Atmel AVR STK500 User Manual

User Guide
Table of Contents
Section 1
Introduction ........................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Device Support .........................................................................................1-2
Section 2
Getting Started......................................................................................2-1
2.1 Unpacking the System ..............................................................................2-1
2.2 System Requirements...............................................................................2-1
2.3 Quick Start ................................................................................................2-2
2.3.1 Connecting the Hardware ...................................................................2-3
2.3.2 Programming the Target AVR Device ................................................2-3
Section 3
Hardware Description ...........................................................................3-1
3.1 Description of User LEDs ..........................................................................3-1
3.2 Description of User Switches ....................................................................3-2
3.3 Connection of LEDs and Switches............................................................3-3
3.4 Port Connectors ........................................................................................3-3
3.5 Description of User RS-232 Interface .......................................................3-5
3.6 Description of DataFlash Pins...................................................................3-6
3.7 Target Socket Section...............................................................................3-8
3.7.1 ISP Programming ...............................................................................3-9
3.7.2 High-voltage Programming...............................................................3-11
3.8 Jumper Settings ......................................................................................3-15
3.8.1 Target V
3.8.2 Analog Reference Voltage, AREF ....................................................3-17
3.8.3 Reset Settings, RESET ....................................................................3-18
3.8.4 Clock Settings, XTAL1 and OSCSEL ...............................................3-20
3.8.5 BSEL2 Jumper .................................................................................3-22
3.8.6 PJUMP Jumpers...............................................................................3-22
3.9 Expansion Connectors ............................................................................3-23
3.9.1 Signal Descriptions ...........................................................................3-25
3.10 Prog Ctrl and Prog Data Headers ...........................................................3-25
3.11 Miscellaneous .........................................................................................3-26
3.11.1 RESET Push Button .........................................................................3-26
3.11.2 PROGRAM Push Button ..................................................................3-27
AVR STK500 User Guide i
Settings, VTARGET .......................................................3-16
Table of Contents
3.11.3 Main Power LED...............................................................................3-27
3.11.4 Target Power LED ............................................................................3-27
3.11.5 Status LED .......................................................................................3-27
Section 4
Installing AVR Studio............................................................................4-1
Section 5
Using AVR Studio................................................................................. 5-1
5.1 Windows Software ....................................................................................5-1
5.2 Starting the Windows Software.................................................................5-1
5.2.1 Starting STK500 .................................................................................5-1
5.3 STK500 User Interface .............................................................................5-2
5.3.1 “Program” Settings .............................................................................5-2
5.3.2 “Fuses” Settings .................................................................................5-3
5.3.3 “LockBits” Settings..............................................................................5-4
5.3.4 “Advanced” Settings ...........................................................................5-4
5.3.5 “Board” Settings..................................................................................5-5
5.3.6 “Auto” Settings ....................................................................................5-7
5.3.7 History Window...................................................................................5-8
5.4 Command Line Software ..........................................................................5-9
5.5 Parameters ...............................................................................................5-9
Section 6
In-System Programming of an External Target System ....................... 6-1
Section 7
Troubleshooting Guide ......................................................................... 7-1
Section 8
Technical Support.................................................................................8-1
Section 9
Example Applications ........................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Using LEDs and Switches.........................................................................9-1
Section 10
Appendix A .........................................................................................10-1
ii AVR STK500 User Guide

Section 1


Congratulations on your purchase of the AVR® STK500 Flash Microcontroller Starter Kit. The STK500 is a complete starter kit and development system for the AVR Flash Microcontroller from Atmel Corporation. It is designed to give designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR and for prototyping and testing of new designs.

1.1 Starter Kit Features

n AVR S tudio
n RS-232 Interface to PC for Programming and Control
n Regulated Power Supply for 10 - 15V DC Power
n Sockets for 8-pin, 20-pin, 28-pin, and 40-pin AVR Devices
n Parallel and Serial High-voltage Programming of AVR Devices
n Serial In-System Programming (ISP) of AVR Devices
n In-System Programmer for Programming AVR Devices in External Target System
n Reprogramming of AVR Devices
n 8 Push Buttons for General Use
n 8 LEDs for General Use
n All AVR I/O Ports Easily Accessible through Pin Header Connectors
n Additional RS-232 Port for General Use
n Expansion Connectors for Plug-in Modules and Prototyping Area
n (NB! No longer valid: "On-board 2-Mbit DataFlash
The STK500 is supported by AVR Studio, version 3.2 or higher. For up-to-date informa­tion on this and other AVR tool products, please read the document “avrtools.pdf”. The newest version of AVR Studio, “avrtools.pdf” and this user guide can be found in the AVR section of the Atmel web site,
for Nonvolatile Data Storage")
AVR STK500 User Guide 1-1
Rev. 1925C–AVR–3/03
Figure 1-1. STK500

1.2 Device Support The system software currently supports the following devices in all speed grades:

n AT t in y 11 n AT90S4433
n AT t in y 12 n AT90S4434
n AT t in y 15 n AT90S8515
n AT t in y 22 n AT90S8535
n AT t in y 28 n ATmega8
n AT90S1200 n ATmega16
n AT90S2313 n ATmega161
n AT90S2323 n ATmega163
n AT90S2333 n ATmega323
n AT90S2343 n ATmega103
n AT90S4414 n ATmega128
Note: 1. In external target or in STK501, devices do not fit into the sockets of
Support for new AVR devices may be added in new versions of AVR Studio. The latest version of AVR Studio is always available from
1-2 AVR STK500 User Guide

Section 2

Getting Started

2.1 Unpacking the System

2.2 System Requirements

Kit contents:
n STK500 starter kit evaluation board
n Cables for STK500:
– (2 pcs) 10-wire cables for I/O ports and parallel mode programming
– (1 pc) 6-wire cable for In-System Programming
– (4 pcs) 2-wire cable for UART and DataFlash connections
n 9-pin RS-232 cable
n DC power cable
n Atmel CD-ROM with datasheets and software
n AT90S8515-8PC sample microcontroller
The minimum hardware and software requirements are:
n 486 processor (Pentium
n 16 MB RAM
n 12 MB free hard disk space (AVR Studio)
n Windows
95/98/2000/ME and Windows NT® 4.0 or higher
is recommended)
n 115200 baud RS-232 port (COM port)
n 10 - 15V DC power supply, 500 mA min.
AVR STK500 User Guide 2-1
Rev. 1925C–AVR–3/03
Getting Started

2.3 Quick Start The STK500 starter kit is shipped with an AT90S8515-8PC microcontroller in the socket

marked SCKT3000D3. The default jumper settings will allow the microcontroller to exe­cute from the clock source and voltage regulator on the STK500 board.
The microcontroller is programmed with a test program that toggles the LEDs. The test program in the AT90S8515 is similar to the example application code described in Sec­tion 9. Connect the LEDs and switches and power up the STK500 to run the test program in the AT90S8515.
Use the supplied 10-pin cables to connect the header marked “PORTB” with the header marked “LEDS”, and connect the header marked “PORTD” with the header marked “SWITCHES”. The connections are shown in Figure 2-1.
An external 10 - 15V DC power supply is required. The input circuit is a full bridge recti­fier, and the STK500 automatically handles both positive or negative center connectors. If a positive center connector is used, it can be impossible to turn the STK500 off since the power switch disconnects the GND terminal. In this case, GND can be supplied through the RS-232 cable shield if connected or through alternative GND connections. Connect the power cable between a power supply and the STK500. Apply 10 - 15V DC to the power connector. The power switch turns the STK500 main power on and off. The red LED is lit when power is on, and the status LEDs will go from red, via yellow, to green. The green LED indicates that the target V ning in the AT90S8515 will respond to pressed switches by toggling the LEDs.
is present. The program now run-
Figure 2-1. Default Setup of STK500
The starter kit can be configured for various clock and power sources. A complete description of the jumper settings is explained in paragraph 3.8 on page 3-15 and on the reverse side of the starter kit.
2-2 AVR STK500 User Guide
Getting Started

2.3.1 Connecting the Hardware

2.3.2 Programming the Target AVR Device

Figure 2-2. Connection to STK500
10 - 15V DC
To Computer (RS-232)
To program the AT90S8515, connect the supplied 6-wire cable between the ISP6PIN header and the SPROG3 target ISP header as shown in Figure 2-1. Section 3.7.1 on page 3-9 describes the programming cable connections.
Connect a serial cable to the connector marked “RS232 CTRL” on the evaluation board to a COM port on the PC as shown in Figure 2-2. Install AVR Studio software on the PC. Instructions on how to install and use AVR Studio are given in Section 5 on page 5-1. When AVR Studio is started, the program will automatically detect to which COM port the STK500 is connected.
The STK500 is controlled from AVR Studio, version 3.2 and higher. AVR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing and debugging AVR applica­tions. AVR Studio provides a project management tool, source file editor, simulator, in­circuit emulator interface and programming interface for STK500.
To program a hex file into the target AVR device, select “STK500” from the “Tools” menu in AVR Studio.
Select the AVR target device from the pull-down menu on the “Program” tab and locate the intel-hex file to download.
Press the “Erase” button, followed by the “Program” button. The status LED will now turn yellow while the part is programmed, and when programming succeeds, the LED will turn green. If programming fails, the LED will turn red after programming. See the troubleshooting guide in Section 7 on page 7-1.
AVR STK500 User Guide 2-3
Getting Started
Figure 2-3. AVR Studio STK500 Programming Menu
Complete descriptions of using the STK500 interface in AVR Studio are given in Section 5 on page 5-1.
2-4 AVR STK500 User Guide
Figure 3-1. STK500 Components
Headers for I/O Ports
Header for Switches
RS-232 Interface Header
DataFlash Interface Header
Header for LEDs

Section 3

Hardware Description

Header for
Sockets for Target AVR
Expansion Boards
Options Setting Jumpers
Target Reset Push Button
Power Switch
Power Connector
Parallel Programming Headers
RS-232 Port for Programming
Power LED
Master MCU
Status LED
RS-232 Port for Communication
Socket for Crystal
Program Button
10-pin ISP Header (for External Target Only)

3.1 Description of User LEDs

Header for Expansion Boards
Target ISP Headers
6-pin ISP Header
The STK500 starter kit includes 8 yellow LEDs and 8 push-button switches. The LEDs and switches are connected to debug headers that are separated from the rest of the board. They can be connected to the AVR devices with the supplied 10-wire cable to the pin header of the AVR I/O ports. Figure 3-4 shows how the LEDs and switches can be connected to the I/O port headers. The cables should be connected directly from the port header to the LED or switch header. The cable should not be twisted. A red wire on the cable indicates pin 1. Confirm that this is connected to pin 1 on each of the headers. Figure 3-2 shows how the LED control is implemented. This solution will give the same amount of light from the LED for all target voltages from 1.8V to 6.0V.
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-1
Rev. 1925C–AVR–3/03
Hardware Description
Figure 3-2. Implementation of LEDs and LED Headers

3.2 Description of User Switches

1 2
Note: The AVR can source or sink enough current to drive a LED directly. In the
STK500 design, a transistor with two resistors is used to give the same amount of light from the LED, whatever the target voltage (VTG) may be and to turn off the LEDs when VTG is missing.
The switches connected to the debug headers are implemented as shown in Figure 3-3.
Pushing a switch causes the corresponding SWx to be pulled low, while releasing it will result in VTG on the appropriate switch header connector. Valid target voltage range is
1.8V < VTG < 6.0V.
Figure 3-3. Implementation of Switches and Switch Headers
1 2
Note: In the AVR, the user can enable internal pull-ups on the input pins, removing the
need for an external pull-up on the push-button. In the STK500 design, we have added an external 10K pull-up to give all users a logical “1” on SWn when the push-button is not pressed. The 150R resistor limits the current going into the AVR.
3-2 AVR STK500 User Guide
Hardware Description

3.3 Connection of LEDs and Switches

Figure 3-4. Connection of LEDs and Switches to I/O Port Headers
Any I/O port of the AVR can be connected to the LEDs and switches using the 10-wire cables. The headers are supplied with VTG (target V
) and GND lines in addition to the
signal lines.

3.4 Port Connectors The pinout for the I/O port headers is explained in Figure 3-5. The square marking indi-

cates pin 1.
Figure 3-5. General Pinout of I/O Port Headers
1 2 Px0 Px2 Px4 Px6
The PORTE/AUX header has some special signals and functions in addition to the PORTE pins. The pinout of this header is shown in Figure 3-6.
Px1 Px3 Px5 Px7 VTG
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-3
Hardware Description
Figure 3-6. Pinout of PORTE Header
1 2 PE0 PE2
The special functions of this port are:
n PE0 - PE2:
Table 3-1. PORTE Connection
ATmega161 AT90S4414/AT90S8515
n REF: Analog reference voltage. This pin is connected to the AREF pin on devices
having a separate analog reference pin.
n XT1: XTAL 1 pin. The internal main clock signal to all sockets. If the XTAL1 jumper is
disconnected, this pin can be used as external clock signal.
n XT2: XTAL 2 pin. If the XTAL1 jumper is disconnected, this pin can be used for
external crystal with the XT1 pin.
The headers for the LEDs and switches use the same pinout as the I/O port headers. The pinout of the switch header is explained in Figure 3-7 and the pinout for the LED header is explained in Figure 3-8. The square marking indicates pin 1.
Figure 3-7. Pinout of the Switch Header
1 2
Figure 3-8. Pinout of the LED Header
1 2
3-4 AVR STK500 User Guide
Hardware Description

3.5 Description of User RS-232 Interface

The STK500 includes two RS-232 ports. One RS-232 port is used for communicating with AVR Studio. The other RS-232 can be used for communicating between the target AVR microcontroller in the socket and a PC serial port connected to the RS-232. To use the RS-232, the UART pins of the AVR need to be physically connected to the RS-232.
The 2-pin header marked “RS232 SPARE” can be used for connecting the RS-232 con­verter to the UART pins on the target AVR microcontroller in the socket. Use the 2-wire cable to connect the UART pins to the RS-232. The connection is shown in Figure 3-9. The block schematic of the RS-232 connection is shown in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-9. Connection of I/O Pins to UART
Figure 3-10. Schematic of UART Pin Connections
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-5
Hardware Description

3.6 Description of DataFlash Pins

NB! Not valid: AT45D021 2-Mbit DataFlash is included on the STK500 for data storage. A DataFlash is a high-density Flash memory with SPI serial interface. A detailed datasheet of the DataFlash can be obtained from the Flash memory section of the Atmel CD-ROM or from the Atmel web site.
The DataFlash can be connected to the I/O pins of the microcontroller sockets. The 4-pin header marked “DATAFLASH” can be used for connecting the SPI interface of the DataFlash to the I/O pins on the target AVR microcontroller in the socket. 2-wire cables are included with STK500 for connecting the DataFlash to the I/O pins. The supplied 10-wire cables can also be used if the DataFlash is connected to the hardware SPI inter­face on PORTB of the AVR microcontroller. The connection of the I/O pins is shown in Figure 3-13. The block schematic of the DataFlash connection is shown in Figure 3-14, for connection of the DataFlash to the AVR hardware SPI interface. The SPI interface pinout is shown in Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12.
Figure 3-11. PORTB SPI Pinout (40-pin Parts)
1 2 PB0 PB2
Figure 3-12. PORTB SPI Pinout (28-pin Analog Parts)
1 2
3-6 AVR STK500 User Guide
Figure 3-13. Connection of I/O Pins to DataFlash for AT90S8515
Hardware Description
Figure 3-14. Schematic of DataFlash Connections
AT45D021 DataFlash
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-7
Hardware Description

3.7 Target Socket Section

The programming module consists of the eight sockets in the white area in the middle of the starter kit. In these sockets, the target AVR devices can be inserted for programming and are used in the application.
Note: Only one AVR device should be inserted in the sockets at a time.
The AVR Flash memory is guaranteed to be correct after 1,000 programming opera­tions; the typical lifetime of the Flash memory is much longer.
Note: When inserting a device in the socket, notice the orientation of the device.
The notch on the short side of the part must match the notch on the socket. If the device is inserted the wrong way, it may damage the part and the starter kit.
The socket section is used for both running applications and target device programming.
Figure 3-15. The STK500 Programming Module
The part inserted in the socket can be programmed in the system from AVR Studio with two different methods:
1. AVR In-System Programming (ISP) running at the parts normal supply voltage.
2. High-voltage Programming, where the supply voltage is always 5 volts.
Four general nets (VTARGET, RESET, XTAL1 and AREF) can be connected to the socket section.
The following sections describe how to use both programming methods. For instructions on using the AVR Studio programming software, see Section 5, “Using AVR Studio” on page 5-1.
3-8 AVR STK500 User Guide
Hardware Description

3.7.1 ISP Programming In-System Programming uses the AVR internal SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) to

download code into the Flash and EEPROM memory of the AVR. ISP programming requires only V
, GND, RESET and three signal lines for programming. All AVR
devices except AT90C8534, ATtiny11 and ATtiny28 can be ISP programmed. The AVR can be programmed at the normal operating voltage, normally 2.7 - 6.0V. No high-volt­age signals are required. The ISP programmer can program both the internal Flash and EEPROM. It also programs fuse bits for selecting clock options, start-up time and inter­nal Brown-out Detector (BOD) for most devices.
High-voltage programming can also program devices that are not supported by ISP pro­gramming. Some devices require High-voltage Programming for programming certain fuse bits. See the High-voltage Programming section on page 3-11 for instructions on how to use High-voltage Programming.
Because the programming interface is placed on different pins from part to part, three programming headers are used to route the programming signals to the correct pins. A 6-wire cable is supplied for connecting the ISP signals to the target ISP header. A color coding system and a number system are used to explain which target ISP header is used for each socket.
During ISP programming, the 6-wire cable must always be connected to the header marked “ISP6PIN”. When programming parts in the blue sockets, connect the other end of the cable to the blue SPROG1 target ISP header. When programming parts in the green socket, use the green SPROG2 target ISP header. And when programming parts in the red sockets, use the red SPROG3 target ISP header.Table 3-2 shows which socket suits which AVR device, and which SPROG target ISP header to use for ISP programming.
The 6-wire cables should be connected directly from the ISP6PIN header to the correct SPROG target ISP header. The cable should not be twisted. A colored wire on the cable indicates pin 1. Confirm that this is connected to pin 1 on each of the headers.
When programming 8-pin devices, note the following: Pin 1 is used both as RESET and as PB5 on some devices (ATtiny11, ATtiny12 and ATtiny15). Pin 1 on the 8-pin sockets SCKT3400D1 and SCKT3400D1 are connected to PB5. The RESET signal used during ISP programming is therefore not connected to pin 1 on these sockets. This signal must be connected by placing a wire between RST and the PORTE header and PB5 on the PORTB header.
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-9
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