– Four-channel DMA Controller with support for external requests
– Five 16-bit Timer/Counters
3 Timer/Counters with 4 Output Compare or Input Capture channels
2 Timer/Counters with 2 Output Compare or Input Capture channels
High Resolution Extensions on all Timer/Counters
Advanced Waveform Extension on 1 Timer/Counter
– Five USARTs
IrDA Extension on one USART
– TwoTwo-Wire Interfaces (I
– Two SPIs (Serial Peripheral Interfaces)
– AES and DES Crypto Engine
– 16-bit Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator
– One 12-channel, 12-bit, 2 Msps ADCs
– One 2-channel, 12-bit, 1 Msps DACs
– Two Analog Comparators
– External Interrupts on all General Purpose I/O pins
– Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator
• Special Microcontroller Features
– Power -on Reset and Pr ogrammab le Brown-out Detection
– Internal and External Clock Options with PLL
– Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller
– Sleep Modes: Idle, Power-down, Standby, Power-save, Extended Standby
– Advanced Programming, Test and Debugging Interfaces
PDI (Program and Debug Interface) for programming, test and debugging
Note:1. This device can also be supplied in waf er form. Please contact your local Atmel sales office for detailed ordering information.
2. Pb-free packaging, complies to the European Directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS directive). Also
Halide free and fully Green.
Package Type
44-lead, 10 x 10 mm Body Size, 1.0 mm Body Thickness, 0.8 mm Lead Pitch, Thin Profile Plastic Quad Flat Package (TQFP)
44-pad, 7 x 7 x 1.0 mm Body, Lead Pitch 0.50 mm, 5.20 mm Exposed Pad, Micro Lead Frame Package (MLF)
ATxmega A4
Typical values contained in this datasheet are based on simulations and characterization of
other AVR microcontrollers manufactured o n th e same proce ss te ch nolo gy. Min a nd Ma x valu es
will be available after the device is characterized.
The XMEGA A4 is a family of low power, high performance and peripheral rich CMOS 8/16-bit
microcontrollers based on the AVR
instructions in a single clock cycle, the XMEGA A4 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS
per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power co nsumption versus pr ocessing speed.
A comprehensive set of development tools, application notes, and datasheets are available for
download on http://www.atmel.com.
5.1Recommended reading
• XMEGA A Manual
• Application Notes
This document contains part specific information only. The XMEGA A Manual describes the
peripherals in-depth. The application notes contains example code and show applied use of the
enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful
ATxmega A4
• 8/16-bit high performance AVR RISC Architecture
– 139 instructions
– Hardware multiplier
• 32x8-bit registers directly connected to the ALU
• Stack in RAM
• Stack Pointer accessible in I/O memory space
• Direct addressing of up to 16M bytes of program and data memory.
• True 16/24-bit access to 16/24-bit I/O registers
• Support for 8-, 16- and 32-bit Aritmetic’s
• Configuration Change Protection of system critical features.
The XMEGA A4 uses an 8/16-bit AVR CPU. The main function of the CPU is to ensure correct
program execution. The CPU must therefore be able to access memories, perform calculations
and control peripherals. Interrupt h andling is de scribed in a separat e section. Figure 6-1 on page
5 shows the CPU block diagram.
Figure 6-1.CPU block diagram
Indirect Addressing
32 x 8
Direct Addressing
The AVR uses a Harvard architecture - with separate memories and buses for program and
data. Instructions in the program memory are executed with a single level pipeline. While one
instruction is being executed, the next instruction is pre-fetched from the program memory. This
concept enables instructions to be executed in every clock cycle. The pr ogram memory is InSystem Re-programmable Flash mem o ry.
ATxmega A4
6.3Register File
The fast-access Register File contains 32 x 8-bit general purpose working registers with a single
clock cycle access time. This allows single-cycle Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) operation. In a typical ALU operation, two operands are output from the Register File, the operation is executed,
and the result is stored back in the Register File - in one clock cycle.
Six of the 32 registers can be used as three 16-bit indirect address register pointers for Data
Space addressing - enabling efficient address calculations. One of these add ress pointers can
also be used as an address pointer for look up tables in Flash program memory.
6.4ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
The high performance Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) supports arithmetic and logic operations
between registers or between a constant and a register. Single register operations can also be
executed in the ALU. Within a single clock cycle, arithmetic operations between genera l purpose
registers or between a register and an immediate are executed. Aft er an arithmetic or logic operation, the Status Register is updated to reflect information about the result of the operation.
The ALU operations are divided into three main categories – arithmetic, logical, and bit-functions. Both 8-, 16 and 32-bit arithmet ic is supp orted. Th e ALU als o provide a powerfu l multiplier
supporting both signed/unsigned multiplication and fractional format.
6.5Program Flow
Program flow is provided by conditional and unconditional jump and call instructions, able to
address the whole address space directly. Most AVR instructions use a 16-bit word format.
Some instructions also use a 32-bit format.
The Program Flash memory space is divided in two sections, the Boot section and the Application section. Both sections have dedicated Lock bits for write and read/write protection. The
Store Program Memory (SPM) instruction used to access the Application section must reside in
the Boot section.
A third section exists inside the Application section. This section, the Application Table section,
has separate Lock bits for write and read/write protection. The Application Table section can be
used for storing non-volatile data or application software.
The Program Counter (PC) addresses t he locat ion fr om wh ere t he instru ction s are f etched . Af ter
a reset, the PC is set to location ‘0’.
During interrupts and subroutine calls, the return address PC is stored on the Stack. The Stack
is effectively allocated in the general data SRAM, and consequent ly the Stack size is o nly limited
by the total SRAM size and the usage of the SRAM. The Stack Pointer (SP) is default reset to
the highest address of the internal SRAM. The SP is read/write accessible in the I/O space. The
data SRAM can easily be accessed through the five dif ferent addr essing modes support ed in the
AVR architecture.
ATxmega A4
• Flash Program Memory
– One linear address space
– In-System Reprogrammable
– Self-Programming and Bootloader support
– Application Section fo r ap plication code
– Application Table Section for application code or data storage
– Bootloader Section for application code or bootl oader code
– Separate lock bits and protection for all sections
• Data Memory
– One linear address space
– Single cycle access from CPU
Byte or page accessible
Optional memory mapping for direct Load/Store
– I/O Memory
Configuration and Status register for all peripherals and modules
16 bit accessible General Purpose Register for global variable or flags
– External Memory
– Bus arbitration
Safe and deterministic handling of CPU and DMA Controller priority
– Separate buses for SRAM, EEPROM, IO Memory and External Memory access
• Enables simulatiouns bus access for CPU and DMA Controller
The AVR architecture has two main memory spaces, the Program Memory and the Data Memory. In addition, the XMEGA A4 features an EEPROM Memory for non-volatile data storage. All
three memory spaces are linear and require no pagi ng. The memory conf igurations are shown in
”Ordering Information” on page 3.
Non-volatile memory spaces can be locked for further write and read/write operations. This prevents unrestricted access to the application software.
7.3In-system Programmable Flash Program Memory
The XMEGA A4 contains On-chip In-System Re-programmable Flash memory for program storage, see Table 7-1 on page 8. Since all AVR instructions are 16- or 32-bits wide, each Flash
address location is 16 bits.
The XMEGA A4 has additional Boot section for bootloader applications. The Store Program
Memory (SPM) instruction used to write to the Flash will only operate from this section. Operation of the SPM is also associated with Boot Lock bits for software protection.
The XMEGA A4 has an Application Table section inside the Application section for storage of
Non-volatile data.
ATxmega A4
Figure 7-1.Flash Program Memory (Hexadecimal address)
Word Address
The Application Table- and Boot sections can also be used for general application software.
7.4SRAM Data Memory
The XMEGA A4 has internal SRAM memory for data storage. The Memory Map for the devices
in the family resemble each other, see Table 7-2 on page 8.
7.5EEPROM Data Memory
The XMEGA A4 has internal EEPROM memory for non-volatile data storage. It is addressable
either in a separate data space or it can be memory mapped the normal data space. The
EEPROM memory supports both byte and page access.
The Internal SRAM and EEPROM memory spaces start at the same address in all devices, see
Table 7-2 on page 8. The Reserved memory space is empty.
All XMEGA A4 I/Os and peripherals are addressable through I/O memory locations in the data
memory space. All I/O locations may be accessed by the LD/L DS/LDD and ST/STS/STD
instructions, transferring data between the 32 general purpose registers and the I/O memory.
IN and OUT instructions can address I/O memory locations in the range 0x00 - 0x3F directly.
I/O registers within the address range 0x00 - 0x1F are directly bit-accessible using the SBI and
CBI instructions. The value of single bits can be checked by using th e SBIS and SBIC instructions in these registers.
The I/O space definition of the XMEGA A4 is shown in ”Peripheral Module Address Map” on
page 48.
ATxmega A4
8.DMA - Direct Memory Access Controller
• Allows High-speed data transfer
– From memory to peripheral
– From memory to memory
– From peripheral to memory
– From peripheral to peripheral
• 4 Channels
• From 1 byte and up to 16 M bytes transfers in a single transaction
• Multiple addressing modes for source and destination address
– Decremental
– Static
• 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes Burst Transfers
• Programmable priority between channels
The XMEGA A4 has a Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller to move data between memories
and peripherals in the data space. The DMA controller uses the same data bus as the CPU to
transfer data.
The XMEGA A4 has 4 DMA channels that may be configured independently. The DMA controller supports transfer of up to 64K data blocks and can be configured to access memory with
incrementing, decrementing or static addressing.
Since the DMA can access all the peripherals through the I/O memory, the DMA may be used
for automatic transfer of data to/from communication modules, as well as automatic da ta
retrieval from ADC conversions or data transfer to DAC conversions.
The DMA controller can read from memory mapped EEPROM, but it cannot write to the
EEPROM or access the Flash.
9.Event System
• Inter peripheral communication and signalling
• CPU and DMA independent operation
• 8 Event Channels allows for up to 8 signals to be routed at the same time
• Events can be generated by
– TImer/Counters (TCxn)
– Real Time Counter (RTC)
– Analog to Digital Converters (ADCx)
– Analog Comparators (ACx)
– Ports (PORTx)
– System Clock (Clk
– Software (CPU)
• Events can be used by
– TImer/Counters (TCxn)
– Analog to Digital Converters (ADCx)
– Digital to Analog Converters (DACx)
– Ports (PORTx)
– DMA Controller (DMAC)
• Advanced Features
– Manual Event Generation from software (CPU)
– Quadrature Decoding
– Digital Filtering
• Operative in Active and Idle mode
ATxmega A4
The Event System is a set of features for inter pe ripheral comm unication. It enable s the possibility for a change of state in one peripheral to automatically trigger actions in other pe ripherals.
What change of state in a peripheral that will trigger actions in other peripherals is configurable
in software. It is a simple, but powerful system as it allows for autonomous cont rol of per iph erals
without any use of interrupt, CPU or DMA resources
The indication of a change of state in a peripheral is referred to as an event. The events are
passed between peripherals using a dedicated ro uting network called the Event Routing Net work. Figure 9-1 on page 12 shows a basic block diagram of the Event System with the Event
Routing Network and the peripherals that are connected. The event system is no t a single enti ty,
but a set of features for inter peripheral communication. This highly flexible system can be used
for simple rerouting of signals, pin functions or for sequencing of events.
The Event System is functional in both Active- and Idle mode.
ATxmega A4
Figure 9-1.Event System Block Diagram
The the event routing network can directly connect together ADCs, DACs, Analog Comparators
(AC), I/O ports (PORT), the Real-time Counter (RTC), and Timer/Counters (T/C). Events can
also be generated from software (CPU).
• PLL with internal and external clock options and 1 to 31x multiplication
• Clock Prescalers with 1 to 2048x division
• Fast peripheral clock.
• Automatic Run-Time Calibration of internal oscillators
• Crystal Oscillator failure detection
XMEGA A4 has an advanced clock system, supporting a lar ge numbe r of clo ck sources. It in corporates both integrated oscillators, and external crystal oscillators and resonators. A high
frequency Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and clock pr escalers can be controlled from software to
generate a wide range of clock frequencies. The clock distribution also enables the possibility to
switch between clock sources from software during run-time. A calibration feature (DFLL) is
available, and can be used for automatic run-time calibration of the internal oscillators. A Crystal
Oscillator Failure Monitor can be enabled to issue a Non-Maskable Interrupt and switch to internal oscillator if the external oscillator fails. Figure 10-1 on page 14 shows the principal clock
system in XMEGA A4.
ATxmega A4
ATxmega A4
Figure 10-1. Clock system overview
32 KHz ULP
Internal Oscillator
32 KHz Calibrated
Internal Oscillator
32 KHz
Crystal Oscillator
0.4 - 16 MHz
Crystal Oscillator
2 MHz
Run-time Calibrated
Internal Oscillator
32 MHz
Run-time Calibrated
Internal Oscillator
with PLL
Clock Input
Each clock source is briefly described in the following sub-sections.
10.3Clock Options
10.3.132 kHz Ultra Low Pow e r Inte rnal Os c ill at or
The 32 kHz Ultra Low Power (ULP) Internal Oscillator is a very low power consumptio n clock
source based on internal components only. As it is intended mainly for system functions, it
should not be used when an accurate clock is required.
10.3.232 kHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator
Compared to the internal ULP oscillator, the 32 kHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator is a high accuracy clock source based on internal components only.
10.3.332 kHz Crystal Oscillator
The 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator is a low power driver for an external watch crystal. - 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator
The 0.4 - 16 MHz Crystal Oscillator is a driver intended both for driving resonators and crystals
from 400 kHz to 16 MHz.
The 2 MHz Run-time Calibrated Internal Oscillator is a high frequency oscillator based on internal components only. The oscillator can use the 32 kHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator or the 32
kHz Crystal Oscillator to calibrate the frequency run-time to compensate for temperature and
voltage drift, optimizing the accuracy of the oscillator.
The 32 MHz Run-time Calibrated Internal Oscillator is a high frequency oscillator based on internal components only. The oscillator can use the 32 kHz Calibrated Internal Oscillator or the 32
kHz Crystal Oscillator to calibrate the frequency run-time to compensate for temperature and
voltage drift, optimizing the accuracy of the oscillator.
10.3.7External Clock input
The external clock input gives the possibility to connect to a clock from an external source.
10.3.8PLL with Multiplication factor 2 - 31x
The PLL provides the possibility of multiplying a frequency with any real number from 2 to 31. In
combination with some prescalers, this gives a numerous number of clock frequency options to
• Power Reduction register to disable clock to un u sed peripheral
The XMEGA A4 provides various sleep modes tailored to reduce power consumption to a minimum. All sleep modes are accessible from Active mode. In Active mode the CPU is executing
application code. The application code decides when and what sleep mode to enter. Interrupts
from enabled peripherals and all enabled reset sources can restore the microcontroller from
sleep to Active mode. This is called a wake-up
In addition Power Reduction Registers (PRR) provides a method to stop the clock to individual
peripherals from software. When this is done the current state of the peripheral is frozen and
there is no power consumption from the peripheral.
11.3Sleep Modes
11.3.1Idle Mode
In Idle mode the CPU and Non-Volatile Memory are stopped, but all peripherals including the
Interrupt Controller, Event System and DMA Controller are kept running.
Interrupt request from all enabled interrupts will wake the device.
11.3.2Power-down Mode
Power-save mode is identical to Power-down, with one exception:
If the Real Time Counter (RTC) is enabled, it will keep running during sleep and the device can
also wake up from either RTC Overflow or Compare Match interrupt.
11.3.3Power-save Mode
Power-save mode is identical to Power-down, with one exception:
If the Real Time Counter (RTC) is enabled, it will keep running during sleep and the device can
also wake up from either RTC Overflow or Compare Match interrupt.
11.3.4Standby Mode
Standby mode is identical to Power-down with the exception that the system clock sources are
kept running, while the CPU, Peripheral and RTC clocks are stopped. This r edu ces t he wake-up
time when external crystals or resonators are used.
11.3.5Extended Standby Mode
Extended Standby mode is identical to Power-save mode with the exception that the system
clock sources are kept running while the CPU and Peripheral clocks are stopped. This reduces
the wake-up time when external crystals or resonators are used.
ATxmega A4
ATxmega A4
12. System Control and Reset
12.1Resetting the AVR
During reset, all I/O Registers are set to their initial values. Application execution starts from the
Reset Vector. The instruction placed at t he Reset Vector should be a JMP - Absolute Jump instruction to the reset handling r outine. If the applic ation neve r enab les an int errupt sour ce, th e
Interrupt Vectors are not used. The regular application code can then be placed at these locations. This is also the case if the Reset Vector is in the Application section while the Interrupt
Vectors are in the Boot section or vice versa.
The I/O ports of the AVR are immediately tri-stated when a reset source goes active.
The reset functionality is asynchronous, hence no running clock is required to reset the device.
12.2Reset Sources
The reset source can be determined by the application by readig a reset status register. The
XMEGA A4 has the following sources of reset:
Power-on Reset
• External Reset
• Watchdog Reset
• Brown-out Reset
• PDI reset
• Software reset
12.2.1Power-on Re se t
The MCU is reset when the supply voltage VCC is below the Power-on Reset threshold voltage.
12.2.2External Reset
The MCU is reset when a low level is present on the RESET pin.
12.2.3Watchdog Reset
The MCU is reset when the Watchdog Timer period exp ires and the Wat chdog Reset is enable d.
12.2.4Brown-out Reset
The MCU is reset when the supply voltage VCC is below the Brown-out Reset threshold voltage
and the Brown-out Detector is enabled.
12.2.5PDI reset
The MCU may be reset through the Program and Debug Interface (PDI).
12.2.6Software reset
The MCU may be reset by the CPU writing to a special I/O register.
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