Aries Mk6500
u s e r ` s g u i d e
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Infra-red (IR) illuminator
Control panel
Manual focus lens; 2’ to
Internal windage and
Mounts to standard U.S.
7/8” weaver rail
Two 3V batteries
“SL” selection
toggle button
“–” button
“+” button
5 Diopter
Brightness of the light
intensifier tube
Green LED
Reticle brightness
Yellow LED
IR illuminator brightness
Remote control
Camera adapter
The Aries 6500 night vision weapon scope is a complex computerized system for the observation
of objects at low light levels (less than 1.0 lux.) containing an onboard computer. These scopes are
some of the most advanced night vision weapon scopes in the world.
The Aries 6500 consists of the objective lens assembly, ocular lens assembly and the body. The
body contains the image intensifier tube assembly with the integrated high voltage power source.
The body also houses the electronics for the reticle, the computer console for the “Smart Technology” as well as the battery compartment. The 100M infrared illuminator is located on the side opposite to the battery compar tment.
The objective lens protective cover (not shown) is designed to protect the lens from scratches and
abrasions. This cover also protects the image intensifier tube from exposure to daylight or other
bright light sources. The protective cover acts as a daylight filter, note the pinhole in the center of the
lens cap.
NOTE: Please refrain from testing in the daylight for more than ten (10) minutes at a time.
The Master ON /OFF switch is to be found on the back of the 6500/7600. Once the scope’s master
power is switched on you can adjust the scope using the buttons on the control box.
The control box with the cluster of three buttons on it can be found on the left side of the Aries
6500.”SL” button acts as a three-way selection toggle. By pressing it once you will see one of
three colored diodes located on the rear side of the control box light up. Make sure to keep both
eyes open ; your right eye is expected to aim through the scope so that your left eye perceives the
changes on the rear side of the control box. “+” and “-” buttons are used to correspondingly increase
or decrease adjustments for a chosen function.
The three colored led diodes represent the scope function mode. “B ” stands for brightness of the
light intensifier tube, “Ft” for reticle brightness, and “I” for IR illuminator brightness.
The green B diode represents light intensifier tube power ratio. Once this is lit you can adjust the
brightness of the light intensifier with the “+” and “-” adjustment buttons.
By pressing the SL button twice you switch to a yellow R diode next to the green one. The yellow diode
represents the reticle’s brightness. Adjustments could be easily seen if you look through the Aries
6500 while pressing “ +” / “ -” adjustment buttons.
To adjust the brightness of the reticle or to turn it off use the control box buttons located on the side of
the unit. Press and hold “+ “or” -” adjustment buttons while the yellow diode is on and see brightness
changes looking through the scope. After appropriate level of brightness has been set release the
By pressing “SL” button three times you can switch to RED DIODE “I”. RED DIODE represents
100M infra-red illuminator’s brightness adjustment mode. Adjustments can be easily observed
through the Aries scope 6500 while pressing” +” / “ -” adjustment buttons.
Infra-red illuminators, or IR illuminators, are common to night vision. The IR light greatly
enhances to the performance of the Aries 6500 while remaining almost totally invisible to the
naked eye. 100M IR illuminator on the Aries 6500 is located near the windage and elevation
Power up the Aries scope in a dark environment. Find an object and examine it with IR off, then
on. You could observe illumination difference. It is important to remember that the IR illuminator is simply an infra-red light source and like any light source it may loose its effectiveness
over long distances.
To change the field of coverage from the IR illuminator, focus the beam by turning IR illuminator lens to slightly alter the beam width.
NOTE: The IR switches off automatically after the unit ’s main power is off.
IR brightness
Reticle brightness
Tube brightness
Power switch
“SL” button “–” button
“+” button
Control panel
To adjust vertical and horizontal positions for the Aries 6500 /7600 turn the elevation and windage
adjustment mechanisms. Each click equals to .5 inch at 100 yards. Do not use force having reached
the maximum of rotation.