Atlas Blixembosch Standing frame User Manual

Postal address
Postbus 106
5370 AC Ravenstein
Visiting address Korte Stukken 7
5371 MN Ravenstein
Tel: +31 (0)486-45 33 44
Fax: +31 (0)486-45 35 15
Standing frame
MMaayy 2200008
Blixembosch User Guide
None of the contents of this User Guide may be copied, stored in an automatic data file, or published electronically, mechanically, by
photocopy, recording, or in any other way, without the prior written permission of Atlas Revalidatie Techniek BV.
© 2008 Atlas Revalidatie Techniek B.V.
This user guide is intended for parents and/or supervisors of children who use the Blixembosch standing frame.
The Blixembosch bears the CE marking, which indicates that it meets European safety requirements.
The settings of the Blixembosch are adjusted by the dealer prior to delivery. This user guide subsequently helps you to make the most important daily adjustments to the standing frame, thus enabling the child for whom it is intended to make optimal use of it.
The user guide contains a great many photographs that will facilitate finding the adjustment facilities on the standing frame.
Your experiences with the Blixembosch are important for its continual improvement. After you have used the standing frame for several weeks, we kindly request that you complete the questionnaire at the back of this user guide and return it to us at the address below:
Atlas Revalidatie Techniek Antwoordnummer 3509 5370 ZX Ravenstein The Netherlands
Read this user guide carefully.
Blixembosch User Guide
None of the contents of this User Guide may be copied, stored in an automatic data file, or published electronically, mechanically, by
photocopy, recording, or in any other way, without the prior written permission of Atlas Revalidatie Techniek BV.
© 2008 Atlas Revalidatie Techniek B.V.
1. THE BLIXEMBOSCH STANDING FRAME ........................................................................................................ 4
2. SAFETY...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 S
........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 I
............................................................................................................................................ 5
3. INITIAL USE ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 T
.......................................................................................... 6
3.2 T
..................................................................................... 6
4. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 D
........................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1 The brakes...................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.2 Fasten the brace with the back and sacral supports;..................................................................................... 8
4.1.3 The pelvic band .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1.4 Securing the child’s feet in the shoe holders.................................................................................................. 8
4.2 S
) ............................... 9
4.2.1 The height and depth of the tray table ........................................................................................................... 9
4.2.2 The height of the sacral support .................................................................................................................. 10
4.2.3 The height and depth of the pelvic support .................................................................................................. 10
4.2.4 The width of the sides of the pelvic support ................................................................................................. 11
4.2.5 The height and depth of the back support .................................................................................................... 11
4.2.6 The width of the sides of the pelvic support (optional) ................................................................................ 12
4.2.7 The length of the wheeled base .................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.8 Height, width and depth of the leg supports ................................................................................................ 12
4.2.9 Width and depth of the shoe holders ............................................................................................................ 13
4.2.10 Correcting the angle of the feet ................................................................................................................ 13
5. MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
6. REPAIRS .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
7. WARRANTY............................................................................................................................................................ 15
8. TECHNICAL DATA ............................................................................................................................................... 16
8.1 D
................................................................................................................... 16
8.2 U
..................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.3 O
............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Appendix: User Questionnaire………………………………………………………………………...…………………...16
Blixembosch User Guide
1. The Blixembosch standing frame
None of the contents of this User Guide may be copied, stored in an automatic data file, or published electronically, mechanically, by
photocopy, recording, or in any other way, without the prior written permission of Atlas Revalidatie Techniek BV.
© 2008 Atlas Revalidatie Techniek B.V.
11.. TThhee BBlliixxeemmbboosscchh ssttaannddiinngg ffrraammee
The Blixembosch is a vertical standing frame. It was developed in close collaboration with the similarly-named rehabilitation centre in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and is available in two sizes. This standing frame is characterised by sacral and back supports, which can be swung out of the way, and an extra low step so that a child can step into it easily.
Erect standing position This standing frame enables the child that uses it to maintain an erect standing position, providing support up to the pelvis. This promotes the balance of the head and trunk. Moreover, the Blixembosch is eminently suitable for realising an increasingly active position by means of simple interventions, namely by reducing or removing the support provided.
Support The child is secured in position using a pelvic support (the depth of which can be adjusted) with sides and band, a sacral support, a back support, flexible leg supports and shoe holders.
Illustration 1: The standard Blixembosch model. a) Back support; b) Pelvic support with side pads and band for
securing the child in position; c) Sacral support; d) Flexible leg supports; e) Wooden tray table; f) Shoe holders with safety straps; g) Set of wedges (not visible)
e b
Blixembosch User Guide
2. Safety
None of the contents of this User Guide may be copied, stored in an automatic data file, or published electronically, mechanically, by
photocopy, recording, or in any other way, without the prior written permission of Atlas Revalidatie Techniek BV.
© 2008 Atlas Revalidatie Techniek B.V.
22.. SSaaffeettyy
Atlas has paid a great deal of attention to the design of this standing frame and the child’s safety; the settings are adjusted professionally prior to the initial use of the frame. It is, however, imperative that the following safety instructions be observed by the child’s parents and supervisors to guarantee that it is used safely.
2.1 Safety instructions
a) First read this user guide and test the standing frame before it is used; b) Never leave the child alone in the standing frame and always supervise its use; c) Ensure that all fastenings and parts used to secure the child in position are properly tightened; d) Tighten the adjusting screws and knobs firmly and check them after each adjustment; e) Only use the standing frame on a flat surface; f) Always put the brakes on at least two of the four wheels; g) The standing frame may only be used inside; h) The standing frame may not be used for transport purposes; i) Do not allow other children to play with the standing frame or ride on it; j) Adjustments may only be made by the child’s parents or carers. Adjustments may not be made
with the child in the standing frame unless absolutely necessary; k) The child may become dizzy, always bear this in mind; l) Increase the period for which the child uses the standing frame slowly (in consultation with the
therapist); m) If the child has developed and grown, check that the standing frame does not cause discomfort
by pinching or squeezing him or her; n) If the child has grown, only change the settings in consultation with the therapist; o) Ensure that you adopt a comfortable position when helping the child in the standing frame for
long periods of time; p) Never use the maximum height, width or depth to ensure a sturdy connection; q) Do not exceed the maximum user weight of 50 kg (size 1) or 75 kg (size 2); r) Any service carried out by a person who has not been authorised by Atlas Revalidatie Techniek
will invalidate the warranty and Atlas Revalidatie Techniek will no longer be liable for injuries
and/or damage.
Safety instructions “b” and “c” are repeated on the standing frame in the form of a warning sticker (see figure below). Ensure that this text remains legible at all times. If necessary, request a new copy of the sticker.
2.2 Immediate danger
Practice the following operations so that you can remove the child from the standing frame rapidly in the event of fire or other immediate danger.
Act quickly in the event of fire or other immediate danger:
a) Put at least two of the standing frame’s brakes on; b) Loosen the shoe holder safety straps; c) Loosen the brace with the back and sacral supports; d) Hold the child firmly and loosen the pelvic band; e) Lift the child out of the standing frame.
Ensure that all the fastenings and parts used to
secure the child in position are properly tightened.
Never leave the child alone in the standing frame.
Always supervise its use.
Blixembosch User Guide
3. Initial use
None of the contents of this User Guide may be copied, stored in an automatic data file, or published electronically, mechanically, by
photocopy, recording, or in any other way, without the prior written permission of Atlas Revalidatie Techniek BV.
© 2008 Atlas Revalidatie Techniek B.V.
33.. IInniittiiaall uussee
Before using the standing frame, check it for visible defects. Contact your supplier if you have any doubts about its safety. Ask your supplier to instruct you if you are not yet familiar with the use of the standing frame.
Before using the standing frame, read this user guide carefully and ensure that you understand the purpose of all the parts. (Test everything before allowing the child to use the standing frame.) Familiarise yourself with the safety instructions in chapter 2.
Your supplier can instruct you personally. In the event of problems, contact the attending therapist or the supplier of the standing frame.
3.1 Transferring the child to the standing frame
To transfer the child to the standing frame safely and responsibly, the following instructions must be observed in the order indicated. See chapter 4 “Operation” for instructions on how to operate the standing frame. a) Put the brakes on at least two of the four wheels so that the standing frame cannot roll away
while you are transferring the child; b) Ensure that all the adjustments are properly tightened; c) Loosen the shoe holder safety straps; d) Loosen the pelvic band and brace with the back and sacral supports; e) Transfer the child to the standing frame and fasten the pelvic band; f) Fasten the brace with the back and sacral supports; g) Tighten the shoe holder safety straps; h) If necessary, make any adjustments that might make the child more comfortable in his or her
standing position; i) Never leave the child alone in the standing frame and always supervise its use.
3.2 Transferring the child from the standing frame
To transfer the child from the standing frame safely and responsibly, the following instructions must be observed in the order indicated. See chapter 4 “Operation” for instructions on how to operate the standing frame. a) Put the brakes on at least two of the four wheels so that the standing frame cannot roll away
while you are transferring the child; b) Loosen the shoe holder safety straps; c) Loosen the brace with the back and sacral support; d) Hold the child firmly and loosen the pelvic band; e) Transfer the child from the standing frame.
Read chapter 4 “Operation” before using the standing frame for the first
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