ATMEL AT90S8515-8JI, AT90S8515-8JC, AT90S8515-8AI, AT90S8515-4PI, AT90S8515-4PC Datasheet

AVR - High Performance and Low Power RISC Architecture
118 Powerful Instructions - Most Single Clock Cycle Execution
8K bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash
512 bytes EEPROM
– Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles
512 bytes Internal SRAM
32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
32 Programmable I/O Lines
Programmable Serial UART
SPI Serial Interface
VCC: 2.7 - 6.0V
Fully Static Operation
– 0 - 8 MHz 4.0 - 6.0V, – 0 - 4 MHz 2.7 - 4.0V
Up to 8 MIPS Throughput at 8 MHz
One 8-Bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler
One 16-Bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler and Compare and Capture Modes
Dual PWM
External and Internal Interrupt Sources
Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-Chip Oscillator
On-Chip Analog Comparator
Low Power Idle and Power Down Modes
Programming Lock for Software Security
8-Bit Microcontroller with 8K bytes In-System Programmable Flash
The AT90S8 515 is a low-p ower CMOS 8-bit mic rocontroll er based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture . By exe cuting powe rful instruc tions in a single clock cycle, the AT90S8515 achieves throughpu ts approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
The AVR core combines a rich instr uction set with 32 gene ral purpose working regis­ters. All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two indep endent r egisters to be acce ssed in one singl e instr uction execute d in one clock cycle. Th e resulting arc hitecture is mor e code efficie nt while achievin g throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.
Pin Configurations
Rev. 0841D–06/98
Block Diagram
Figure 1.
The AT90S8515 Block Diagram
The AT90S8515 provides the following features: 8K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash, 512 bytes EEPROM, 512 bytes SRAM, 32 gen eral purpo se I/O li nes, 3 2 general purpose working registers, flexible timer/counters with compare modes, internal and external interrupts, a pro­grammable serial UART, programmable Watchdog Timer with internal oscillator, an SPI serial port and two software selectable pow er saving modes. T he Idl e Mode sto ps the CPU while allowing the SRAM, timer/counters, SPI port and interrupt syste m to contin ue functioning . The power down mode saves the register contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt or hardware reset.
The device is manufac tured using Atmel’ s high density non-volatile memory technology. The on-chip in-system programmable Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-sys tem th ro ugh an S PI se rial i nterface or by a conventional n onvolatile memo ry programmer. By combining an enhanced RISC 8-bit CPU wit h In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT90S8515 is a powerful microcontroller that provides a highly flexible and co st effect ive solution to many em bed­ded control applications.
The AT90S8515 AVR is supported with a full s uite of pro­gram and system development tools including: C compil­ers, macro assemblers, program debugger/si mulators, in­circuit emulators, and evaluati on kits.
Pin Descriptions
Supply voltage
Port A (PA7..PA0)
Port A is an 8 -bit b idirec tional I/O port. Port p ins ca n pro­vide internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit). The Port A output buffers can sink 20mA and can drive LED dis­plays directly. When pins PA0 to PA7 are used as inputs and are externally pull ed low, they will source c urrent if the internal pull-up resistors are activated.
Port A serves as Multiplexed Address/Data input/output when using external SRAM.
Port B (PB7..PB0)
Port B is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O pins with internal pull-up resistors. The Port B output buffers can sink 20 mA. As inputs, Port B pins t hat a re ex ter nally pu ll ed l ow wi ll sour c e current if the pull-up resistors are activated.
Port B also serves the fu nction s of vario us speci al feat ures of the AT90S8515 as listed on page 46.
Port C (PC7..PC0)
Port C is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. The Port C output buffers can sink 20 mA. As inputs, Port C pins that are exter nal ly pul led low wil l sour ce current if the pull-up resistors are activated.
Port C als o s erv es as Addr es s ou tp ut when us ing ext ern al SRAM.
Port D (PD7..PD0)
Port D is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. The Port D output buffers can sink 20 mA. As inputs, Port D pins that are exter nal ly pul led low wil l sour ce current if the pull-up resistors are activated.
Port D also serves th e fu nc tion s of v ario us sp ec ial fea tur es of the AT90S8515 as listed on page 52.
Reset input. A low on th is pi n for two machi ne cy cles wh ile the oscillator is running resets the device.
Input to the inverting os cillator amplifi er and input to th e internal clock operating circuit.
Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier
ICP is the input pin for the Time r/Counter1 Inpu t Capture function.
OC1B is the output pin for the Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB function
ALE is the Address Latch Enable used when the Ex ternal Memory is enabled. The ALE strob e is used to latch the low-order address (8 bits) into an address latch during the first access cy cle, and the A D0-7 pins a re used for data during the second access cycle.
Crystal Oscillator
XTAL1 and XTAL2 are input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 2. Either a quartz crystal or a ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Oscillator Connec tio ns
External Clock Drive Configuration
AT90S8515 Architectural Overview
The fast-access register file concept contains 32 x 8-bit general purpose worki ng regi ster s with a sin gle cl ock c ycle access time. This means that during one single clock cycle, one ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) operation is executed. Two operands are output from the register file, the operation is executed, and the result is stored back in the register file ­in one clock cycle.
Six of the 32 registers can be used as three 16-bits indirect address register pointers for Data Space addressing ­enabling efficient address calculati ons. One of the three address pointers is also used as the address pointer for the constant table look up function. These added function reg­isters are the 16-bits X-register, Y-register and Z-register.
Figure 4.
The AT90S8515
Enhanced RISC Architecture
The ALU supports arithmetic and logic functions between registers or be tween a const ant and a r egist er. Si ngle re g­ister operations are also executed in the ALU. Figure 4 shows the AT90S851 5 AVR Enhan ced RISC mi crocontro l­ler architecture .
In addition to the register operation, the conventional mem­ory addressing mode s can be used on the re gister file as well. This is e nabled by th e fact that t he register f ile is assigned the 32 lowermost Data Space addresses ($00 ­$1F), allowing them to be accessed as though they were ordinary memory locations.
The I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions as Control Registers, Timer/Counters, A/D-converte rs, and ot her I/O fun ctions. T he I/O Mem ory can be accessed dir ectly, or as the Da ta Space loca tions following those of the register file, $20 - $5F.
The rate memories and buses fo r program and data. The pr o­gram memory is executed with a two stage pipeline. While one instruction is bein g executed, the next ins truction is pre-fetched from the program memory. This co ncept enables instructions to be executed in every clock cycle. The program memory is in-system programmable Flash memory.
With the relat ive jump an d call i nstructi ons, the w hole 4K address space i s directl y access ed. Most AVR in struc tions have a single 16-bit word format. Every program memory address contains a 16- or 32-bit instruction.
During interrupts and su broutine calls, t he retur n addre ss program counter (PC) is stor ed on the stack. The stack is effectively allo cated i n the gene ral dat a SRAM, and cons e­quently the stack size is only limited by the total SRAM size and the usage of the SR AM. All user progr ams must initial-
uses a Harvard architecture concept - with sepa-
ize the SP in the reset routine (before subroutines or inter-
Figure 5.
Memory Maps rupts are execute d). The 16-bit stack pointer SP is read/write accessib le in the I/O spac e.
The 512 bytes data SRAM can be easily access ed through the five different addressing modes supported in th e AVR architecture.
The memory spaces in the AVR
architecture are all linear
and regular memory maps. A flexible interrupt module has its control registers in the
I/O space with an additional global interrupt enable bit in the status register. All the different interrupts have a sepa­rate interrupt vector in the interrupt vector table at the beginning of the program memory. The different interrupts have priority in accordance with their interrupt vector posi­tion. The lower the interrupt vector address the higher the priority.
The General Purpose Register File
Figure 6 shows the structure of the 32 general purpose working registers in the CPU.
Figure 6.
AVR CPU General Purpose Working Registers
R0 $00 R1 $01 R2 $02
R13 $0D General R14 $0E Purpose R15 $0F Working R16 $10
Registers R17 $11
… R26 $1A X-register low byte R27 $1B X-register high byte R28 $1C Y-register low byte R29 $1D Y-register high byte R30 $1E Z-register low byte R31 $1F Z-register high byte
All the register operating instructions in the i nstruction set have direct and single cycle access to all registers. The only exceptio n is the five consta nt arithmetic and logic instructions SB CI, SUBI , CPI, ANDI and ORI between a constant and a register and the LDI instruction for load immediate constant data. These instructions apply to the second half of the registers in the register file - R16..R31. The general SBC, SUB, CP, AND and OR and all other
operations between two register s or on a s ingle regis ter apply to the entire register file.
As shown in Figure 6, each register is also assigned a data memory address, mapp ing them direc tly into the fi rst 32 locations of the user Data Space. Although not being phys­ically implemented as SRAM locations, this memory orga­nization provides great flexibility in access of the registers, as the X,Y and Z registers ca n be set to index an y register in the file.
The X-Register, Y-Register And Z-Register
The registers R26..R31 have some added functions to their general purpose usa ge. Thes e re gister s a re ad dr es s poi nt-
ers for indirect addressing of the Data Space. The three indirect address registers X, Y and Z are defined as:
Figure 7.
The X, Y and Z Registers
15 0
X - register 7 0 7 0
R27 ($1B) R26 ($1A)
15 0
Y - register 7 0 7 0
R29 ($1D) R28 ($1C)
15 0
Z - register 7 0 7 0
R31 ($1F) R30 ($1E)
In the different addressing modes these address registers have functions as f ixed d ispl acement , a utoma tic in cre ment and decrement (see the descriptions for the different instructions).
The ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
The high-performance AVR ALU operates in direct connec­tion with all the 32 general purpose working registers. Within a single clo ck cy cle, AL U oper ations b etween regi s­ters in the register fil e are executed . The ALU operat ions are divided into three main categories - arithmetic, logical and bit-functions.
The In-System Programmable Flash Program Memory
The AT90S8515 contain s 8K byt es on- chip In- System Pro­grammable Flash memory for program storage. Since all
instructions are 16-or 32-bit words, the Flash is organized as 4K x 16. The Flash memo ry has an endurance of at least 1000 write/erase cyc les. The AT90S85 15 Program Counter (PC) is 12 bits wide, thus addressing the 4096 pro­gram memory addresses.
See page 62 for a detailed description on Flash data down­loading.
Constant tables mu st be alloc ated wit hin the ad dress 0-4K (see the LPM - Load Program Memory instruction descrip­tion).
See page 8 for the different program memory addressing modes.
The SRAM Data Memory - Internal and External
The following figure shows how the A T90S8515 SRAM Memory is organized:
Figure 8.
SRAM Organization
Register File Data Address Space
R0 $0000 R1 $0001 R2 $0002
R29 $001D R30 $001E R31 $001F
I/O Registers
$00 $0020 $01 $0021 $02 $0022
$3D $005D
$3E $005E $3F $005F
Internal SRAM
$0060 $0061
$025E $025F
External SRAM
$0260 $0261
The lower 608 Data Memory locations address the Regis­ter file, the I/O Memory and the internal data SRAM. The first 96 locations address the Register File + I/O Memo ry, and the next 512 locations addres s the internal data SRAM. An optiona l externa l data S RAM can be placed in the same SRAM memory space. This SRAM will oc cupy the location following the internal SRAM and up to as much as 64K - 1, depending on SRAM size.
When the addresses accessing the data memory space exceeds the internal data SRAM locations, the external data SRAM is acc essed usi ng the sam e inst ructions as for the internal data SRAM access. When the internal data space is accessed, the read a nd write s trobe pins (RD and
) are inactive during the wh ole access c ycle. External
WR SRAM operation is enabled by setting the SRE bit in the MCUCR register. See page 21 for details.
Accessing external SRAM takes one additional clock cycle per byte compared to access of the internal SRAM. This means that the commands LD, ST, LDS, STS, PUSH and POP take one additional clock cycle. If the stack is placed in external SRAM, interrupts, subr outine calls and returns take two clock cycles extra because the two-byte program counter is pushed and popped. When external SRAM inter­face is used with wait state, two additional cloc k cycles is used per byte. This has the follo wing effect: Data transfer instructions take two extra clock cycles, whereas interrupt, subroutine calls and returns will need four clock cycles more than specified in the instruction set manual.
The five differen t address ing modes for the data mem ory cover: Direct, Indirect with Displacement, Indirect, Indirect with Pre-Decrement and Indirect with Post-Increment. In the register file, registers R26 to R31 feature the indirect addressing pointer registers.
The direct addressing reaches the entire data space. The Indirect with Displacement mode features a 6 3
address locations reach from the base address given by the Y or Z-r egister.
When using register indirect addressing modes with auto­matic pre-decr ement and post-in crement , the addr ess reg­isters X, Y and Z are decremented and incremented.
The 32 general purpose working registers, 64 I/O registers, the 512 bytes of i ntern al da ta SR AM, a nd the 64K bytes of optional external da ta SRAM in the AT90S8515 are all accessible through all these addressing modes.
See the next secti on for a det ailed desc ription of the differ ­ent addressing modes.
The Program and Data Addressing Modes
The AT90S8515 ports powerful and efficie nt addressing modes for access to the program memory (Flash) and data memory (SRAM, Register File and I/O Memory). This section describes the different addressing modes supported by the ture. In the figures, OP means the operation code part of the instruction word. To simplify, not all figures show the exact location of the addressing bits.
Register Direct, Single Register RD
Enhanced RISC microcontroller sup-
Operands are contained in register r (Rr) and d (Rd). T he result is stored in register d (Rd).
I/O Direct Figure 11.
Operand address is contained in 6 bits of the instruction word. n is the destination or source register address.
Data Direct Figure 12.
I/O Direct Addressing
Direct Data Addressing
Figure 9.
The operand is contained in register d (Rd).
Register Direct, Two Registers RD AND RR Figure 10.
Direct Single Register Addressing
Direct Register Addressing, Two Registers
A 16-bit Da ta Ad dr ess is containe d in t h e 16 L SB s o f a t w o ­word instruction. Rd/Rr specify the destination or source register.
Data Indirect With Displacement Figure 13.
Data Indirect with Displacement
Operand address is the result of the Y or Z-register con­tents added to the address contained in 6 bits of the instruction wo rd .
Data Indirect Figure 14.
Operand address is t he contents of the X, Y or the Z-re gi s­ter.
Data Indirect With Pre-Decrement Figure 15.
Data Indirect Addressing
Data Indirect Addressing With Pre-Decrement
Constant Addressing Using The LPM Instruction Figure 17.
Constant byte address is specified by the Z-register con­tents. The 15 MSBs sel ec t wo rd ad dres s (0 - 4 K) an d L SB , select low byte i f clear ed (LSB = 0) or high b yte if set ( LSB = 1).
Indirect Program Addressing, IJMP and ICALL Figure 18.
Code Memory Constant Addressing
Indirect Program Memory Addressing
The X, Y or the Z-register is decremented before the opera­tion. Operand address is the decremented contents of the X, Y or the Z-register.
Data Indirect With Post-Increment Figure 16.
The X, Y or the Z- register is incr emented af ter the oper a­tion. Operand address is the content of the X, Y or the Z­register prior to incrementing.
Data Indirect Addressing With Post-Increment
Program execution continues at address contained by the Z-register (i.e. the PC is loaded with the contents of the Z­register).
Relative Program Addressing, RJMP and RCALL Figure 19.
Program execution continues at add ress PC + k + 1. The relative address k is -2048 to 2047.
Relative Program Memory Addressing
The EEPROM Data Memory
The AT90S8515 contains 512 bytes of data EE PROM memory. It is organized as a separate data space, in which single bytes can be read and written. The EEPROM has an endurance of at least 100,000 write/erase cycles. The access between the EEPROM and the CPU is described on page 32 sp ecifyi ng the EEPRO M address r egisters, the EEPROM data register, and the EEPROM control register.
For the SPI data downloading, see page 62 for a detailed description.
Memory Access Times and Instruction Execution Timing
This section describes the general access timing concepts for instruction execution and internal memory access.
The generated from th e external clock cryst al for the chip. No internal clock division is used.
Figure 20 shows the parallel instr uction fetches and instruction executions enabled by the Harvard architecture and the fast-access register file concept. This is the basic pipelining concep t to ob tai n up to 1 MIP S per MHz with the corresponding unique results for functions per cost, func­tions per clocks, and functions per power-unit.
CPU is driven by the System Clock Ø, directly
Figure 20.
The Parallel Instruction Fetches and Instruction Executions
T1 T2 T3 T4
System Clock Ø
1st Instruction Fetch
1st Instruction Execute
2nd Instruction Fetch
2nd Instruction Execute
3rd Instruction Fetch
3rd Instruction Execute
4th Instruction Fetch
Figure 21 shows the in ter nal ti min g c oncept for the register file. In a single clock cycle an ALU operation using two reg-
Figure 21.
Single Cycle ALU Operation
T1 T2 T3 T4
System Clock Ø
Total Execution Time
Register Operands Fetch
ALU Operation Execute
ister operands is executed, and the r esult is stored bac k to the destination register.
Result Write Back
The internal data SRAM access is performed in two System Clock cycles as described in Figure 22.
Figure 22.
On-Chip Data SRAM Access Cycles
T1 T2 T3 T4
System Clock Ø
Prev. Address
The external data SRAM access is performed in two System Clock cycles as described in Figure 22.
Figure 23.
External Data SRAM Memory Cycles without Wait State
T1 T2 T3
System Clock Ø
Address [15..8]
Prev. Address
Read Write
Data / Address [7..0]
Prev. Address
Data / Address [7..0]
Prev. Address
The external data SRAM memory access cycle with the Wait State bit enabled (Wait State active) is shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24.
External Data SRAM Memory Cycles with Wait State
T1 T2 T3 T4
System Clock Ø
Prev. Address
Prev. Address
Prev. Address
Address [15..8]
Data / Address [7..0]
Data / Address [7..0]
I/O Memory
The I/O space definition of the AT90S8515 is shown in the following table:
Table 1.
AT90S8515 I/O Space
Address Hex Name Function
$3F ($5F) SREG Status Register
$3E ($5E) SPH Stack Pointer High $3D ($5D) SPL Stack Pointer Low $3B ($5B) GIMSK General Interrupt Mask register $3A ($5A) GIFR General Interrupt Flag Register
$39 ($59) TIMSK Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask register
$38 ($58) TIFR Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
$35 ($55) MCUCR MCU general Control Register
$33 ($53) TCCR0 Timer/Counter0 Control Register
$32 ($52) TCNT0 Timer/Counter0 (8-bit)
$2F ($4F) TCCR1A Timer/Counter1 Control Register A $2E ($4E) TCCR1B Timer/Counter1 Control Register B $2D ($4D) TCNT1H Timer/Counter1 High Byte $2C ($4C) TCNT1L Timer/Counter1 Low Byte $2B ($4B) OCR1AH Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register A High Byte $2A ($4A) OCR1AL Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register A Low Byte
$29 ($49) OCR1BH Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register B High Byte
$28 ($48) OCR1BL Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register B Low Byte
$25 ($45) ICR1H T/C 1 Input Capture Register High Byte
$24 ($44) ICR1L T/C 1 Input Capture Register Low Byte
$21 ($41) WDTCR Watchdog Timer Control Register
$1F ($3E) EEARH EEPROM Address Register High Byte $1E ($3E) EEARL EEPROM Address Register Low Byte $1D ($3D) EEDR EEPROM Data Register $1C ($3C) EECR EEPROM Control Register $1B ($3B) PORTA Data Register, Port A $1A ($3A) DDRA Data Direction Register, Port A
$19 ($39) PINA Input Pins, Port A
$18 ($38) PORTB Data Register, Port B
$17 ($37) DDRB Data Direction Register, Port B
$16 ($36) PINB Input Pins, Port B
$15 ($35) PORTC Data Register, Port C
$14 ($34) DDRC Data Direction Register, Port C
$13 ($33) PINC Input Pins, Port C
Table 1.
Note: reserved and unused locations are not shown in th e table
All the different AT90S8515 I/Os and peripherals are placed in the I/O space. The different I/O locations are accessed by the IN and OUT instructions transferring data between the 32 gener al purpose wo rking regis ters and th e I/O space. I/O registers wit hin the address range $00 - $ 1F are directly bit-accessible using the SBI and CBI instruc­tions. In these registers, the value of single bits can be
AT90S8515 I/O Space (Continued)
Address Hex Name Function
$12 ($32) PORTD Data Register, Port D
$11 ($31) DDRD Data Direction Register, Port D
$10 ($30) PIND Input Pins, Port D
$0F ($2F) SPDR SPI I/O Data Register $0E ($2E) SPSR SPI Status Register $0D ($2D) SPCR SPI Control Register $0C ($2C) UDR UART I/O Data Register $0B ($2B) USR UART Status Register $0A ($2A) UCR UART Control Register
$09 ($29) UBRR UART Baud Rate Register
$08 ($28) ACSR Analog Comparator Control and Status Register
When using the I/O specif ic com man ds , IN, OU T, SB IS an d SBIC, the I/O addresses $00 - $3F must be used. When addressing I/O registers as SRAM, $20 must be added to this address. All I/O register addresses throughout this doc­ument are shown with the SRAM address in parentheses.
The different I/O and peripherals control registers are explained in the following ch apte rs.
checked by usi ng the S BI S and S BIC i nst ruc tion s. Re fer to the instruction set chapter for more details.
The Status Register - SREG
The AVR status register - SREG - at I/O space location $3F ($5F) is defined as:
Bit 76543210 $3F ($5F) Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 - I: Global Interrupt Enable
• The global interrupt enable bit must be set (one) for the interrupts to be enabled. The in dividual int errupt enabl e control is then perform ed in the interrupt ma sk register s ­GIMSK and TIMSK. If the global interrupt enable register is cleared (zero), none of the in terrupts a re en abled indep en­dent of the GIMSK and TIMSK values. The I-bit is cleared by hardware after an interrupt has occurred, and is set by the RETI instruction to enable subsequent interrupts.
Bit 6 - T: Bit Copy Storage
• The bit copy instructions BLD (Bit LoaD) and BST (Bit STore) use the T bit as source and destination for the oper­ated bit. A bit from a reg is ter i n th e r eg ist er fi le ca n be c op­ied into T by the BST instruction, and a bit in T can be copied into a bit in a registe r in the re gister fi le by the BL D instruction.
Bit 1 - Z: Zero Flag
• The zero flag Z indicates a zero result after the different
Bit 5 - H: Half Carry Flag
• The half carry flag H indicates a half carry in some arith­metic operations. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.
Bit 4 - S: Sign Bit, S = N V
• The S-bit is always an exclusive or between the negative flag N and the two’s complement overflow flag V. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.
Bit 3 - V: Two’s Complement Overflow Flag
• The two’s complement overflow flag V supports two’s com­plement arithmetics. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.
Bit 2 - N: Negative Flag
• The negative flag N indicates a negative result after the dif­ferent arithmetic and logic operation s. See the Ins truction Set Description for detailed information.
arithmetic and logic operations. See the Instruction Set Description for detailed information.
Bit 0 - C: Carry Flag
• The carry flag C indicates a c arry in an ar ithmetic or logic operation. See the Instruction Set Desc ription for detaile d information.
The Stack Pointer - SP
The general AVR 16-b it Stac k Po inter is ef fectiv ely b uilt u p of two 8-bit registers in the I/O space l ocations $3E ( $5E) and $3D ($5D). As the AT90S8515 supports up to 64 kB external SRAM, all 16-bits are used.
Bit 151413121110 9 8 $3E ($5E) $3D ($5D)
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Stack Poin ter points to the data SR AM stack area where the Subroutine and Interrupt Stacks are located. This Stack space in the data SRAM must be defined by the program before any subroutine calls are executed or inter­rupts are enabled. The Stack Pointer is decremen ted by one when data i s pushed o nto the St ack with the PUSH instruction, and it is decremented by two when data is pushed onto the St ack with subr outin e CALL and inte rrupt. The Stack Pointer is incremented by one when data is popped from th e Stack with the PO P instr uction, and it is incremented by two when data is popped from the Stack with return from subroutin e RET or return from interrupt IRET.
SP15 SP14 SP13 SP12 SP11 SP10 SP9 SP8 SPH
Reset and Interrupt Handling
The AT90S8515 p rovides 12 differe nt interrupt so urces. These interrupts and the separate reset vector, each have a separate program vector in the program memory space. All interrupts are assign ed individual enable bits wh ich must be set (one) to gether wi th the I -bit in t he stat us r egis­ter in order to enable the interrupt.
The lowest addresses in the program memory space are automatically defined as the Reset and Interrupt vectors. The complete list of vectors is shown in Table 2. The list also determines the priority levels of the different interrupts. The lower the address the higher is the priority level. RESET has the highest priority, and next is INT0 - the External Interrupt Request 0 etc.
Table 2.
Reset and Interrupt Vectors
Vector No. Program Address Source Interrupt Definition
1 $000 RESET Hardware Pin and Watchdog Reset 2 $001 INT0 External Interrupt Request 0 3 $002 INT1 External Interrupt Request 1 4 $003 TIMER1 CAPT Timer/Counter1 Capture Event 5 $004 TIMER1 COMPA Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A 6 $005 TIMER1 COMPB Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B 7 $006 TIMER1 OVF Timer/Counter1 Overflow 8 $007 TIMER0, OVF Timer/Counter0 Overflow
9 $008 SPI, STC Serial Transfer Complete 10 $009 UART, RX UART, Rx Complete 11 $00A UART, UDRE UART Data Register Empty 12 $00B UART, TX UART, Tx Complete 13 $00C ANA_COMP Analog Comparator
The most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector Addresses are:
Address Labels Code Comments $000 rjmp RESET ; Reset Handler $001 rjmp EXT_INT0 ; IRQ0 Handler $002 rjmp EXT_INT1 ; IRQ1 Handler $003 rjmp TIM1_CAPT ; Timer1 Capture Handler $004 rjmp TIM1_COMPA ; Timer1 CompareA Handler $005 rjmp TIM1_COMPB ; Timer1 CompareB Handler $006 rjmp TIM1_OVF ; Timer1 Overflow Handler $007 rjmp TIM0_OVF ; Timer0 Overflow Handler $008 rjmp SPI_STC ; SPI Transfer Complete Handler $009 rjmp UART_RXC ; UART RX Complete Handler $00a rjmp UART_DRE ; UDR Empty Handler $00b rjmp UART_TXC ; UART TX Complete Handler $00c rjmp ANA_COMP ; Analog Comparator Handler ; $00d MAIN: <instr> xxx ; Main program start …
Reset Sources
The AT90S8515 has three sources of reset:
• Power-On Reset. The MCU is reset when a supply voltage is applied to the V
and GND pins.
• External Reset. The MCU is reset when a low level is present on the RESET
pin for more than two XTAL
• Watchdog Reset. The MCU is reset when the Watchdog timer period expires and the Watchdog is enabled.
During reset, all I/O registers are then set to their initial val­ues, and the program starts execution from address $000.
The instruction placed i n a ddr ess $000 mus t b e an RJM P ­relative jump - instruction to the reset handling routine. If the program never enables an interrupt source, the inter­rupt vectors are not used, and regular program code can be placed at these locations. The circuit diagram in Figure 25 shows the reset logic. Table 3 defines the timing and electrical parameters of the reset circuitry.
Figure 25.
Reset Logic
Table 3.
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units
V V t
Reset Characteristics (V
Power-On Reset Threshold Voltage 1.8 2 2.2 V RESET Pin Threshold Voltage VCC/2 V Power-On Reset Period 2 3 4 ms Reset Delay Time-Out Period FSTRT Unprogrammed 11 16 21 ms Reset Delay Time-Out Period FSTRT Programmed 1.0 1.1 1.2 ms
= 5.0V)
Power-on Reset
A Power-On Reset (POR) circui t ensures that the dev ice is not started until V
has reached a s afe level . As s how n in
Figure 25, an internal timer clocked from the Watchdog timer oscillator preven ts the MCU from star ting until after a certain period after V old voltage - V
has reached the Power-On Thresh-
, regardless of the VCC rise time (s e e Fi g ­ure 26 and Figure 27). The total reset period is the Power­On Reset period - t
+ the Delay Time- ou t p erio d - t
give a shorter start-up time if a ceramic resonator or any other fast-start oscillator is used to clock the MCU.
If the build-in start-up delay is suffic ient, RESET connected to V By holding the pin low for a period after V
directly or via an external pull-up resistor.
applied, the Power-On Reset period can be extended. Refer to Figure 28 for a timing example on this.
has been
The FSTRT fuse bi t in the Flash can be programmed to
Figure 26.
Tied to VCC. Rapidly Rising V
can be
Figure 27.
Figure 28.
Tied to VCC or Unconnected. Slowly Rising V
Controlled Externally
External Reset
An external reset is generated by a low level on the RESET pin. The RESET pin mus t be hel d low fo r at leas t two cry s­tal clock cycles. When the applied signal reaches the Reset Threshold Voltage - V timer starts the MCU after the Time-out period t
on its positive edge, the delay
Figure 29.
External Reset During Operation
Watchdog Reset
When the Watchdog times out, it will generate a short reset pulse of 1 XTAL cycle duration. On the falling edge of this
Figure 30.
Watchdog Reset During Operation
Interrupt Handling
The AT90S8515 has two 8-bit In terrupt M ask contr ol regi s­ters; GIMSK - General Interrupt Mask register and TIMSK ­Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask register.
When an interrupt occurs, the Global Interrupt Enable I-bit is cleared (zero) and all inter rupts are dis abled. The us er software must set (one) the I-bit to enable interrupts.
The General Interrupt Mask Register - GIMSK
pulse, the delay tim er starts counting the Time-out period
. Refer to page 30 for details on operation of the
When the Program Counter is vectored to the actual inter­rupt vector in order to execute the interrupt handling rou­tine, hardware clears the corresponding flag that generated the interrupt. Some of the interrupt flags can also be cleared by writing a logic one to the flag bit position(s) to be cleared.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 $3B ($5B) Read/Write R/W R/W R R R R R R Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 - INT1: External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
• When the INT1 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register (SREG) is set (one), the external pin interrupt is activated. The Interrupt Sense Control1 bits 1/0 (ISC11 and ISC10) in the MCU general Control Register (MCUCR)
INT1 INT0 - - - - - - GIMSK
or falling edge of the INT1 pin or level sensed. Ac tivity on the pin will cause an interrupt request even if INT1 is con­figured as an ou tput. The corre spond ing int errupt of Exter­nal Interrupt Request 1 is executed from program memory address $002. See also “External Interrupts”.
defines whether the exter nal int err upt is acti vated on risin g
Bit 6 - INT0: External Interrupt Request 0 Enable
• When the INT0 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register (SREG) is set (one), the external pin interrupt is activated. The Interrupt Sense Control0 bits 1/0 (ISC01 and ISC00) in the MCU general Control Register (MCUCR) defines whether the exter nal int err upt is acti vated on risin g
figured as an ou tput. The corre spond ing int errupt of Exter­nal Interrupt Request 0 is executed from program memory address $001. See also “External Interrupts.”
Bits 5..0 - Res: Reserved bits
• These bits are reserved bits in the A T90S 8515 a nd always read as zero.
or falling edge of the INT0 pin or level sense d. Activity on the pin will cause an interrupt request even if INT0 is con-
The General Interrupt Flag Register - GIFR
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 $3A ($5A) Read/Write R/W R/W R R R R R R Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 - INTF1: External Interrupt Flag1
• When an event on the IN T1 pin triggers an interr upt request, INTF1 becomes set (one). If the I-bit in SREG and the INT1 bit in GIMSK are set (one), the MCU will jump to the interrupt vector at address $002. The fl ag is clea red when the interrupt routine is executed. Alternatively, the flag can be cleared by writing a logical one to it.
Bit 6 - INTF0: External Interrupt Flag0
INTF1 INTF0 - - - - - - GIFR
the INT0 bit in GIMSK are set (one), the MCU will jump to the interrupt vector at address $001. The f lag is cl eared when the interrupt routine is executed. Alter natively, the flag can be cleared by writing a logical one to it.
Bits 5..0 - Res: Reserved bits
• These bits are reserved bits in the A T90S 8515 a nd always read as zero.
When an event on the IN T0 pin triggers an interr upt request, INTF0 becomes set (one). If the I-bit in SREG and
The Timer/counter Interrupt Mask Register - TIMSK
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 $39 ($59) Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R R/W R R/W R Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 - TOIE1: Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
• When the TOIE1 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the Timer/Counter1 Overflow interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector $006) is executed if an overflo w in Timer/Counter1 occ urs. The Overflow Flag (Timer/Counter1) is set (one) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR. When Timer/Counter1 is in PWM mode, the Timer Over flow flag is set when the counter changes counting direction at $0000.
Bit 6 - OCE1A:Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match
Interrupt Enable
When the OCIE1A bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the Timer/Counter1 CompareA Match interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector $004) is executed if a Compa reA matc h in Timer/Cou nter1 occurs. The Compare A Flag in Tim er /Cou nter1 is s et (o ne) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR.
Bit 5 - OCIE1B:Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match
Interrupt Enable
When the OCIE1B bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the Timer/Counter1 CompareB Match interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector
occurs. The CompareB Flag in Timer/Counter1 is set (o ne) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR.
Bit 4 - Res: Reserved bit
• This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8515 and always reads zero.
Bit 3 - TICIE1: Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt
When the TICIE1 bit is set (one) an d the I-b it in the S tatus Register is set (one), the Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Event Interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector $003) is executed if a capture-triggering event occurs on pin 31, ICP. The Input Capture Flag i n Timer/Counter1 is set (one) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR.
Bit 2 - Res: Reserved bit
• This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8515 and always reads zero.
Bit 1 - TOIE0: Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
• When the TOIE0 bit is set (one) and the I-bit in the Status Register is set (one), the Timer/Counter0 Overflow interrupt is enabled. The corresponding interrupt (at vector $008) is executed if an overflow in Timer/Counter0 occur s. The
$005) is executed if a Compa reB matc h in Timer/Cou nter1
Bit 0 - Res: Reserved bit
Overflow Flag (Timer0) is set (one) in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR.
• This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8515 and always reads zero.
The Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 $38 ($58) Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R R/W R R/W R Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 - TOV1: Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
• The TOV1 is set (one) when an overflow occurs in Timer/Counter1. TOV1 is cleared b y hardware when exe­cuting the cor resp ond ing interrupt hand li ng vector. Alterna­tively, TOV1 is cleared by writing a logic one to the flag. When the I-bit in SREG, and TOIE1 (Timer/Counter1 Over­flow Interrupt Enable), and TOV1 are set (one), the Timer/Counter1 Overflow In terrupt is executed. In PWM mode, this bit is set when Timer/Counter1 changes count­ing direction at $0000.
Bit 6 - OCF1A: Output Compare Flag 1A
• The OCF1A bit is set (one) when compare match occurs between the Timer/Counter1 and the data in OCR1A - Out­put Compare Register 1A. OCF1A is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vec­tor. Alternatively, OCF1A is cleared by writing a logic one to the flag. When the I-bit in SREG, and OCIE1A (Timer/Counter1 Comp are match Interrup tA Enable), an d the OCF1A are set (one), the Timer/Counter1 Compare match Interrupt is executed.
Bit 5 - OCF1B: Output Compare Flag 1B
• The OCF1B bit is set (one) when compare match occurs between the Timer/Counter1 and the data in OCR1B - Out­put Compare Register 1B. OCF1B is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vec­tor. Alternatively, OCF1B is cleared by writing a logic one to the flag.. When the I-bit in SREG, and OCIE1B (Timer/Counter1 Comp are match Interrup tB Enable), an d the OCF1B are set (one), the Timer/Counter1 Compare match Interrupt is executed.
Bit 4 - Res: Reserved bit
• This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8515 and always reads zero.
Bit 3 - ICF1: - Input Capture Flag 1
• The ICF1 bit is set (one) to flag an input capture event, indi­cating that the Timer/Counter1 value has been transferred to the input capture register - ICR1. ICF 1 is cleared by hardware when ex ecutin g the cor respo nding int errupt han­dling vector. Alternatively, ICF1 is cleared by writing a logic one to the flag.
Bit 2 - Res: Reserved bit
• This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8515 and always reads zero.
Bit 1 - TOV: Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
• The bit TOV0 is set (one) when an ov erflow occurs in Timer/Counter0. TOV0 is cleared b y hardware when exe­cuting the corresp ond ing i nte rrup t h and li ng v ect or. A lt er na­tively, TOV0 is cleared by writing a logic one to the flag. When the SREG I-bit, and TOIE0 (Timer/Counter0 Over­flow Interrupt Enable), and TOV0 are set (one), the Timer/Counter0 Overflow interrupt is executed.
Bit 0 - Res: Reserved bit
• This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8515 and always reads zero.
External Interrupts
The external interrupts are triggered by the INT1 and INT0 pins. Observe that, if enabled, the interrupts will trigger even if the INT0/INT1 pins are configured as outputs. This feature provides a way of gen erating a s oftware interrupt. The external interrupts can be triggered by a falling or ris­ing edge or a low level. This is set up as indicated in the specification for the MCU Control Register - MCUCR. When the external interrupt is enabled and is configured as level triggered, the interrupt will trigger as long as the pin is held low.
The external interrupts are set up as described in the spec­ification for the MCU Control Register - MCUCR.
Interrupt Response Time
The interrupt execu tion respons e for all the enable d interrupts is 4 clock cycles minimum. 4 clock cycles after the interrupt flag has be en s et, the program vector address for the actual interrupt han dling routine is exec uted. Durin g this 4 clock cycle period, the Program Counter (2 bytes) is pushed onto the Stack, and the Stack Pointer is decre­mented by 2. The vector is a relative jump to the interrupt routine, and this jump takes 2 clock cycles. If an interrupt occurs during execution of a multi-cycle i nstructio n, this instruction is completed before the interrupt is served.
A return from an interrupt hand ling routi ne (same as for a subroutine call routine) takes 4 clock cycles. During these 4 clock cycles, the Program Counter (2 bytes) is popped back from the Sta ck, and th e Stack Point er is inc remente d by 2. When the AVR exits fro m an interrupt, it will always return to the main program and execute one more instruc­tion before any pending interrupt is served.
Note that th e Status Regi ster - SREG - is n ot han dled by the AVR hardware, neither for interrupts nor for subrou-
tines. For the interrupt handling routines requiring a storage of the SREG, this must be performed by user software.
For Interrupts trigger ed by events that can remai n static (E.g. the Output Compare Register1 A matching the value
of Timer/Counter1) the interrupt flag is set when the event occurs. If the interrupt fla g is c leared an d the int errupt c on­dition persists, the fla g wil l n ot be se t unti l t he ev en t occu rs the next time.
MCU Control Register - MCUCR
The MCU Control Register contains control bits for general MCU functions.
Bit 76543210 $35 ($55) Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 - SRE: External SRAM Enable
• When the SRE bit is set (one), the external data SRAM is enabled, and the pin functions AD0 -7 (P ort A) , A8-15 (P ort C), WR
and RD (Port D) are activated as the alternate pin functions. Then the SRE bit overrides any pin direction set­tings in the respective data direction registers. See “The SRAM Data Memory - Internal and External” for description of the External SRAM pin functions. When the SRE bit is cleared (zero), the external data SRAM is disabled, and the normal pin and data direction settings are used.
Bit 6 - SRW: External SRAM Wait State
• When the SRW bit is set (one), a one cy cle wait state is inserted in the external data SRAM access cycle. When the SRW bit is cl eared ( zero) , the exte rnal data S RAM ac cess is executed with the normal three-cycle scheme. See Fig­ure 23: External Data SRAM Memory Cycles without Wait State and Figure 24: External Data SRAM Memory Cycles with Wait State.
Bit 5 - SE: Sleep Enable
• The SE bit must be set (one) to make the MCU enter the sleep mode when the SLEEP instruction is executed. To avoid the MCU entering the sleep mode unless it is the pro­grammers purpose, it is recommended to set the Sleep Enable SE bit just befor e the execution of the SLEEP instruction.
Bit 4 - SM: Sleep Mode
• This bit selects be tween the two av ailable sleep modes. When SM is cleared (zero) , Idle Mode is sele cted as Slee p Mode. When SM is set (one), Power Down mode is selected as sleep mode. For details, r efer to the par agrap h “Sleep Modes” below.
Bit 3, 2 - ISC11, ISC10: Interrupt Sense Control 1 bit 1 and
bit 0
The External Interrupt 1 is activated by the external pin INT1 if the SR EG I-flag and the corre spondin g interrup t mask in the GIMSK is set. The level and edges on the
external INT1 pin that activ ate the interru pt are defined i n the following table:
Table 4.
ISC11 ISC10 Description
Note: When changing the ISC11/ISC10 bits, INT1 must be dis-
Interrupt 1 Sense Control
abled by clearing its Interrupt Enable bit in the GIMSK Register. Otherwise an inte rrupt can oc cu r w hen the bits are changed.
The low level of INT1 generates an interrupt request.
The falling edge of INT1 generates an interrupt request.
The rising edge of INT1 generates an interrupt request.
Bit 1, 0 - ISC01, ISC00: Interrupt Sense Control 0 bit 1 and
bit 0
The External Interrupt 0 is activated by the external pin INT0 if the SREG I-flag and the corresponding interrupt mask is set. The level and edges on the external INT0 pin that activate the interrupt are defined in the following table:
Table 5.
ISC01 ISC00 Description
Note: When changing the ISC10/ISC00 bits, INT0 must be dis-
Interrupt 0 Sense Control
abled by clearing its Interrupt Enable bit in the GIMSK Register. Otherwise an inte rrupt can oc cu r w hen the bits are changed.
The low level of INT0 generates an interrupt request.
The falling edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request.
The rising edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request.
Sleep Modes
To enter the sleep modes, the SE bit in MCUCR must be set (one) and a SLEEP instruction must be executed. If an enabled interrupt occurs while the MCU is in a sleep mode, the MCU awakes, executes the interrupt routine, and resumes execution from the instruction following SLEEP. The contents of the register file, SRAM and I/O memory are unaltered. If a reset occurs during sleep mode, the MCU wakes up and executes from the Reset vector.
Idle Mode
When the SM bit is cleared (zero), the SLEEP instruction forces the MCU into the Idle Mode stopping the CPU but allowing Timer/Counters, Watchdog and the interrupt sys­tem to continue operating. This enables the MCU to wake up from external triggered interrupts as well as internal ones like Timer Overflow interrupt and watchdog reset. If wakeup from the Analog Comparator interrupt is not required, the analog comparator can be powered down by setting the ACD-bit in the Analog Comparator Control and
The Timer/Counter Prescaler
Figure 31 shows the general Timer/Counter prescaler.
Status register - ACSR. Thi s will reduce power consump­tion in Idle Mode.
Power Down Mode
When the SM bit is set (one ), the S LEEP in struc tion fo rces the MCU into the Power Down Mode. In this mode, the external oscillator is stopped. The user can select whether the watchdog shall be enabled during power-down mode. If the watchdog is enabled, it will wake up the MCU when the Watchdog Time-out period expires. If the watchdog is dis­abled, only an external reset or an external level triggered interrupt can wake up the MCU.
Timer / Counters
The AT90S8515 provides two general purpose Timer/Counters - one 8-bit T/C and one 16-bit T/C . The Timer/Counters have individual prescaling selection from the same 10-bit prescali ng timer. Both Tim er/Counte rs can either be used as a timer with an internal clock tim ebas e or as a counter with an external pin connecti on which tri ggers the counting.
Figure 31.
The four different prescaled selections are: CK/8, CK/64, CK/256 and CK/1024 where CK is the oscillator clock. For the two Timer/Counters, added selections as CK, external source and stop, can be selected as clock sources.
Timer/Counter Prescaler
The 8-Bit Timer/Counter0
Figure 32 shows the block diagram for Timer/Counter0. The 8-bit Timer/Counter 0 ca n s elec t c lock s ourc e fr om CK ,
prescaled CK, or an external pin. In addition it can be stopped as described in the specification for the Timer/Counter0 Control Register - TCCR0. The overflow status flag is foun d in the Timer/Co unter Insterrup t Flag Register - TIFR. Control sign als are found in the Timer/Counter0 Control Register - TCCR0. The interrupt enable/disable settings for Timer/Counter0 are found in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register - TIMSK.
When Timer/Counter0 is externally clocked, the external signal is synch ronized wi th the o scillator frequenc y of the CPU. To assure proper sampling of the external clock, the minimum time between two external clock transitions must be at least one internal CPU clock period. The external clock signal is sampled on the rising edge of the internal CPU clock.
The 8-bit Timer/Counter0 features both a high resolution and a high accuracy usage with the lower prescaling oppor­tunities. Simila rly, the hi gh prescali ng opportun ities ma ke the Timer/Counter0 useful for lower spe ed functions or exact timing functions with infrequent actions.
Figure 32.
Timer/Counter0 Block Diagram
The Timer/Counter0 Control Register - TCCR0
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 $33 ($53) Read/Write R R R R R R/W R/W R/W Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bits 7,6 - Res: Reserved bits
- - - - - CS02 CS01 CS00 TCCR0
These bits are reserved bits i n the A T90S85 15 and a lways read zero.
Bits 2,1,0 - CS02, CS01, CS00: Clock Select0, bit 2,1 and 0
• The Clock Select0 bits 2,1 and 0 define the prescaling source of Timer0.
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