ATMEL AT29C432-15TI, AT29C432-15TC, AT29C432-12TI, AT29C432-12TC Datasheet

ConcurrentFlash Memory
Unique Architecture All ows the Fl as h Array To Be Read During the E2PROM Write Cycle
4 Megabit 5-volt Flash
Configured as a 512K x 8 Memory Array 120 ns Read Access Time Sector Program Operation Single Cycle Reprogram (No Erase Necessary) 2048 Sectors, 256-Bytes Wide 10 ms Sector Rewrite JEDEC Standard Software Data Protection
256K bit Full Feature E2PROM
Configured as a 32K x 8 Memory Array Byte or Page (16 bytes) Write Capability Write Cycle Time: 10 ms JEDEC Standard Software Data Protection
Pinout Similar to 32-Pin 4 Mb Flash
Data Memory Endurance: 10,000 cycles
The AT29C432 is a CMOS memory specifically designed for applications requiring both a high density nonvolatile program memory and a smaller nonvolatile data mem­ory. The AT29C432 provides this in the form of a 4 megabit Flash array integrated with a 256K bit full featured E this device is its concurrent read while writing capability. This provides the host sys­tem read access to the Flash program memory during the write cycle time of the
E The two memory arrays share all I/O lines, Address lines and
Each memory array has its own Chip Enable input: for the E
Additionally, Software Data Protection has been independently implemented for both arrays and is always enabled. The AT29C432 has a pinout similar to the AT29C040A Flash memory. A system designer using a Flash memory for program storage and another smaller, non volatile memory for data storage can easily replace both memo­ries with the AT29C432.
PROM array.
PROM array on the same device. A unique feature of
OE and WE inputs.
CEF for the Flash array and CEE
4 Megabit 5-volt Flash with 256K E
AT29C432 ConcurrentFlash
Pin Configurations
Pin Name Function
A0 - A18 Addresses OE Output Enable WE Write Enable I/O0 - I/O7 Data Inputs/Outputs CEE Chip Enable E2PROM CEF Chip Enable Flash NC No Connect
Type 1
Device Operation Flash Memory Array
READ: The Flash memory array is read like a Static
RAM. When high, the data stored at the memory location determined by the address inputs is asserted on the I/O’s.
PROGRAM: The Flash memory array is div ided into 2048 sectors, each comprised of 256 bytes. For read opera­tions these sectors appear seamless; however, for repro­gramming the sector boundaries must be taken into ac­count. The state of adresses A0 - A3 and A15 - A18 spec­ify the individual byte address within a sector and the state of addresses A4 - A14 define the sector to be written.
The AT29C432 employs the JEDEC standard software data protection feature; therefore, each programming se­quence must be preceded by the three byte program com­mand sequence. Using the software data protection fea­ture, byte loads are used to enter the 256 bytes of a sector to be programmed. The Flash memory array can only be programmed using the software data protection feature. The Flash memory array is programmed on a sector basis. If a byte of data within the sector is to be changed, data for the entire 256-byte sector must be loaded into the device. The Flash memory array automatically does a sector erase prior to loading the data into the sector. An erase command is not required.
Software data protection protects the devic e from inadver­tent programming. A series of three program commands to specific addresses with specific data must be presented to the device before programming may occur. The same
CEF and OE are low, and WE and CEE are
three program commands must begin each program op­eration. All software program commands must obey the sector program tim ing specifications. Power transitions will not reset the software data protection feature, however the softw are feature will guard against inadvertent pro­gram cycles during power transitions.
Any attempt to write to the device without the three-byte command sequence will start the internal write timers. No data will be written to the device; however, for the dur ation of t tion.
After the software data protection’s three-byte command code is given, a byte load is performed by applying a low pulse on the spectively) and on the falling edge of The data is latched by the first rising edge of
The 256 bytes of data must be loaded into each sector. Any byte that is not loaded during the programming of its sector will be indeterminate. Once the bytes of a sector are loaded into the device, they are simultaneously pro­grammed during the internal programming period. After the first data byte has been loaded into the device, suc­cessive bytes are entered in the same manner. Each new byte to be programmed must have its high to low trans ition on of transition is not detected within 150 µs of the last low to
, a read operation will effectively be a polling opera-
WE or CEF input with CEF or WE low (re-
OE and CEE high. The address is latched
CEF or WE, whichever occurs last.
CEF or WE.
WE (or CEF) within 150 µs of the low to high transition
WE (or CEF) of the preceding byte. If a high to low
2 AT29C432
Device Operation (Continued)
high transition, the load period will end and the internal programming period will start. The sector address must be valid during each high to low transition of
WE (or CEF). The bytes may be loaded in any order; sequential loading is not required. Once a programming operation has been initiated, and for the duration of t
, a read operation will
effectively be a data polling operation. HARDWARE DATA PROTECTION: Hardware features
protect against inadvertent programs to the Flash memory array in the following ways: (a) V
sense—if VCC is be-
low 3.8V (typical), the program function is inhibited. (b)
power on del ay—once VCC has reached the V
sense level, the device will automatically time out 10 ms (typical) before programming. (c) Program inhibit—hold­ing any one of
OE low, CEF high or WE high inhibits pro­gram cycles. (d) Noise filter—pulses of less than 15 ns (typical) on the
WE or CE inputs will not initiate a program
cycle. DATA POLLING: A maximum amount of time for pro-
gram and write operations is specified; the actual time is frequently faster than the specification. In order to tak e ad­vantage of the faster typical times, the Flash memory ar­ray features
DATA polling to indicate the end of a program cycle. During a program cycle an attempted read of the last byte loaded will result in the complement of the loaded data on I/O7. Once the program cycle has been com­pleted, true data is valid on all outputs and the next cycle may begin.
DATA polling may begin at any time during the
program cycle. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: The product identification
mode identifies the device and manufacturer as Atmel. It may be accessed by hardware or software operation. The hardware operation mode can be used by an external pro­grammer to identify the correct programming algorithm for the Atmel product. In addition, users may wish to use the software product identification mode to identify the part (i.e. using the device code), and have the system software use the appropriate sector size for program operations.
For details, see Operating Modes (for hardware operation) or Software Product Identification. The manufacturer and device code is the same for both modes.
E2PROM Memory Array
READ: The E2PROM memory array is read like a Static
RAM. When high, the data stored at the memory location determined by the address inputs is asserted on the I/O’s.
WRITE: The E either a single byte write or page write operation. Be­cause software data protection is always enabled both write operations must be preceded by the three byte write
CEE and OE are low and WE and CEF are
PROM memory array may be written in
command sequence. This sequence should then immedi­ately be followed by one to sixteen bytes of data. After the last byte has been written, the AT29C432 will automat­ically time itself to completion of the internal write cycle.
The write cycle is initiated by both the address is latched by the falling edge of (whichever occurs last) and the data is latched by the ris­ing edge of
WE or CEE (whichever occurs first). All write operations (byte or page) must conform to the page write limits as shown in the timing diagram for E operations. All bytes during a page write operation must reside on the same page as defined by the state of the A4
- A14 inputs. For each
WE high to low transition during
the page write operation, A4 - A14 must be the same. The A0 - A3 inputs are used to specify which bytes within
the page are to be written. The bytes may be loaded in any order and may be altered within the same load per iod. Only bytes which are specified for writing will be written; unnecessary cycling of other bytes within the page does not occur.
During the internal write operation (t
PROM will be equivalent to DATA polling opera-
the E tions; however, attempts to read the Flash array will retur n valid data.
HARDWARE DATA PROTECTION: Hardware features protect against inadvertent programs to the E memory array in the following ways: (a) V
is below 3.8V (typical), the program function is inhib-
ited. (b) V
sense level, the device will automatically time out 10
power on delay—once VCC has reached the
ms (typical) before programming. (c) Program inhibit— holding any one of
OE low, CEE high or WE high inhibits program cycles. (d) Noise filter—pulses of less than 15 ns (typical) on the
WE or CE inputs will not initiate a program
cycle. DATA POLLING: A maximum amount of time for pro-
gram and write operations is specified; the actual time is frequently faster than the specification. In order to take advantage of the faster typical times, the E ory array features
DATA polling to indicate the end of a program cycle. During a program cycle an attempted read of the last byte loaded will result in the complement of the loaded data on I/O7. Once the program cycle has been completed, true data is valid on all outputs and the next cycle may begin.
DATA polling may begin at any time dur-
ing the program cycle.
WE and CEE going low;
PROM write
) attempts to read
PROM mem-
Device Operation (Continued) Memory Arrays
Concurrent Read While Write
The archit ecture of the AT 29C432 provides concurrent read while write capability. With other programmable non­volatile memories internal high voltage operations prevent the reading of data while a write operation is in process. However, the AT29C432 is partitioned in a manner to al­low read operations from the Flash memory array during a
write operation within the E
PROM memory array.
Conceptually the device was designed assuming the Flash memory array would be utilized for infrequently up-
dated program storage and the E
PROM memory array would be used for frequently updated data storage. This simple concept eliminates complicated software and hard­ware schemes using multiple blocks of memory just to hold duplicate down-load routines.
Absolute Maximum Rat ings*
Temperature Under Bias.................-55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature...................... -65°C to +150°C
All Input Voltages (including NC Pins)
with Respect to Ground ................... -0.6V to +6.25V
Valid Concurrent Read
Reads from the Flash are allowed throughout the
PROM write cycle time (t
E array must be deselected (
Reads from the Flash are allowed during t
PROM write so long as t
E violated. The E
PROM memory array must be deselected
). The E2PROM memory
for the E2PROM write is not
of a
Invalid Concurrent Reads
Attempts to read the Flash memory array during t effectively be polling operations.
Attempts to access the Flash memory array while low will be ignored. That is,
CEE low and CEF low at the same time is not allowed. Attempts to read the E memory array while a write to the Flash memory array is in progress is not allowed.
*NOTICE: Stresses beyond those listed unde r “Absolu te Maxi-
mum Ratings” may cause permanent da ma ge to th e de vice . This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indi­cated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
CEE is
All Output Voltages
with Respect to Ground .............-0.6V to V
Voltage on
+ 0.6V
with Respect to Ground ................... -0.6V to +13.5V
Pin Capacitance
(f = 1 MHz, T = 25°C)
Parameter Typ Max Units Conditions
Note: 1. This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.
Input Capacitance 4 10 pF VIN = 0V Output Capacitance 8 12 pF V
4 AT29C432
= 0V
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