ATN NVB5X User Manual

user`s guide
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0m to Infinity focus
One 3 vo lt
5 Diopter
Single switch
operation button
Th i s pr o ducT conTa i ns naT ur a l ru b ber l aT e x whic h may cau se al lerg i c reacTio n s.
Built-in IR illuminator
Infra-red illuminators IR450
Magnification ............................................... 5x
Intensifier tube ............................................ Gen. 2 or Gen.3
Field of view ................................................ 9°
Rang e of Focus ........................................... 3 m to
Power Supply .............................................. 3 volt,Lithium
Battery Life ( CR123A t ype) ......................... 60 hours (20 hours w/IR illuminator)- Gen.2+;
50 hours (17 hours w/IR illuminator)- Gen.3
Operating Temperature .............................. -40°C to +50°C
Storage Temperature ................................. -50°C to +70°C
Dimensions ................................................. 288x 108x 102mm (11.6” x4.3” x 4”)
Weight ......................................................... 1.29kg (2.8 lb)
* ATN reserves the right to change the above specifications at any time without notice
• High Quality 2nd or 3rd gen. light intensifier tube
Super fast lens system provides the user with a clear and sharp image
Dual eye viewing system for long viewing sessions
• Built-in Infra Red illuminator lets you see even in total darkness
• Rugged and ver s atile design
Weather and fog resistant
Easy to use digital controls
• Two-Year Warrant y
The NV B 5 i s a p owe r f ul n ig ht v is i on bi -o cu lar. Th ey a r e we ath er a nd f og r esi st ant and ca n withstand the rigours of almost any environment. The NVB will give you the range and clarity that other bi-oculars simply can not touch.
The NVB5X have a built in IR for total darkness with indicator “ON” light within the FOV.
The NVB5X is available with a wide range of image intensifier options to meet a wide array of specification requirements.
The NVB5X is a complex opticoelectronic system for individual use. The device con­sists of the objective lens assembly, eyepiece and the body. The body contains a image intensifier tube assembly with an integrated high voltage power source and the battery housing.
Objective lens protective cover (not shown) is intended to protect the objective lens from dust and scratches. It also will act as a daylight filter, allowing you to test the scope in day­light or other bright light situations. The pinhole in the center of the protective cover allows the user to check the operation ability of the device in daylight conditions.
NOTE: Do not test the scope in daylight conditions even with the daylight filter/lens cap on for more than ten (10) minutes.
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