ATMEL AT43311 Datasheet

Self-Powered Hub with Bus Power Controller
Full Compliance with USB Spec Rev 1.0
Full Speed USB Host Interface
Four Downstream Ports
Downstream Support for Full Speed and Low Speed Transfer Rates
Individual Port Power Control
USB Connection Status Indicators
6 MHz Oscillator with On-Chip PLL
The AT43311 is a fully compliant USB hub chip with 5 ports, one upstream port and four full/low-speed downstream ports. The AT43311 can be used as a stand alone or can provide a simple and quick method of adding USB ports to an existing device.
As a repeater, the AT43311 provides upstream connectivity between the selected function and the host. Connectivity involves setting up and tearing do wn connecti ons, handling bus faults, recovering from bus faults and detecting downstream device con­nections and disconnections.
The AT43311 may also act a s a hub cont roller mana ging the hu b operatio ns and recording the status of the hub, bus transactions, and downstream ports. In this mode, the AT43311 tracks and generates the bus enumeration , provides configuration infor­mation to the host, prov ides indi vidual port stat us to the host, an d controls the port operation based on host commands.
AT43311 Preliminary
Pin Configurations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
PWR1 DP4 DM4 DP3 DM3 GND DP2 DM2 VCC3 DP1 XDM1 DP0 DM0 STAT1 STAT2 STAT3
Block Diagram
Serial Interface
Endpoint 0
Endpoint 1
Note: 1. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with the Universal Serial Bus and therefore only describes the unique
features of the AT43311 chip. For detailed information about the USB and its operation, the reader should refer to the Uni­versal Serial Bus Specification Version 1.0, January 19, 1996.
Overcurrent Protection/ Reporting
Pin Description
Pin Description Pin Type Description
OSC1 I Oscillator Input. Input to the inverting 6 MHz oscillator amplifier. OSC2 O Oscillator Output. Output of the inverting oscillator amplifier.
VREF I Reference Voltage. This is an input pin that should be connected to an external
DP0 B Upstream Plus USB I/O. This pin should be connected to VCC3 through an external
DM0 B Upstream Minus USB I/O DP[1:4] B Port Plus USB I/O. These pins should be connected to VSS through external 1.5K
DM[1:4] B
I Port Overload. These are the input signals used to indicate to the AT43311 that there
OD Power Switch. These are the output signals used to enable or disable the external
PLL Filter. For proper operation of the PLL, this pin should be connected through a 100 resistor and 10 nF capacitor to ground (V (see Figure 1–Power Supply Connection).
voltage source. VREF is used internally as the reference voltage by the overload protection circuit to decide whether there is a problem with a port’s power supply.
1.5K pullup resistor. DP0 and DM0 form the full speed differential signal pin pairs connected to the Host Controller or an upstream Hub.
resistors. DP[1:4] and DM[1:4] are the differential signal pin pairs to connect downstream USB devices.
Port Minus USB I/O. These pins should be connected to VSS through external 15K resistors. DP[1:4] and DM[1:4] are the differential signal pin pairs to connect downstream USB devices.
is a power supply problem with the port. If OVL the corresponding PWR[1:4]
voltage regulator supplying power to the port. PWR[1:4] supply problem is detected at OVL[1:4]
For proper operation of PWR[1:4] required.
pin and report the status to the USB Host.
, an external pull-up resistor of 10K to VCC5 is
) in parallel with a 2.2 nF capacitor
is asserted, the AT433 11 will assert
is de-asserted when a power
GND V Ground
O Connect Status. These are output pins indicating that a port is properly connected.
STAT[1:4] V 3.3V Power Supply, used for the USB interface V 5V Power Supply, main power supply for the AT43311 V 5V Analog Power Supply
is asserted when the port is enabled.
USB Hub Description
Hub Repeater
The hub repeater i s responsibl e for port conn ectivity set up and tear-down. The rep eater a lso support s exception han­dling such as bus fault detection and r ecovery, and con­nect/disconnect detection.
When a SOP to ken is detecte d on the upst ream port, Port0, the AT43311 determines the speed of the transfer. A USB hub must not propagate a full speed transfer to a low speed port due to the possible misinterpretation of the data. The AT43311 will propagate the packet to all enabled downstream ports.
Note: See USB Specification for further detail on bus states
The AT43311 supports do wnstream dat a signaling at bo th
1.5 Mbps and 12 Mbps. Devices attached to the down­stream ports are either full speed or low speed depending on which data line (DP or DM) is pulled hi gh. If a por t is enumerated as low speed, the output buffers operate at a slew rate between 75 ns and 300 ns. The AT43311 will not propagate any traffic to that port unless it is prefaced with a preamble PID. Low speed data fo llowing the preambl e PID is propagated to both low and full speed devices. The AT43311 will enable low speed drivers within four full­speed bit times of the last bit of a preamble PID, and will disable the drivers at the end of an EOP. The upstream traffic from any port to the host is prop agated by Port0 using the full speed 4-20 ns slew rate drivers.
All ports are independently driven and monitored on the DP and DM pins. The AT43311 detects or generates the ‘J’, ‘K’, and SE0 bus s ignal ing st ates. E ach hu b port has s in­gle-ended and differential receivers on its DP and DM lines. The ports’ I/O buffers comply to the voltage levels and drive requirements as specified in the USB Specifications Revi­sion 1.0.
The Hub Repeater implements a frame timer that is timed by the 12 MHz USB clock and is reset every time an SOF token is received from the Host.
Hub Controller
The hub controller ma nages an d records the op eratio ns of the AT43311. During enumeration, the controller sends the host the configuration information. The controller also allows the host to retrieve the status of the downstream ports, and power the downs tream ports. The control ler applies power to the downstream ports on a per port basi s. After configuration , the co ntrol le r wil l e nab le the p owe r t o a downstream port upon a SetPortPower command by the host. The controller supports two endpoints and a Control Status register.
Serial Interface Engine
The Serial Interface Engine (SIE) converts data between the serialized USB format and usable data for the controller and repeater. To carry out these tasks, the SIE is able to detect or generate USB signaling. Once a valid operation is detected, the SIE translates the data depending on the operation.
During a reception, the SIE will use the high speed clock supplied by the PLL to help synchronize and separate the synchronization informa tion from th e data. The data mu st be decoded before the SIE may supply the packet ID to the controller and repeater.
The USB protocol uses Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC), Non Return to Zero Invert (NRZI) data encoding and bit stuffi ng to i mprov e the re liabil ity of data trans fers. The SIE must decode the NR ZI and strip o ff the stuffe d bit to determine the actual data. The CRC information will be used by the SIE to determine if a transmission error has occurred. If an error has occurred, the SIE will correct the data using CRC algorithms.
Control Status Register
Bit Function Value Description
0 Hub configuration status
1 Hub remote wakeup status
2 Endpoint0 STALL status 0
3 Endpoint1 STALL status 0
0 1
0 1
Set to 0 or 1 by a Set_Configuration Request
Set to 0 or 1 by ClearFeature or SetFeature request Default value is 0
Endpoint0 is stalled Endpoint0 is stalled
Endpoint1 is not stalled Endpoint1 is stalled
Hub is not currently configured Hub is currently configured
Hub is currently not enabled to request remote wakeup Hub is currently enables to request remote wakeup
Endpoint0 i s th e A T4331 1’s defa ult en dpoi nt u sed f or en u­meration of the Hub and exchange of configuration infor­mation and requests between the Host and th e AT43311. Endpoint0 supports control transfers.
Standard USB Device Requests and class-specific Hub Requests are supported through Endpoint0.
The Hub Controller supports the fol lowing descriptors through Endpoint0 (Descriptors are described in detail in the Descriptors Section of this document):
• Device Descriptor
• Configuration Descriptor
• Interface Descriptor
• Endpoint Descriptor
• Hub Descriptor
Endpoint1 is used by the Hub Controller to send status change information to the Hos t. Endpoint1 supp orts inter­rupt transfers.
The Hub Controller samples the c hanges at th e end of every frame at time marker EO F2 in preparation for a potential data transfer in the subsequent frame. The sam­pled information is stored as a byte in Statu s Chang e Reg­ister using a bitmap scheme.
Each bit in the Status Change Register corresponds to one port as shown below.
An IN Token packet from the Host to Endpoi nt1 ind icate s a request for port change status. If the Hub has not detected any change on the port s or a ny change s in the hub itself, then all bits in this register will be 0 and the Hub Controller will return a NAK to requests on Endpoint1. If a change in the port status exists, the Hub Controller will transfer the
whole byte. The Hub Controller will continue to report a sta­tus change when polled until that particular change has been removed by a ClearP ortFeature reques t from the Host. No status chang e will be reporte d by Endpoi nt1 unti l the AT43311 has been enumerated and configured by the Host through Endpoint0.
Power Management
The AT43311 is designed to be powered from the USB bus. As such, the power co nsumption for the AT43311 itself is less th an 100 m A. Howev er, down stream devices require separate power supplies. The AT43311 monitors and controls each power supply to the individual down­stream devices.
Careful design and selection of the power switch is required to meet the USB specification. The USB specifica­tions requires that the volta ge drop at th e power switch be no more than 100 mV. USB requirements specify that a downstream device may use a maximum of 500 mA. These conditions are best met by using a MOSFET switch with an on resistance of 200 m
As a sample power circuit, consid er a P-chan nel enhan ce­ment mode MOSFET. The condition of the port’s power is monitored at the output side of the P MOS switch whi ch is connected to the port’s OVL[1:4] condition, the MOSFE T swit ch’s i nte rnal resista nce ca uses the MOSFET’s output voltage to drop at the OVL[1:4] the MOSFET’s out put voltage dr ops to less than the volt­age at the VREF voltage reference pin, the AT4331 1 inter­prets this drop as a n overcurrent c ondition. The AT43311 does internal filtering to m ake su re that spurious o r switch ­ing transients are ignore d. If an overcurrent condit ion exists, the AT43 311 rem oves the power from t hat port b y de-activating the port’s PWR[1:4] tion to the Host.
or less.
pin. During an overcurrent
pin. If
pin and reports the condi-
Status Change Register
Bit Function Value Meaning
0 Hub status change 0
1 Port1 status change 0
2 Port2 status change
3 Port3 status change
4 Port4 status change
5-7 Reserved 0 Default values
0 1
0 1
0 1
No change in status Change in status detected
No change in status Change in status detected
No change in status Change in status detected
No change in status Change in status detected
No change in status Change in status detected
Figure 1. Power Supply Connection
From upstream power regulator
Figure 1 illustrates an example of the power supply con­nection for a AT43311 port.
Careful conside ration mu st be taken to avoid lar ge grou nd current surges. There is the possibility that the upstream device and the self powered device will be sourced from different electri cal powe r outle ts which share no comm on ground.
When designing the local power supply for the AT4 3311 or a self powered device , local 5 V power must be isolated. This isolation can be achieved th rough a transform er or by proper design of the switching power suppl y. The GND of the Hub or device can then be safely connected to the upstream ports ground line for proper operation of the USB signals.
Even though the devices in a USB network share a com­mon ground (VSS), the t wo 5V supply volta ges of the AT43311 based hub (the upstream’s bus power and the local power) must not be connected under any condition.
Port [1:4] Power Control
Each port has signals for port power management and for port status feedback (PWR[1:4 ]
, OVL[1:4], and STAT[1:4]). The AT43311 monitors and switches the power to each port individually.
are open drain outputs that control the power to the downstream ports. The AT43311 asserts a low value to ports PWR[1:4]
to turn on the power to the port. During
power up, reset, and initialization of the Hu b, PWR[1:4] in-active. PWR[1:4]
To downstream device
is asserted when the Host instructs the Hub to power the p ort through the S etPortPower = O N command. Additionally PWR[1:4]
is de-asserted by the Hub
when an overcurrent condition is detected at the port. For proper operation of PWR[1:4]
tor to VCC5 is required f or PWR[1:4]
, an external pull-up resis-
pins. To control the power to the port, any switch with a low voltage d rop with full power applied is acceptable . The AT43311 is desi gned for a simple, low cost P-c hannel MOS FET to us e as the switch.
To detect a port overload, the AT43311 compares OVL[1:4] to a common VREF defined by the designer.
OVL[1:4] respective downstre am port. If OVL[1:4]
should be attached to the power supply of the
drops below the reference voltage VREF for more than 1 ms, the AT43311 treats the drop in voltage as a fault condition on the port’s power supply. Upon this fault condition, the AT43311 sets the port’s PORT_OVER_CURRENT status bit and the port’s C_PORT_OVER_CURRENT bit. The AT43311 will additionally shut off the power to the port by de-activating the port’s PWR[1:4]
The STAT[1:4] tion. STAT[1:4]
pins are not required by the USB specifica-
provide feedback to the user whenever a device is properly connected to the port. An LED and series resistor connected to STAT[1:4]
can be used to provide
visual feedback. The default state of STAT[1:4] After a port is enabled AT43311 will assert the port’s STAT[1 :4]
is inactive.
Oscillator and Phase-Locked-Loop
To reduce EMI and power dissip ation in the system, the AT43311 on-chip oscillator is designe d to ope rate wit h a 6 MHz external crystal. An on-chip PLL generates the high frequency for the clock/data separator of the Serial Inter­face Engine. In the suspended stat e, the oscillator circuitry is turned off.
A 6 MHz parallel resonance quartz crystal with a load capacitance of approximately 10 pF is recommended. If the crystal load capacitor is larger, external capacitors added to pins OSC1 and OSC2 are recommended. The values for these capacitors depends on the crystal and the layout of the board, but typically are 33 pF at OSC1 an d 47 pF at OSC2. If the crystal used cannot tolerate the drive level s of the oscillator, a series resistor between OSC2 and the crys­tal pin may be used.
Figure 2. Oscillator and PLL Connection
Figure 2 shows how to properly connect the oscillator for the AT43311. Ceramic resonators are not recommended due to the frequency stability required by the USB specifi­cation (0.25%).
If desired, the clock c an be external ly sourced. To clock externally, connect the clock source to the OSC1 pin, while leaving the OSC2 pin floating. The switching level at the OSC1 pin can be as low as 0 .47V ( see electrical specifi ca­tions). A CMOS device is required to drive this pin to main­tain good noise margins at the low switching level.
For proper operation of the PLL, see Figure 1–Power Sup­ply Connection.
To provide the best operating condition for the AT43311, careful consideration of the power supply connections are recommended. Use short, low impedance connections to all power supply lines: VCC5, VCC3, VCCA , and VSS with
0.1 µF decoupling capacitors of high quality adjacent to the device pins.
The Hub Controller supports the following standard USB descriptors: Device, Configurat ion, Interface, an d Endpoint Descriptors, as well as the class specific Hub Descriptor. All the required Standard Requests and Hub Class-Specific Requests are supported by the AT43311’s Hub Controller.
Device Descriptor
The Device Descriptor provides general information about the AT43311 Hub.
Offset Field Description Size (bytes) Value
0 bLength Define size of descriptor = 18 bytes 1 12H 1 bDescriptorType Device descriptor type 1 01H 2 bcdUSB USB Spec. Release Number = Rev 1.0 2 00H
4 bDeviceClass Class code = HUB_CLASSCODE = 09 1 09 H 5 bDeviceSubClass Subclass code 1 00H 6 bDeviceProtocol Protocol code 1 00H 7 wMaxPacketSize0 Max. packet size for Endpoint0 = 8-bytes 1 08H 9 idVendor Vendor ID = Atmel Corporation 2 EBH
10 idProduct Product ID = AT43311 2 11H
12 bcdDevice
14 iManufacturer Index of string descriptor describing
15 iProduct Index of string descriptor describing product =
16 iSerialNumber Index of string descriptor describing device’s
17 bNumConfigurations Number of possible configurations = 1 1 01H
Device release number Example: Rev A0 YY = 01 ZZ = 00
Rev B1 YY = 02 ZZ = 01
manufacturer = not supported
not supported
serial no. = not supported
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