– 90 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution
– 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
– Fully Static Operation
• Non-volatile Program and Data Memories
– 1K Byte In-System Programmable Flash Program Memory
Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles
– 64 Bytes EEPROM
Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles
– Programming Lock for Flash Program Data Security
• Peripheral Features
– Interrupt and Wake-up on Pin Change
– Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with Separate Prescalers
– One 150 kHz, 8-bit High-speed PWM Output
– 4-channel 10-bit ADC
One Differential Voltage Input with Optional Gain of 20x
– On-chip Analog Comparator
– Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
• Special Microcontroller Features
– In-System Programmable via SPI Port
– Enhanced Power-on Reset Circuit
– Programmable Brown-out Detection Circuit
– Internal, Calibrated 1.6 MHz Tunable Oscillator
– Internal 25.6 MHz Clock Generator for Timer/Counter
– External and Internal Interrupt Sources
– Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
• Power Consumption at 1.6 MHz, 3V, 25°C
– Active: 3.0 mA
– Idle Mode: 1.0 mA
– Power-down: < 1 µA
• I/O and Packages
– 8-lead PDIP and 8-lead SOIC: 6 Programmable I/O Lines
• Operating Voltages
– 2.7V - 5.5V
• Internal 1.6 MHz System Clock
8-bit Microcontroller
with 1K Byte
Pin Configuration
(ADC3) PB4
(ADC2) PB3
Not recommended for new
Rev. 1187H–AVR–09/07
DescriptionThe ATtiny15L is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR RISC
architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the ATtiny15L
achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to
optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
The AVR core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working registers.
All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing
two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock
cycle. The resulting architecture is more code ef ficient while a chieving th roughputs up to
ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.
The ATtiny15L provides 1K byte of Flash, 64 bytes EEPROM, six general purpose I/O
lines, 32 general purpose working registers, two 8-bit Timer/Counters, one with highspeed PWM output, internal Oscillators, internal and external interrupts, programmable
Watchdog Timer, 4-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with one differential voltage input with optional 20x gain, and three software-selectable Power-saving mod es.
The Idle mode stops the CPU while allowing the ADC, anAlog Comparator,
Timer/Counters and interrupt system to continue fu nctio ning. The ADC No ise Re du ct ion
mode facilitates high-accuracy ADC measurements by stopping the CPU while allowing
the ADC to continue functioning. The Po wer- down mo de saves t he reg ist er co ntent s b ut
freezes the Oscillators, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt or Hardware Reset. The wake-up or interrupt on pin change features enable the ATtiny15L to
be highly responsive to external events, still featuring the lowest power consumption
while in the Power-saving modes.
The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density, Non-volatile memory technology. By combining a RISC 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the ATtiny15L is a
powerful microcontroller that provides a highly flexible and cost-efficient solution to
many embedded control applications. The peripheral features make the ATtiny15L particularly suited for battery chargers, lighting ballasts and all kinds of intelligent sensor
The ATtiny15L AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development
tools including macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, In-circuit emulators
and evaluation kits.
Block DiagramFigure 1. The ATtiny15L Block Diag ram
Pin Descriptions
VCCSupply voltage pin.
GNDGround pin.
Port B (PB5..PB0)Port B is a 6-bit I/O port. PB4..0 are I/O pins that can provide internal pull-ups (selected
for each bit). PB5 is input or open-drain output. The use of pin PB5 is defined by a fuse
and the special function associated with this pin is External Reset. The port pins are tristated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.
Port B also accommodates analog I/O pins. The Port B pins with alternate functions are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Port B Alternate Functions
Port PinAlternate Function
PB0MOSI (Data Input Line for Memory Downloading)
AREF (ADC Voltage Reference)
AIN0 (Analog Comparator Positive Input)
Analog PinsUp to four analog inputs can be selected as inputs to Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
Internal Oscillators The internal Oscillator provides a clock rate of nominally 1.6 MHz for the system clock
(CK). Due to large initial variation (0.8 -1.6 MHz) of the internal Oscillator, a tuning cap ability is built in. Through an 8-bit control register – OSCCAL – the system clock rate can
be tuned with less than 1% steps of the nominal clock.
There is an internal PLL that provides a 16x clock rate locked to the system clock (CK)
for the use of the Peripheral Timer/Counter1. The nominal frequency of this peripheral
clock, PCK, is 25.6 MHz.
The fast-access Register File concept contains 32 x 8-bit general purpose working registers with a single-clock-cycle access time. This means that during one single clock
cycle, one ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) operation is executed. Two operands are output
from the Register File, the operation is executed, and the result is stored back in the
Register File – in one clock cycle.
Two of the 32 registers can be used as a 16-bit pointer for indir ect memo ry access. T his
pointer is called the Z-pointer, and can address the Register File, IO file and the Flash
Program memory.
Figure 2. The ATtiny15L AVR RISC Architecture
Data Bus 8-bit
SPI Unit
2 x 8-bit
512 x 16
Control Lines
Direct Addressing
and Test
32 x 8
64 x 8
I/O Lines
The ALU supports arithmetic and logic functions between registers or between a constant and a register. Single-register operations are also executed in the ALU. Figure 2
shows the ATtiny15L AVR RISC microcontroller architecture. The AVR uses a Harvard
architecture concept with separate memories and buses for program and data memories. The program memory is accessed with a two-stage pipeline. While one instruction
is being executed, the next instruction is pre-fetched from the program memory. This
concept enables instructions to be executed in every clock cycle. The Program memory
is In-System Programmable Flash memory.
With the relative jump and relative call instructions, the whole address space is directly
accessed. All AVR instructions have a single 16-bit word format, meaning that every
program memory address contains a single 16-bit instruction .
During interrupts and subroutine calls, the return address Program Counter (PC) is
stored on the Stack. The Stack is a 3-level-deep Hardware Stack dedicated for subroutines and interrupts.
The I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions as Control
Registers, Timer/Counters and other I/O functions. The memory spaces in the AVR
architecture are all linear and regular memory maps.
A flexible interrupt module has its control registers in the I/O space with an additional
Global Interrupt Enable bit in the Status Regist er. All the dif fere nt interru pts ha ve a separate Interrupt Vector in the Interrupt Vector table at the be ginning of the program
memory. The different interrupts have priority in accordance with their Interrupt Vector
position. The lower the Interrupt Vector addr es s, th e hig he r th e pr ior i ty.
The General Purpose
Register File
Figure 3 shows the structure of the 32 general purpose registers in the CPU.
Figure 3. AVR CPU General Purpose Working Registers
R30 (Z-register Low Byte)R3
R31 (Z-register High Byte)
All the register operating instructions in the instruction set have direct- and single-cycle
access to all registers. The only exception is the five constant arithmetic and logic
instructions SBCI, SUBI, CPI, ANDI, and ORI between a constant and a reg ister and the
LDI instruction for load-immediate constant d ata. T hese in str uctions a ppl y to th e second
half of the registers in the Register File – R16..R31. The general SBC, SUB, CP, AND,
OR, and all other operations between two registers or on a single -register apply to the
entire Register File.
Registers 30 and 31 form a 16-bit pointer (the Z-point er) which is used for indirect Flash
memory and Register File access. When the Register File is accessed, the contents of
R31 is discarded by the CPU.
The ALU – Arithmetic
Logic Unit
The Flash Program
The high-performance AVR ALU operates in di rect connection with all th e 32 general
purpose working registers. Within a single clock cycle, ALU operations between registers in the Register File are executed. T he ALU operations are div ided into three main
categories – arithmetic, logic a nd bit-funct ions. Some microcon trollers in the AVR prod uct family feature a hardware multiplier in the arithmetic part of the ALU.
The ATtiny15L contains 1K byte On-chip, In-System Programmable Flash memory for
program storage. Since all instructions are single 16-bit words, the Flash is organized as
512 x 16 words. The Flash memory has an endurance of at least 1,000 write/erase
The ATtiny15L Program Counter is nine bits wide, thus addressing the 512 words Flash
Program memory.
See page 54 for a detailed description on Flash memory programming.
The Program and Data
Addressing Modes
The ATtiny15L AVR RISC Microcontroller supports powerful and efficient addressing
modes. This section describes the various addressing modes supported in the
ATtiny15L. In the figures, OP means the operation code part of the instruction word. To
simplify, not all figures show the exact location of the add ressin g bit s.
The register accessed is the one pointed to by the Z-register low byte (R30).
Figure 6. Direct Register Addressing, Two Registers
Operands are contained in register r (Rr) and d (Rd). The result is stored in register d
I/O DirectFigure 7. I/O Direct Addressing
Operand address is contained in 6 bits of the instru ction word. “n” is the destina tion or
source register address.
Relative Program Addressing,
Constant Addressing using
the LPM Instruction
Figure 8. Relative Program Memory Addressing
Program execution continues at address PC + k + 1. The relative address k is -2048 to
Figure 9. Code Memory Constant Addressing
Constant byte address is specified by the Z-register contents. The 15 MSBs select word
address (0 - 511), and LSB selects low byte if cleared (LSB = 0) or high byte if set
(LSB = 1).
Subroutine and Interrupt
Hardware Stack
Memory Access and
Instruction Execution Timing
The ATtiny15L uses a 3-level-deep Hardware Stack for subroutines and interrupts. The
Hardware Stack is nine bits wide and stores the Program Counter (PC) return ad dress
while subroutines and interrupts are executed.
RCALL instructions and interrupts push the PC return address onto Stack level 0, and
the data in the other Stack levels 1 - 2 are pushed one level deeper in the Stack. When
a RET or RETI instruction is executed the returning PC is fetched from Stack level 0,
and the data in the other Stack levels 1 - 2 are popped one level in the Stack.
If more than three subsequent subroutine calls or interrupts are execute d, the first values written to the Stack are overwritten. Pushing four return addresses A1, A2, A3, and
A4 followed by four subroutine or interrupt returns, will pop A4, A3, A2, and once more
A2 from the Hardware Stack.
The ATtiny15L contains 64 bytes of data EEPROM memory. It is organized as a separate data space, in which single bytes can be read and written. The EEPROM has an
endurance of at least 100,000 write/erase cycles. The access between the EEPROM
and the CPU is described on page 36, specifying the EEPROM Address Register, the
EEPROM Data Register, and the EEPROM Control Register.
This section describes the general access timing concepts for instruction execution and
internal memory access.
The AVR CPU is driven by the System Clock Ø, directly generated from the external
clock crystal for the chip. No internal clock division is used.
Figure 10 shows the parallel instruction fetches and instruction executions enabled by
the Harvard architecture and the fast-access Register File concept. This is the basic
pipelining concept to obtain up to 1 MIPS per MHz with the corre sponding unique result s
for functions per cost, functions per clocks, and functions per power-unit.
Figure 10. The Parallel Instruction Fetches and Instruction Executions
System Clock Ø
1st Instruction Fetch
1st Instruction Execute
2nd Instruction Fetch
nd Instruction Execute
3rd Instruction Fetch
3rd Instruction Execute
4th Instruction Fetch
Figure 11 shows the internal timing concept for the Register File. In a single clock cycle
an ALU operation using two register operands is execu ted, and the result is stored back
to the destination register.
Figure 11. Single Cycle ALU Operation
System Clock Ø
Total Execution Time
egister Operands Fetch
ALU Operation Execute
Result Write Back
I/O MemoryThe I/O space definition of the ATtiny15L is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. ATtiny15L I/O Space
Address HexNameFunction
$3FSREGStatus Register
$3BGIMSKGeneral Interrupt Mask Register
$3AGIFRGeneral Interrupt Flag Register
$39TIMSKTimer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
$38TIFRTimer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register
$35MCUCRMCU Control Register
$34MCUSRMCU Status Register
$33TCCR0Timer/Counter0 Control Register
$32TCNT0Timer/Counter0 (8-bit)
$31OSCCALOscillator Calibration Register
$30TCCR1Timer/Counter1 Control Register
$2FTCNT1Timer/Counter1 (8-bit)
$2EOCR1ATimer/Counter1 Output Compare Register A
$2DOCR1BTimer/Counter1 Output Compare Register B
$2CSFIORSpecial Function I/O Register
$21WDTCRWatchdog Timer Control Register
$1EEEAREEPROM Address Register
$1DEEDREEPROM Data Register
$1CEECREEPROM Control Register
$18PORTBData Register, Port B
$17DDRBData Direction Register, Port B
$16PINBInput Pins, Port B
$08ACSRAnalog Comparator Control and Status Register
$07ADMUXADC Multiplexer Select Register
Table 2. ATtiny15L I/O Space
Address HexNameFunction
$06ADCSRADC Control and Status Register
$05ADCHADC Data Register High
$04ADCLADC Data Register Low
Note:1. Reserved and unused locations are not shown in the table.
All ATtiny15L I/O and peripheral registers are placed in the I/O space. The I/O locations
are accessed by the IN and OUT instructions transferring data between the 32 general
purpose working registers and the I/O space. I/O Registers within the address range
$00 - $1F are directly bit-accessible using the SBI and CBI instructions. In these registers, the value of single bits can be checked by using the SBIS and SBIC instructions.
Refer to the instruction set chapter for more details. For compatibility with future
devices, reserved bits should be written zero if accessed. Reserved I/O memory
addresses should never be written.
The I/O and Peripheral Control Registers are explained in the following sections.
The Status Register – SREGThe AVR Status Register – SREG – at I/O space location $3F is defined as:
The Global Interrupt Enable bit must be set (one ) for the interrupts to be enabled. The
individual interrupt enable control is then performed in the Interrupt Ma sk Registers –
GIMSK and TIMSK. If the Global Interr up t Enab le Reg ist e r is clea red ( ze ro ), n one of t he
interrupts are enabled independent of the GIMSK and TIMSK va lues. The I-bit is clear ed
by hardware after an interrupt has occurred, and is set by the RET I inst ruct ion to en able
subsequent interrupts.
• Bit 6 – T: Bit Copy Storage
The Bit Copy instructions BLD (Bit LoaD) and BST (Bit STore) use the T-bit as source
and destination for the operated bit. A bit fr om a re gister in th e Reg ist er File ca n be co pied into T by the BST instruction, and a bit in T can be copied in to a bit in a r egister in the
Register File by the BLD instruction.
• Bit 5 – H: Half-carry Flag
The Half-carry Flag H indicates a half-carry in some arithmetic operations. See the
Instruction Set description for detailed information.
• Bit 4 – S: Sign Bit, S = N ⊕ V
The S-bit is always an exclusive or between the Negative Flag N and the Two’s Complement Overflow Flag V. See the Instruction Set description for detailed information.
• Bit 3 – V: Two’s Complement Overflow Flag
The Two’s Complement Overflow Flag V supports two’s complement arithmetics. See
the Instruction Set description for detailed information.
• Bit 2 – N: Negative Flag
The Negative Flag N indicates a negative result after the different arithmetic and logic
operations. See the Instruction Set description for detailed information.
• Bit 1 – Z: Zero Flag
The Zero Flag Z indicates a zero result after the different arithmetic and logic operations. See the Instruction Set description for detailed information.
• Bit 0 – C: Carry Flag
The Carry Flag C indicates a carry in an arithmetic or logic o peration. See th e Instruction
Set description for detailed information.
Reset and Interrupt
The ATtiny15L provides eight interrupt sources. These interrupts and the separate
Reset Vector each have a separate Program Vector in the Program memory space. All
the interrupts are assigned individual enable bits th at must be set (one) together wit h the
I-bit in the Status Register in order to enable the inter rupt.
The lowest addresses in the Program memory space are automatically defined as the
Reset and Interrupt Vectors. The complete list of vectors is shown in Table 3. The list
also determines the priority levels of the different interrupts. The lower the address the
higher is the priority level. RESET has the highest priority, and next is INT0 (the External
Interrupt Request 0), etc.
The most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector
Addresses are:
$000rjmpRESET; Reset handler
$001rjmpEXT_INT0; IRQ0 handler
$002rjmpPIN_CHANGE; Pin change handler
$003rjmpTIM1_CMP; Timer1 compare match
$004rjmpTIM1_OVF; Timer1 overflow handler
$005rjmpTIM0_OVF; Timer0 overflow handler
$006rjmpEE_RDY; EEPROM Ready handler
$007rjmpANA_COMP; Analog Comparator handler
$008rjmpADC; ADC Conversion Handler
$009MAIN:<instr> xxx; Main program start
… … … …
ATtiny15L Reset SourcesThe ATtiny15L has four sources of Reset:
•Po wer-on Reset. The MCU is reset when the supply voltage is below the Power-on
Reset threshold (V
•External Reset. The MCU is reset when a low-level is present on the RESET
more than 500 ns.
•Watchdog Reset. The MCU is reset when t he Watchdog Timer period expires, and
the Watchdog is enabled.
•Brown-out Reset. The MCU is reset when the supply voltage V
Brown-out Reset threshold (V
During Reset, all I/O Registers are then set to their initial values, and the program starts
execution from address $000. The instructio n placed in ad dr ess $000 must be an RJMP
(relative jump) instruction to the reset handling routine. If the program never enables an
interrupt source, the Interrupt Vectors are not used, and regular program code can be
placed at these locations. The circuit diagram in Figure 12 shows the reset logic. Table 4
and Table 5 define the timing and electrical parameters of the reset circuitry. Note that
the Register File is unchanged by a reset.
pin for
is below the
Figure 12. Reset Logic
Power-on Reset
MCU Status
Register (MCUSR)
Table 4. Reset Characteristics (VCC = 5.0V)
Reset Circuit
Reset Circuit
Tunable Internal
Delay Counters
Pow er-on Reset Threshold
Voltage (rising)
Pow er-on Reset Threshold
Voltage (falling)
RESET Pin Threshold
BOD disabled1.01.41.8V
BOD enabled1.72.22.7V
BOD disabled0.40.60.8V
BOD enabled1.72.22.7V
––0.85 V
Brown-out Reset Threshold
Note:1. The Power-on Reset will not work unless the supply voltage has been below V
Table 5. Reset Delay Selections
Notes:1. On Power-up, the start-up time is increased with typical 0.6 ms.
CKSEL [1:0]
x00256 ms + 18 CK64 ms + 18 CK
x01256 ms + 18 CK64 ms + 18 CK
x1016 ms + 18 CK4 ms + 18 CK
11118 CK + 32 µs18 CK + 8 µsBOD disabled
01118 CK + 128 µs18 CK + 32 µsBOD enabled
2. “0” means programmed, “1” means unprogrammed.
Start-up Time,
at V
= 2.7V
Start-up Time,
at V
= 5.0V
BOD disabled,
slowly rising
BOD disabled,
slowly rising
BOD disabled,
quickly rising
Table 5 shows the start-up times from Reset. When the CPU wa kes up from Powerdown, only the clock-counting part of the start-up time is used. The Watchdog Oscillator
is used for timing the real-time part of the start-up time. The number Watchdog Oscillator cycles used for each time-out is shown in Table 6.
The frequency of the Watchdog Oscillator is voltage dependent as shown in the Electrical Characteristics section on page 64. The device is shipped with CKSEL = “00”.
Table 6. Number of Watchdog Oscillator Cycles
VCC ConditionsTime-outNumber of Cycles
2.7V32 µs8
2.7V128 µs32
2.7V16 ms4K
2.7V256 ms64K
5.0V8 µs8
5.0V32 µs32
5.0V4 ms4K
5.0V64 ms64K
Pow er-on ResetA Power-on Reset (POR) pulse is generated by an On-chip Dete ction circuit . The det ec-
tion level is nominally defined in Table 4. The POR is activated whenever V
is below
the detection level. The POR circuit can be used to trigger the Start -up Reset, as well as
detect a failure in supply voltage.
A Power-on Reset (POR) circuit ensures that the device is Reset from Power-on.
Reaching the Power-on Reset threshold voltage invok es a delay counter, which determines the delay, for which the device is kept in RESET after V
rise. The Time-out
period of the delay counter can be defined by the user through the CKSEL Fuses. The
different selections for the delay period are presented in Table 5. The RESET signal is
activated again, without any delay, when the V
External ResetAn External Reset is generated by a low-level on the RESET
than 500 ns will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. Shorter pulses are not
guaranteed to generate a reset. When the applied signal reaches the Reset Threshold
Voltage (V
period t
) on its positive edge, the delay timer starts the MCU after the Time-out
has expired.
Figure 15. External Reset during Operation
pin. Reset pulses longer
Brown-out DetectionATtiny15L has an On-chip Brown-out Detection (BOD) circuit for monitoring the V
level during the operation. The BOD circuit can be enabled/disabled by the fuse
BODEN. When BODEN is enabled (BODEN programmed), and V
the trigger level, the Brown-out Reset is immediately activated. When V
decreases below
above the trigger level, the Brown-out Reset is deactivated after a delay. The delay is
defined by the user in the same way as the d elay of POR sig nal, in Tab le 5. The tr igger
level for the BOD can be selected by the fuse BODLEVEL to be 2.7V (BODLEVEL
unprogrammed), or 4.0V (BODLEVEL programmed). The trigger level has a hysteresis
of 50 mV to ensure spike-free Brown-out Detection.
The BOD circuit will only detect a drop in V
for longer than 3
µs for trigger level 4.0V, 7 µs for trigger level 2.7V (typical values).
Figure 16. Brown-out Reset during Operation
if the voltage stays below the trigger level
Note:1. The hysteresis on V
: V
= V
+ 25 mV, V
= V
- 25 mV.
Watchdog ResetWhen the Watchdog times out, it will generate a short reset pulse of one CK cycle dura-
tion. On the falling edge of this pulse, the delay timer starts cou nting the Time -out period
. Refer to page 34 for details on operation of the Watchdog Timer.
Figure 17. Watchdog Reset during Operation
1 CK Cycle
MCU Status Register –
The MCU Status Register provides information on which reset source caused an MCU
Initial Value0000See Bit Description
• Bit 7..4 – Res: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved bits in the ATtiny15L and always read as zero.
• Bit 3 – WDRF: Watchdog Reset Flag
This bit is set (one) if a Watchdog Reset occurs. The bit is reset (zero) by a Power-on
Reset, or by writing a logical “0” to the flag.
• Bit 2 – BORF: Brown-out Reset Flag
This bit is set (one) if a Brown-out Reset occurs. The bit is reset (zero) by a Power-on
Reset, or by writing a logical “0” to the flag.
• Bit 1 – EXTRF: External Reset Flag
This bit is set (one) if a External Reset occurs. The bit is reset (zero) by a Power-on
Reset, or by writing a logical “0” to the flag.
Internal Voltage
Voltage Reference Enable
Signals and Start-up Time
• Bit 0 – PORF: Power-on Reset Flag
This bit is set (one) if a Power-on Reset occurs. The bit is reset (zero) by writing a logical
“0” to the flag.
To make use of the Reset Flags to identify a reset condition, the user should read and
then reset the MCUSR as early as possible in the program. If the register is cleared
before another reset occurs, the source of the reset can be found by examining the
Reset Flags.
ATtiny15L features an internal bandgap reference with a nominal voltage of 1.22V. This
reference is used for Brown-out Detection, and it can be used as an input to the Analog
Comparator. The 2.56V reference to the ADC is generated from the internal bandgap
The voltage reference has a start-up time that may influence the way it should be used.
The maximum start-up time is 10 µs. To save power, the reference is not always turned
on. The reference is on during the following situations:
1.When the BOD is enabled (by programming the BODEN Fuse).
2.When the bandgap reference is connected to the Analog Comparator ( b y settin g
the AINBG bit in ACSR).
3.When the ADC is enabled.
Thus, when the BOD is not enabled, after setting the AINBG bit, the user must always
allow the reference to start-up before the output from the Analog Comparator is used.
The bandgap reference uses typic ally 10 µA, and to reduce power consumption in
Power-down mode, the user can avoid the three condit ions above to ensure tha t the re ference is turned off before entering Power-down mode.
Interrupt HandlingThe ATtiny15L has two 8-bit Interrupt Mask Control Registers: GIMSK (General Inter-
rupt Mask Register) and TIMSK (Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register).
When an interrupt occurs, the Global Int erru pt Enable I- bit is clear ed (ze ro) a nd all inte r-
rupts are disabled. The user software can set the I-bit (one) to enable interrupts. The Ibit is set (one) when a Return from Interrupt instruction (RETI) is executed.
When the Program Counter is vectored to the actual Interrupt Vector in order to execute
the interrupt handling routine, hardware cl ears the correspo nding fla g that ge nerate d the
interrupt. Some of the interrupt flags can also be cleared by writing a logical “1” to the
flag bit position(s) to be cleared.
If an interrupt condition occurs when the corresp onding interrupt enable bit is cleared
(zero), the interrupt flag will be set and remembered until the interrupt is enabled, or the
flag is cleared by software.
If one or more interrupt conditions occur when the global interrupt enable bit is cleared
(zero), the corresponding interrupt flag(s) will be set and remembered until the global
interrupt enable bit is set (one), and will be executed by order of priority.
Note that external level interrupt does not have a flag, and will only be remembered for
as long as the interrupt condition is present.
Note that the Status Register is not automatically stored when entering an interrupt routine and restored when returning from an interrupt routine. This must be handled by
Interrupt Response TimeThe interrupt execution response for all the enabled AVR interrupts is four clock cycles
minimum. After the four clock cycles the Program Vector address for the actual interrupt
handling routine is executed. During this 4-clock-cycle period, the Program Counter
(nine bits) is pushed onto the Stack. The vector is often a relative jump to the in terrupt
routine, and this jump takes two clock cycles. If an interrupt occurs during execut ion of a
multi-cycle instruction, this instruction is completed before the interrupt is served. If an
interrupt occurs when the MCU is in sleep mode, the interrupt execution response time
is increased by four clock cycles.
A return from an interrupt handling routine takes four clock cycles. During these four
clock cycles, the Program Counter (nine bits) is popped back from the Stack. When
AVR exits from an interrupt, it will always return to the main program and execute one
more instruction before any pending interrupt is served.
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
• Bit 6 – INT0: External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
When the INT0 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register (SREG) is set (one),
the external pin interrupt is activated. The Interrupt Sense Control0 bits 1/0 (ISC01 and
ISC00) in the MCU general Control Register (MCUCR) define whether the external
interrupt is activated on rising or falling edge, on pin change, or low level of the INT0 pin.
Activity on the pin will cause an interrupt request even if INT0 is configured as an output.
The corresponding interrupt of External Interrupt Request 0 is executed from Program
memory address $001. See also “External Interrupts.”
• Bit 5 – PCIE: Pin Change Interrupt Enable
When the PCIE bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register (SREG) is set (one),
the interrupt on pin change is enabled. Any change on any input or I/O pin will cause an
interrupt. The corresponding interrupt of Pin Change Interrupt Request is executed from
Program memory address $002. See also “Pin Change Interrupt.”
• Bits 4..0 – Res: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved bits in the ATtiny15L and always read as zero.
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
• Bit 6 – INTF0: External Interrupt Flag0
When an edge or logic change on the INT0 pin triggers an interrupt request, INTF0
becomes set (one). If the I-bit in SREG and the INT0 bit in GIMSK are set (one), the
MCU will jump to the Interrupt Vector at address $001. The flag is cleared when the
interrupt routine is executed. Alternatively, the flag can be cleared by writing a logical “1”
to it. The flag is always cleared when INT0 is configured as level interrupt.
• Bit 5 – PCIF: Pin Change Interrupt Flag
When an event on any input or I/O pin triggers an interrupt request, PCIF becomes set
(one). If the I-bit in SREG and the PCIE bit in GIMSK are set (one), the MCU will jump to
the Interrupt Vector at address $002. The fla g is cleared when the interrupt ro utine is
executed. Alternatively, the flag can be cleared by writing a logical “1” to it.
• Bits 4..0 – Res: Reserved Bits
The Timer/Counter Interrupt
Mask Register – TIMSK
These bits are reserved bits in the ATtiny15L and always read as zero.
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
• Bit 6 – OCIE1A: Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Interrupt Enable
When the OCIE1A bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the
Timer/Counter1 Compare Match, interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at
vector $003) is executed if a compare match A in Timer/Counter1 occurs, i.e., when the
OCF1A bit is set (one) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register (TIFR).
• Bit 5..3 – Res: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved bits in the ATtiny15L and always read as zero.
• Bit 2 – TOIE1: Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
When the TOIE1 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the
Timer/Counter1 Overflow interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector
$004) is executed if an overflow in Timer/Counter1 occurs, i.e. , when the TOV1 bit is set
(one) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Regi ster (TIFR).
• Bit 1 – TOIE0: Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
When the TOIE0 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the
Timer/Counter0 Overflow interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector
$005) is executed if an overflow in Timer/Counter0 occurs, i.e. , when the TOV0 bit is set
(one) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Regi ster (TIFR).
• Bit 0 – Res: Reserved Bit
The Timer/Counter Interrupt
Flag Register – TIFR
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
• Bit 6 – OCF1A: Output Compare Flag 1A
The OCF1A bit is set (one) when compare match occurs between Timer/Counter1 and
the data value in OCR1A (Output Compare Register 1A). OCF1A is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector. Alternatively, OCF1A
is cleared by writing a logical “1” to the flag. When the I-bit in SREG, OCIE1A, and
OCF1A are set (one), the Timer/Counter1 compare mat ch A interrupt is executed.
• Bits 5..3 – Res: Reserved bits
These bits are reserved bits in the ATtiny15L and always read as zero.
• Bit 2 – TOV1: Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
The bit TOV1 is set (one) when an overflow occurs in Timer/Counter1. TOV1 is cleared
by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector. Alternatively,
TOV1 is cleared by writing a logical “1” to the flag. When the SREG I-bit, TOIE1
(Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable) and TOV1 are set (one), the
Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt is executed.
• Bit 1 – TOV0: Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
The bit TOV0 is set (one) when an overflow occurs in Timer/Counter0. TOV0 is cleared
by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector. Alternatively,
TOV0 is cleared by writing a logical “1” to the flag. When the SREG I-bit, TOIE0
(Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable) and TOV0 are set (one), the
Timer/Counter0 Overflow interrupt is executed.
• Bit 0 – Res: Reserved Bit
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
External InterruptThe External Interrupt is triggered by th e INT0 pin. O bserve that, if enabled, the inter rupt
will trigger even if the INT0 pin is configured as an output. This feature provides a way of
generating a software interrupt. The External Interrupt can be triggered by a falling or
rising edge, a pin change, or a low level. This is set up as indicated in the specification
for the MCU Control Register (MCUCR). When the external interrupt is enabled and is
configured as level-triggered, the interrupt will trigger as long as the pin is held low.
The External Interrupt is set up as described in the specification for the MCU Control
Register (MCUCR).
Pin Change InterruptThe pin change interrupt is triggered by any change in logical value on any input or I/O
pin. Change on pins PB4..0 will always cause an interrupt. Change on pin PB5 will
cause an interrupt if the pin is configured as input or I/O, as described in the section “Pin
Descriptions” on page 4. Observe that, if enabled, the interrupt will trigger even if the
changing pin is configured as an output. This feature provides a way of generating a
software interrupt. Also observe that the pin change interrupt will trigger even if the pin
activity triggers another interrupt, for example the external interrupt. This implies that
one external event might cause several interrupts. The values on the pins are sampled
before detecting edges. If pin change interrupt is enabled, pulses that last longer than
one CPU clock period will generate an interrupt. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to
generate an interrupt.
The MCU Control Register –
The MCU Control Register contains control bits for general MCU functions.
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
• Bit 6- PUD: Pull-up Disable
This PUD bit must be set (one) to disable internal pull-up registers at Port B.
• Bit 5 – SE: Sleep Enable
The SE bit must be set (one) to make the MCU enter the sleep mode when the SLEEP
instruction is executed. To avoid the MCU entering the sleep mode unless it is the programmer’s purpose, it is recommended to set the Sleep Enable SE bit just before the
execution of the SLEEP instruction.
This bit is a reserved bit in the ATtiny15L and always reads as zero.
• Bits 1, 0 – ISC01, ISC00: Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bit 1 and Bit 0
The External Interrupt 0 is activated by the external pin INT0 if the SREG I-flag and the
corresponding interrupt mask is set (one). The activity on the external INT0 pin that activates the interrupt is defined in Table 8:
Table 8. Interrupt 0 Sense Control
00The low level of INT0 generates an interrupt request.
01Any change on INT0 generates an interrupt request
10The falling edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request.
11The rising edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request.
Note:1. When changing the ISC10/ISC00 bits, INT0 must be disabled by clearing its Interrupt
Enable bit in the GIMSK Register. Otherwise an interrupt can occur when the bits are
Sleep ModesTo enter any of the three sleep modes, the SE bit in MCUCR must be set (one) and a
SLEEP instruction must be executed. The SM1 and SM0 bits in the MCUCR Register
select which sleep mode (Idle, ADC Noise Reduction or Power-down) will be activated
by the SLEEP instruction (see Table 7). If an enabled interrupt occurs while the MCU is
in a sleep mode, the MCU wakes up. The MCU is then halted for four cycles, executes
the interrupt routine and resumes execution from the instruction following SLEEP. On
wake-up from Power-down mode on pin change, two instruction cycles are executed
before the Pin Change Interrupt Fl ag is updated. The content s of the Register File,
SRAM, and I/O memory are unaltered when the device wakes up from sleep. If a reset
occurs during sleep mode, the MCU wakes up and executes from the Reset Vector.
Idle ModeWhen the SM1/SM0 bits are “00”, the SLEEP instruction forces the MCU into the Idle
mode, stopping the CPU but allowing the ADC, Analog Comparator, Timer/Counters,
Watchdog and the Interrupt system to continue operating. This enables the MCU to
wake-up from external triggered interrupts as well as internal ones like the Timer Overflow Interrupt and Watchdog Reset. If the ADC is enabled, a conversion starts
automatically when this mode is entered. If wake-up from the Analog Comparator interrupt is not required, the Analog Comparator can be powered down by setting the ADCbit in the Analog Comparator Control and Status Register (ACSR). This will reduce
power consumption in Idle mode.
ADC Noise Reduction ModeWhen the SM1/SM0 bits are “01”, the SLEEP instruction forces the MCU into the ADC
Noise Reduction mode, stopping the CPU but allowing the ADC, the external interrupt
pin, pin change interrupt and the Watchdog (if enabled) to continue operating. Please
note that the clock system including the PLL is also active in the ADC Noise Reduction
mode. This improves the noise environment for the ADC, enabling higher resolution
measurements. If the ADC is enabled, a conversio n starts auto matically when th is mode
is entered. In addition to Watchdog Time-out and External Reset, only an external leveltriggered interrupt, a pin change interrupt or an ADC interrupt can wake up the MCU.
Power-down ModeWhen the SM1/SM0 bits are “10”, the SLEEP instruction forces the MCU into the Power-
down mode. Only an External Reset, a Watchdog Reset (if enabled), an external leveltriggered interrupt, or a pin change interrupt can wake up the MCU.
Note that if a level-triggered or pin change interrupt is used for wake-up from Powerdown mode, the changed level must be held for some time to wake up the MCU. This
makes the MCU less sensitive to noise. The changed level is sampled twice by the
Watchdog Oscillator clock, and if the input has the required level during this time, the
MCU will wake up. The period of the Watchdog Oscillator is 2.9
25°C. The frequency of the Watchdog Oscillator is voltage-dependent as shown in the
“Electrical Characteristics” section.
When waking up from the Power-down mode, a delay from the wake-up condition
occurs until the wake-up becomes effective. T his allows th e clock t o rest ar t an d b ecome
stable after having been stopped. The wake-up period is defined by the same CKSEL
Fuses that define the Reset Time-out period.
µs (nominal) at 3.0V and
Tuneable Internal RC
The System Clock Oscillator
Calibration Register –
Internal PLL for Fast
Peripheral Clock
The internal RC Oscillator provides a fixed 1.6 MHz clock (nominal at 5V and 25°C).
This internal clock is always the system clock of the ATtiny15L. This Oscillator can be
calibrated by writing the calibration byte (see page 55) to the OSCCAL Register.
Writing the calibration byte to this address will trim the internal Oscillator frequency in
order to remove process variations. When OSCCAL is zero (initial value), the lowest
available frequency is chosen. Writing non-zero values to this register will increase the
frequency of the internal oscillator. Writing $FF to the register selects the highest available frequency.
The internal PLL in ATtiny15L generates a clock frequency that is 16x multiplied from
the RC Oscillator system clock. If the RC Oscillator frequency is the nominal 1.6 MHz,
the fast peripheral clock is 25.6 MHz. The fast peripheral clock, or a clock prescale d
from that, can be selected as the clock source for Timer/Counter1.
The PLL is locked on the tunable internal RC Oscillator and adjusting the tunable internal RC oscillator via the OSCCAL Register will adjust the fast peripheral clock at the
same time. Timer1 may malfunction if the internal RC oscillator is adjusted beyond 1.75
It is recommended not to take the OSCCAL adjustments to a higher frequency than
1.75 MHz in order to keep proper operation of all chip functions.
Timer/CountersThe ATtiny15L provides two general purpose 8-bit Timer/Counters. The Timer/Counters
have separate prescaling selection from separate 10-bit prescalers. The
Timer/Counter0 uses internal clock (C K) as the clock time base. The Timer/Counter1
may use either the internal clock (CK) or the fast peripheral clock (PCK) as the clock
time base.
The Timer/Counter0
Figure 18 shows the Timer/Counter prescaler.
Figure 18. Timer/Counter0 Prescaler
The four prescaled selections are: CK/8, CK/64, CK/256, and CK/1024, wh ere CK is the
Oscillator clock. CK, external source and stop, can also be selected as clock sources.
Setting the PSR10 bit in SFIOR resets the prescaler. This allows the user to operate
with a predictable prescaler.
The Timer/Counter1
Figure 19 shows the Timer/Counter1 prescaler. For Timer/Counter1 the clock selections
are: PCK, PCK/2, PCK/4, PCK/8, CK (=PCK/16), CK/2, CK/4, CK/8,CK/16, CK/32,
CK/64, CK/128, CK/256, CK/512, CK/1024, and stop. The clock options are described in
Table 12 on page 31 and the Timer/Counter1 Control Register (TCCR1). Setting the
PSR1 bit in the SFIOR Register resets the 10-bit prescaler . This allows t he user to ope rate with a predictable prescaler.
These bits are reserved bits in the ATtiny15L and always read as zero.
• Bit 2 – FOC1A: Force Output Compare 1A
Writing a logical “1” to this bit forces a change in the Compare Match Output pin PB1
(OC1A) according to the values already set in COM1A1 and COM1A0. The Force Output Compare bit can be used to change the output pin without waiting for a compare
match in timer. The automatic action programmed in COM1A1 and COM1A0 happens
as if a Compare Match had occurred, but no interrupt is generated and the
Timer/Counter1 will not be cleared even if CTC1 is set. The FOC1A bit will always be
read as zero. The setting of the FOC1A bit has no effect in PWM mode.
• Bit 1 – PSR1: Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1
When this bit is set (one) the Timer/Counter1 prescaler will be reset. The bit will be
cleared by hardware after the operation is performed. Writing a “0” to this bit will have no
effect. This bit will always be read as zero.
• Bit 0 – PSR0: Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter0
When this bit is set (one) the Timer/Counter0 prescaler will be reset. The bit will be
cleared by hardware after the operation is performed. Writing a “0” to this bit will have no
effect. This bit will always be read as zero.
The 8-bit Timer/Counter0 Figure 20 shows the block diagram for Timer/Counter0.
The 8-bit Timer/Counter0 can sele ct clo ck source from CK, prescaled CK or an ex te rn al
pin. In addition, it can be stopped as described in the specification for the
Timer/Counter0 Control Register (TCCR0). The Overflow Status Flag is found in the
Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register (TIFR). Control signals are found in the
Timer/Counter0 Control Register (TCCR0). The interrupt enable/disable settings for
Timer/Counter0 are found in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register (TIMSK).
When Timer/Counter0 is externally clocked, the external signal is synchronized with the
oscillator frequency of the CPU. To ensure proper sampling of the external clock, the
minimum time between two external clock transitions must be at least one internal CPU
clock period. The external clock signal is sampled on the rising edge of the inter nal CPU
The 8-bit Timer/Counter0 features both a high-resolution and a high-accuracy usa ge
with the lower prescaling opportunities. Similarly, the high-prescaling opportunities
make the Timer/Counter0 useful for lower-speed functions or exact-timing functions with
infrequent actions.
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