the device goes into power down when either PD1 or PD2
is high. In the power down mo de, all internal logic signa ls
are latched and held, as are any enabled outputs.
All pin transitions are ignored until the PD pin is brought
low. When the power down feature is enabled, the PD1 or
PD2 pin cannot be used as a logic input or output. However, the pin’s macroc ell m ay st ill be used to gener ate bur ied foldback and cascade logic signals.
All Power-Down AC Ch aracteristic parameters are computed from external input or I/O pins, with Reduced Power
Bit turned on. For mac rocells in reduced- power mode
(Reduced power bit turned on), the reduced power adder,
tRPA, must be added to the AC param eters, whic h include
the data paths t
, t
, tIC, t
, t
and t
The ATF1504AS macrocell also has an option whereby the
power can be reduced on a per macrocell basis. By
enabling this power down option, macrocells that are not
used in an application can be turned down thereby reducing the overall power consumption of the device.
Each output als o ha s i ndi vi dua l s lew rate control. This m a y
be used to reduce system noise by s lowing down outputs
that do not need to operate at maximum speed. Outputs
default to slow switching , and may be speci fied as fast
switching in the design file.
Design Software Support
ATF1504AS des igns are su pported by s everal thir d party
tools. Automated fitters allow logic synthesis using a variety
of high level description languages and formats.
Power Up Reset
The ATF1504AS has a power-up reset option at two different voltage trip levels when the device is being powered
down. Within the fitter, or during a conversion, if the
“power-reset” option is turned “on” (which is the default
option), the trip levels during power up or power down is at
2.8V. The user can change this default option from “on” to
“off” (within the fitter or specify it as a switch during conversion). When th is is done, the volt age trip level duri ng
power-down changes from 2.8V to 0.7V. This is to ensure a
robust operating environment.
The registers in the A TF1504 AS ar e d es igned to reset during power up. At a point delayed slightl y from V
Vrst, all registers will be reset to the low state. The output
state will depend on the polarity of the buffer.
This feature is critical for state machine initialization. However, due to the asynchronous nature of reset and the
uncertainty of how V
actually rises in the sy stem, the fol -
lowing conditions are required:
1. The V
rise must be monotonic,
2. After reset occurs, all input and feedback setup
times must be met before driving the clock pinhigh, and,
3. The clock must remain stable during T
Security Fuse Usage
A single fuse is provided to preven t unauthorized copy ing
of the ATF1504AS fuse patterns. Once programmed, fuse
verify is inhibited. However, the 16-bit User Signature
remains accessible.
ATF1504AS devices are In-System Programmable (ISP)
devices utilizing the 4-pin JTAG protocol. This capability
eliminates package h andling normally requir ed fo r p ro gram
and facilitates rapid design iterations and field changes.
Atmel provides ISP hardware and softwar e to allow programming of the ATF1504AS via the PC. ISP is perfo rmed
by using either a downlo ad cab le, or a compar able b oard
tester or a simple microprocessor interface.
To facilitate ISP programmi ng by the Automated Test
Equipment (ATE) vendors. Serial Vector Format (SV F) file s
can be created by Atmel provided Software utilities.
ATF1504AS devices can also be programmed using standard 3rd party programmers. With 3rd party programmer
the JTAG ISP port can be disabled thereby allowing 4 additional I/O pins to be used for logic.
Contact your local Atmel representatives or Atmel PLD
applications for details.
ISP Programming Protection
The ATF1504AS has a special feature which locks the
device and pr events the in puts a nd I/O from d riving if the
programming process is interrupted due to any reason. The
inputs and I/O default to high-Z state during such a c ondition. In addition the pin keep er op tion pres erves the forme r
state during device programming.
All ATF1504AS devices ar e initially shipped in the erased
state thereby making them ready to use for ISP.
Note: For more information refer to the “Designing for In-Sys-
tem Programmability with Atmel CPLDs” application