ATTENTION: Please recharge the MP3 player before using it!
Instaiaton CO
Buttons and the functions
1. [RA/] iRecord mode or volume mcxle 2. :Backward
3. [Wl] :Play/Pause/confirm button
Dual Earphone
4. 1^1 : Forward
Qu^ Start
Short press C ] button to confirm
A-5 repeat
5e^ rnode and short press [ ^ ] buoon lo emer imo.
Shortpress [RV] buaon to select‘A* point and short press tR/V] buQonag^
to select poir^
Short press [R/V] button the third to cartcei *A-6' repeat
File Browse
Select “File Browse’ mode and short press [ Wl ] button to enter into.
Short press [ / I ] button to soloct your dcoircd file.
Shortpress [RECA/OL] outton to delete the file, short press [^1 / I~«l button
to select "Yes" or “No" .Short press [ Wl ] button to confirm delete.
Short press I Wl ] buttor to play your desired file.
Adding/ Removing MP3 Files
Plug USB connector into computer
Add MP3 files 10 the USB storage’s folder
Dele any MP3 files from the USB storage's folder
Close the USB Storage’s folder (right click on icon).
Follow Operatir>g system guidelines for removal of unit
Remove unit from Computer.
5. [Ml ; Menu button
Play MP3 Music
To Start:
1. Connect earphone to earphone jack.
2. Ssvitch“ [HOLD ►] “ to no lock position.
3. Long press [ Wl ] button to turn on. (The default mode is “Music" mode)
4. Short press [ Wl ] button to play music.
In the play mode, short press [ M ] to enter Into sub menu and short press [ *►+! / [ “^ )
button to select your desired mode (e.g. Repeat. Equalizer ,3D, Play Rate. Intro, Display,
A-B, File Browse)
Short press [ Wl ] to confirm.
To return main-Menu: Long press [Ml button
To Pause play: Short press [ Wl ] button.
To resume play: Short press [ wi ] button again.
To change tracks: use [W-] / {-Ml button.
To enter record mode: long press [R/V] button to start to record.
To turn unit off: Long press [Wl] button.
1. Select repeat mode and short press [ Wl ] button to enter into.
2. Shortpress 1^1 [“♦< Ibutton to select your desired oplion(e.g. No Repeat. ONE.
All, Random All. Dir Repeat. Dir All Repeat Dir Random All)
6. [HOLD ►] : MP3 lock button
Menu Navigation
> CM] button: Enter Main-Menu or Sub-Menu or return
> Skip button ( 1^1 /1 ): Shift menus.
> Play/Pause button ( [Wl] ): piay, Pause, or confirm.
Ac^ust Volume
In MP3 Play. RPL mode, FM mode, Short press IRA/'] and short press I^]/I“^]
button to adjust the volume.
RPL (Record mode and Play the record mode)
1. Long prese [WJ button to enter into mein menu.
2. Shortpress I 1 button to select RPL mode.
Short press I Wl ] button to confirm.
Lor>g press I R/V ] button start to record.
Shortpress [Wl] button to pause record.
Short press [R/V] button to save the record file.
Short press [ Wl j button to play the record.
Short press [M] button to enter into sub menu when playing record mode ( e.g.
RepeaL Play Rate. Intro. Display. A-B. File Browse)
Short press [Wl] button to conftrm.9.
FM Radio (Optional function and only for MP3 player with "*FM" function.)
1. Long press [ M ] button to enter main-Menu.
2. Short J button tp_ select‘FM R^io* mode.
Short press [ wi j button to confirm.
Select Equalizer mode and short press [ Wl] button to enter Into.
Short press [ W] / [ -^ ] button to select your desired option (e.g. Normal, Pop,
Rock. Classic, Jazz, Bass, Custom EQ)
Shortpress [Wl] button to confirm.
Select 3D mode and short press [ Wl ] button to enter into.
Shortpress [^^1 [“^1 button to select your desired option(e.g. ON. Off)
Play Rate:
Select Play Rate mode and short press [ Wl] button to enter into.
Short press [ ^ ] / [ “^ ] button to select your desired opt»n(e.g. 1 .OOX. 1.14X.
1.33X, 0.67X, 0.80X)
Shortpress [Wl] button to confirm
Select "Intro" mode and short press [ Wl ] button to errter into.
Short press [ ^1 / [ “^ ] button to select your desired option from “00" to "15"
Short press [ Wl ] button to confirm
Select “Display" mode and short press [Wl] button to enter into.
Short press [ ^1 / [ “^ 1 button to select your desired option(e.g. Cff, Wave motion,
3. Shortpress [►^■] button to enter‘FM Radio" mode.
4. Shortpress [^] [ ”<<1 button to tune your desired stations.
Short press [ wi] button to enter sub menu (e.g. Preset, Auto Search. Manual Search.
Save, Exit)
Shortpress [Wl] button to confimi.
1. Short press [ >>+1 / [ -^ 1 button to select the preset stations.
2. If none preset station found, short press [ wi ] button to enter sub menu (e.g.
Ptesel, Aulu Search, Manual Search. Delete, Delete all, Exit) to select “Auto
Search" or "Manual search" mode to search the station then save.
Auto Search
Select ‘Auto search' mode, the FM tuner will search stations automatically, short press
[ Wl ]button to enter sub menu (e.g. Preset, Auto Search, Manual Search. Save, Save all,
Manual Search
Select ‘Manual search' mode, press [ >^*1 / [ “44 ] to select the desired station frequency
by 0.1 MHz. Short pres$[ wi Ibutton to enter sub menu (e.g. Preset, Auto Search, Manual
Search, Save, Exit)
1. Select your desired band
2. Short Dress I Wl ] button to enter into sub menu to select “Save" mode
4. Short press [ wi ] button to save.
Re:»rd FM
In the receive the FM radio, long press [R/V] button to enter record mede, press [R/V]
button exit the FM record mode to enter Play the record file mode.
SYS (system)
Long press [ M ] button to enter main menu.
Short press [►>+] / [“^1 button to select “SYS“ mode.
Short press [ Wl 1 button to enter into.
Press [^] / [“^1 to choose your desired mode(e.g. USB Mode, Time, Power,
Language, Display, Sys Tools)
Short press [ Wl] button to confirm.
USB Mode:
Short press [►►^l / [“44 ] button to select USB Mode (Pen Drive or DRM Download)
Short press [ w* ] / [ **44 ] button to select Time (Adjust, Alarm, Time Zone)
Adust Time; Short press [ M ] button to select YY-MM-DD and the time options, and short
press [W-] / [-44] button to adjust the time.
DRM: (Optional Function and no this icon in System if MP3 has no “DRM”
1. In USB Mode to select DRM Download mode and short press button to
r confirm.
2. Plug in the Player to the USB port of the PC.
3. Enter the Media Player mode in the computer automatically to operate
NOTE: After plugging in the USB cable, press ÍM1 button to switch between USB
mode and MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) mode for DRM function.
Short press I Ibutton to select Auto off: 000 or in playback. When you select
“Auto off:000'’ and press [ •' I 1 to select your desired time.
Select language mode and short press [Wlj button to confirm.
Short press [ /1 Ito select your desired option (e.g. English, Chinese(Simp)
Chinese (Trad), Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German. Greek, Hungarian.
Itaiian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish . Portuguese, Russia. Spanish,
Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Holland, Arabic, Thai)
Short press I ►*! ] button to confirm.
Short press [ 1 button to select Contrast or Backlight. Short press i I 1
button to select your desired number.
Sys Tools:
1. Shortpress[*^l (“^lbuttontoselectyourdesiredoptlon(e.g.DelFBe.Format,
Reset. System Info.)
2. Short press 1 button to select‘Format’mode arxJ short press [ HI ]
Technical Specification
3 LCD Dispiav
4 Power supply
5 S/N ratio
6 Audio Frequency Range
7 EQ
8 Decoding Format
12 Operating Moisture
Name Description
Capacity of Flash
USB Intetface
File System FAT16, FAT32
nie number/folder 9999 files (max)/5
Operating Temperature S'^C —35^C (41 “F—95“F)
Buid-in Rash Memory, up to 2G.
USB2.0(HiQh speed)
128x64.2-coior (velow and blue) OLED
Li-Polvmer battery
Normal. Pop. Rode, Classic. Jazz. BassCustom EQ
MP3 (MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5. Layer 1/2/3, ID3
display supported) and WMA
button to enter into.
3. Short press [HI] button to enter into sub menu(e.g. Quick, Complete)
4. Short press [^1 / I ] button to select your option and short press [H-j /
[ “«] button to select “Yes/NO"
5. Short press [HI] button to confirm.
Select'Reset* mode and short press [ HI ] button to confiim. Short press [^] /[~44]
button to select “Yes/NO"
Select‘System Info" mode and short press [>*+l / button to look “FW,CHIP and
CD disk use specification
1. USB Rash Disk driver for windows98SE (If the user's computer OS Is Windows98SE.
please install the driver)
(1) Put CD disk to the CD driver
(2) Click the right key to turn on CD driver and to operate "CD
disk/driver/MP3/SETUP.EXE" file.
1' Cane* I ,
(3) Click “NEXT" to enter Into the next picture.
(4) Click "NEXT" to enter Into the next picture.
(5) Choose "Finish" to finish setup program. Restart the PC and you can use the MP3
2. Format to the MP3 player
The MP3 player format Is “FAT" format. If you will format the MP3 player and click right
key to choose format mode to format In the operate system.
Please unlock the button before use.
EQ is not obvious when playing WMA format music.
Can’t identify the sixth and above sixth level of directory.
Do not leave the player in a place subject to moisture with temperature higher
than 35 or lower than -5C
Do not use the earphones while driving an autorrvDbile or riding a bicycle, it's not
only dangerous but also against the law.
It may cause an accident if you turn up the volume of the earphones while walking
down the street, especially crossing at intersections.
Do not turn up the volume too high, doctors warn against prolonged exposure to
high volume.
Stop using the device or turn the volume down if you have ringing in your ears.
Our packages use cardboard, pc^yethytene. ar>d do not use any unnecessary
As U-disk, the disk will be write-protected if you switch the hold to lock the
Press [ Reset] button to reset the setting when hang up.
if the file is WMA format that do not support “Play rate" mode.
The user manual only for reference. It 1$ standard by the sample.