ATN Daytime 5x33L, Daytime 3-9x55LU, Daytime 4-12x60LU, Daytime 6-18x65LU, Daytime 8-24x75LU User Manual

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Elevation dust cap
Eyepiece focusing adjustment
Magnification adjustment
Mounting rings
Bullet drop compensator
with interchangeable cams
12-position rheostat
Bat ter y housi n g dust cap
Th i s pro d ucT c o nTains n aT ur a l rub b er laTex w h i ch may cau se all ergic r e acT i o n s.
The information in this manual furnished for information use only, is subject to change without notice, is not to be cons t rued a s a comm i t ment by ATN C orp.
ATN Corp. assumes no res p o nsibili t y or li a b ility f o r any error s or in a c curacie s that may a p pear i n this b o ok.
©2008 ATN Corp. All right reserved.
Fixing screw
Special tool for
d r a w - s c r e w s
Interchangeable cams for
bullet drop compensator
• Bullet drop compensator with interchangeable cams (except 5x3 3L)
• Mount ing rings includ ed (except 5x33 series)
• Illuminated Reticle with an 12 positi on rheostat
• Step Range Finder
• 1/ 8 MOA at 10 0 Yards
• All glass multi- coated o ptics
• Extra large objective lenses
• Prosheild and Everlight Lens coatings
• Suns had e
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OPer atING:
Battery INstallatION:
In s t all the b at ter y into t h e housing w ith the p o l arit y order a s shown on
the battery housin g cap. Bat t er y Type: 3 Volt L ithium standard watch battery type CR2032 (Fig.1) .
Rifl e s c o p e s can be m o u nted util izing 30mm mou n ting rings. ATN mount­ing rings allow to change the position of the riflescope on the weapon in
relation to a shooter by 1/3 of inch. Thus obtained, such positions are
ad diti o n al to t h e alread y avai l a ble fixe d positions o n the we aver r ail. Fo r this pu r p o se in th e base of a mounting ring ther e is a ra i l with a fixing pro j e c tion. In case you nee d to c hange th e posit ion of the rif lescope addition ally pl ease follow the steps mentioned
below for both rings (Fig.2) :
1. Lo o sen the t wo s c rews at t a c h ing the r a il to th e ring.
2. Take the rail out of the groove.
NOTE: If the rail is not taken out easily screw up one of the s crews i nto the threaded aperture at the middle of the rail until it stops. Then carefully con­ti n ue ro tating of the s crew until i t pushes out a rail from a groove.
3. About-face the rail.
4. Put the rail into the groove.
Fi x the rail with the t wo s crews.
Fo r mountin g the rifles c o p e on the w eave r rail:
1. Lo o sen the f i xing screws on the s ides of t h e mounting r ings.
Pl ace the rif l escope on the weaver rail s o that t h e projection of the r a il, which i s in the b ase of t h e ring,
enters the r e c e s s in the rail.
3. Tighten the fixing screws of the mounting rings.
CAUTIO N : B e sure gun is not load ed. Use safe g un handli n g pro c edure s all th e time.
Whi l e holding t h e scope about four in c hes from yo ur eye, quickly glance thro u g h the eyepiece at a featureless, flatly lit bright area such as a wall or the sky.
CAUTION: Viewing the sun can cause serious eye injury, never look at the sun with t his product or even the naked eye.
If the reticle is not v i s ible sharply turn the eyepie c e (either direc tion) a
few turns (Fig.3). Quickly glance through the scope again. If the focus has improved, but
is still not perfect, continue focusing. If the focus condition become wo r s e turn t h e focus oppos i te directio n .
NOTE: Unlike other sights, 12-36x80 has additional system for focusing wh en shooti ng at s m all dist ance (Fig .4).
Figure 2
Fixing projection
Threaded aperture
Figure 3
Battery housing cap
Figure 1
Fo r shooting at the d i stance up to 10 0 yards - t urn focusin g ring in t he direction to the m a r k 10 0 m
against stop. For shooting at the distance over 100 m turn the focusing ring in the direc-
tion to the mark ∞ against stop.
Pre -ze roing is r e c o mmended and c a n be done w i th a scope g u ide or bor e
CAUTION: Be sure gun is not loaded. Use safe gun handling procedures al l the time.
CAUTION: All shooting should be done at an approved range or other safe areas. Eye and ear protection is recommended.
Danger: If you used a bore-obstructing device, remove it before proceeding. If the barrel has-been drilled for a mount, check that the screws do not protrude into the bore. Do not fire live or even blank ammunition with an obstructed barrel. An obstruction can cause serious damage to the gun and possible personal injury to yourself and others nearby.
From a s teady res t position, fire thr e e rounds a t a 100 yar d target.
Observe bullet strike on target and adjust windage and elevation screws as needed to correct aim. You will need to
remove the dust caps from the top of the windage and elevation adjustments to do
this (Fig.5).
NOTE: Each click of adjustment changes bullet strike by the amount shown on the chart below.
When you have fi n ished zer o ing, repla c e
windage and elevation dust caps.
electrONIc retIcle:
You r scope has an Electro n i c reticle. There a re 12 positions of bright­ness. The rheostat is manipulated by the knob located at the back of the scope. It is l abelled wit h numbers fr o m 0 to 11. When t he rheostat is set to 0 you will see a bla c k etched r eticle. The reticle wi l l light u p red elec­tro n i c ally as you rotate the rhe o s tat thro u g h the num b er s, 11 being the
brightest (Fig.6).
usING the atN raNGeFINder retIcle:
The r a n ge f i nd e r r eti c le i n y o ur s c op e w a s de s ig n e d to a s sis t y o u in d e t e rm i nin g t he r a n ge o f y o u r tar g et .
The s e di s t an c es a r e bas e d on a 6 ’ tar g et , i f a 6’ t a rg e t f it s b et w ee n t h e nu m be r e d ba s el i n e (t h e fi v e s hor t horizontal lines and the post of the reticle above the baseline determines your distance. If a 6’ target fits between the horizontal post of the reticle and 2 the target is 200 yards away. If the same target fits between the 4 and the horizontal post of the reticle the target is 400 yards away. The same is with the 6 and 10. The target would be either 600, 800 or 1000 yards away (Fig.7).
NOTE: The 5x33 series and the 2-6x40 utilize a range finder based on a three foot target.
Figure 4
Figure 6
(inches of movement per click)
50 Yards - 1/16”
100 Yards - 1/ 8 ” 200 Yards - 1/ 4 ”
300 Yar d s - 3 / 8”
Figure 5
Figure 7.
If a 6’ tar get
fits between these two li n e s t h e n the ta rg et is 20 0 y a r d s away.
If a 6’ tar get
fits between these two li n e s t h e n the ta rg et is 40 0 y a r d s away.
If a 3’ tar get
fits between these two li n e s t h e n the ta rg et is 20 0 y a r d s away.
If a 3’ tar get
fits between these two li n e s t h e n the ta rg et is 40 0 y a r d s away.
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