPS Offender Tracking System (XT) utilizes GPS satellites to establish an offender’s location and uses cellular networks to transmit the location data to Attenti. The 2 Piece (XT) transmits all GPS data wirelessly at the agency’s contract specific call-in intervals.
The 2 Piece (XT) consists of four components: The Ankle Bracelet, the 2 Piece (XT), the Base Unit 2000, and the EM Manager (Smart View) software.
Serves as an electronic tether to the 2 Piece (XT).
2 Piece (XT)
The 2 Piece (XT) receives transmitted information from GPS Satellites and
Attenti’s ankle bracelet, and then uses its modem to transmit the data to Attenti by using the cellular network. The device weighs approximately 6 ounces (the same weight as a smart phone).
Base Unit 2000
A stationary device used to recharge the 2 Piece (XT) and transmits all
information via a landline, if available.
EM Manager (Smart View)
The tracking and monitoring software that can be installed on almost any
computer with Internet access. EM Manager (Smart View) provides access to maps, offender information, and reports.
2 Piece (XT) Details
Storing GPS Points: The storage of GPS points is based on an offender’s mobility. The 2 Piece (XT) will record and store GPS points based on the offender’s amount of activity. The 2 Piece (XT) will store an offender’s location, GPS point, when it is in motion (moving) every minute. If
the 2 Piece (XT) is left in the same place for 10 consecutive minutes without any motion, the 2 Piece (XT) will go to “Rest” and display the last known GPS location, point, at the top of every hour instead of every minute. If the offender causes a Zone violation, the 2 Piece (XT) will display a point every 15 seconds.
At Rest: If the 2 Piece (XT) is left in the same place for 10 consecutive minutes without any
motion, the 2 Piece (XT) will go to “Rest” and display the last known GPS location, point, at the
top of every hour instead of every minute. This feature is designed to conserve the battery life. While the 2 Piece (XT) is at rest, it will still be communicating with the bracelet, ensuring that the offender is in range of the 2 Piece (XT).
Communication: The 2 Piece (XT) has a SIM card, which is similar to the data transmitter/receiver found in most cellular phones. The 2 Piece (XT) uses the SIM card to transmit and download the GPS points and alarms it has recorded to Attenti’s servers. The call-
in intervals are determined by the agency’s contract specifications. Examples may be hourly,
every six hours, or immediately upon alarm.
Active Mode:
The standard 2 Piece (XT) call-in interval is once every hour while in compliance.
The 2 Piece (XT) will call Attenti as soon as a violation occurs.
Passive Mode:
The standard 2 Piece (XT) call-in interval is once every six hours.
The 2 Piece (XT) will not call Attenti when a violation occurs. The officer will only be
made aware of violations when they view the GPS maps or the Daily Event Summary Report (DESR) that is emailed to them.
Violations will also be displayed in Case Management and on the Offender Monitor.
2 Piece (XT) Details, Cont.
Activation: When the 2 Piece (XT) has a clear view of the sky, activation will take less than five minutes.
Download Points: The 2 Piece (XT) can download all GPS points in less than 3 minutes if strong cellular coverage is available.
Battery Life: The device should be given a full charge (4.2 volts) to supply a full day of battery life. It takes approximately 3 hours to acquire approximately 24 hours of battery life. The daily life of the battery is dependent upon the call-in interval of the device, how often it goes to rest, and how many alarms are created. The battery must be charged each day in order to continue to track your offender’s locations.
Note: Battery tests are conducted using specific Attenti devices in controlled testing environments. Actual performance and results may be affected by cellular network, location, signal strength, feature configuration, usage, and many other factors. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use and settings.
Vibrate feature: Officers can choose to enable the vibration mode to alert the offender of alarms and/or messages. The vibration will continue periodically until the offender has acknowledged the alarm and/or message.
LCD Display: The 2 Piece (XT) has a color LCD screen that displays the offender name, date, time, battery level, alarm information, and messages.
LED Light: The LED light is used to notify the offender that there is a message and/or an alarm that needs to be acknowledged. It will flash red until the message and/or alarm has been acknowledged.
Speaker: Officers can choose to enable the speaker feature to alert the offender of alarms and/or messages that need to be acknowledged.
Automatic Redial: If the 2 Piece (XT) is unable to communicate with Attenti because of poor cellular coverage, it will continue to try to call and download its information until it is successful.
Carrying Pouch Accessory: In order to maintain compliance to RF exposure requirements for body worn use, the 2 Piece (XT) must be carried in the belt clip pouch to provide a separation
from the body.
2 Piece (XT) Features
Bracelet Details
Electronic Tether
The bracelet serves as an electronic tether to the 2 Piece (XT). The bracelet communicates with the 2 Piece (XT) and Base Unit 2000 via Radio Frequency.
The bracelet is waterproof (per IP68 standard) down to 66 feet.
Battery Life
The bracelet battery is designed to last approximately 9-12 months* while in use and has a 3 year shelf life.
*Depending on vibrations, number of violations, etc.
Rubber Straps
The bracelet comes with a rubber strap that contains a fiber optic cable designed to prevent tampering. The strap is safe for use in prolonged skin contact applications.
Tamper Detection
If an offender interrupts the infrared light, located inside of the fiber optic cable, inside of the bracelet strap, an alarm will occur.
The bracelet will vibrate three times consecutively if it has been out of range of the 2 Piece (XT) for four consecutive minutes. This indicates that the offender has one minute to move closer to the 2 Piece (XT) before a Bracelet Gone violation is generated.
Note: The bracelet will not vibrate again to inform the offender that he has cleared the violation.
Base Unit 2000 Details
Charger: The Base Unit 2000 acts as a charger for the 2 Piece (XT). It takes approximately 3 hours to fully charge the XT. The charge will last approximately a full day (24 hours).
Back-up Battery: If the Base Unit 2000 loses power, it will utilize its back-up battery feature. With a full charge, the back-up battery will last approximately 48 hours.
Communication: If the offender has a phone line, it is recommended that an analog phone line be plugged into the device. A digital phone line can be used, but the features must be removed. Every six hours, the Base Unit 2000 will transmit the 2 Piece (XT) data to Attenti.
Note: When the 2 Piece (XT) is docked or undocked from the Base Unit 2000, the Base Unit 2000 will transmit the most recent data to Attenti.
Caller ID Feature: The Base Unit 2000 notifies the assigned officer if an offender’s Base Unit
2000 makes a call from a telephone number that differs from the offender’s home number.
EM Manager (Smart View) Log In
To access the secure website, go to You will be required to enter a user ID and password. When using EM Manager (Smart View) for the first time, you will create your own password. Enter your User ID (often your three initials and last four digits of your social security number), the temporary password that was emailed to you, and click OK. The next screen will tell you that your password has expired. Create your password, (the password
you select must contain at least 8 characters), and click OK. You will now be logged into EM
Manager (Smart View).
Note: If you forget your password, click the Forgot your Password link. A new temporary password will be emailed to you. To create your new password, follow the instructions contained within the email.
Enroll a Contact
The Enroll Contact link is located on the left side of the Home page (see below). It is here that
you will enter the officer’s information (name, address, phone number, etc.), report types, and
default notification settings.
1. Click the Enroll Contact link on the left side of the Home page.
2. You will be redirected to the Enroll Contact page (see below). Enter all Contact
3. Click Save.
Enroll a Contact, Cont.
Enroll a Contact, Cont.
Demographic Data
1. Enter the Contact’s information.
All fields with red asterisks (*) are required fields.
Report Options
2. Enter an email address where the selected reports will be sent.
3. Choose Daily Event Summary Report and/or Case Management Activity Report.
Default Notification Options
4. Select the type of Notification you would like to be your default method. The
notification method is dependent upon the information that you enter into the Notification Email or Text Message fields.
Text Message
Finish Enrollment
5. When you have completed the form, click Save.
Contact Information Page
When you click Save, you will be taken to the Contact Information page (see below). Here, you can edit the contact information, as well as disable the contact.
1. To edit the contact information, move your mouse cursor over the Contact Functions
dropdown menu and left click Edit.
2. To disable the contact, move your mouse cursor over the Contact Functions dropdown
menu and left click Disable Contact.
Enroll an Offender
The Enroll Offender link is located on the left side of the Home page (see below).
1. Click the Enroll Offender link.
Supervision Level
Clicking on the Enroll Offender link will redirect you to the Level of Supervision page (see below).
1. Click on the Level of Supervision drop down menu.
2. Select your Level of Supervision (see below).
3. Click the Continue button.
Offender Enrollment
After selecting the Level of Supervision, you will be redirected to the Enroll Offender page (see
below). It is here that you will select an Assigned Officer, enter the Offender’s Information,
select the Notification Contact and Method, Assign Hardware, and select the Basic Rule Setup.
Offender Enrollment, Cont.
Demographic Data
1. Enter the Offender's Information.
All fields with red asterisks (*) are required fields
2. Click the Map button to geo-code the offender’s address. This is required if you
are creating a Home Inclusion Zone for the offender.
3. Enter the offender’s home number, if available.
4. Select the Offender Type.
5. Select the Time Zone.
Hardware Assignment
6. Locate the serial number on the device(s).
7. Click on the drop down menu and select that serial number for the device.
Basic Rule Setup
8. Click the box next to Create Default Home Zone from Home Address. For information on how to edit the schedule for the Home Rule, refer to page 19.
9. Choose the appropriate Contact from the Notification Contact drop down list. The selected Contact will be notified for all rules.
10. Click the Add button.
11. Select the type of Notification (if you haven’t chosen your Default Notification
Method on your Contact record)
Text Message
Finish Enrollment
12. When you have completed entering the information, click Save.
Map Offender’s Address
Clicking the Map button on the Offender Enrollment screen will generate a map that displays a pushpin at the offender’s residence. Ensure that the pushpin location is correct and click the Submit button. It is also possible to edit the location by clicking the Edit Pushpin button.
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