ATN NVSG1, NVSG2IA User Manual

user`s guide
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C O R P.
Maste r p ower ( ON/OFF) switc h
Remote control panel
Manual focus lens;
5’ to infinity
100m Infra-red
Proximity sensor
Fixator screws
Mounting bracket (mounts to
standard U.S. 7/8” weaver rail)
Remote control
“+” adjustment button
- adjustment button
SL selection button
Reticle Pattern
Selector button
Control panel
Focus adjustment knob
The information in this manual furnished for information use only, is subject to change without notice, is not to be const rue d as a com mit ment by AT N C orp.
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©2008 ATN Corp. All right reserved.
LED indicators
Protective cover
LED indicators
Re tic le Pat tern S elector but ton
“+” adjustment button
- adjustment button
SL selection button
The NVSG1/ NVSG2IA nig ht visi on weapon scope is a comp lex computer ized system for th e ob ser­vation of objects at low light levels. Containing an onboard computer these scopes are some of the most a dvance d ni ght vision weapon scopes in the wor ld.
The NVSG1/NVSG2IA consists of the objective lens assembly, ocular lens assembly and the body. The body cont ai ns th e image int en si fi er tube assembly w it h t h e integrat ed high voltag e p ow er source. The body a ls o h ou se s t he electronics fo r t he reticle, th e c om pu te r console for th e “ Sm ar t Techno log y” as well as the battery compartment. The 100M infra-red illuminator is located on the top of the unit.
The objective lens protective cover is designed to protect the lens from scratches and abrasions. This cover also prote c t s the i m age in tensif i er tu be from exposu re to d aylig ht or o t her br i ght li ght sou r ces. The pr otecti ve cover acts as a dayl ight filter, note the hole i n the center of the l ens cap.
The Master ON/OFF switch is to be found on top of the NVSG1/NVSG2IA. Once the scope’s master power is switched on you can adjust the scope using the but­to ns o n the control panel.
The control panel with the cluster of three buttons on it can be found on the left side of the NVSG1/ NVSG2IA. ”SL” button acts as a three-way selection toggle. By pressing it once you will see one of three colored diodes located on the rear side of the scope light up. Make sure to keep both eyes open; your right eye is expected to aim through the scope so that your left eye perceives the changes on the rear side of the control box. “+” and “-” buttons are used to correspondingly increase or decrease adjustments for a chosen function.
The three colored led diodes represent the scope function mode. “B” stands for brightness of the light intensifier tub e, “ R”- fo r retic le brig htn ess, and “I ”- for IR ill umi nator brightness.
Brightness LED
Reticle brightness LED
“+” adjustment button
“-” adjustment button
“SL” selection button
Master power switch
Illuminator brightness LED
Brightness LED
Reticle brightness LED
“+” adjustment button
“-” adjustment button
“SL” selection button
Illuminator brightness LED
The green led “B” represents the light intensifier tube power ratio. Once this is lit you can adjust the brightness of the image intensifier with the “+” and “-” adjustment buttons.
By pressing “SL” button three times you can switch to Red diode “I”. Red diode represents 100M infra-red illumina­tor’s brightness adjustment mode. Adjustments can be easily observed through the Aries scope while pressing ”+” /” -” adjustment buttons.
Infra-red illuminators, or IR illuminators, are common to night v is io n. The IR l ig ht g reatly en ha nc es t o the per form­ance of the NVSG1/NVSG2IA while remaining almost totally invisible to the unaided eye.
Power up the scope in a dark environment. Find an object and examine it with IR off, then on. You could observe illumination difference. It is important to remember that the IR illuminator is simply an infra-red light source and like any light source it may loose its effectiveness over long distances.
To change the field of coverage from the IR illuminator, focus the beam by turning IR illuminator lens to slightly alter the beam w idth.
By pressing the SL button twice you switch to a yellow “R” diode nex t t o the gre en o n e. The y ellow dio de re p resents the reticle’s brightness. Adjustments could be easily seen if you look through the NVSG1/NVSG2IA while pressing “ +” / ” -” adjustment buttons.
To adjust the brightness of the reticle or to turn it off use the control box buttons located on the side of the unit. Press and hold “+“ or ”-” adjustment buttons while the yellow diode is on and see brightness changes looking through the scope. After appropriate level of brightness has be en set release th e butto n.
Gr een LE D “ B”
Re d LED “ I”
Gr een LE D “ B”
Re d LED “ I”
Gr een LE D “ B”
Gr een LE D “ B”
Yel low LED “ R”
Yel low LED “ R”
Yel low LED “ R”
Yel low LED “ R”
Re d LED “ I”
Re d LED “ I”
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