3.2.4 Electronics
The description is done by means of function blocks.
• Block 1 Potential separation and production of
12V dc:
The supply voltage is connected at the entry to the
block. There is a switch to switch over between 115 and
230V ac. The transformer has an insulation designed
for a voltage of 4kV and supplies an output voltage
of 18V ac. The secondary winding is protected by a
fuse (0.6 AT). A bridge rectifi er is fi tted to rectify the
ac voltage.
• Block 2 Control of the motor:
The motor is connected through a semi-conductor relay.
This semi-conductor relay has an insulation designed
for 4kV. The control of the relay is achieved directly
from an output of the controller. If the input signal of
the motor is low, the motor is turned on.
• Block 3 Control of the 5V dc:
The 5V dc is controlled by an LM 2574 switch regula-
tor. The regulation is done by back coupling, which by
means of a voltage divider is taken back to the feedback
of the switch regulator. The switch regulator is short
circuit proof. The voltage is smoothed by capacitors.
• Block 4 Control of the 12V dc:
The 12V dc is controlled by an LM 2574 switch regula-
tor. The regulation is done by back coupling, which by
means of a voltage divider is taken back to the feedback
of the switch regulator. The switch regulator is short
circuit proof. The voltage is smoothed by capacitors.
• Block 5 Production of the negative 12V supply:
The negative voltage is produced by a charging pump
(IC 7660). It is fed by the positive 12V.
• Block 6 Reference voltage:
The 2.5V reference voltage is produced by a low power
band gap diode. The diode has a temperature coef-
fi cient of 50 ppm. All AD converter values are based
on this reference voltage.
• Block 7 Low pressure measurement:
A silicon transducer is fi tted to measure the low pressu-
re. The measuring bridge of the transducer is fed with
a constant voltage. This constant voltage is produced
by means of an amplifi er and the reference voltage.
= 10.025 V
In addition the measuring bridge is evaluated by
means of a difference amplifi er. The difference amplifi er amplifi es the signal, so that 1 bar under pressure
corresponds to 2.5V.
• Block 8 Motor rotation monitoring:
A refl ex light barrier is used to check whether the motor
is started in the switched on condition. The refl ex light
barrier consists of an LED and an open collector exit.
The light diode is fed through a pre-resistance of 5V.
The voltage differences on the open-collector-exit are
assessed by the comparator circuit of the OP2 and so
prepared that a rectangular signal is made available
to the controller.
• Block 9 Control of valves and fans:
The two valves (start and exhaust air) as well as the
fans are connected with a FET. The loads lie on one
side on +12V and are, if necessary, pulled with an
FET to GND. The FETs are controlled directly by the
controller. Two other FETs ensure that the intake and
outlet air valves cannot be connected while the reset
signal produced from the reset module is on. BYV27
diodes are used to prevent radio interference.
• Block 10 Brightness control of the LC - display:
The brightness of the LC display can be controlled with
the controller. The current through the LEDs to light the
display is controlled through a constant current source.
This constant current source is produced by means of
a shunt (R33) and an operation amplifi er. The target
value for the current source is given by the PWM signal
of the controller.
• Block 11 Indicator:
The connection to the indicator board is done by a
26 pole ribbon cable. The control of this LC display
and the two LEDs as well as the inputting of the push
buttons is done by means of this ribbon cable. The
control of the LCD graphic display is done by means
of the data bus and some generated control signals.
The LEDs lie on one side at +5V and are on the other
side pulled through a resistance with the controller to
GND. The push buttons are held with a Pull Up to +5V.
If a push button is pressed, the level falls to GND and
is registered by the controller.
• Block 12 Overfl ow contacts:
There are 3 overfl ow sources:
- overfl ow right
- overfl ow left
- overfl ow trolley
The overfl ow contacts are supplied from the reference
voltage through a resistance. The other side of the
contact is read with an AD converter of the controller.
If the resistance between the contacts is reduced, then
the voltage at the AD converter increases and can be
detected by the controller as safety glass.
The resistance values must not be reduced!
3.0 Unit function and unit construction