– One 8K Words (16K bytes) Boot Block with Programming Lockout
– Two 8K Words (16K bytes) Parameter Blocks
– One 104K Words (208K bytes) Main Memory Array Block
Fast Sector Erase Time - 10 seconds
Word-By-Word Programming - 50 µs/Word
Hardware Data Protection
DAT A Polling For End Of Program Detection
Low Power Dissipation
– 50 mA Active Current
– 300 µA CMOS Standby Current
Typical 10,000 Write Cycles
(128K x 16)
5-volt Only
CMOS Flash
The AT49F2048 is a 5-volt-only, 2 megabit Flash Memory organized as 128K words
of 16 bits each. Manufactured with Atmel's advanced nonvolatile CMOS technology,
the device offers access times to 70 ns with pow er dissipati on of just 275 mW. Wh en
deselected, the CMOS standby current is less than 300 µA.
To allow for simple in-system reprogrammability, the AT49F2048 does not require
high input voltages for programming. Five-volt-only commands determine the read
and programming operation of the device. Reading data out of the device is similar to
Pin Configurations
Pin NameFunction
A0 - A16Addresses
OEOutput Enable
I/O0 - I/O15
NCNo Connect
Chip Enable
Write Enable
TSOP Top View
Type 1
reading from an E PROM ; it h as stan dard CE
inputs to avoid bus connection. The AT49F2048 is a 5-voltonly, 2 megabit Flash Memory organized as 128K words
contention. Reprogramm ing the AT49F 2048 is performed
by first erasing a b lock of data an d then program ming o n a
word-by-word basis.
The device is erased by executing the erase command
sequence; the device internally controls the erase operation. The memory is di vided into three bl ocks for erase
operations. There are two 8K word parameter block sections and one sector consisting of the boot block and the
main memory array b lock . The AT4 9F2048 i s program med
on a word-by-word basis.
, OE, and WE
Block Diagram
The device has the capability to protect the data in the boot
block; this feature is enabled by a command sequence.
Once the boot block programming lockout feature is
enabled, the data in the boot bl ock cannot be cha nged
when input levels of 5.5 volts or less are used. The typical
number of program and erase cycles is in excess of 10,000
The optional 8K word boot block section includes a reprogramming lock o ut featur e to pro vide data i ntegrity. The
boot sector is des igned to contain us er secure code, and
when the feature is enabled, the boot sector is protected
from being reprogrammed.
Device Operation
When CE
at the memory location determined by the address pins is
asserted on the outputs . The outputs ar e put in the high
impedance state whenever CE
control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention.
ered on it will be reset to the read or standby mode
depending upon the state of the control line inputs. In order
to perform other device functions, a series of command
sequences are entered into the device. The command
sequences are shown in the Comma nd Definitions ta ble
(I/O8 - I/O15 are don't care inputs for the command codes).
The command sequences are written by applying a low
pulse on the WE
tively) and OE
edge of CE
latched by the first rising ed ge of CE
microprocessor write timings are used. T he address loc a-
The AT49F2048 is accessed like an EPROM .
and OE are low and WE is high, th e data sto red
or OE is high. This dual-line
When the device is first pow-
or CE input with CE or WE low ( respec-
high. The addre ss is latche d on the fall ing
or WE, whichever occurs last. The data is
or WE. Standard
tions used in the command sequences are not affected by
entering the command sequences.
tem applications. When RESET
device is in its sta nda rd ope ra tin g mo de. A lo w level on the
the outputs of the de vice in a hig h impeda nce sta te. When
a high level is reas serted on the RESE T
returns to the Read or Standby mo de, dependi ng upon the
state of the control inputs. By applying a 12V ± 0.5V input
signal to the RE SE T
grammed even if the boot block program lockout feature
has been enabled (see Boot Block Pro gramming Loc kout
Override section).
be erased. The erased state of the memory bits is a logical
“1”. The entire device can be erased at one time by using a
6-byte software code.
input halts the pre sent d evice o perati on and puts
Before a word can be reprogrammed, it must
input pin is provided to eas e some sys-
is at a l ogic high le ve l, t he
pin, the device
pin the boot block array can be repro -
After the software chip erase has been ini tiated , the devi ce
will internally time the eras e operatio n so that no ex ternal
clocks are required. The maximum time needed to erase
the whole chip is t
the Chip Erase function is disabled; sector erases for the
parameter blocks a nd ma in me mory b lock will s till op erate .
After the full chip erase the device will return back to read
mode. Any command during chip erase will be ignored.
the device is organized into three sectors that can be individually erased. There are two 8K word parameter block
sections and one sector consisting of the boot block and
the main memory array blo ck. The Secto r Erase comm and
is a six bus cycle operation. The sector address is latched
on the falling WE
input command is latched at the rising edge of WE
sector erase starts after the rising edge of WE
cycle. The erase oper ation is internal ly controlled; it will
automatically time to c omple tion. W hen the b oot block programming lockout featur e is not enabled, the boot block
and the main memory block will erase together (from the
same sector erase command). Once the boot region has
been protected, only the main memory array sector will
erase when its sector erase command is issued.
erased, it is programmed (to a logical “0”) on a word-byword basis. Programming is accomplished via the internal
device command register and is a 4 bus cycle operation.
The device will autom ati ca ll y ge nerate the required inter nal
program pulses.
Any commands written to the chip during the embedded
programming cycle will be ignored. If a hardware reset happens during programming, the data at the location being
programmed will be corrupted. Please note that a data “0”
cannot be programmed back to a “1”; only erase operations
can convert “0”s to “1”s. Programming is completed after
the specified tBP cycle time. The DATA
also be used to indicate the end of a program cycle.
has one designated block that has a programming lockout
feature. This feature prevents programmi ng of data in the
designated block once the feature has been enabled. The
size of the block is 8K wo rds. This bl ock, referr ed to as the
boot block, ca n conta in se cure code th at is used to brin g up
the system. Enablin g the l ockout fe ature will all ow the boot
code to stay in the device while data in the rest of the
device is updated. This feature does not have to be activated; the boot blo ck' s usage as a wr it e protected region is
optional to the user. The address range of the boot block is
00000H to 01FFFH.
Once the feature is enabled, the data in the boot block can
no longer be erased or programmed when input levels of
If the boot block lockout has bee n en abl ed ,
As an alternative to a full chip erase,
edge of the sixth cycle while the 30H data
. The
of the si xth
Once a memory block is
polling feature may
The device
5.5V or less are u sed. Dat a in the m ain mem ory bloc k can
still be changed through the regular programming method.
To activate the lockout feature, a series of six program
commands to specific addresses with specific data must be
performed. Please refer to the Command Definitions table.
method is available to determine if programming of the boot
block section is locked out. When the device is in the software product identification mode (see Software Product
Identification Entry and Exit sections) a read from address
location 00002H wil l s how i f pr ogram mi ng the b oot block is
locked out. If the data on I/O0 is low, the boot bl oc k c an be
programmed; if the data on I/O0 is high, the program lockout feature has been enabled and the bl ock ca nnot be programmed. The software product identification exit code
should be used to return to standard operation.
The user can override the boot block programming
lockout by taking the RESET
protected boot bl ock data can be altered throug h a chip
erase, sector erase or word programm ing. When the
programming lockout feature is again active.
mode identifies the device and manufacturer as Atmel. It
may be accessed by hardware or software operation. The
hardware operation mode can be used by an external programmer to identify the correct programming algorithm for
the Atmel product.
For details, see Operating Modes (for hardware operation)
or Software Product Identification. The manufacturer and
device code is the same for both modes.
to indicate the end of a pr ogram cy cle. Duri ng a progr am
cycle an attempted read of the last byte loaded will result in
the complement of the loaded data on I/O7. Once the program cycle has been comp leted, true data is valid on all
outputs and the next cycle may begin. During a chip or sector erase operation , an atte mpt to rea d the devi ce will g ive
a “0” on I/O7. Once the program or erase cycle has completed, true data will be read from the device. DATA
may begin at any time during the program cycle.
provides another method for determining the end of a program or erase cycle. During a pro gram or er ase opera tion,
successive attempts to read data from the device will result
in I/O6 toggling between one and zero. Once the program
cycle has completed, I/O6 will stop toggling and valid data
will be read. Examining the toggle bit may begin at any time
during a program cycle.
protect against inadvertent programs to the AT49F2048 in
the following ways: (a) V
pin is broug ht back to TTL lev els the bo ot block
The AT49F2048 features DATA
In addition to DATA
pin to 12 volts. By doing this
The product identif ication
polling the AT49F2 048
Hardware features
sense: if VCC is below 3.8V
A software
(typical), the prog ram func tion is inhi bited. (b) V
on delay: once V
has reached the VCC sense level, the
device will automatically time out 10 ms (typical) before
programming. (c) Program inhibit: holding any one of OE
low, CE high or W E high inhib its prog ram cy cles. ( d) Noise
filter: pulses of les s than 15 ns (typ ical) on the W E
or CE
inputs will not initiate a program cycle.
2nd Bus
3rd Bus
4th Bus
5th Bus
6th Bus
Command Definition (in Hex)
1st Bus
Chip Erase65555AA2AAA555555805555AA2AAA55555510
Sector Erase65555AA2AAA555555805555AA2AAA55SA
Word Program45555AA2AAA555555A0AddrD
Boot Block
Product ID
Product ID
Product ID
Notes: 1. The DATA FORMAT in each bus cycle is as follows: I/O15 - I/O8 (Don't Care); I/O7 - I/O0 (Hex)
2. The 8K word boot sector has the address range 00000H to 01FFFH.
3. Either one of the Product ID Exit commands can be used.
4. SA = sector addresses:
5. When the boot block programming lockout feature is not enabled, the boot block and the main memory block will erase
together (from the same sector erase command). Once the boot region has been protected, only the main memory array
sector will erase when its sector erase command is issued.
Absolute Maximum Ratings*
Temperature Under Bias................................ -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature..................................... -65°C to +150°C
All Input Voltages
(including NC Pins)
with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +6.25V
All Output Voltages
with Respect to Ground............................-0.6V to V
Voltage on OE
with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +13.5V
+ 0.6V
*NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute
Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the dev ice . This is a s tress rating only an d
functional oper ation of the device at thes e o r any
other conditions beyond those indicated in the
operational sections of this specification is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions f or e xtended periods ma y af fect de vice
reliability .
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