Magnification .......................................... 1X
Lens System ........................................... 26 mm ; F1:1.0
Field of view ............................................ 20°
Ran g e of Focus .......................................1 m to infinity
Diopters ..................................................±5
Power Supply .......................................... 1,5 V AA type
Battery Life.............................................. 10-20 hours w /o IR il luminator
Operating/ Storage Temperature ........... -40°C to + 50°C/-50°C t o +70°C
Dimensions ............................................. 130 x 116 x 59mm / / 5.1” x 4.6” x 2. 3 ”
Weight ..................................................... 0.42 kg (0. 93 lb)
* ATN reserves the right to change the above specifications at any time without notice
• A ll glas s multi - coated lenses for s uperb c l arity an d bright ness
• F.1:1.0 lens with amazing light transmission
• M anual focus
• Adjustab le eyepiece
• T he Nigh t Couga r LT i nfra-r ed ill uminat or wa s design e d to l et yo u see even in tot al dar k ness
• L ight w eight and comfor table
• Weat h er res istant
• Two-Year Warranty
The Night Cougar LT is a light weight dual eye/tube goggle system that is comfortable to wear and easy
to use. Powered by two high quality 1st Gen.+ light intensifier tubes and using fast precision optics the
Nig ht Coug ar LT has one of th e clear est and brightest im ages avail a ble in a 1st Gen. goggle.
Combine all of the above with a built in infrared illuminator that lets you see in total darkness and you will
be on your way to explor i ng even the darke st of places.
Th e Nig ht C ougar LT goggl e syste m is a com plex opt ico-ele ctronic system for indivi dual use. The device
cons i sts of an o b j ec t ive len s a s se m bly, eyepie c es an d a b o dy. The bod y c o nt a i ns t w o 1st Gen.+ image in te n sifier tubes as s embly wi t h an in tegrated high voltag e power source and the three volt bat ter y housin g.
Objective lens protective covers are intended to protect objective lens from dust and scratches. It also
wil l act a s a daylight filter, allowing you to test t he scope in daylight or ot h er br i g ht li g ht sit uations.
NOTE: Do not te s t t h e s c ope i n d ayli g ht c ondition s even wit h t h e d ayli g h t f i l te r /l e ns cap on for more
than ten (10) minutes.
1. Un screw the bat tery cap.
2. Insert AA type battery, observing the polarity as
3. Replace the bat tery cap and scr ew cap hand t i ght.