Attenti US MTD3433, MTD3318, MTD3418 User Manual

Active Monitoring
SMART® ACTIVE Monitoring
System Overview
Pro Tech’s Miniature Tracking Device (MTD) utilizes GPS satellites to establish offender locations utilizing the components of the SMART® MTD System.
Pro Tech’s SMART System consists of four main components: The Ankle Bracelet, the Miniature Tracking Device (MTD), the Base Unit, and Pro Tech’s Client Enrollment Software (PCE).
SMART MTD-Active Mode Communication and GPS Point Storage
The AMTD (Active MTD) calls Pro Tech every hour while out of the Base Unit, or
every 6 hours while in the Base Unit, while in compliance
The AMTD will call Pro Tech as soon as a violation occurs
If the AMTD is not able to make a call because of poor cellular coverage, it will
continue trying to call Pro Tech until it is successful
The AMTD collects a GPS point every minute. If a Geographic Rule is in violation,
the AMTD will collect a GPS point every 15 seconds.
The MTD has a battery saving feature that will place the MTD “At Rest” if it remains
motionless for 10 consecutive minutes
When “At Rest” the MTD will collect a GPS point every
As soon as motion is detected, the MTD will come out of the
“At Rest” feature
Ankle Bracelet
• Serves as an electronic tether to the AMTD
Miniature Tracking Device-Active Mode
A 15 oz. device, approximately twice the size of a
digital pager that clips to an offender’s belt. The AMTD receives transmitted information from Pro Tech’s ankle bracelet and the GPS satellites, and then uses its modem to transmit the data using the cellular network.
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System Overview Cont.
Base Unit
A small stationary device used to recharge the AMTD
and transmits all information via a landline, if available. It also monitors the Ankle Bracelet when the AMTD is placed in the base unit (docked).
The tracking and monitoring software that can be
installed on almost any computer with Internet access. PCE provides access to maps, offender information, and reports.
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Rule Definitions
Hardware Rules
Bracelet Battery
The bracelet battery is getting low; the bracelet must be replaced within 72 hours
Bracelet Gone
Occurs when the offender is out of range of the tracking device. Therefore, the
location of the offender is unknown.
Pro Tech adds a 5-minute buffer period to all Bracelet Gone violations – you may add
additional time. This is not a Grace Period. During this time the offender is not notified
of the Bracelet Gone. Only after 5-minutes have passed will the Bracelet Gone rule go into violation. If you add a grace, it will apply after the 5-minute buffer has passed.
For example, if a 1-minute grace is set, the bracelet will have to be out of range for 6­minutes before notifications are sent.
Bracelet Strap
• The bracelet strap has been compromised or removed from the bracelet
Base Unit A/C Power
The Base Unit has lost A/C Power and is running on battery back up
Base Unit Phone Line Disconnect
The phone line has been removed from the base unit. You will not get this alert until
the phone line has been reconnected, because the Base Unit requires a phone line to report violations.
Base Unit Battery
The Base Unit has been running on the back-up battery and is about to go dead. With
a full charge (24 hours) the back-up battery will last 16-20 hours. While running on the back-up battery, the Base Unit will not charge the MTD. If the MTD is in the Base Unit, and the Base Unit can call in, the MTD will still be able to successfully download its information.
Base Unit Unable to connect
The Base Unit has not called Pro Tech in 6 ½ hours
Base Unit Tamper
The Base Unit has been compromised in some form
Phone Number Caller ID
Signals the offender may have moved the Base Unit to a new phone line
The number cannot be private or “unlisted”
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Rule Definitions
Hardware Rules Cont.
MTD Battery
The MTD Battery is low. The MTD needs to be placed in the Base Unit within 60
minutes. The offender receives the automatic message “Battery Low -Place in Base Unit”.
MTD Tamper
The MTD has been compromised in some form
Active MTD Unable to Connect
It has been over 2 ½ hours since the MTD has called in. This is normally due to poor
cellular coverage in the area that the offender is located in. The offender is not notified of the Unable to Connect and a message cannot be sent to the device. Once the MTD is able to use the cellular network to call in, it will report the violation.
Motion No GPS
Occurs when the MTD has accumulated 10 minutes of motion in a 60-minute period,
without receiving a signal from the GPS satellites
Home Curfew
The MTD is NOT in the assigned Base Unit when the Home Curfew schedule is in
Geographic Rules
Zone Rules- The offender has violated a Zone set up by the user
Inclusion Zone
o Geographic areas like home, work, or school where the offender is confined
during an officer defined schedule
Exclusion Zone o Geographic areas used to define off-limits areas to the offender
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Activating the SMART MTD-Active Mode
Attaching the Bracelet
Match the Bracelet serial number on the Bracelet case to the
number on the Bracelet serial number in the hardware list in PCE. The ankle transmitter and strap will be shipped unattached. You must insert one end of the strap into the transmitter and push the locking pins into place. Make sure that the locking pins are flush with the case. Measure the strap to the offender’s leg and cut the strap to fit around the offender’s ankle. You should size the strap so that it allows approximately ¼ inch of space between the offender’s leg and the strap to ensure comfort.
Once you have the strap attached, push the locking pin through
the holes on the bracelet and into the strap until it locks into place
Make sure the locking pin is pushed far enough so that the top of
the pin is flush with the bracelet case
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