Atmel AT91EB42 User Manual

AT91EB42 Evaluation Board
User Guide
Table of Contents
Section 1
Overview............................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Deliverables ..............................................................................................1-1
1.3 The AT91EB42 Evaluation Board .............................................................1-1
Section 2
Setting Up the AT91EB42
Evaluation Board .................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Electrostatic Warning ................................................................................2-1
2.2 Requirements............................................................................................2-1
2.3 Layout .......................................................................................................2-1
2.4 Jumper Settings ........................................................................................2-2
2.5 Powering Up the Board.............................................................................2-2
2.6 Measuring Current Consumption on the AT91M42800 ............................2-2
2.7 Testing the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board .................................................2-2
Section 3
The On-board Software ........................................................................3-1
3.1 AT91EB42 Evaluation Board ....................................................................3-1
3.2 Boot Software Program.............................................................................3-1
3.3 Programmed Default Memory Mapping ....................................................3-2
3.4 SRAM Downloader ...................................................................................3-2
3.5 Angel Monitor ............................................................................................3-2
3.6 Programmed Default Speed .....................................................................3-2
Section 4
Circuit Description.................................................................................4-1
4.1 AT91M42800 Processor ...........................................................................4-1
4.2 Expansion Connectors and JTAG Interface..............................................4-1
4.2.1 I/O Expansion Connector ...................................................................4-1
4.2.2 EBI Expansion Connector ..................................................................4-1
4.2.3 JTAG Interface ...................................................................................4-1
4.3 Memories ..................................................................................................4-2
4.4 Analog-to-digital Converter .......................................................................4-2
4.5 Power and Crystal Quartz.........................................................................4-2
4.6 Push Buttons, LEDs, Reset and Serial Interfaces ....................................4-2
4.7 Layout Drawing .........................................................................................4-3
Table of Contents
Section 5
Appendix A – Configuration Straps....................................................... 5-1
5.1 Configuration Straps (CB1 - 23, JP1 - 8) ..................................................5-1
5.2 Power Consumption Measurement Strap (JP5) .......................................5-4
5.3 Ground Links (JP6) ...................................................................................5-4
5.4 Increasing Memory Size ...........................................................................5-4
Section 6
Appendix B – Schematics..................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Schematics ...............................................................................................6-1
Section 1


1.1 Scope The AT91EB42 Evaluation Board enables real-time code development and evaluation.

It supports the AT91M42800.
This guide focuses on the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board as an evaluation and demon­stration platform:
Section 1 provides an overview.
Section 2 describes how to set up the evaluation board.
Section 3 details the on-board software.
Section 4 contains a description of the circuit board.
Section 5 and Section 6 are two appendices covering configuration straps and schematics, including pin connectors.

1.2 Deliverables The evaluation board is delivered with a DB9 plug-to-DB9 socket straight-through serial

cable to connect the target evaluation board to a PC. A bare power lead with a 2.1 mm jack on one end for connection to a bench power supply is also delivered.
The evaluation board is also delivered with a CD-ROM that contains an evaluation ver­sion of the software development toolkit and the documentation that outlines the AT91 microcontroller family.
The evaluation board is capable of supporting different kinds of debugging systems, using an ICE interface or the on-board Angel Debug Monitor. Refer to the AT91EB42 Getting Started Tutorial documents for recommendations on using the evaluation board in a full debug environment.

1.3 The AT91EB42 Evaluation Board

AT91EB42 Evaluation Board User Guide 1-1
The board consists of an AT91M42800 together with several peripherals:
Two serial ports
Reset push button
Four user-defined push buttons
Eight LEDs
a 256 KB 16-bit SRAM (upgradeable to 1M byte)
a 2 MB 16-bit Flash (of which 1M byte is available for user software)
a 4 MB Serial Data Flash
a 64 KB Serial EEPROM
2 x 32-pin EBI expansion connectors
2 x 32-pin I/O expansion connectors
20-pin JTAG interface connector
If required, user-defined peripherals can also be added to the board. See Section 5 for details.
Figure 1-1. AT91EB42 Evaluation Board Block Diagram
8K Byte
2.1mm DC Power Socket
32.768 KHz Crystal
Power Supply
AMBA Bridge
Serial Ports
I/O Expansion Connector
DB9 Serial
1-2 AT91EB42 Evaluation Board User Guide
Section 2
Setting Up the AT91EB42
Evaluation Board

2.1 Electrostatic Warning

2.2 Requirements Requirements in order to set up the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board are:

2.3 Layout Figure 2-1 shows the layout of the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board.

The AT91EB42 Evaluation Board is shipped in protective anti-static packaging. The board must not be subjected to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when handling the board. Avoid touching the compo­nent pins or any other metallic element.
The AT91EB42 Evaluation Board itself
The DC power supply capable of supplying 7.5V to 9V at 1A (not supplied)
Figure 2-1. Layout of the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board
AT91EB42 Evaluation Board User Guide 2-1
Setting Up the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board

2.4 Jumper Settings JP1 is used to boot standard or user programs. For standard operations, set it in the

STD position.
JP8 is used to select the core power supply of the AT91M42800: 3.3V or 1.8V. For oper­ation at 1.8V, MCK frequency shall be limited to 17 MHz.
For more information about jumpers and other straps, see Section 5.

2.5 Powering Up the Board

2.6 Measuring Current Consumption on the AT91M42800

DC power is supplied to the board via the 2.1 mm socket (J1) shown in Figure 2-2. The polarity of the power supply is not critical. The minimum voltage required is 7V.
Figure 2-2. 2.1 mm Socket
positive (+) or negative (-)
2.1 mm connector
A battery power supply can be connected to the board via the J3 connector. A battery fast-charge controller is provided on-board to charge this battery.
The board has a voltage regulator providing +3.3V. The regulator allows the input volt­age to range from 7
V to 9V. When you switch the power on, the red LED marked
POWER lights up. If it does not, switch off and check the power supply connections.
The board is designed to generate the power for the AT91 product, and only the AT91 product, through the jumper JP5 (V
) and JP8 (V
). This feature enables mea-
surements to be made of the current consumption of the AT91 product.
See Section 5 for further details.

2.7 Testing the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board

To test the AT91EB42 Evaluation Board, perform the following steps:
1. Hold down the SW1 button and power-up the board, or generate a reset and wait for the light sequence on each LED to complete. All the LEDs light once and the LED D1 remains lit.
2. Release the SW1 button. The LEDs D1 to D7 light up one after the other. If any of the LEDs lights up twice, there is an error.
The LEDs represent the following components:
D1 for the internal RAM
D2 for the external RAM
D3 for the external Flash
D4 for the serial EEPROM
D5 for the SPI DataFlash
D6 for the EEPROM
D7 for the USART
D8 is reserved
If a test is not carried out, the corresponding LED remains unlit and the test sequence restarts.
2-2 AT91EB42 Evaluation Board User Guide
Section 3

The On-board Software

3.1 AT91EB42 Evaluation Board

3.2 Boot Software Program

The AT91EB42 Evaluation Board embeds an AT49BV1604 Flash memory device pro­grammed with default software. Only the lowest 8 x 8 KB sectors are used. The remaining sectors are user definable, and can be programmed using one of the Flash downloader solutions offered in the AT91 library.
When delivered, the Flash memory device contains:
the boot program
the functional test software
the SRAM downloader
the Angel Debug Monitor
a default user boot with a default application
The boot program, functional test software (FTS) and SRAM downloader are in sector 0 of the Flash. This sector is locked to prevent accidental erase, but it can be unlocked by applying 12V to the RESET pin.
The boot software program configures the AT91M42800, and thus controls the memory and other board components.
The boot software program is started at reset if JP1 is in the STD position. If JP1 is in the USER position, the AT91M42800 boots from address 0x01010000 in the Flash, which must have a user-defined boot.
The boot software program first initializes the EBI, then executes the REMAP proce­dure, and then checks the state of the buttons.
When the button SW1 is pressed:
All the LEDs light up together.
The D1 LED remains lit until SW1 is released.
The functional test software (FTS) is started.
When the button SW2 is pressed:
All the LEDs light up together.
The D2 LED remains lit until SW2 is released.
The SRAM downloader is activated.
When SW3 or SW4 are pressed or no buttons are pressed:
Branch at address 0x0100 2000.
The Angel Debug Monitor starts from this address by recopying itself in external SRAM.
AT91EB42 Evaluation Board User Guide 3-1
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