ATN OTIS-14 User Manual

user`s guide
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Focusing Ring
Mounting Rail
Eyepiece Diopter
Adjustment Ring
Rubber Eyecup
Ob ject ive Lens Cove r
Head Mount Helmet Mount Dual Bridge
Universal Connector Unit
Battery Compartment Cover
Video Cable PC Cable
Th is pro du cT con Tai ns n aTu ral rub ber laTe x w hic h m ay cau se all er gic re acT io ns
The information in this manual furnished for information use only, is subject to change without notice, is not to be co nst rue d as a c om mit men t by AT N Co rp.
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©2009 ATN Corp. All right reserved.
f e a t u r e s
• H igh re sol uti on d igi tal th erm al ima gin g
• C omp act , li ght we igh t a nd d ur abl e hous ing
• H ead /hel met mou nt abl e for h and s free usa ge
• H igh Qua lit y opti cs
• V ide o a nd c omp ute r o utp ut
• V ide o /Image pol ari ty s ele cti on
• Water pro of
spec ifi cat io n
Magnification ........................................................1,8X
Objective Focal Length ........................................25 m m
FOV ......................................................................11° x 8 °
Focus Range ........................................................f rom 1m t o infi nit y
Focus Adjustment ................................................Manual
Exit Pupil ..............................................................14mm
Eye Relief .............................................................25mm
Det ec tor Typ e ....................................................... Uncooled Microbolometer
Spectral Response...............................................7-14 μ m
Pixels ....................................................................160 x 120
Pixel Size ..............................................................30 x 30 μm
Angular Resolution, mrad ....................................1,2
Thermal Sensitivity ..............................................< 0,1°C
Ra nge to Detec t a Hum an ....................................475 m
Output Format ......................................................Analog PAL / NTSC
Display .................................................................OLED matrix
Display Format .....................................................SVGA , 852 x 600 px l
Color .....................................................................Monochrome
Digital ZOOM .......................................................Fixe d 2x (op tio nal 5x)
Brightness Adjustment .........................................Manual
Contrast Adjustment ............................................Automatic
Available User Interfaces .....................................Fro m ou tsi de PC t hro ugh US B inte r fa ce
Power Supply .......................................................2 x 3 V, 12 3At ype
Start-Up Time .......................................................< 3 sec
Op erati ng T ime w/on e b att ery pac k .....................4 h rs
Ex ter nal Powe r S upp ly .........................................DC 6V, 50 0 mA
Operating Temperature Range ............................fro m -20° C to +50 °C
Waterproof ...........................................................Yes, u p t o 10m sub mer sio n
Dimensions ..........................................................118 x 78 x 54 mm
Weight (w/batteries) .............................................0,34 kg
* ATN reserves the right to change the above specifications at any time without notice
a p p l i c a t i o n
The O TI S-14 i s a th er ma l s yste m i nt en de d f or law en fo rc em en t, mil it ar y a nd co mm er ci al us es . I t is b ui lt ar ound s tate of t he art u ncool ed the rm al i magin g te ch nolo gy, highl y int egra ted D SP- ba sed e lectr on ics an d a com pac t, lig ht wei ght sy stem.
The OTIS-14 thermal monocular provides the excellent image quality that is unaffected by lights or shadows that ser iously hamper the imag e quality of image intensified night vision. Total darkness, camouflage or bright lights will not affect the sensitivity of these units.
The included and optional accessories provide for the versatility of the monocular. You can put it on a he ads et or o n a hel met , c onn ect ed t o a not her mo noc ula r t o bu il d a bin ocu lar sy stem e tc .
The ATN OTIS -14’s supe ri or per fo rm ance, compact size, comfort of wear an d cost ef fi ci ency makes i t the perfect thermal imaging device.
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