Atlas IED EZE410, EZ96-8, EZ96-4, EZ95-8 User Manual

EZ Mount System
For 4" And 8" Loudspeakers
(EZ95-8 shown)
Installation Of All Models
(Except EZ95-8)
Mounting rails are 26" (660mm) long
and supported on the T-Bar.
Installation Of EZ95-8 Only
• Patented Enclosure/Rail System Installs Easily to Provide Time and Labor Savings
• Eliminates the Need for Tile Bridges and Time-Consuming Screw Mounting
• Available—Factory Mounted—on Popular Atlas Sound 4" and 8"
Round En clo sures
• Accommodates a Wide Selection of Atlas Sound Baffles
• Offered for Suspended Ceiling Applications
Utilize the patented EZ Mount Enclosure/Rail System for quick and efficient installation of standard 4" and 8" loudspeakers in suspended ceiling ap pli ca tions. EZ Mount enclosure models (refer to chart on back) accommodate a variety of Atlas Sound screw mount and torsion spring, round and square baffles.
General Description
The EZ Mount Support System (Patent # 4,484,658) is available on Atlas Sound's most pop u lar 4" and 8" round enclosures. It also accommodates the same wide se lec tion of baffles to meet your specifica tions (refer to chart on back). The EZ Mount Enclosure/ Rail System transfers the com posite weight of the loudspeaker, baffle, and enclosure to the ceiling’s support members via adjustable support rails (included). The rails may be adjusted vertically and then secured to the specially de signed, premounted en clo sure brackets with screws (fur nished). No tile bridge or time-con sum ing screw mounting is nec es sary.
Enclosure Models EZ96-4, EZ96-4X, and EZE410 accommodate stan dard 4" loudspeakers; Models EZ95-8, EZ96-8, and EZ195-8 ac commo date stan dard 8" loudspeakers. These weld ed, heavy-gauge CRS en clo sures are finished in a textured black epoxy and undercoated to prevent me chan i cal and acous ti cal resonances. All units are equipped with conduit knockouts. The support rails are also heavy-gauge CRS and finished in a galvanized coating.
Note: For suspended ceiling installations that do not require protective enclosures, a similar EZ Mount Support System is available for preassembled 4" and 8" loudspeaker/transformer/baffle packages.
Mounting rails are 23
4" (603mm) long
and supported on the ceiling tile.
©2011 Atlas Sound L.P. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound and Strategy Series are trademarks of Atlas Sound L.P. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ATS004107 RevA 7/11
1601 JACK MCKAY BLVD. ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333 FAX (800) 765-3435
Architect and Engineer Spec i fi ca tions
Enclosure for suspended ceiling in stal la tions shall be Atlas Sound Model _____. Enclosure shall incorporate the EZ Mount Support System which includes pre-mounted brackets, wingnuts, and support rails. It shall be capable of transferring the combined weight of the loudspeaker assembly to the ceiling's support members via adjustable rails. Unit shall be of welded CRS con struc tion, finished in textured black epoxy, and be undercoated to guard against acoustical and mechanical resonance. Unit shall also be equipped with conduit knockouts. Enclosure shall mount Atlas Sound (screw mount, torsion spring) baffle Model _____.
Mounting Rail Specifications EZ95-8: 233⁄4" (603mm) All Other Models: 26" (660mm)
Ez Mount Enclosures For 4" Loudspeakers Dimensions Mounts Baffle Model A B C D E Model*
EZ96-4 6
4" 51⁄8" 41⁄4"
2" 71⁄8" 51-4, 60-4
(159mm) (130mm) (108mm) (13mm) (181mm)
EZ96-4X 10
8" 51⁄8" 6" 1⁄2" 61⁄4" 51-4, 60-4
(257mm) (130mm) (152mm) (13mm) (159mm)
EZE410 10
8" 63⁄8" 6" 1⁄2" T51-4, T60-4, (257mm) (162mm) (152mm) (13mm) T710-4, T720-4(BT), T740-4,T730-4B(4G)
EZ Mount Enclosures For 8" Loudspeakers
Dimensions Mounts Baffle
Model A B C D E Model*
51-8, 60-8(W), 61-8W, (T)62-8, 63-8, 67-8(W), 68-8W, EZ95-8 10
8" 97⁄8" 41⁄4" 113⁄4" 170-8, G22-8, M222, (257mm) (251mm) (108mm) (298mm) M222W, P900, T51-8, T60-8, T61-8W,T610-8, T710-8, T720-8A, TM222W
G22-8, 51-8, 60-8(W), EZ96-8 11
16" 103⁄4" 41⁄4" 131⁄2" 61-8W, 62-8, 63-8, (303mm) (273mm) (108mm) (343mm) 67-8(W), 68-8W, 170-8, M222, M222W, P900
EZ195-8 10" 10
8" 51⁄2" 113⁄4"
16" T730-8B(8G)
(254mm) (257mm) (140mm) (298mm) (18mm)
* Baffles with “T” prefix indicate torsion spring mounting.
Mounting Rail Specifications EZ95-8: 233⁄4” (603mm) All Other Models: 26” (660mm)
©2011 Atlas Sound L.P. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound and Strategy Series are trademarks of Atlas Sound L.P. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ATS004107 RevA 7/11
1601 JACK MCKAY BLVD. ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333 FAX (800) 765-3435