– Thirty 32K Word (64K byte) Sectors with Individual Write Lockout
– Eight 4K Word (8K byte) Sectors with Individual Write Lockout
– Two 16K Word (32K byte) Sectors with Individual Write Lockout
Fast Word Program Time - 10
Fast Sector Erase Time - 200 ms
Dual Plane Organization, Permitting Concurrent Read while Prog ram/E ra se
– Memory Plane A: Eight 4K Word, Two 16K Word and Six 32K Word Sectors
– Memory Plane B: Twenty-Four 32K Word Sectors
Erase Suspend Capability
– Supports Reading/Programming Data from Any Sector by Suspending Erase of
Any Different Sector
Low Power Operation
– 40 mA Active
A Standby
Data Polling, Toggle Bit, Ready/Busy for End of Program Detection
RESET Input for Device Initialization
Sector Program Unlock Command
Top or Bottom Boot Block Configuration Available
BGA Package Options
The AT49F16X4(T) is a 5. 0 volt 16-megabi t Flash memory org anized as 1,048,57 6
words of 16 bits each or 2,097,152 bytes of 8 bits each. The x16 data appears on I/O0
- I/O15; the x 8 da ta ap pear s on I /O0 - I /O7. The m emory is divi ded into 40 b locks for
erase operations. The device i s offered in 48-pin TSO P and 48-ball µBGA packages.
The device has CE
can be read or reprogrammed using a single 5.0V power supply, mak ing it ideally
suited for in-system programming.
, and OE control signals to avoid any bus contention. This device
Pin Configurations
(1M x 16/2M x 8)
5-volt Only
Flash Memory
Adv ance
The device powers on in the read mode. Command
sequences are used to place the device in other operation
modes such as program and erase. The device has the
capability to protect the data in any se ctor. Once the d ata
protection for a given sector is enabled, the data in that
sector cannot be changed us ing input levels between
ground and V
The device is segmented into two memory planes. Reads
from memory plane B may be performed even while program or erase functions are being executed in memory
plane A and vice versa. This operation allows improved
system performance by no t requiri ng the syst em to wait for
a program or erase operation to complete before a read is
performed. To further increase the flexibility of the device, it
contains an Erase Suspend feature. This feature will put
the Erase on hold for any amount of time and let the user
read data from or program data to any of the remaining
sectors within the same memo ry plane. There is no rea son
to suspend the erase operation if the data to be read is in
the other memory plane. The end of a program or an Erase
cycle is det e cte d by t he Re ady / Bu sy
pin, Data polling, or by
the toggle bit.
A six byte command (bypass unlock) sequence to remove
the requirement of entering the three byte prog ram
sequence is offered to further improve programming time.
After entering the six byte code, only single pulse s on the
write control lines are required for writing into the device.
This mode (single pulse byte/word program) is exited by
powering down the device, or by pulsing the RESET
low and then bringing it back to V
. Erase and Erase Sus-
pend/Resume commands will not work while in this mode;
if entered they will result in data being programmed into the
device. It is not recommended that the six byte code reside
in the software of the final produ ct b ut only exist in external
programming code.
operate in the byte or word configuration. If the BYTE
pin controls whethe r the device data I/O pins
pin is
Block Diagram
I/O0 - I/O15/A-1
A0 - A19
set at logic “1”, the device is in word configuration, I/O0I/O15 are active and controlled by CE
If the BYTE
pin is set at logic “0”, the devi ce is in byte con-
and OE.
figuration, and only data I/O pins I/O0-I/O7 are active and
controlled by CE
and OE. The data I/O pins I/O8-I/O14 are
tri-stated, and the I/O1 5 pi n is us ed a s an inp ut for the LSB
(A-1) address function.
Device Operation
When CE
at the memory location determined by the address pins are
asserted on the outputs. The outputs are put in the high
impedance state whenever CE
control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention.
ered on it will be reset to the read or standby mode
depending upon the state of the control line inputs. In order
to perform other device functions, a series of command
sequences are entered into the device. The command
sequences are shown in the Command Definitions tabl e
The AT49F16X4(T) is accessed like an EPROM.
and OE are low and WE is high, the data stored
or OE is high. This dual-line
When the device is first pow-
(I/O8 - I/O15 are don't care inputs for the command codes).
The command sequences are written by applying a low
pulse on the WE
tively) and OE
edge of CE
latched by the first rising edge of CE
or CE input with CE or WE low (respec-
high. The address is latched on the falling
or WE, whichever occurs last. The data is
or WE. Standard
microprocessor write timings are used. The address locations used in the command sequences are not affected by
entering the command sequences.
tem applications. When RESET
input pin is prov ided to eas e so me s ys-
is at a logic high level, the
device is in its standard operating mod e. A low lev el on th e
input halts the prese nt device operat ion and puts
the outputs of the de vice in a hi gh imped ance stat e. When
a high level is reasse rted on the RES ET
pin, the device
returns to the Read or Standby mod e, depending upon the
state of the control inputs. By applying a 12V ± 0.5V input
signal to the RESET
pin any sector can be reprogrammed
even if the sector lockout feature has been enabled (see
Sector Programming Lockout Override section).
Before a byte/word can be reprogrammed, it
must be erased. The erased state of memory bits is a logical “1”. The entire device can be erased by using the Chip
Erase command or individual sectors can be erased by
using the Sector Erase commands.
The entire device can be erased at one time
by using the 6-byte chip erase software code. After the chip
erase has been initiated, the device will internally time the
erase operation so that no external clocks are required.
The maximum time to erase the chip is t
If the sector lockout has been enabled, the Chip Erase will
not erase the data in the secto r th at ha s be en l oc ked; it wi ll
erase only the unprotected sectors. After the chip erase,
the device will return to the read or standby mode.
As an alternative to a full chip erase, the
device is organized into forty sectors (SA0 - SA39) that can
be individually erased . The Secto r Erase comm and is a six
bus cycle operation. The sector ad dress is latc hed on the
falling WE
command is latched on the rising edge of WE
erase starts after the rising edge of WE
edge of the sixth cy cle whil e the 30H d ata inpu t
. The sector
of the sixth cycle.
The erase operation is i nternally controlled; it will aut omatically time to completion. The maximum time to erase a section is t
. When the sector programming lockout feature
is not enabled, the sector will erase (from the same sector
erase command). Once a sector has been protected, data
in the protected s ectors cannot be changed unles s the
pin is taken to 12V ± 0.5V. An atte mpt to erase a
sector that has bee n protected wi ll result in the operatio n
terminating in 2 µs.
Once a memory block is
erased, it is programmed (to a logical “0”) on a byte-by-byte
or on a word-by- word basis. Programming i s ac co mpl ished
via the intern al device command register and is a 4 -bus
cycle operation. The dev ice will autom atically ge nerate the
required internal program pulses.
Any commands written to the c hip during the em bedded
programming cycle will be ignored. If a hardware reset happens during programming, the data at the location being
programmed will be corrupted. Please note that a data “0”
cannot be programmed back to a “1”; only erase operations
can convert “0”s to “1”s. Programming is completed after
the specified t
cycle time. The DATA polling feature or the
toggle bit feature may be used to indicate the end of a program cycle.
Each sector has a
programming lockout feature. This feature prevents programming of data in the des ignated sector s once the feature has been enabled. These sectors can contain secure
code that is used to bring up the system. Enabling the lockout feature will all ow the boot c ode to stay i n the device
while data in the rest of the device is upd ated. Thi s feat ure
does not have to be activated; any sector’s usage as a
write protected region is optional to the user.
Once the feature is enabled, the data in the protected sectors can no longer be erased or programmed when input
levels of 5.5V or less are used. Data in the remaining sectors can still be changed through the regular programming
method. To activate the lo ck ou t fea tur e, a ser ies of s ix pr ogram commands to specific addresses with specific data
must be performed. P lease refer to the Co mmand Defin itions table.
user can override the sector programming lockout by taking
pin to 12V ± 0.5V. By doing this prote cted da ta
can be altered through a chip erase, sector era se or
byte/word program ming. When the RESET
pin is brought
back to TTL level s the secto r programm ing loc kout featu re
is again active.
The erase suspen d
command allows the system to interrupt a sector erase
operation and then program or read data from a different
sector within the same plane. Since this device has a dual
plane architecture, there is no need to use the erase suspend feature while erasin g a sec tor when y ou want to r ead
data from a sector in the other plane. After the erase suspend command is given, the device requires a maximum
time of 15 µs to suspend the erase operation. After the
erase operation has been suspended, the plane which contains the suspended s ector enter s the erase-s uspend-r ead
mode. The system can then read data or program da ta to
any other sector within the device. An address is not
required during the erase suspend comm and. During a
sector erase suspend, another sector cannot be erased. To
resume the sector erase operation, the system must write
the erase resume command. The erase resume command
is a one bus cy cle co mma nd, whi c h d oes req ui re the p lan e
address (determined by A18 and A19). The device also
supports an erase suspend during a complete chip erase.
While the chip erase is sus pended, the use r can read from
any sector within the me mory that is protec ted. The command sequence for a chip erase suspen d and a sector
erase suspend are the same.
The product identification
mode identifies the device and manufacturer as Atmel. It
may be accessed by hardware or software operation. The
hardware operation mode can be used by an external programmer to identify the correct programming algorithm for
the Atmel product.
For details, see O peratin g Modes (for har dware operatio n)
or Software Product Identification. The manufacturer and
device code is the same for both modes.
The AT49F16X4(T) features DATA
polling to indicate the end of a program cycle. During a program cycle an attempted read of the last byte/word loaded
will result in the complement of the loaded data on I/O7.
Once the program cycle has been completed, true data is
valid on all outputs and th e next cyc le may be gin. Du ring a
chip or sector erase operation, an attempt to read the
device will give a “0” on I/O7. Once the program or erase
cycle has completed, true data will be read from the device.
polling may begin at any time during the program
cycle. Please see “Status Bit Table” for more details.
In addition to DATA
polling the
AT49F16X4(T) provides another method for determining
the end of a program or erase cycle. During a program or
erase operation, successive attempts to read data from the
same memory plane will result in I/O6 toggling between
one and zero. Once the program cycle has completed, I/O6
will stop toggling and valid data will be read. Examining the
toggle bit may begin at any time during a program cycle.
An additional to ggle bit is available on I/O2 whi ch can be
used in conjunction with the toggle bit which is available on
I/O6. While a sector is erase suspe nded, a read or a pro-
gram operation fr om t he suspended sector wi ll re su lt in th e
I/O2 bit toggling. Please s ee “Status Bit Table” for more
An open drain READY/BUSY
output pin provides another method of detectin g the end of a progr am or
erase operation. RDY/BUSY
is actively pulled low during
the internal program and erase cycles and is released at
the completion of the cycle. The open drain connection
allows for OR-tying of several devices to the same
Hardware features
protect against in adverten t pro grams to the A T49F16X4 (T)
in the following ways: (a) V
(typical), the program function is inhibited. (b) V
delay: once V
has reached the VCC sense level, the
sense: if VCC is below 3.8V
power on
device will au tomaticall y time out 10 ms (typical) be fore
programming. (c) Program inhibit: holding any one of OE
low, CE high or WE high inh ibits pr ogram cycle s. (d) No ise
filter: pulses of les s than 15 ns (typ ical) on the W E
or CE
inputs will not initiate a program cycle.
While operating with a 4.5V to 5.5V
power supply, th e address inpu ts and cont rol inputs (OE
, and WE) may be dr iven from 0 to 5.5V without
adversely affecting the operation of the device. The I/O
lines can only be driven from 0 to V
Bypass Unlock65555AA2AAA555555805555AA2AAA555555A0
Single Pulse
Byte/Word Program
Sector Lockout65555AA2AAA555555805555AA2AAA55SA
Erase Suspend1xxxxB0
Erase Resume1PA
Product ID Entry35555AA2AAA55555590
Product ID Exit
Product ID Exit
Notes: 1. The DATA FORMAT in each bus cycle is as follows: I/O15 - I/O8 (Don’t Care); I/O7 - I/O0 (Hex).
The ADDRESS FORMAT in each bus cycle is as follows: A15 - A0 (Hex), A-1, A14 - A19 (Don’t Care).
2. Either one of the Product ID Exit commands can be used.
3. SA = sector address. Any byte/word address within a sector can be used to designate the sector address (see next four
pages for details).
4. When the sector programming lockout feature is not enabled, the sector will erase (from the same sector erase command).
Once the sector has been protected, data in the protected sectors cannot be changed unless the RESET
pin is taken to
12V ± 0.5V.
5. PA is the plane address (A19 - A18).
Absolute Maximum Ratings*
Temperature Under Bias................................ -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature..................................... -65°C to +150°C
All Input Voltages
(including NC Pins)
with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +6.25V
All Output Voltages
with Respect to Ground.............................-0.6V to V
Voltage on OE
with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +13.5V
+ 0.6V
*NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute
Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the dev ice . This is a s tress rating only an d
functional oper ation of the device at these o r any
other conditions beyond those indicated in the
operational sections of this specification is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions f or e xtended periods ma y af fect de vice
reliability .
+ 12 hidden pages
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