f e a t u r e s
spec ificat i o n
Magnification ........................................................1,8X
Objective Focal Length ........................................25 m m
FOV ......................................................................11° x 8°
Focus Range ........................................................from 1m to infin ity
Focus Adjustment ................................................Manual
Exit Pupil ..............................................................14mm
Eye Relief .............................................................25mm
Det e c tor Ty pe .......................................................Uncooled Microbolometer
Spectral Response...............................................7-14 μm
Pixels ....................................................................160 x 120
Pixel Size ..............................................................30 x 30 μm
Angular Resolution, mrad ....................................1,2
Thermal Sensitivity ..............................................< 0,1°C
Range to Detect a Human ....................................475 m
Output Format ......................................................Analog PAL / NTSC
Display .................................................................OLED matrix
Display Format .....................................................SVGA , 852 x 600 pxl
Color .....................................................................Monochrome
Digital ZOOM .......................................................Fixe d 2x (op tio nal 5x)
Brightness Adjustment .........................................Manual
Contrast Adjustment ............................................Automatic
Available User Interfaces .....................................From out sid e PC throu gh USB interface
Power Supply .......................................................2 x 3V, 123At ype
Start-Up Time .......................................................< 3 sec
Operating Ti me w / one bat ter y pack .....................4 hrs
Extern al Power Sup ply .........................................DC 6V, 50 0 mA
Operating Temperature Range ............................from -20 °C to + 5 0°C
Waterproof ...........................................................Yes, u p to 10m submersion
Dimensions ..........................................................118 x 78 x 54 mm
Weight (w/batteries) .............................................0,34 kg
a p p l i c a t i o n
The OT IS -14 i s a thermal s ys te m inte nd ed fo r law e nf or c e ment, mi li ta ry a nd c o mmercial u se s. It is bu il t
aro und st ate o f the art un c ooled ther mal im aging techn o logy, h i ghly inte grate d DSP-bas e d ele ctroni c s
and a comp act , light we igh t system.
The OTIS-14 thermal monocular provides the excellent image quality that is unaffected by lights or
shadows that seriously hamper the image quality of image intensified night vision. Total darkness,
camouflage or bright lights will not affect the sensitivity of these units.
The included and optional accessories provide for the versatility of the monocular. You can put it on a
headset or o n a helmet, co nne cted to anoth er mono cul ar to b uild a bin ocular syste m etc.
The ATN OTIS-14’s superior performance, compact size, comfort of wear and cost efficiency makes it
the perfect thermal imaging device.
* ATN reserves the right to change the above specifications at any time without notice
• H igh resolution digital thermal im aging
• C ompact, li ght we ight and durable hou sin g
• H ead /helmet mountable for hands fre e us age
• H igh Qua lit y optics
• V ide o and computer ou tpu t
• V ide o / Image p ola rit y se lection
• Waterproof