Atmel AVR ICE 200 User Manual

ICE 200
User Guide
AVR ICE 200 User Guide i
Table of Contents
Section 1
Preface – Read this First......................................................................1-1
1.2 Helpful Information....................................................................................1-1
1.3 Tips ...........................................................................................................1-1
1.4 Checklists..................................................................................................1-1
1.5 Related Documentation ............................................................................1-1
Section 2
2.1 ICE 200 Features......................................................................................2-2
2.2 ICE 200 Contents......................................................................................2-2
2.3 System Requirements...............................................................................2-3
2.3.1 Hardware Requirements.....................................................................2-3
2.3.2 Software Requirements......................................................................2-3
2.3.3 Operating Conditions..........................................................................2-3
2.3.4 Host Interface .....................................................................................2-3
Section 3
General Description..............................................................................3-1
Section 4
Using the ICE 200.................................................................................4-1
4.1 Target Hardware Requirements................................................................4-1
4.2 Power and Signal Operating Conditions...................................................4-1
4.3 Clock Driver Requirements.......................................................................4-2
4.4 Personality Adapters.................................................................................4-3
4.5 Special Tiny12 Personality Adapter Settings............................................4-6
4.6 Connecting to the Target Application........................................................4-7
4.6.1 Checklist.............................................................................................4-9
4.7 Configuration...........................................................................................4-10
4.8 Quick Start ..............................................................................................4-10
4.8.1 Checklist...........................................................................................4-11
Table of Contents
ii AVR ICE 200 User Guide
4.9 Emulator Options Settings......................................................................4-11
4.9.1 Device Settings... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .................................4-11
4.9.2 Clock Selection Settings...................................................................4-11
4.9.3 Single-step Timers Setting ........................................................ ...... .4-11
4.9.4 EEPROM Restore Setting ................................................................4-12
4.9.5 Communication Speed Setting.........................................................4-12
4.9.6 Reset Pin Setting (ATtiny12 only).....................................................4-12
Section 5
Special Considerations.......... ..... ............................ ..... .... ..... ................5-1
5.1 External RESET........................................................................................5-1
5.2 SLEEP Instruction.....................................................................................5-2
5.3 Watchdog Timer (WDT)............................................................................5-2
5.4 EEPROM ..................................................................................................5-3
5.5 I/O Port Access.........................................................................................5-3
5.6 16-bit I/O Access (Timer 1 and A/D Converter) ........................................5-4
5.7 UART Data Register .................................................................................5-4
Section 6
6.1 Emulating AT90S1200 and ATtiny10/11...................................................6-1
6.1.1 Using the Include Files .......................................................................6-1
6.1.2 Using the ATtiny12 Adapter for Emulating the ATtiny10/11...............6-2
6.1.3 Using the AT90S2313 Adapter for Emulating the AT90S1200...........6-2
6.2 AVR Emulator Chip Errata ........................................................................6-2
6.3 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................6-3
6.3.1 Feedback and Support .......................................................................6-3
6.4 Contact Information...................................................................................6-3
AVR ICE 200 User Guide 1-1
Section 1
Preface – Read this First
1.1 About this Manual
This user guide serves as a reference manual for the Atmel AVR® ICE 200™ in-circuit emulator. The AVR ICE 200 User Guide is an easy introduction on how to use the ICE 200, and a detailed refer ence for adva nced users . Throughout the manual, many refer­ences to the AVR microcontrollers are made in short form, i.e. AT90S2313 is referred to as S2313 and so on.
The user shoul d install th e latest ver sion of the AV R Studio ava ilable on the Atmel web site.
1.2 Helpful Information
This manual contains helpful information to improve the reliability, performance, and longevity of the ICE 200 and the target system.
This is a Notice...
Please follow the instructions in a NOTICE carefully.
1.3 Tips Some sections contai n useful ti ps for us ing the ICE 2 00. All the ti ps are em phasi zed as
shown in the example below.
Tip! This is a tip!
1.4 Checklists When the detailed descrip tions in the
Connecting to the Target Applicatio n
and in the
Configurat ion
sections have been used and you are beginning to feel comfortable with the use of the ICE 20 0, you can use the c heckli sts at th e end of the se secti ons for fa st setup of a new project. The checklists are of great help for getting the debugging system online without pro blems. Ho wever, novi ce user s should also ch eck that the opera ting conditions of the target system are compliant to the requirements of ICE 200. This is described in the
Using the ICE 200
1.5 Related Documentation
The Atmel CD-ROM contains various documentation relating to the use of AVR micro­controllers and of the debugging tools including AVR Studio User Guide, AVR Assembler User Guide and complete microcontroller datasheets.
Rev. 1413A-06/23/99
Preface – Read this First
1-2 AVR ICE 200 User Guide
AVR ICE 200 User Guide 2-1
Section 2
The ICE 200 in-circuit emulator provides an easy way of debugging embedded systems that utilizes the Atmel AVR microcontroller. It emulates 11 different devices of the AVR and the Tiny AVR families.
The philosophy of the ICE 200 is to provide an easy-to-use debugging platform, with a minimum of differences between the emulator and the actual processor it is emulating. The AVR emulator chip used by the ICE 200, is produ ced in the same proce ss techno l­ogy as the microcontroller it is emulating. This provides identical electrical characteristics . On- board d ebugging reso urces ensur e non-intr usiv e softwa re emula­tion. The ICE 200 hardware also includes an automatic configuration system that makes the process of connecting the target to the emulator an easy task.
Figure 2-1.
The ICE 200 Components
When used with the AVR Studio debugging environment, the ICE 200 gives the user full run time control, un limited n umber of break points, symbo lic d ebuggi ng and full memo ry and register visibility. Multiple ICE 200 emulators can be used by AVR Studio at the same time, only limited by the number of serial ports available, giving a high degree of flexibility.
2-2 AVR ICE 200 User Guide
2.1 ICE 200 Features Devices Supported
ATtiny12, AT90S 2313, AT90S 2333/4433, AT 90S4414/85 15, AT90S4434 /8535, ATtiny10/11 (using ATtiny12 adapter), AT90S1200 (using AT90S2313 adapter)
Supports 8 MHz (+4.0V to +6.0V) AVR Emulator Chip (varies between devices
being emulated)
Wide Target Voltage Range (+2.7V to +5.5V)
Emulator Chip Provides Excellent AC Characteristics
Target Voltage Sensing Ensures Secure Operation
Personality Adapter for Each of the Supported Processors
32-bits Cycle Counter
I/O Continues to Operate in Halt State After a Break or Breakpoint
Single-stepping or Continuous Timer Operation while Single-stepping Code. Utilizes
the AVR Studio Debugging Environment that adds: Full Run Time Control: run, break, trace into, step over, step out, run-to-cursor, reset, autostep and multistep
Unlimited Number of Breakpoints
Symbolic Debugging Support
Full Visibility of and Access to register File, SP, PC and Memories
Access to all I/O Registers – See Section 5: Special Considerations
Auto Log Points – Non-real Time Logging/Watches
2.2 ICE 200 Contents The ICE 200 contains the following items:
ICE 200 Main Board, pod and two Flexible Printed Circuit Cables
Personality Adapters for:
ATtiny12 (8-pin DIP) AT90S2313 (20-pin DIP) AT90S2333/4433 (28-pin DIP) AT90S4414/8515 (40-pin DIP) AT90S4434/8535 (40-pin DIP)
9-pin RS232C Cable
Atmel CD ROM containing:
AVR data books Application notes AVR Studio AVR Assembler
ICE 200 User Guide (this document)
Power Cable
Diagnostic Adapter for Test Purposes
AVR ICE 200 User Guide 2-3
2.3 System Requirements
2.3.1 Hardware Requirements
Pentium-class personal computer with the following specifications is recommended:
16M Byte RAM, or more
3M Byte of free hard disk space
CD-ROM or Internet access (for software and data books)
VGA monitor, or better
16650 Compatible Serial Port (COM port)
2.3.2 Software Requirements
The following operating systems are currently supported by AVR Studio:
AVR Studio v2.00 or later installed. See the Atmel web site ( for
latest version.
Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows 95
Microsoft Windows 98
AVR Studio will be updated to execute new versions of these operating systems. See AVR Studio User Guide for latest information.
2.3.3 Operating Conditions
Operation Temperature: 0
C - 70°C
Operating Humidity: 10 - 90% RH (non-condensing)
Supply Voltage: +9.0V to +12.0V DC or 9.0V AC
Supply Current: 400 mA
Violating the recommended operating conditions for the ICE 200 might cause incorrect operation and damage the emulator.
2.3.4 Host Interface RS-232C @ 19200 bps, 1 start-, 8 data- and 1 stop-bit, no parity. 9-pin female
2-4 AVR ICE 200 User Guide
AVR ICE 200 User Guide 3-1
Section 3
General Description
Figure 3-1 shows a simplified block diagram of the ICE 200 connected to a target board (the application). Power supplies and a host PC are also shown.
Figure 3-1.
ICE 200 – Sim plified Block Diagram
Host PC
Main Board (5.0V)
Program Memory
Control and
Level Converters
Target MCU
Target Clock
(or XTAL or Resonator)
Target Board (2.7 - 5.5V)
General Description
3-2 AVR ICE 200 User Guide
The main board (Figure 3-2) contains the program memory (overlay memory) which holds the application code that is being emulated. The main board also contains logic for communicating with the host PC, and the breakpoint lo gic. The level converters allow the target to operate at a different supply voltage fr om that of the emulator. The level converters also protect the emulator and the target from being damaged if only one of them is powered. Due to this feature, a strict power-up sequence is not required.
Figure 3-2.
ICE 200 – Main Board
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