Atmel ATA5830N User Manual

Atmel ATAN0007
User Guide for ATA5830N 2-way 3-channel Demo


Complete Bi-directional RF System Reference Design Based on the Atmel ATA5830N
Transceiver that uses a Multi-channel Protocol for Robust Operation
Included in the Kit are:
– Handheld Key Fob Reference Design using PCB Loop Trace Antenna – Vehicle Side Reference Design using Monopole Whip Antenna – Interface Board for STK600 Connectivity (STK600 not Included)

Reference Documents


1. Overview

The Atmel® ATA5830N is highly integrated UHF ASK/FSK transceiver with low power consumption available in a small 5x5mm developed as a fully integrated low IF double quadrature receiver with an embedded
microcontroller including the transmit functionality with a closed loop frac-
tional-N modulator with Gauss-shaping and pre-emphasis for high data rates.
QFN32 package with 0.5mm pitch. It is
Atmel ATAN0007
Application Note
The Atmel ATA5830N can be setup for the following frequency bands:
• 310MHZ to 318MHz
• 418MHZ to 477MHz
• 836MHz to 928MHz
The transceiver combines the functionality of Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) and Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) applications in one chip under the control of an embedded AVR microcontroller. The flexibility of this device allows the programming of a wide range of RKE applications, like Passive Entry Go (PEG) and Remote Start (RS) together with the TPM applications.
The Atmel ATAK51002 evaluation kit provides a complete reference design for a bi-directional RF system based upon the Atmel ATA5830N. It provides standalone operation of two Atmel ATA5830N transceivers, one hand-held key fob and one con­nected to the Vehicle Host Controller. Unencrypted data is exchanged between the two transceivers and is output via an RS232 connection to a PC. The raw data can be viewed with a hyper-terminal application. The kit setup and configuration are described in the following sections. Further information is available in the reference documentation.

2. Getting Started

2.1 Kit Contents

This kit contains the following items:
• CAR System Interface Board
• Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Board
• Atmel ATA5830N handheld key fob
• Monopole whip antenna
• RS232 serial cable
• Digitus USB to Serial interface converter
• 120/240AC to 12VDC wall transformer
• (3) 10-wire cables for I/O port connections between STK600 and System Interface Board
• Atmel CD-ROM with datasheets, reference designs, and software
Note: A Atmel STK600 is required, but not included in this kit. Please contact or you
local Atmel Sales office for more info on obtaining one.
Figure 2-1. Atmel ATAK51002 Application Kit
Atmel ATAN0007

2.1.1 Atmel STK600

Atmel ATAN0007
The Atmel tions as the Vehicle Host Controller for the Atmel ATAK51002 application evaluation kit.
Figure 2-2. Atmel STK600 Host Controller Module
STK600 along with the Atmel ATmega2560 microcontroller expansion board func-

2.1.2 CARS Interface Board

The CARS (Car Access Reference System) Interface Board is the gateway between the Atmel STK600 Vehicle Host Controller and the Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Board. Additional inter­face headers are included for future kit expansion to include immobilizer and passive entry functionality.
Figure 2-3. CARS Interface Board

2.1.3 Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Board

The Atmel hand-held key fob and the Atmel STK600 Vehicle Host Controller.
Figure 2-4. Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Board

2.1.4 Atmel ATA5830N Key Fob

The Atmel ATA5830N key fob is a hand-held transceiver used to communicate with the Atmel STK600 Vehicle Host Controller. The key fob contains four buttons, each capable of transmit­ting unique data over the RF link to the Host Controller.
ATA5830N Transceiver Board provides the RF link between the Atmel ATA5830N
Figure 2-5. Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Key Fob
Atmel ATAN0007

2.2 Connecting the Hardware

Prepare the Atmel® STK600 with the Atmel ATmega2560 device board as described in the Atmel STK600 User Guide. Using a 2-wire cable supplied with the Atmel STK600, connect RS232 SPARE pins RXD and TXD to PORTH pins PH0 and PH1 making sure RXD connects to PH0 and TXD connects to PH1. Using the two 10-wire cables supplied with the Atmel STK600, connect PORTA to LEDS. Using the three 10-wire ribbon cables supplied with the CARS evaluation kit, make connections from the Atmel STK600 to the System Interface Boards; PORTB to PB, PORTD to PD, and PORTE to PE.
Note: Be sure to properly match header alignment to pin 1 on both ends of the cable when making
these connections.
Mount the Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Application Board to the System Interface Board tak­ing care to align the X1 and X2 pin headers on the Transceiver Application Board to the UHF_ X1 and UHF_X2 pin sockets on the System Interface Board. Connect monopole RF whip antenna to the Transceiver Application Board and ensure that a jumper is installed onto J1.
Complete the set-up by connecting supplemental 12VDC power from the wall transformer to the mating receptacle on the Atmel STK600 and connect the USB and RS232 ports to the PC with the supplied cables. Also install a CR2032 Li-ion coin cell battery (not included with the kit due to governmental shipping regulations) into the hand-held key fob. Please ensure that the “+” side of the battery is correctly aligned with the “+” on the metal battery clip on the key fob.
Atmel ATAN0007
Figure 2-6. Atmel ATAK51002 Hardware Interconnection
Note: Use the USB to Serial converter dongle included with the kit if your PC does not have an RS232

2.3 Device Programming

2.3.1 Atmel ATmega2560 Host Controller

Since the Atmel ATmega2560 Host Controller must be flashed with the Atmel ATA5830N application firmware to operate. In-System Programming of the Atmel ATmega2560 can be done using the AVR internal SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) to download code into the flash and EEPROM mem­ory. ISP programming requires only VCC, GND, RESET and 3 signal lines for programming. No high voltage signals are required. The ISP programmer can program both the internal flash and EEPROM, fuses, lock bits and calibration bytes. The ISP frequency (SCK) must be less than 1/4 of the target clock. The ISP frequency is set by the Atmel STK600 programming dia­log in AVR Studio. Refer to the Atmel STK600 User Guide for additional information.
To program the Atmel ATmega2560 on the device card installed in the Atmel STK600, con­nect a 6-wire cable between the two 6-pins ISP headers on the Atmel STK600. See Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-8 below. Ensure that the VTARGET jumper is mounted, and that the voltage is the within the operating range for the target device.
Figure 2-7. Atmel STK600 ISP Headers
STK600 hardware is not included with the Atmel ATAK51002 kit, the Atmel
Figure 2-8. ISP 6-Wire Ribbon Cable Connection
Atmel ATAN0007
Atmel ATAN0007
Using AVR Studio®4, program the Atmel® ATmega2560 on the Atmel STK600 by selecting Tools/AVR Programming to bring up the ISP menus. Select and specify the Tool, Device, Interface, and Target Voltage as shown below and browse to locate files titled “ATAK51002_V1_STK600.hex” and “ATAK51002_V1_STK600.eep”. The files can be found in the CD-ROM supplied with the CARS kit. Be sure to set the target voltage for 5.0V when pro­gramming the Atmel ATmega2560. Refer to Figure 2-9 for a screen shot of the properly completed ISP programming menu along with a view of proper fuse settings.
Figure 2-9. ISP Programming and Fuse Menus for the Atmel ATmega2560

2.3.2 Atmel® ATA5830N Transceiver Board

Standalone programming of the Atmel Atmel ATA5830N Transceiver Board is automatically configured whenever power is first applied to the Vehicle Host Controller.
ATA5830N Transceiver Board is not required. The

2.3.3 Atmel ATA5830N Key Fob

AVR Studio gram the Atmel ATA5830N hand-held key fob. Run the “ATA5830include2AVRstudio.exe” executable file included on the CD-ROM with the Atmel ATAK510020 kit. Once the installation has completed, start AVR Studio4, install a CR2032 battery into the key fob (not included with the kit) and connect the included 6-wire ISP cable between the Atmel STK600 ISP program­ming header and the ISP header on the Atmel ATA5830N key fob. Connect to the key fob through the AVR Studio4 using the Atmel STK600 and configure the device from the “Main” menu tab for programming with the Device set to “ATmegasigma20”, Programming Mode set to “ISP Mode” and the ISP frequency to 125kHz (the device may not program at higher fre­quencies). Figure 2-10 is a screen capture of the correct device setting.
Note: In order to read the device Signature Byte, read/program the fuse settings or program the
Figure 2-10. Atmel ATA5830N AVR Studio4 Main Menu Configuration
4 must be updated with the Atmel ATA5830N hardware profile in order to pro-
flash/EEPROM, the Atmel ATA5830N must be operating in the Idle Mode (default state is Sleep Mode). To wake the device up from Sleep, PRESS and HOLD any key fob button for the dura­tion of the read, write or programming operations.
Next, program the Atmel
ATA5830N fuses settings using the “Fuse” menu tab. Ensure that
the SPIEN and EESAVE fuses are set with all others unchecked, see Figure 2-11 on page 9.
Atmel ATAN0007
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