CAMELIA 1.6M user guide
2.1 CCD
♦ image format : 30.0mm(V) x 20.0mm(H)
♦ 1536(V) x 1024(H) active pixels
♦ readout register along the small side of the image area. (vertical image)
♦ pixel geometries :
◊ 19.5um(V) x 19.5um(H).
◊ aperture ratio : 100%.
♦ anti-blooming by clocking.
3 timing modes are available :
♦ continuous : the camera delivers frames continuously :
◊ frame N+1 integration starts as soon as frame N readout is completed.
◊ integration time is set by RS232
♦ operation with external trigger : integration start is controlled by the user from the external signal TRIG :
◊ the rising edge of TRIG activates the start of the frame integration. This rising edge is synchronized by
the camera with a precision of 62µs
◊ integration time is set by RS232
◊ note : TRIG signal period must be greater than integration time plus frame readout time.
♦ operation with "integration time control" : integration is fully controlled by the user from the external signal ITC :
◊ the falling edge of ITC activates the start of the frame integration. This falling edge is synchronized by the
camera with a precision of 62µs
◊ the rising edge of ITC activates the stop of the frame integration. This rising edge is synchronized by the
camera with a precision of 62µs
◊ note : ITC signal period must be greater than integration time (defined by ITC low) plus frame readout
2x2 and 4x4 pixel binning is possible to enable previewing modes.
Data rate is :
♦ pixel clock : 20 MHz
♦ frame readout time :
◊ normal mode : 100ms
◊ 2x2 pixel binning : 55ms.
◊ 4x4 pixel binning : 35ms.