Atlas IED 81-4 Datasheet

81 Series Tile Bridges
For 4" And 8" Loud speak ers
• Load-Bearing Bridges Eliminate Ceiling Tile Sag by Distributing Assembly Weight to Ceiling’s Support System
• Choice of Three Models that Accept a Wide Variety of Baffles and Baffle-Enclosure Combinations
• Rust-Resistant 22-Gauge Electrogalvanized Steel Construction Ensures Long Service Life
Utilize Atlas Sound 81 Series tile bridges to prevent ceiling tile sag in sus pended ceiling installations of loudspeaker as sem blies. The 81-8S and 81-8R (accepting 8" loud speak ers) and the 81-4
(de signed for 4" loudspeakers) dis trib ute the assembly weight to overhead T-Bar sup port members.
General Description
The 81 Series includes three models and can accommodate over 30 Atlas Sound baf fles. The 81-8S is designed to mount 8" loudspeakers and has a square cut-out with a multi-position hole pat tern to ac commodate an ex tensive variety of round and square baffles including torsion spring and screw mount models. (See chart below for specific baffle model num bers). Model 81-4 features a round cut-out and accepts 4" loud speak er baffle Model 51-4. Model 81-8R, like the 81-8S, handles 8" loudspeakers but features a round cut-out that suits baffles mounting the in dus try standard Atlas Sound 95 Se ries en clo sures. All tile bridges are con struct ed of 24-gauge CRS with an electrogalvanized rust-resistant finish.
Model 81-8S 81-4 81-8R
A 8" (203mm) 53⁄16" (132mm) 103⁄4" (273mm)
B 141⁄8" (359mm) 141⁄8" (359mm) 141⁄8" (359mm)
C 235⁄8" (600mm) 2311⁄15" (602mm) 233⁄4" (603mm)
Weight 2.0 lbs.(.9kg.) 2.6 lbs.(1.2kg.) 2.0 lbs.(.9kg.)
Mounts Baffle Models
81-8S 51-8, T51-8, 60-8(W), T60-8(W), 61-8W, T61-8W,
(T)62-8, 67-8(W), 68-8W, 161-8, 164-8A, 169-8,
M222(W), T620-8, T610-8W, T710-8, T720-8A, P900
81-4 51-4
81-8R 51-8, 60-8(W), 61-8W, 62-8, 63-8, 67-8(W), 68-8W,
M222(W), P900
©2012 Atlas Sound L.P. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound and Strategy Series are trademarks of Atlas Sound L.P. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ATS004110 RevA 7/12
1601 JACK MCKAY BLVD. ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333 FAX (800) 765-3435
Architect and Engineer Specifications
The items described are installation accessories, and their use is determined by the baffle, enclosure, or loudspeaker package series selected. Refer to the architect and engineer specifications outlined on each component specification sheet.