Installation and Maintenance Manual IM 808-1
Ultraviolet Lights on
McQuay Vision™ Air Handlers
Models CAH/CAC
Group: Applied Systems
Part Number: IM 808-1
Date: November 2009
© 2009 McQuay International
IM-808-1 Page 1

Table of Contents
light units
Light power
Air flow
Description ........................................................................................................................................................................................2
Operation........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Replacing Bulbs ................................................................................................................................................................................3
Removing Lamp Units ......................................................................................................................................................................3
Replacement Parts List......................................................................................................................................................................4
Typical ultraviolet light wiring schematic ........................................................................................................................................ 4
This manual provides general information about the
Ultraviolet Light option for McQuay Vision™ Indoor Air
Handler, Models CAH/CAC. In addition to an overall
description of the unit, it includes removal and installation
procedures, maintenance instructions and parts identification.
The ultraviolet light application is designed to irradiate the
coil surface along with the drain pan. Germicidal protection
is delivered at a wavelength of 254 nanometers in the light
spectrum. Light at this wavelength is known as UV-C. Most
bacteria, mold, and virus organisms are killed by exposure to
UV-C light.
Ultraviolet lights are typically installed on the leaving side of
the cooling coils in the unit. Each light module is mounted on
a rail and is removable for convenient bulb replacement.
UV Light Power Disconnect switches are factory installed on
every access panel that allows a direct line of sight to the UV
lamps when opened. These switches are designed to prevent
UV exposure when cabinet access panels are opened and
must not be disabled.
A viewing window near the UV lights allows viewing to
determine if the lights are energized. The viewing windows
use specially designed glass that blocks harmful UV light.
UV-C exposure is harmful to the skin and eyes. Looking
at an illuminated UV-C bulb can cause permanent
blindness. UV-C skin exposure can cause cancer.
Always disconnect power to power receptacle before
servicing. Do not operate if disconnect switch has been
Figure 1. Typical ultraviolet light installation
Refer to the wiring schematic on page 4. 115 VAC power for
the UV lights is provided by the field. The lights operate
whenever the unit is powered and all access panel power
disconnect switches are closed. To turn the lights off,
disconnect power to the power receptacle.
The normally open interlock switches are wired in series in a
circuit that supplies 115VAC to the UV lights when all
access panels are closed.
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