• Conforms to Intel LPC Interface Specification 1.0
• 8M Bits of Flash Memory for Platform Code/Data Storage
– Automated Byte-program and Sector-erase Operations
• Two Configurable Interfaces
– Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface for In-System Operation
– Address/Address Multiplexed (A/A Mux) Interface for Programming during
• Low Pin Count Hardware Interface Mode
– 5-signal Communication Interface Supporting x8 Reads and Writes
– Read and Write Protection for Each Sector Using Software-controlled Registers
– Two Hardware Write-protect Pins: One for the Top Boot Sector, One for All Other
– Five General-purpose Inputs, GPIs, for Platform Design Flexibility
– Operates with 33 MHz PCI Clock and 3.3V I/O
• Address/Address Multiplexed (A/A Mux) Interface
– 11-pin Multiplexed Addre ss and 8-pin Data Interface
– Supports Fast On-board or Out-of-system Programming
• Power Supply Specifications
: 3.3V ± 0.3V
: 3.3V and 12V for Fast Programming
• Industry-standard Package
– 40-lead TSOP or 32-lead PLCC
Low-pin Count
Flash Memory
The AT49LL080 is a Flash m em or y device de signe d to i nterface wit h the LPC bus for
PC Applications. A feature of the AT49LL080 is the nonvolatile memory core. The
high-performance memory is arranged in sixteen sectors (see page 11).
The AT49LL080 supports two hardware interfaces: Low Pin Count (LPC) for in-system
operation and Address/Ad dr es s M ult ipl exed (A/A Mux) for programming during manufacturing. The IC (Interface Configuration) pin of the device provides the control
between the interfaces. The interface mode nee ds to be selected prio r to power-up or
before return from reset (RST
RFU [I/O7]
[IC (V
)] IC (VIL)
[A10] GPI4
[A9] GPI3
[A8] GPI2
[A7] GPI1
[A6] GPI0
[A5] WP
[A4] TBL
Rev. 3273C–FLASH–5/03
An internal Command User Interface (CUI) serves as the control center between the two
device interfac es (LP C and A /A M ux) an d inte rnal operat ion o f t he no nvola tile memor y.
A valid command sequence written to the CUI initiates device automation.
Specifically designe d for 3V systems , the AT49LL 080 supports read operation s at 3.3V
and sector erase and program operations at 3.3V and 12V V
. The 12V VPP option ren-
ders the fastest pro gram pe rformanc e whic h will incre ase fact ory thro ughput, b ut is not
recommended for standard in-system LPC operation in the platform. Internal V
tion circuitry automatically configures the device for sector erase and program
operations. Note that, while current for 12V programming will be drawn from V
programming board s oluti ons sho uld d esign suc h that V
, and should assume that full programming current may be drawn from either pin.
as V
draws from the same supply
, 3.3V
Low Pin Count InterfaceThe Low Pin Count (LPC) interface is designed to work with the I/O Controller Hub (ICH)
during platform operation .
The LPC interfac e consis ts primar ily of a five-signa l co mmunica tion inte rface use d to
control the operation of the device in a system environment. The buffers for this interface are PCI compliant. To ensure the effective delivery of security and manageability
features, the LPC interface is th e only way to ge t access to the full feature set of the
device. The LPC in terface i s equ ipped t o oper ate at 3 3 MHz, synchronous with th e PCI
Multiplexed Interface
Block Diagram
The A/A Mux interface is designed as a programming interface for OEMs to use during
motherboard manufacturing or component pre-programming.
The A/A Mux refers to the mul tiplex ed ro w and co lumn a ddres ses in t his i nterfa ce. This
approach is required so that the device can be tested and programmed quickly with
automated test equipm ent (A TE) and PROM prog ramm ers in the OEM’ s manu facturin g
flow. This interface also allows the device to have an efficient programming i nterface
with potentially l arge futu re den siti es, whi le st ill fitti ng into a 32- pin pa ckag e. Only basic
reads, programming, and erase of the nonvolatile memory sectors can be performed
through the A/A Mux interface. In this mode LPC features, security features and registers are unavailable. A row/column (R/C
) pin determines which set of addresses “rows
or columns” are latched.
GPI (4:0)
ID (3:1)
LAD (3:0)
A10 - A0
I/O7 - I/O0
Pin DescriptionTable 1 details the usage of each of the device pins. Most of the pins have dual function-
ality, with functions in bo th the Firmware Hub and A/A Mux interfaces. A/A Mux
functionality for pins is shown in bold in the description box for that pin. All pins are
designed to be compliant with voltage of V
Table 1. Pin Description
ICINPUTXXINTERFACE CONFIGURATION PIN: This pin determines which interface is
RSTINPUTXXINTERFACE RESET: Valid for both A/A Mux and LPC interface operations.
CLKINPUTX33 MHz CLOCK for LPC INTERF ACE: This input is the s am e a s t he PC I clo ck
INPUTXPROCESSOR RESET: This i s a s ec ond res et pi n for in-system use. This pin is
Name and FunctionLPCA/A Mux
operational. This pin is held high to enable the A/A Mux interface. This pin is
held low to enab le the LPC i nterf ace. This pin m ust be s et at pow er-up o r bef ore
return from reset and not changed during device operation. This pin is pulled
down with an internal resistor, with values between 20 and 100 kΩ. With IC high
(A/A Mux mode), this pin will exhibit a leakage current of approximately 200 µA.
This pin may be floated, which will select LPC mode.
When driven l ow, RST
power transitions, resets internal automation, and tri-states pins LAD[3:0] (in
LPC interface mode). RST high enables normal operation. When exiting from
reset, the device defaults to read array mode.
internally combined with the RST
operation is exhibited. This signal is designed to be connected to the chipset
INIT signal (Max voltage depends on the processor. Do not use 3.3V.)
A/A Mux = OE
and adheres to the PCI specification.
A/A Mux = R/C
inhibits write operations to pro vide data pr otection during
+ 0.3V max, unless otherwise noted.
pin. If this pin or RST is driven low, identical
LAD[3:0]I/OXADDRESS AND DATA: These pins provide LPC control signals, as well as
addresses and command Inputs/Outputs Data.
A/A Mux = I/O[3:0]
LFRAMEINPUTXFRAME: This pin indicates the start of a data transfer operation; also used to
abort an LPC cycle in progress.
A/A Mux = WE
ID[3:1]INPUTXIDENTIFICATION INPUTS: These three pins are part of the mechanism that
allows multiple parts to be attached to the same bus. The strapping of these
pins is used to identify the component. The boot device must have ID[3:1] =
000, and it is recommended that all subsequent devices should use a
sequential up-count strapping (i.e., 001, 010, 011, etc.). These pins are pulled
down with internal resistors, with values between 20 and 100 kΩ when in LPC
mode. Any ID pins that are pulled high will exhibit a leakage current of
approximately 200 µA. Any pins intended to be low may be left to float. In a
single LPC system, all may be left floating.
A/A Mux = A[3:0]
INPUTXWhen CE is low, the device is enabled. This pin is pulled down with an
internal resistor and can exhibi t a leaka ge curr ent of approximately 10 µA.
Since this pin is internally pulled down and thus can be left unconnected, the
AT49LL080 is compatible with systems that do not use a CE
power, the device is placed in a low-power standby mode when CE
signal. To reduce
is high.
Table 1. Pin Description (Continued)
GPI[4:0]INPUTXGENERAL PURPOSE INPUTS: These individual inpu ts can be used for
TBLINPUTXTOP SECTOR LOCK: When low, prevents programming or sector erase to the
WPINPUTXWRITE-PROTECT: When low, prevents programming or sector erase to all but
A0 - A10INPUTXLOW-ORDER ADDRESS INPUTS: Inputs for low-order addresses during read
I/O0 - I/O7I/OXDATA INPUT/OUTPUTS: These pins receive data and commands during write
Name and FunctionLPCA/A Mux
additional board flexibility. The state of these pins can be read through LPC
registers. These inputs should be at their desired state before the start of the
PCI clock cycle during which the read is attempted, and should remain at the
same level until the end of the read cycle. They may only be used for 3.3V
signals. Unused GPI pins must not be floated.
A/A Mux = A[10:6]
highest addressable sector (15), regardless of the state of the lock registers
high disables hardware write protection for the top sector, though register-
based protection still applies. The status of TBL
does not affect the status of
sector-locking registers.
A/A Mux = A4
the highest addressable sectors (0 - 14), regardless of the state of the
corresponding lock registers. WP-high dis ables hardware write protection fo r
these sectors, though register-based protection still applies. The status of TBL
does not affect the status of sector-locking registers.
A/A Mux = A5
and write operations. Addresses are internally latched during a write cycle. For
the A/A Mux interf ace these addresses are latch ed by R/C and share the same
pins as the high-order address inputs.
cycles and transmit data during memory array and identifier code read cycles.
Data pins float to high-impedance when the chip is deselected or outputs are
disabled. Data is internally latched during a writ e cycle.
INPUTXOUTPUT ENABLE: Gates the device’s outputs during a read cycle.
INPUTXROW-COLUMN ADDRESS SELECT: For the A/A Mux interface, this pin
determines whether the address pins are pointing to the row addresses,
A0 - A10, or to the column addresses, A11 - A19.
INPUTXWRITE ENABLE: Controls writes to the arra y s ec tors. Addresses and data are
latched on the rising edge of the WE
programming data 0V <
VPP < 3.6V or 12V for faster erase and programming
operations. The VPP pi n can be left unconnected. Sector er ase or prog ram with
an invalid V
not be attempted. V
(see DC Characteristics) produces spurious results and should
may only be held at 12V for 80 hours over the lifetime of
the device.
SUPPLYXXDEVICE POWER SUPPLY: Internal detection automatically configures the
device for optimized read performance. Do no float any power pins. With V
, all write attempts to the flash memory are inhibited. Device operations at
invalid V
voltages (see DC Characteristics) produce spurious results and
should not be attempted.
GNDSUPPLYXXGROUND: Do not float any ground pins.
SUPPLYXXANALOG POWER SUPPL Y: This supply should share the s ame sy stem su pply
as V
Table 1. Pin Description (Continued)
GNDaSUPPLYXXANALOG GROUND: Should be tied to same plane as GND.
RFUXRESERVED FOR FUTURE USE: These pins are reserved for future
NCXXNO CONNECT: Pin may be driven or floated. If it is driven, the voltage levels
RY/BYOUTPUTXREADY/BUSY: Valid only in A/A Mux Mode. This output pin is a reflection of bit
Low Pin Count
Interface (LPC)
Table 2 lists the seven required signals used for the LPC interface.
Table 2. LPC Required Signal List
LAD[3:0]I/OI/OMultiplexed command, address and data
Name and FunctionLPCA/A Mux
generations of this product and should be connected accordingly. These pins
may be left disconnected or driven. If they are driven, the voltage levels should
meet VIH and VIL requirements.
A/A Mux = I/O[7:4]
should meet VIH and VIL.
7 in the status register. This pin is used to determine sector erase or program
IOIndicates start of a new cycle, termination of broken
CLKIIClock: Same 33 MHz clock as PCI clock on the master.
IIReset: Same as PCI Reset on the master. The master
does not need this sig nal if i t alread y has PCIR ST
Same clock phase with typical PCI skew. The master
does not need this signal if it alre ady has PC ICLK on it s
on its
LAD[3:0]: The LAD[3:0] signal lines communicate address, control, and data information over the LPC bus between a master and a peripheral. The information
communicated ar e: star t, stop (ab ort a cycl e), trans fer type (memory , I/O, DMA ), transfer direction (read/write), addr ess, data, wait states, DMA channel , and bus master
: LFRAME is used by the master to indicate the start of cycles and the termina-
tion of cycles due to an abort or time-out condition. This signal is to be used be by
peripherals to know when to monitor the bus for a cycle.
signal is used as a general notification that the LAD[3:0] lines contain
information relativ e to the s tart or s top of a c ycle, and that pe ripheral s mus t monito r the
bus to determine whether the cycle is intended for them. The benefit to p eripherals of
When peripherals sample LF RAME
is, it allows them to enter lower power states internally.
active, they are to immediately stop driving the
LAD[3:0] signal lines on the next clock and monitor the bus for new cycle information.
RESET: RST or INIT at VIL initiates a device reset. In read mode, RST o r INIT low
deselects the memory, place s outp ut driv er s in a high-im ped anc e st ate, and turn s off al l
internal circuits. RST or INIT must be held low for time t
(A/A Mux and LPC opera-
tion). The LPC resets to read array mode upon return from reset, and all sectors are set
to default (locked) status regardless of their locked state prior to reset.
Driving RST
default (write-locked ) condition . A rese t time (t
switching high until outputs are valid. Likewise, the device has a wake time (t
or INIT low resets the device, whic h rese ts the sec to r lock r egiste rs to the ir
A/A Mux) is require d from RST or
A/A Mux) from RST or INIT high until writ es to the CU I are r ecogni zed. A reset la tency
will occur if a reset procedure is performed during a programming or erase operation.
During sector er ase or progr am, d riving RST or INIT low will abort the operation underway, in addition to causing a reset latency. Memory contents being altered are no longer
valid, since the data may be partially erased or programmed.
It is important to assert RST
or INIT during system reset. When the system comes out of
reset, it will expect to read from the memory array of the device. If a system reset occurs
with no LPC reset (this will be hardware dependent), it is possible that proper CPU initialization will not occur (the LPC memory may be providing status information instead of
memory array data).
CYCLE TYPES: There are two types of cycles that ar e supported by the AT49LL080:
LPC Memory Read and LPC Memory Write.
and data fields as shown in Figure 1 and described in Table 5. The different fields are
described below. Commands using the read mode include the following functions: reading memory from t he arra y, reading the ident ifier code s, readi ng the lo ck bit r egisters
and reading the GPI registers. Memory information, identifier codes, or the GPI registers
can be read independent of the V
from reset mode, the device automatically resets to read array mode.
voltage. Upon initial device power-up or after exit
READ CYCLE, SINGLE BY TE: For read cycles, af ter the add ress is tran sferred, th e
master drives a TAR field to give ownership of the bus to the LPC. After the second
clock of the TAR phase the LPC assumes the bus and begins driving SYNC values.
When it is ready, it drives the low nibble, then the high nibble of data, followed by a TAR
field to give control back to the master.
Figure 1 shows a device that requires three SYNC clocks to access data. Since the
access time can begin once the address phase has been completed, the two clocks of
the TAR phase can be considered as part of the access time of the part. For example, a
device with a 120 ns access time could assert “0101b” for clocks 1 and 2 of the SYNC
phase and “0000b” for the last clock of the SYNC phase. This would be equival ent to
five clocks worth of access time if the device started that access at the conclusion of the
preamble phase. Once SYNC is achieved, the device then returns the data in two clocks
and gives ownership of the bus back to the master with a TAR phase.
START: This one-clock field indicates the start of a cycle. It is valid on the last clock that
LAD3 - LAD0 must be 0000b to indicate the start of a LPC cycle.
Table 3. CYCTYPE + DIR Fields
010xbLPC Memory Read
011xbLPC Memory Write
CYCTYPES + DIR: This one-clock field is used to indicate the type of cycle and direction of transfer. Bits 3 - 2 must be “01b” for a memory cycle. Bit 1 indicates the type of
transfer: “0” for read operation, “1” for write operation. DIR field indication of transfer: “0”
for read, “1” for write. Bit 0 is res erved. “010 xb” indica tes a memor y read cy cle; whil e
“011xb” indicates a memory write cycle.
MADDR (MEMORY ADDRESS): This is an eight-clock field, which gives a 32-bit memory address. LPC sup ports th e 32-bit ad dress prot ocol. Th e address is transf erred wit h
the most significant nibble first. For the AT49LL080, address bit 23 directs Reads and
Writes to memory locations (A
are device ID strapping bits, and A19 - A0 are decoded as memory addresses.
is sampled low. On the rising edge of CLK with LFRAME low, the contents of
= 1) or to register access locations (A23 = 0). A22 - A
TURN-AROUND (TAR): This field is two clocks wide, and is driven by the mast er when
it is turning control over to the LPC, (for example, to read data), and is driven by the LPC
when it is turning contro l back ov er to th e master. On the f irst clo ck of th is two-cloc kwide field, the master or LP C driv es the LAD [3:0] lines to “ 1111b” . On the se cond c lock
of this field, the master or peripheral tri-states the LAD[3:0] lines.
SYNC: This field is used to add wait state s. It can be sever al clo cks in len gth . On targ et
or DMA cycles, this fi eld is driv en by the LPC. If the LPC needs to ass ert wait sta tes, it
does so by driving “0101b” (short SYNC) on LAD[3:0] until it is ready. When ready, it will
drive “0000b”. Valid values for this field are shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Valid SYNC Values
0000Ready: SYNC achieved with no error.
0101Short Wait: Part indicating wait states.
Figure 1. LPC Read Waveforms
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819
Table 5. LPC Read Cycle
Clock CycleField Name
Field Contents
Only the last start field (before LFRAME
must be activ e (l o w ) for the part to respond.
high) should be recog nized. T he START field contents
indicate an LPC memory read cycle.
010xbINCycle Type: Indicates the type of cycle. Bits 3:2 must
be 01 for a memory cycle.
DIR: Bit 1 indicates the direction of the transfer (0 for
read). Bit 0 is reserved.
3 - 10ADDRYYYYINThese eight clock cycles make up the 32-bit memory
address. YYYY is one nibble of the entire address.
Addresses are tra nsferred most signifi can t ni b ble first.
11T AR01111bIN
then float
In this clock cycle, the master (ICH) has driven the
bus to all 1s and then floats the bus, prior to the next
clock cycle. This is the first part of the bus “turnaround
12TAR11111b (float)Float then OUTThe LPC takes control of the bus during this cycle.
During the next clock cycle, it will be driving “sync
13 - 14WSYNC0101b (WAIT)OUTThe LPC outputs the value 0101, a wait-sync
(WSYNC, a.k.a. “short-sync”), for two clock cycles.
This value indicates to the master (ICH) that data is
not yet available from the part. This number of waitsyncs is a function of the device’s access time.
15RSYNC0000b (READY)OUTDuring this clock cycle, the LPC will generate a
“ready-sync” (RSYNC) indicating that the least
significant nibble of the least significant byte will be
avail able during the next cloc k cy cl e.
16DATAYYYYOUTYYYY is the least significant nibble of the least
significant data byte.
17DATAYYYYOUTYYYY is the most significant nibble of the least
significant data byte.
then float
19TAR11111b (float)Float then
The LPC Flash memory drives LAD0 - LAD3 to 1111b
to indicate a turnaround cycle.
The LPC Flash memory floats its outputs, the master
(ICH) takes control of LAD3 - LAD0.
Note:1. Field contents are valid on the rising edge of the present clock cycle.
WRITE: Write operations consist of START , CYCTYPE + DIR, ADDRESS, data, TAR
and SYNC fields as shown in Figure 2 and described in Table 6.
WRITE CYCLES: For write cycle s, after the address is transferred , the maste r writes
the low nibble, then the high nibble of data. After that the master drives a TAR field to
give ownership of the bus to the LPC. After the s ec ond cloc k of th e T A R ph ase, the target device assumes the bus and begins driving SYNC values. A TAR field to give control
back to the master follows this.
Figure 2. LPC Single-byte Write Waveforms
Table 6. LPC Write Cycle
Clock CycleField Name
last start field (before LFRAME
must be active (low) for the part to respond. Only the
transitioning high) should be
recognized. The START field contents indicate an LPC memory
write cycle.
011xbINCycle Type: Indicates the type of cycle. Bits 3:2 must be 01 for a
memory cycle.
DIR: Bit 1 indicates the dir ect ion of the transfer (1 f o r write). Bit 0
is reserved.
3 - 10ADDRYYYYINThese eight clock cycles make up the 32-bit memory address.
YYYY is one nibble of the entire address. Addresses are
transferred most significant nibble first.
11DATAYYYYINThis field is the least signifi can t nib ble of the data byte. Th is data
is either the data to be programmed into the Flash memory or
any valid Flash command.
12DATAYYYYINThis field is the most significant nibble of the data byte.
then float
In this clock cycle, the master (ICH) has driven the bus to all 1s
and then floats the bus prior to the next clock cycle. This is the
first part of the bus “turnaround cycle”.
14TAR11111b (float)Float then
The LPC takes control of the bus during this cycle. During the
next clock cycle it will be driving t he “sync” data.
15RSYNC0000bOUTThe LPC outputs the values 0000, indicating that it has received
data or a Fl ash command.
then Float
The LPC Flash memory drives LAD0 - LA D3 to 1111 b to indi cate
a turnaround cycle.
17TAR11111b (float)Float thenINThe LPC Flash memory floats its outputs , th e mast er (ICH) tak es
control of LAD3 - LAD0.
Note:1. Field contents are valid on the rising edge of the present clock cycle.
OUTPUT DISABLE: When the LPC is not selected through a LPC read or write cycle,
the LPC interface outputs (LAD[3:0 ]) are disabled and will be plac ed in a high -impedance state.
Bus AbortThe Bus Abort operation can be used to immedi ately abo rt the cur rent bus operat ion. A
Bus Abort occurs when LFRA ME
ory will tri-state the Input/Output Communication pins, LAD3 - LAD0 and the LPC state
machine will reset. During a write cycle, there is the possibility that an internal Flash
write or erase operation is in progress (or has just been initiated). If the LFRAME
asserted during thi s time frame , the inter nal oper ation will not abort. T he s oftware m ust
send an explicit Flash command to terminate or suspend the operation. The internal
LPC state machi ne will not init iate a Flas h writ e or erase operat ion unti l it has r eceive d
the last nibble from the chipset. This means that LFRAME
cycle 12 (Table 6) and no internal Flash operation will be attempted.
HARDWARE WRITE-PROTECT PINS TBL AND WP: Two pins are available with the
LPC to provide hardware write-protect capabilities.
The Top Sector Loc k (TBL ) pin is a signa l, when h eld low (acti ve), pr events pr ogram or
sector erase operations in the top s ector of the device (sector 15) where critical code
can be stored. When TBL
The write-protect (WP
the top sector. WP
of the top sector.
The TBL and WP pins mus t b e s et t o th e de si red protection state prio r to s tar ti ng a program or erase operation since they are sampled at the beginning of the operation.
Changing the state of TBL
unpredictable results.
operates independently from TBL and does not affect the lock status
is high, hardware write protection of the top sector is disabled.
) pin serves the same function for all the remaining sectors except
is driven Low, VIL, during the bus operation; the m em-
can be asserted as late as
or WP during a program or erase operation may cause
If the state of TBL or WP changes during a program suspend or erase suspend state,
the changes to the device’ s locking status do no t take place immedi ately. The suspended operation may be resumed to successfully complete the program or erase
operation. The new lock status will tak e place after the program or erase ope ration
These pins function in combination with the register-based sector locking (to be
explained later). The se pins, when ac tive, will writ e-protect the ap propriate s ector(s),
regardless of the associated sector locking registers. (For example, when TBL
writing to the top sector is prevented, regardless of the state of the Write Lock bit for the
top sector’s locking regis ter. In such a case, clearing the write-p rotect bit in the reg ister
will have no functional effect, even though the register may indicate that the sector is no
longer locked. The register may still be set to read-lock the sector, if desired.)
is active,
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