ATMEL ATV750, ATV750B User Manual

Using the ATV750 and ATV750B
This application note des cribes ho w to use the features of the ATV750 and ATV750B in the ABEL (and Atmel­ABEL) and CUPL (and Atmel-CUPL) high level de scription lang uages. The ATV750 and ATV750B are easy upgrades from a 22V10. They offer twice the logic densi ty and more fle xibility in the same footprint. Both devices have 20 registers and individual clock and AR product terms for each register. Each I/O pin has a programmable polarity control and an individual output enable product term. Independent feedback paths fr om each register allow all of the registers to
Table 1. Device Names
Device Type ABEL Device Name CUPL Device Name
ATV750 DIP P750 V750 ATV750 PLCC P750C V750LCC ATV750B DIP P750B V750B ATV750B PLCC P750BC V750BLCC
be buried without wasting the I/O pins. For the ATV750B the registers can also be configured as D- or T-type and the clock can be selected as either a syn­chronous clock pin or a clock product term. The ATV750 and ATV750B macro­cell is shown in Figure 1.
Device Names and Pin and Node Assignments
The device names for the ATV750 an d ATV750B for each langu age are shown in Table 1.
Erasable Programmable Logic Device
Application Note
Table 2. Node Numbers
Pin #
14(17) 26 (30) 25 (29) 35 (39) 15(18) 27 (31) 26 (30) 36 (40) 16(19) 28 (32) 27 (31) 37 (41) 17(20) 29 (33) 28 (32) 38 (42) 18(21) 30 (34) 29 (33) 39 (43) 19(23) 31 (35) 30 (34) 40 (44) 20(24) 32 (36) 31 (35) 41 (45) 21(25) 33 (37) 32 (36) 42 (46) 22(26) 34 (38) 33 (37) 43 (47) 23(27) 35 (39) 34 (38) 44 (48)
Note: Pin/node numbers: DIP (PLCC)
Q1 Q1 Q0
Rev. 0459C–09/99
Figure 1. The ATV750 and ATV750B Macroce l l
Buried registers (Q1 in each mac rocell) are identified by node numbers. Table 2 shows the node numbers for the Q1 registers in the ATV750 and ATV750B. Registers which are associated with the I/O pin (Q0 in each macrocell) are identified by the pin numbers. The use of the Q0 node num­bers in CUPL is described in the Macrocell Configurations section.
The following ex amples s how the de vice type specif icatio n and the pin and node assignments:
ABEL and Atmel-ABEL
device_id device ’P750B’; “device_id will be used
for JEDEC filename
I1,I2,I3,I4,I5 pin 1,2,3,4,5; O23,O22 pin 23,22 istype 'reg_d,buffer'; O21,O20 pin 21,20 istype 'com'; O23Q1,O20Q1 node 35,32 istype 'reg_d';
CUPL and Atmel-CUPL
device V750B; pin [1,2,3,4,5] = [I1,I2,I3,I4,I5]; pin [20,21,22,23] = [O20,O21,O22,O23]; pinnode [34,44,31] = [O23Q1,O23Q0,O20Q1];
Pin and Node Feedbacks
Each macrocell has three feedback paths into the array, one from each of the registers and one from the pin. For a buried register, th e node name is u sed to refer to th e
feedback path. For a combinatoria l output, the feedb ack comes from the pin, so th e pin name is used to refer to th e feedback. For a registered output, the feedback can come either from the register or from the pin. The feedback paths are labeled (1), (2), and (3) on Figure 1. The following examples show how the different feedback paths are identified:
ABEL and Atmel-ABEL
O23.d = I1 # I2; O23Q1.d = I1 & !I2; O21 = O23 (1)feedback from pin
# O23.fb (2)feedback from Q0 register # O23Q1; (3)feedback from buried register
Note: 1. For ABEL, either .q or .fb can be used to indicate
the buried register feedback path. When “.q” exten­sion is used, the software will select the Q outp ut of the register, regardless of the output buffer polarity. When the “.fb” extension is used, the software will match the polarity of the register feedback with the output polarity by selecting either the Q or !Q output of the register.
CUPL and Atmel-CUPL
O23.d = I1 # I2; O23Q1.d = I1 & !I2; O21 = /*(1)feedback from pin */
# O23 /*(2)feedback from Q0 register */ # O23Q1; /*(3)feedback from buried register */
Macrocell Configurations
The basic m acroc ell co nfig ura tions are sh own i n Fi gur es 2 through 7. Each macrocell can be configured as either a registered or combinatorial output. In addition, each macro­cell has a buried register. The multiple feedback paths also allow both registers to be bur ied, with th e I/O pin used as an input pin.
The macrocells h ave a t otal of b etween 8 a nd 16 pr oduct terms. If the buried register is used, the product terms are automatically divided into two sum terms, each with half of the product ter ms. If the bu ried register is not used, all o f the product terms are available for the I/O function.
For ABEL, the Q1 register is identified by a node number. The Q0 register is identif ied by the pin numb er. The OE should be set to 0 to disable the outputs. The “pinname” (with no extensions) refers to the input path. The “pin- name.fb refers to the register feedback path. Another
Figure 2. Combinatorial Output
name for either th e inpu t o r the register may be substi tute d in the Declarations section of the file, to make it clearer that they have separate functions . The pi n and no de nam es wil l be substituted back into the equations when the file is compiled.
For CUPL, there are node numbers for both the Q1 and Q0 registers. The Q0 node numbers sho uld onl y b e us ed if th e Q0 register is buried and the pin is used as an inp ut. The Q0 node name refers to the register and the pin name refers to the pin.
For this configuration, the output should be defined as com­binatorial, and the equation written as combi natorial. A clock equation should also be written for the output. The registered signal which is fed back into the array is identi­fied with .fb or .q for ABEL or .dfb for CUPL.
ABEL and Atmel-ABEL
O21 = I1 # !I2 # I3 # !I4 # I5;
CUPL and Atmel-CUPL
O21 = I1 # !I2 # I3 # !I4 # I5;
Figure 3. Combinatorial Output plus Buried Register
ABEL and Atmel-ABEL
O20 = I3 & !I4; O20Q1.d = I2 # I3 # I4;
CUPL and Atmel-CUPL
O20 = I3 & !I4; O20Q1.d = I2 # I3 # I4;
Figure 4. Registered Output
Figure 5. Registered Output plus Buried Register
ABEL and Atmel-ABEL
O23.d = I1 # I2 # I3 # I4 # I5;
CUPL and Atmel-CUPL
O23.d = I1 # I2 # I3 # I4 # I5;
ABEL and Atmel-ABEL
O23.d = I1 & I2; O23Q1.d = I3 & I4;
CUPL and Atmel-CUPL
O23.d = I1 & I2; O23Q1.d = I3 & I4;
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