ATN OMEGA 7x50RF User Manual

ATN 7x50RF
user`s guide
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Th e in formation i n t h is manual f u r n i shed for i n formation u s e only, is su bje ct t o c hange without n o t i c e, is n o t to b e c o n s trued as a c o m m i t ment by AT N Corp.
ATN C o r p. assum es n o responsibility or l i a b i lit y for a n y errors o r inaccuracies t hat m ay a ppear i n this b ook. ©2005 - 20 0 9 ATN Corp. All right r e s e r ved .
• Built in step rangefinder
• E xtra-lo n g eye relief fo r eyeglass wearers
• C o mfo r table to use for ex tended hours
• Two year warr a n t y
Magnification ...................7X
Objective lens diameter ...50 mm
Eye relief ..........................20 m m
Real f i e l d o f v i ew ..............7°
Field of view .....................368 feet @ 1000 yards
Interpupillary distance .....57-74 mm
Maximum width ................217 mm
Minimum width .................180 mm
Maximum height ..............100 mm
Minimum height................80 mm
Lenght ..............................152 mm
Weight ..............................1.35 kg /3 l b
ATN 7x5 0R F d ay ti me O me ga c l as s b in oc ul ar pr o­vide a sharp stable image with excellent low-light performance.
The combination of waterproof and high quality optics make this the perfect binocular for boat­ing and law enforcement, as well as most hunting uses.
Focus/ diopter
Soft carrin g c ase
Roll-down eyecups
Lens caps
How to adjust for dis­tance between your eyes:
The distance between the eyes, called “inter­pupillary distance,” varies fr o m person to person.
To achieve perfect alignment of lens to eye, follow these simple steps:
1. Hold your binocular in the normal viewing posi­tion.
2. Grasp each barrel firmly. Move the barrels closer together or farther apart until you see a single circular field. Always reset your binocular to this position before using.
Focus the binocular for o ne ey e at a t i me b y t u rn ­i n g t h e o c u la r (e y ep i e c e) until you see an equally sharp image with each eye. If more then one person will be using the bin o cular, you s h o u l d mark the lef t and right eyepieces for your own vision to permit quick readjustment.
Your bi no c ul a r fi t t ed wit h ru b be r ey e c u ps de s ig ne d to exc lu de extraneous light. If you wear eye g lasses, you may be able to roll-down the eyecups. For eye­glass wearers, lowering or rolling down the eye­cups will bring your eyes closer to the binocular lenses, thus providing an improved field of view.
Th i s producT c o n Ta i n s naTur a l rubber l aTex which m ay cau s e allerg i c r e acTions
ne Ver l o o K aT Th e s u n! iT m ay cau s e loss o F s i g hT
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