1.1.1WarningsThis manual contains important warnings to prevent damage to your system and the
1.1.2TipsSome sections contain useful tips for using the ICE50. All the tips are emphasized as
1.1.4ChecklistsOnce comfortable with the configurtion and use of the ICE50, the checklists at the end of
This manual is using the nomenclat ure descri bed in thi s section to show warning s, tips,
workarounds etc.
ICE50. All the warnings are emphasized as shown in the example below.
This is a warning...
Please read all warnings carefully.
shown in the example below.
This is a tip...
This is a workaround...
these sections can be used for fast setup of a new project.
The checklists are of great help for getting the debugging system on-line without prob-
lems. However, novice users s hould also check t hat the operating con ditions of the
target system are compliant to the requiremen ts of ICE50 . This is described in the Co nnecting ICE50 section.
ICE50 User Guide1-1
Rev. 2523A–AVR–11/02
The following electronic documents from Atmel® are related to the use of the AVR
microcontrollers, and of the debugging tools. All documents can be found on the Atmel
Products CD-ROM enclosed in the ICE50 kit. For more information and document
updates, please visit our web site: www.atmel.com.
AV R Studio
user's guide.
Describes in detail how to use the AVR Studio debugging environment.
Describes in detail how to use the AVR Assembler.
Data sheets for the different AVR devices.
Errata sheets for the different AVR devices.
Application notes descr ibi ng dif ferent application examples for the AVR
Describes in detail how to use the AVR Studio debugging environment.
Note:AVR Studio 4.0 or later is required for ICE50 support. AVR Studio 3.x versions
will not work with ICE50!
1.2ICE50 Firmware
There has been several releases of the ICE50 firmware.
1.2.1Version 1.0 First released version.
1.2.2Version 1.1 Errors in trace module fixed.
Version table readout in main module fixed.
1.2.3Version 1.2 All parts with ADC: ADC bit 3 and 4 where interchanged. This is now fixed on all parts
with ADC.
Trace of Program Counter is now correct in single step.
Brown-out Detection (BOD): Selection of Brown-out Voltage is now enabled for all
Mega8: Reset Disable Fuse added to ICE50 options.
1.3ICE50 Known
There are some known issues in the ICE50 that users needs to be aware of.
1.3.1User Break in Sleep
1.3.2ADC Latch-up The ADC may latch-up if the target is powered before the ICE. Also make sure that
User break in sleep mode is not supported. Use an interrupt to wake up the part or a
reset to Reset the emulator.
User break in sleep mode is not supported. Workaround: A Reset will break and
reset the emulator.
no residual voltage is present on the ADC input pins if the ICE is not powered.
1.3.3User Break User break in sleep mode is not supported. Use an interrupt to wake up the part or a
reset to reset the emulator.
1-2ICE50 User Guide
Problems with AVR Studio can be reported to avr@atmel.com. Problems with beta
releases can be reported to avrbeta@atmel.com.
ICE50 User Guide1-3
1-4ICE50 User Guide
ATICE50 is an advanced In-Circuit Emulator that covers a wide range of the eight bits
AVR microcontrollers from Atmel. This section gives a brief introduction to it’s features.
2.1ICE50 ContentsFigure 2-1.
Section 2
The ATICE50 contains the following items:
ICE50 Main Unit/Pod/Two FPC (Flexibl e Printed Circuit) Cables & Probe
Personality Adapters for:
Emulates All Digital and Analog Peripherals
Target Vo ltage Range 2.2V - 5.5V
Full Target Frequency Range for All Supported Devices
Trace Buffer
Unlimited Number of Break Points
Symbolic Debugging Support
Full Visibility of and Access to Register File, SP, PC, and Memories
Access to all I/O Registers
I/O Configurable to Run or Halt in Stopped Mode
Cycle Counter
2-2ICE50 User Guide
The following minimum requirements apply for the ICE50.
For using the ICE50 with AVR Studio, a Pentium 233 MHz (or more) class personal
computer with following specifications is recommended:
64 MByte RAM, or more
20 MByte of free hard disk (HD) space
CD-ROM or Internet access
Recommended Screen Resolution 1024x768
16650 Compatible Serial Port (COM port)
AVR Studio v4.0 or later installed
Acrobat Reader v4.0 or later installed (optional).
The following operating systems are currently supported by AVR Studio:
Windows NT
Version 3.51
Windows NT Version 4.0
Windows® 95
Windows 98 (ME)
Windows 2000
Windows XP
AVR Studio is always updated to fit new operating systems and versions. See A VR
Studio User's Guide for latest information.
Note:1. Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0 does not support USB communication.
2.3.3Target Hardware
The target must be able to supply 2.2 - 5.5V @150mA. See Table 3-6 for further
Violating the recommended operating conditions for the ICE50 might cause incorrect operation and damag e the emulator.
2.3.5Host InterfaceRS-232C @ 115200 bps, 1 start-, 8 data-, and 1 stop-bit, no parity with hardware hand-
shaking. 9-pin female connector with RTS and CTS connected to s upport hardware
ICE50 User Guide2-3
2-4ICE50 User Guide
Section 3
General Description
This setion describes the different components of the ATICE50 in detail.
3.1.1What is an In-Circuit
In this section a brief description of emulation is given, and a closer look at the parts that
make up the ICE50.
The ICE50 is an In-Circuit Emulator. An emulator is a dedicated piece of hardware
designed to “emulate” the behaviour of another piece of hardware. In the ca se of the
ICE50, it is designed to behave as a wide range of AVR devices. Exact emulation is the
goal for all emulators and the ICE50 offers the highest possible level of compatibility.
The ICE50 emulator system consists of the following five modules:
Main Emulator Unit
Personality adapters
Test adapter
ICE50 User Guide3-1
Rev. 2523A–AVR–11/02
General Description
3.2Main Emulator
The main emulator unit contains the “brain” of the ICE50.
3.2.1Emulator UnitThe main emulato r unit is shown in Figure 3-1 . The main uni t contains the control lo gic,
and general hardware necessary to emulate an AVR device.
Figure 3-1. ICE50 Main Emulator
Power Connector/
Power Switch
Expansion Bay
Status LEDs
Expansion Bay
USB Connector
RS-232C Connector
Reset Button
Power Sw itc h
Power Connector
3.2.2Status LEDsThere are three LEDs on the front of the ICE50 cabinet. One red, one red/green duo
LED and one green LED. All these LEDs give important status information on the ICE50
and which mode it is operating in. The picture below shows a close-up of the LEDs.
When turning on power on the ICE50 the normal LED sequence will be as follows:
1. Red Powe r LED turns ON.
2. Mode LED turns ON and is first red and next orange.
3. Green status LED turns ON (after approx 15 seconds).
This indicate that the unit is operating and ready for use.
Figure 3-2. Emulator LEDs
3-2ICE50 User Guide
General Description Power LEDThe red LED is the power indicator LED. This will be lit if power on the ICE50 is turned
on and the power system is working correctly . If t he LED stays off after power on, make
sure the power supply me ets the requirem ents of the ICE5 0. If u sing an other po wer supply than the one supplied with the ICE50 make sure that the power polarity is correct.
See the Power System section for more details on power requirements. Color Mode
The Multicolor LED displays information about which mode the ICE50 is working in. During the startup sequence this LED is first red, next o range. Orange indicates t hat the
Emulator is in stopped mode. A green light indicates that the ICE is in run mode. If the
LED turns red it indicates an emulator error. If this happen s consult the tro ubleshootin g
guide. Status LEDThe green LED will be turned on when the ICE50 is ready for emulation. Once the green
LED is on, the ICE50 is ready for emulation. The LED will flash during u pgrading of the
ICE50. The LED will be turned off during loading of a new part, and lit when the part is
finished loading. If the LED does not turn on after a power up sequence please consult
the troubleshooting guide for possible solutions.
Figure 3-3. Multi Color Mode
Table 3-1. LED Color Definitions
OffPower not connected, or ICE50 Turned off.
OnPower connected, ICE50 on and voltages OK.
GreenRun mode
RedError condition, if permanently lit.
OrangeStopped mode
OffICE50 is initializing.
OnICE50 Ready for emulation.
BlinkingThe LED will flash when doing an upgrade.
ICE50 User Guide3-3
General Description
3.3POD BayThe ICE50 has a very flexible architecture that will ensure a long product life. The differ-
ent AVR devices are characterised through their number of I/O pins and analog
features. Both the I/O pins and the analog features are implemented on the POD board.
If new AVR devices are made avai lable to th e mark et that conta in I/ O or ana log fe atu res
that cannot be emulated by the current POD, Atmel is dedicated to create new POD
modules that support the functionality of the new devices.
3.3.1Removing POD from
If for some reason the POD must be removed from the POD Bay, the recommended
procedure is as describe d below. See also Figure 3-4.
1. Lift the POD on the front edge until a click is heard. The POD is now ready to be
pulled up from the bay.
2. Lift the POD out of the Bay.
Figure 3-4. Removing POD from POD Bay
Without the POD connected, the ICE50 will still be able to emula te core fu nction s of the
AVR (e.g., timers). This feature can be useful in some debugging sessions. If the POD is
inserted and there is no target power applied, the ICE will be held in Reset until target
power is turned on. By disabling POR and BOD Reset in ICE50 other options dial og,
ICE50 will emulate correctly even if target power is not connected.
3.3.2Inserting POD Into
Only original ICE50 Pods should be used with ICE50 and care should be taken when
placing or removing the POD. During normal use there is no need to remove the POD
from the bay. If for some reason the POD is disconnected, the recommended procedure
to re-insert the POD is as follows. See also Figure 3-5.
1. Place the POD in the ICE50 POD connector. Make sure that the connector male
and female guides align.
2. Use both hands and apply pressure on the upper half of the POD (on top of the
3. After pressing the connector firmly in place, use one hand to apply pressure on
the lower half of the POD. You will hear a click when the POD locks into position.
3-4ICE50 User Guide
General Description
Figure 3-5. Inserting POD Into POD Bay
3.3.3Expansion BayThe expansion connector is intended for future use, and not used in the current ve rsion
of ICE50. The POD placed in this socket is an empty POD enclosure a nd serves the
purpose of protecting the Expansion Connector.
3.3.4USB ConnectorUSB communic ation is sup ported in AVR St udio 4, Bui ld 181 and higher ve rsions. USB
Drivers are found on the AVR Technical Library CD-Rom. The USB port is shown in Figure 3-6
Figure 3-6. USB-, RS-232C-communication, and Reset Button
3.3.5RS-232C ConnectorPresent, all com mu nic at ion betwe en th e ICE50 and AVR Studio is done through a standard RS-232C interface. This is the comm unication protocol used by COM ports on
PCs. The communication runs at 1152 00 bit/s, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit , (N81).
For information on how to connect the ICE50 to a PC see the Connecting ICE50 to PC
section. See Figure 3-6.
3.3.6Reset ButtonBy pressing the reset button on the ICE50, a Warm Reset of the Emulator is preformed.
After approximately 15 seconds the configuration is completed, and the green status
LED will turn on indicating that the emulator is ready for use. See Figure 3-6.
3.3.7Power SwitchThe Power Switch is the main on/off switch for the ICE50 Emulator. Switching this off
will turn off power on the ICE50. Th e ICE50 wil l howe ve r re mai n gro und ed to the p ower
supply. See Figure 3-7.
ICE50 User Guide3-5
General Description
Figure 3-7. Power Switch and Connector
3.3.8Power ConnectorThe Power Connector on the ICE50 system is a standard type with 2.1 mm center tap.
Ground should be connected to the center tap. For more information about power
requirements and operating conditions see the Power System Description. See Figure
3.4.1Personality Adapte r
The personality adapters of the ICE50 provides the physical adaption betwee n the
ICE50 and the target device.
ICE50 is supplied with a range of personality adapters. These adapters map the pinout
from the ICE50 POD to each of the microcontrollers it supports. Each adapter includes
an identification code that the ICE50 and AVR Studio use for automatic device detection. The ICE50 package contains the following Personality Adapters:
Each adapter corresponds to one pinout type and supports one or more AVR microcontrollers. Table 3-2 shows which devices are supported by the different Personality
When connecting the Person ality Adapter an d the Probe, m ake sure that th e Probe is
connected with the correct orientation. The connectors will only fit when the boards have
the correct orientation. On the Personality Adapters a circle indicates pin 1. Make sure
that the circle on the Probe matches the circle on the Personality Adapter as shown in
Figure 3-8.
Figure 3-8. Connecting Personality Adapter to Probe
3.4.2t26 Personality
The t26 Personality adapter is a PDIP adapter for t26 de vices. The fo otprint is a sta ndard 20-lead 0.300" wide, PDIP package. If the target uses another package type, an
additional adapter has to be purcha sed from a third party ven dor. When con necting the
Personality Adapter to the Probe, make sure to align the circles on the Probe and Personality Adapter as shown above.
Figure 3-9. t26 Personality Adapter
Note:1. SNR: A9902.3.1370.A Devices ATtiny26
ICE50 User Guide3-7
General Description
3.4.3t28 and t29
Personality Adapter
The t28 Personality adapter is a PDIP adapter for t28 de vices. The fo otprint is a sta ndard 28-lead 0.300" wide, PDIP package. If the target uses another package type, an
additional adapter has to be purcha sed from a third party ven dor. When con necting the
Personality Adapter to the Probe, make sure to align the circles on the Probe and Personality Adapter as shown above.
Figure 3-10. t28 and t29 Personality Adapter
Note:1. SNR: A9902.3.1350.B Devices ATtiny28
3.4.4m8 Personality
The m8 Personality adapter is a PDIP adapter for m8 d evices. The footpri nt is a standard 28-lead 0.300" wide, PDIP package. If the target uses another package type, an
additional adapter has to be purcha sed from a third party ven dor. When con necting the
Personality Adapter to the Probe, make sure to align the circles on the Probe and Personality Adapter as shown above.
Figure 3-11. m8 Personality Adapter
Note:1. SNR: A9902.3.1390.C Devices ATmega8
3-8ICE50 User Guide
General Description
3.4.5m32 Personality
The m32 Personality adapter is a PDIP ada pter for m3 2/m16 devi ces. The foo tpr int is a
standard 40-lead 0.600" wide, PDIP package. If the target uses another package type,
an additional adapter has to be purchased from a third party vendor. When connecting
the Personality Adapter to the Probe, make sure to align the circles on the Probe and
Personality Adapter as shown above.
Figure 3-12. m32 Personality Adapter
Note:1. SNR: A9902.3.1310.B Devices ATmega32/ATmega16
3.4.6m162 Personality
The m162 Personality adapter is a PDIP adapter for m162 devices. The footprint is a
standard 40-lead 0.600" wide, PDIP package. If the target uses another package type,
an additional adapter has to be purchased from a third party vendor. When connecting
the Personality Adapter to the Probe, make sure to align the circles on the Probe and
Personality Adapter as shown above.
Figure 3-13. m162 Personality Adapter
Note:1. SNR: A9902.3.1300.B Devices ATmega162
ICE50 User Guide3-9
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